Sunday, June 18, 2017

Liberty University UNIV 104 quiz 4 solutions answers right

Liberty University UNIV 104 quiz 4 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, why should writing be important to us?
Question 2 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, Sommers (2013) defines revision as
Question 3 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, brainstorming is defined as
Question 4 According to your textbook, the rubric is defined as
Question 5 According to your textbook, you should be sure to write everything perfectly when writing a rough draft.
Question 6 The writing strategy, organization, involves dividing the main points of a topic into categories/concepts that can promote orderly thinking and assists in the process of completing more advanced projects and writing assignments.
Question 7 In order to create an organized and polished piece of writing, it is important to identify and use the essential stages of academic writing.
Question 8 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, no idea is necessarily wrong in the brainstorming phase of writing because you can always eliminate irrelevant pieces of information after researching and acquiring useful resources.
Question 9 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding description.
Question Selected Match
Write for your benefit, rather than for a specific, graded assignment.
Write while listening to a lecture, recording, etc. to capture the gist of what you have heard.
Writing while reading keeps you focused on the content and aids in comprehension.
The physical act and visual representation involved in transferring important concepts to paper solidifies the content in your mind, and, as a result, you will be able to remember the information later.
Question 10 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding application.
Question Selected Match
K­W­L activities, list what you Know, Want to know, and what you Learned
Freewriting, brainstorming
Listing ideas/questions, creating an agenda for focused and productive discussion
Documenting the process by writing it down and organizing it based on topic, order of importance, or order of required steps. Include the “why” behind the selected process.
Question 11 Match each step of the writing process with its corresponding description.
Question Selected Match
the instructions and grading expectations.
a main topic.
a list of subtopics that complement the main topic.
resources and quotes for support.
subtopics in logical order.
Question 12 Which of the following methods involves organizing writing for active learning?
Question 13 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 14 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 15 Which of the following may be content expectations found in a rubric?
Question 16 Which of the following may be organization expectations found in a rubric?

Question 1 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, why should writing be important to us?
Question 2 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, a thesis statement is defined as
Question 3 According to your textbook, what should you do to ensure that you have met the requirements of the writing assignment?
Question 4 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, Sommers (2013) defines revision as
Question 5 The writing strategy, organization, involves dividing the main points of a topic into categories/concepts that can promote orderly thinking and assists in the process of completing more advanced projects and writing assignments.
Question 6 The spelling and grammar check will catch every error within your assignment.
Question 7 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, no idea is necessarily wrong in the brainstorming phase of writing because you can always eliminate irrelevant pieces of information after researching and acquiring useful resources.
Question 8 In order to earn the most points for your assignment, you should aim for the expectations outlined in the “fair/decent” category of your rubric.
Question 9 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding description.
Write for your benefit, rather than for a specific, graded assignment.
Write while listening to a lecture, recording, etc. to capture the gist of what you have heard.
Writing while reading keeps you focused on the content and aids in comprehension.
The physical act and visual representation involved in transferring important concepts to paper solidifies the content in your mind, and, as a result, you will be able to remember the information later.
Question 10 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding application.
K­W­L activities, list what you Know, Want to know, and what you Learned
Freewriting, brainstorming
Listing ideas/questions, creating an agenda for focused and productive discussion
Documenting the process by writing it down and organizing it based on topic, order of importance, or order of required steps. Include the “why” behind the selected process.
Question 11 Match each step of the writing process with its corresponding description.
the instructions and grading expectations.
a main topic.
a list of subtopics that complement the main topic.
resources and quotes for support.
subtopics in logical order.
Question 12 What questions should you ask yourself when writing to solve problems?
Question 13 When revising your paper, which of the following changes should you make?
Question 14 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 15 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 16 “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” suggests that you ask someone you trust to review your writing assignment before you submit it to make sure that you have not overlooked any necessary changes. Which of the following reviewers does your textbook suggest?

Question 1 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, Sommers (2013) defines revision as
Question 2 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, a thesis statement is defined as
Question 3 According to your textbook, the rubric is defined as
Question 4 The writing strategy, organization, involves dividing the main points of a topic into categories/concepts that can promote orderly thinking and assists in the process of completing more advanced projects and writing assignments.
Question 5 The spelling and grammar check will catch every error within your assignment.
Question 6 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, no idea is necessarily wrong in the brainstorming phase of writing because you can always eliminate irrelevant pieces of information after researching and acquiring useful resources.
Question 7 Writing can assist with problem solving by helping you keep track of your thought process.
Question 8 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding description. Question
Question 9 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding application. Question
Question 10 Match each step of the writing process with its corresponding description.
Question 11 What questions should you ask yourself when writing to solve problems?
Question 12 Which of the following may be formatting requirements found in a rubric?
Question 13 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 14 When revising your paper, which of the following changes should you make?
Question 15 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?

Question 1 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, why should writing be important to us?
Question 2 According to your textbook, the edited draft is defined as
Question 3 According to your textbook, the rubric is defined as
Question 4 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, a thesis statement is defined as
Question 5 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, no idea is necessarily wrong in the brainstorming phase of writing because you can always eliminate irrelevant pieces of information after researching and acquiring useful resources.
Question 6 Writing can assist with problem solving by helping you keep track of your thought process.
Question 7 The spelling and grammar check will catch every error within your assignment.
Question 8 The writing strategy, organization, involves dividing the main points of a topic into categories/concepts that can promote orderly thinking and assists in the process of completing more advanced projects and writing assignments.
Question 9 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding application. Question
Question 10 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding description. Question
Question 11 Match each step of the writing process with its corresponding description.
Question 12 What questions should you ask yourself when writing to solve problems?
Question 13 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 14 Which of the following may be organization expectations found in a rubric?
Question 15 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 16 “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” suggests that you ask someone you trust to review your writing assignment before you submit it to make sure that you have not overlooked any necessary changes. Which of the following reviewers does your textbook suggest?
Question 17 Summarize the main points of “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, using no more or less than 25–30 words.

Question 1 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, why should writing be important to us?
Question 2 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, brainstorming is defined as
Question 3 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, Sommers (2013) defines revision as
Question 4 According to your textbook, the rubric is defined as
Question 5 According to your textbook, you should be sure to write everything perfectly when writing a rough draft.
Question 6 Writing can assist with problem solving by helping you keep track of your thought process.
Question 7 In order to earn the most points for your assignment, you should aim for the expectations outlined in the “fair/decent” category of your rubric.
Question 8 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, writing is only important in academic settings.
Question 9 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding description.
Question 10 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding description.
Question 11 Match each step of the writing process with its corresponding description.
Question 12 What questions should you ask yourself when writing to solve problems?
Question 13 Which of the following may be organization expectations found in a rubric?
Question 14 When revising your paper, which of the following changes should you make?
Question 15 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 16 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 17 Summarize the main points of “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, using no more or less than 25–30 words.

Question 1 According to your textbook, the edited draft is defined as
Question 2 According to your textbook, the rubric is defined as
Question 3 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, brainstorming is defined as
Question 4 In order to earn the most points for your assignment, you should aim for the expectations outlined in the “fair/decent” category of your rubric.
Question 5 According to “Chapter 9: Academic Writing” in your textbook, writing is only important in academic settings.
Question 6 Writing can assist with problem solving by helping you keep track of your thought process.
Question 7 In order to create an organized and polished piece of writing, it is important to identify and use the essential stages of academic writing.
Question 8 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding application.
Question 9 Match each writing strategy with its corresponding application.
Question 10 Match each step of the writing process with its corresponding description.
Question 11 What questions should you ask yourself when writing to solve problems?
Question 12 When editing your revised paper, which of the following errors should you fix?
Question 13 Which of the following may be organization expectations found in a rubric?
Question 14 Which of the following may be content expectations found in a rubric?
Question 15 Which of the following may be formatting requirements found in a rubric?

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