Monday, June 5, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 8 solutions answers right

Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 8 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1 President Carter decided against attempting a military rescue to free the hostages in Iran.
Question 2 The Rust Belt derived its name from
Question 3 Troubling aspects of the Watergate scandal included all of the following EXCEPT for
Question 4 How did Republicans portray liberals to working class voters in the 1980s?
Question 5 The Equal Rights Amendment
Question 6 The “safe sex” message gained currency in the wake of
Question 7 In the election of 1972, Richard Nixon easily defeated the antiwar candidate
Question 8 In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that
Question 9 In a speech later called the “malaise speech,” President Carter expressed his feeling that
Question 10 President George H. W. Bush’s call for U.S. military involvement in the Persian Gulf came when
Question 11 Which of the following individuals was NOT part of George W. Bush’s administration?
Question 12 The term hanging chad refers to
Question 13 Violence ensued when an all­white jury acquitted the officers in the beating of Rodney King.
Question 14 In the election of 1988, George H. W. Bush defeated
Question 15 President Bush muted his response to the fall of the Berlin Wall because
Question 16 President Obama was the first president to consider a comprehensive plan to provide all Americans with health care.
Question 17 In the late 1990s, how did President Clinton choose to fight al­Qaeda and prevent potential terrorist attacks?
Question 18 The first three weeks of the Iraq War were marked by
Question 19 How happened to the U.S. debt while President Reagan was in office?
Question 20 Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev became bitter enemies
Question 21 How did President Reagan influence defense spending?
Question 22 Where has President Barack Obama focused his efforts in the War on Terror?
Question 23 Who was Jerry Falwell, Sr.?
Question 24 What issues in the 1960s and 1970s led to the emergence of the Religious Right?
Question 25 One of Dr. Falwell’s greatest successes was the establishment of Thomas Road Baptist Church.

The rust belt derived it's name from
What dilemma characterized u.s. Foreign policy in the Middle East in the 1970's
The 1978 energy law failed to implement which of President Carter's proposals
Tapes of White House conversations revealed that President Nixon
In the 1970s, all of the following cities were growing manufacturing centers in the American Sun Bell EXCEPT for
SALT II was technically killed when the Soviet Union invaded what country in 1979
In the late 1990s, how did President Clinton choose to fight al-Qaeda and prevent potential terrorist attacks
One reason that organized labor protested the globalization of the American economy was
The Republicans call for a "contract with America" came with
In the election of 1972, Richard Nixon easily defeated the anti war candidate
Troubling aspects of the Watergate scandal include all of the following EXCEPT for
Which group had the most power in Iraq under Saddam Hussein

The environmental movement accomplished all of the following in the 1970s except
SALT II was technically killed when the Soviet Union invaded what country in 1979
President Carter responded to the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in all of the following ways except
In Roe V, Wade, the supreme court ruled that
The roots of the Iranian hostage crisis resided in
How did Republicans portray liberals to working class voters in the 1980s
The AIDS memorial quilt and ACT up funeral demonstrations were similar in what way
Of the Watergate scandal, attorney general Elliot Richardson said, A government of laws was on the verge of becoming a government of one man. What aspect of the scandal best reflects this view
In the 1970s all of the following cities were growing manufacturing centers in the American Sun Belt except
This cartoon by Jeff MAcNelly purports that the best reason to re-elect President Ford was
One reason that Ronald Reagan won the 1980 presidential election was because
The safe sex message gained currency in the wake of
What was one major cause of high unemployment in the 1970s
In what sense could the energy crisis of the 1970s be considered the moral equivalent of war, as claimed by president carter in a 1977 television address
Salt I was a treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union that
In the 1970s, american associated ralph nader with
The rust belt derived its name from
What did images such as this one of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor tower come to represent to many AMerican in the late 1970s
What event led to ayatollah khomeini's willingness to negotiate an end to the Iranian hostage crisis
This political cartoon comments on the fact that president nixon
Which best describes Title IX of the 1972 education act
President Reagan frequently said that government is not the solution to our problem government is the problem and believe instead that
Both the Vietnam War and the Iranian hostage crisis
According to the text why did fundamentalism attract so many americans in the 1970s
Activist Gloria Steinem maintained that
In which nation did a popular revolt against communist rule fail to succedds
In the election of 1988, George H.w bush defeated
Which of the following is true of the Defense of Marriage Act
Internet use has resulted in all of the following except
Why were U.S. Troops sent to Somalia in 1992
The united states helped broker the 1995 dayton peace accords which settled disputes in
President George H. W. Bush's call for U. S military involvement in the Persian Gulf came
Development in foreign relations in the late 1980s included
Prior to the 2003 invasion of iraq george w bush focused primarily on iraqs
For what reason did the house vote to impeach president clinton
What combination of factors has been proposed as causing the severe economic downturn that began in 2007
Both candidates in the 1008 presidential election ran on a platform emphasizing the theme of
The first three weeks of the iraq war were marked by
Which slogan would be most likely to be found on a sign carried by a member of the tea party
The center of the electonics industry, silicon valley is located in
What can be concluded from this photograph of a Florida election worker in 2009
George H. W. bush campaign strategies in 1988 included
Which group had the most power in Iraq under Saddam Hussein
Which of the following induciduals was not part of geroge busy administration

President Kennedy played a major role in the establishment of
As a delegate for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which of the following spoke eloquently in favor of bringing electoral justice to the South?
After a firebombing in Alabama, the Freedom Riders received protection from
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Counterculture hippies saw drug use as
As a Nation of Islam spokesperson, Malcolm X advocated
James Meredith's 1966 "March Against Fear" was intended to inspire blacks to
In The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan argued that
César Chávez fought for better working and living conditions for members of what group?
What catch-phrase did Richard Nixon employ in winning the presidency in 1968?
In 1962, the Supreme Court ruled that a short prayer adopted by the New York Board of Regents for use in public schools
As president, Lyndon B. Johnson differed from John F. Kennedy in that
Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society reflected the belief that
The Civil Rights Movement was successful in bringing national attention to Birmingham because
What was the primary reason why SNCC recruited Northern whites to work on voter registration drives as part of the Freedom Summer?
All of the following statements about the Black Panthers are true EXCEPT that
Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965
In the election of 1972, Richard Nixon easily defeated the antiwar candidate
The Rust Belt derived its name from
In the 1970s, the CIA was involved in overthrowing a democratically elected leader in favor of a brutal dictator in which country?
SALT I was a treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union that
The Carter Doctrine declared that the United States
Activist Gloria Steinem maintained that
In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that
President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative
In the Iran-Contra affair, John Poindexter and Oliver North
Whom did the Reagan administration seek to support in Latin America?
Both the Vietnam War and the Iranian hostage crisis
The roots of the Iranian hostage crisis resided in
What event led to Ayatollah Khomeini's willingness to negotiate an end to the Iranian hostage crisis?
In his first term, President Reagan did all of the following EXCEPT
What resulted from the sale of arms to Iran in order to secure the release of American hostages held in Lebanon?
How did President Reagan react to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's efforts to reduce tension between the two nations?
Which combination of factors contributed to the economic downturn of the 1970s?
In which nation did a popular revolt against communist rule fail to succeed?
Anita Hill accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of
The term high-tech lynching refers to
According to the Powell Doctrine, the conditions under which the United States might go to war include
Among Saddam Hussein's atrocities in Iraq was an attack on Kurdish villagers with
Despite the support of many voters, President Clinton failed to
In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the United States ousted the Taliban regime in
Prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, George W. Bush focused primarily on Iraq's
The first three weeks of the Iraq War were marked by
The disputed election of 2000 was ultimately decided through an appeal to
President Bush muted his response to the fall of the Berlin Wall because
President George H. W. Bush's call for U.S. military involvement in the Persian Gulf came when
With the goal of decreasing U.S. dependence on oil from the Middle East, the Bush administration
Why were U.S. troops sent to Somalia in 1992?
What combination of factors has been proposed as causing the severe economic downturn that began in 2007?
How did the Bush administration respond to the economic crisis in 2008?

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