Monday, June 5, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 222 quiz 2 solutions answers right

Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 2 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1
The rapid emergence of trusts in the late nineteenth century alarmed many Americans.
Question 2
Laissezfaire was a philosophy typically held by
Question 3
What was the significance of the adoption of a standard gauge?
Question 4
How did children’s work in industry differ from their earlier contributions to the family economy?
Question 5
The “Great Uprising” of 1877 was a general strike against the nation’s
Question 6
Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger?
Question 7
George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the
Question 8
Frank W. Woolworth’s stores were known as
Question 9
The Molly Maguires was a clandestine organization of coal miners that carried out acts of intimidation, vandalism, and violence.
Question 10
Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called
Question 11
Nativists created the White City primarily as a way of preserving white culture.
Question 12
The number of immigrants arriving in the United States from the United Kingdom and Ireland increased throughout the Gilded Age.
Question 13
Which of the following did NOT encourage African Americans to migrate to northern cities?
Selected Answer: a lack of racial prejudice in the North
Question 14
Which of the following BEST characterizes the hopes of the designers of the White City?
Question 15
With the 1896 presidential election, the Republicans became the party representing
Question 16
What did proponents of “soft money” advocate?
Question 17
In what way was How the Other Half Lives different from other contemporary writings on urban poverty?
Question 18
Public education was promoted as a means of
Question 19
Andrew Carnegie used _________________ integration to make his steel company as efficient as possible.
Question 20
How did Sears and Roebuck become a major retailer?
Question 21
Who argued in the 1880s that if the doctrine of survival of the fittest operated in the natural world, it must also govern the relationships between groups?
Question 22
How much land did federal, state, and local governments give to railroad companies to encourage construction?
Question 23
How did Moody engage the major social issues of his time?
Question 24
Whose singing help draw thousands Dwight Moody’s revivals?
Question 25
How did some Christian leaders criticize Dwight Moody?

How did children’s work in industry differ from their earlier contributions to the family economy
After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of
What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate
Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger
The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot
Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was
What was one disadvantage of the rise of industrialization for American workers
The department stores of the late 1800s offered a number of attractive policies, such as free delivery and a money back guarantee
The inventor of a business model known as the “trust” was
Which of the following groups would NOT have been affiliated with the new People’s Party in 1892?
Tammany Hall operatives worked to win the support of immigrants by
The Pendleton Act of 1883
Our Country: Its Possible Future and Present Crisis author Josiah Strong could best be characterized as
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was so weakened that it failed to curb big business in any meaningful way
The American Protective Association specifically focused on
A vaudeville show could BEST be described as
With the 1896 presidential election, the Republicans became the party representing
William Jennings Bryan’s famous “cross of gold” speech addressed which issue
How did Sears and Roebuck become a major retailer
Which of the following is not part of the Gospel of Success ideology
Where did most immigrants to the United States by 1900 originate
How much land did federal, state, and local governments give to railroad companies to encourage construction
How did Dwight Moody influence later evangelists?
How did Moody engage the major social issues of his time
How did some Christian leaders criticize Dwight Moody

Question 1
In 1867, the majority of the delegates elected to state constitutional conventions in the South were
   white Republicans.

Question 2
The corruption scandal related to government-subsidized railroads was known as
   the Credit Mobilier scandal.
   the Amnesty Act scandal.
   the Belknap bribery scandal.
   the "Whiskey Ring" scandal.
   the "Black Friday" scandal.

Question 3
Which of the following best describes President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?
   Congressional Republicans would decide the terms for readmission of the seceded states.
   Full political and civil equality for African Americans would be guaranteed.
   The imposition of harsh penalties against Southerners should be prioritized over reunification of the Union.
   Amnesty would be granted automatically even to Southerners who had willingly aided the Confederacy.
   Pardon would be granted to all Southerners who took an oath to the Union.

Question 4
President Grant was re-elected in the 1872 presidential election despite
   the scandals that shook his administration.
   the looming economic crisis.
   his tenacious though unpopular support of Reconstruction.
   the widespread popularity of opposition candidate Horace Greeley.
   his decision to align himself with the Liberal Republicans.

Question 5
Why was the Fifteenth Amendment not as effective as it could have been in the enfranchisement of African Americans?
   The amendment stated that suffrage could not be denied or abridged because of certain conditions, so Southerners found other reasons to deny African Americans the right to vote.
   The amendment allowed states to establish property requirements for suffrage, and at the time most African Americans did not own land or property.
   The amendment used flowery, indirect language that was too vague and therefore very easy to undermine.
   The amendment established a poll tax, which many African Americans were unable to afford.
   The amendment granted suffrage only to African American men, and not to African American women, even though white women had already been granted suffrage in several states.

Question 6
The Wade-Davis Bill was rendered ineffective when
   President Lincoln pocket vetoed the bill.
   the bill did not gain enough Northern votes for passage.
   Radical Republicans rejected the plan as too lenient.
   abolitionist leaders withdrew their support for the bill.
   Southerners proclaimed their adamant refusal to enact it.

Question 7
The Redeemers portrayed themselves as
   the leaders who had saved the Union from Confederate treason.
   the loyal supporters of Ulysses S. Grant.
   the protectors of freedmen.
   the saviors of the South from the injustices of Republican rule.
   the valiant enforcers of the Constitution and states' rights.

Question 8
One of the immediate goals of African American colleges was
   to produce lawyers to defend African Americans against vagrancy laws.
   to train teachers in order to encourage literacy among African Americans.
   to educate ministers to tend to the spiritual needs of the black community.
   to train businessmen to provide the black community with greater economic power.
   to instruct politicians to enact legislation beneficial to African Americans.

Question 9
In what way did the Mississippi plantations owned by Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his brother Joseph become a model?
   Former slaves pursued their education while continuing to work the land.
   Former slaves were paid, but were otherwise limited in their autonomy.
   Former slaves employed whites as laborers.
   Former slaves leased the land to whites and lived off the profits.
   Former slaves ran the plantations autonomously.

Question 10
0 / 1 pts
During Reconstruction, the Freedmen's Bureau was able to
   convince many Southern whites to join the Republican Party.
   greatly increase the number of literate freedmen.
   distribute 40-acre plots to all ex-slaves who wanted land.
   protect the rights of African Americans even despite the Black Codes.
   repress much of the violence committed against ex-slaves.

Question 11
President Andrew Johnson signed the Reconstruction Acts into law in 1867.

Question 12
President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction included a full pardon for all Confederate military officers and officials.

Question 13
President Lincoln threw his full support behind the Wade-Davis Bill.

Question 14
Most scalawags came from the less-developed backcountry regions of the South.

Question 15
Rutherford B. Hayes won the 1876 presidential election in a decisive victory.

Question 16
Mark Twain's novels were marked by their celebration of
   adventure and individualism.
   the lives of Western miners.
   the cowboy.
   the European past.
   Native American culture.

Question 17
In educating Native American children as required by the Dawes Severalty Act, the government opted to establish
   on-reservation schools with a traditional public school curriculum taught in tribal languages.
   a major university dedicated solely to training Indian educators and leaders.
   off-reservation boarding schools where children were required to abandon their Native American ways.
   on-reservation schools primarily dedicated to converting children to Christianity.
   on-reservation schools with a traditional public school curriculum designed to supplant tribal culture.

Question 18
It took months for U.S. troops to capture a small band of Apaches led by
   Crazy Horse.
   Red Cloud.
   Sitting Bull.
   Chief Joseph.

Question 19
The Central Pacific Railroad began its work on the transcontinental railroad in
   British Columbia.

Question 20
According to his Frontier Thesis, Frederick Jackson Turner proposed all of the following of the western frontier EXCEPT that
   it fostered a valuing of democracy.
   it was closed by the year 1890.
   it encouraged individualism and innovation.
   it contributed to the creation of a classless society.
   its presence was significant even to the first colonists.

Question 21

This monument commemorating the Native Americans who fell at the Battle of Little Bighorn celebrates the unity of the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors even as it symbolically portrays
   their savagery in war.
   their aggression against white settlers.
  how Americans have relied on an incomplete and overly simplistic understanding of the history of the American West.
   the environmental destruction of their native lands.
You Answered
   the loss of their culture.

Question 22
How did the railroad benefit Western farmers MOST?
   It enabled them to get their products to market.
   It provided employment during the off-season.
   It enabled them to migrate to more remote areas of the West.
   It gave them access to manufactured goods.
   It provided an escape from their isolation.

Question 23
"Buffalo Bill's Wild West" was popular for all the following reasons EXCEPT that
   it provided an accurate representation of the West.
   it featured Indians such as Sitting Bull.
   it grew increasingly elaborate.
   it included big-name stars like Annie Oakley.
   it seemed to give Americans a way to experience the West.

Question 24
The treatment of both Native Americans and the environment revealed what about Western settlement?
   its unreliable pursuit of good intentions
   its valuing of agriculture above all else
   its disdain for tradition and the past
   its gradual turn toward thoughtful stewardship
   its narrow focus on exploitation and gain

Question 25
Who profited most from Western mining booms?
   corporate mining operations
   saloon owners
   the initial prospectors
   wage-earning miners
   boomtown construction workers

Question 26
East finally met West on May 10, 1869 when the transcontinental railroad was completed.

Question 27
The Battle of Little Bighorn was a crushing defeat for Custer and his men, but propaganda in the East nevertheless portrayed the American soldiers as valiant.

Question 28
The "Exodusters" were African Americans who moved West to escape violence and poverty in the South.

Question 29
Whereas mining in the West was devastating to the environment, Western agriculture was generally beneficial to ecosystems.

Question 30
The American cowboy owes much of his culture and traditions to Mexican vaqueros.

Question 31
The "Great Uprising" of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's
   textile industry.
   coal-mining operations.
   tobacco companies.
   steel manufacturers.
   railroad companies.

Question 32
The first big business in the United States was the
   coal industry.
   railroad industry.
   steel industry.
   cattle industry.
   textile industry.

Question 33
Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger?
   They served as barely concealed pro-union propaganda.
   They reinforced the ideal of the self-made man.
   They represented the new trend toward realism in literature.
   They were aimed at an African-American audience.
   They were critical of capitalism.

Question 34
After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of
   agricultural products.
   raw materials.
   manufactured goods.

Question 35
What is the difference between vertical integration and horizontal integration?
   Vertical integration involves the abuse of conventional ethnics whereas horizontal integration is illegal.
   Andrew Carnegie deemed vertical integration unethical whereas he endorsed horizontal integration.
   Vertical integration involves control of all phases of production whereas horizontal integration involves buying out rival companies producing the same product.
   Companies employing horizontal integration generally follow fair labor practices whereas those employing vertical integration typically exploit their workers.
   The focus of horizontal integration is on controlling raw materials whereas the focus of vertical integration is on the finished product.

Question 36
Two cases, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois and Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, demonstrated that the Supreme Court in 1886 was
   primarily conservative and supported big business.
   primarily progressive and supported labor unions.
   primarily conservative but opposed big business.
   primarily progressive but opposed labor unions.
   primarily populist and supported farmers.

Question 37
In writing about "the modern emblem of motion and power-the pulse of the continent," Walt Whitman was celebrating late nineteenth-century

Question 38

What is ironic about this drawing portraying the experiences of female workers?
   It portrays female workers as impoverished, but most working women actually earned good wages.
  It portrays a female worker as the object of a foreman's contempt, but most women were actually regarded as ideal employees.
   It portrays female workers as hardworking, but few women were actually employed in industry.
   It portrays female workers with empathy, although women were actually unwelcome in most unions.
   It portrays female workers as exhausted, but most women actually worked few hours.

Question 39
How did the Knights of Labor differ from other nineteenth-century labor organizations?
   It was generally favored by the public.
   It was inclusive in its membership.
   It called for the government to create bureaus of labor.
   It fought for the eight-hour workday.
   It employed strikes to further its cause.

Question 40
Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that
   national legislation would most likely ensure equal pay.
   social and political equality was sure to follow as more women went to work.
   married women should leave the paid workforce.
   day care centers should be established to help working women.
   women deserved more pay if they were employed as professionals.

Question 41
Edward Bellamy's novel Looking Backward, 2000-1887 criticized laissez-faire capitalism.

Question 42
In 1901, Andrew Carnegie sold his empire for $400 million then donated most of the money to various causes.

Question 43
In the late nineteenth century, periods of economic growth and prosperity were interrupted by severe depressions and recessions.

Question 44
Thomas Nast's political cartoons argued for increased government regulation in the business sector.

Question 45
New machines transformed shoemaking from a skilled trade to a low-skilled factory job.

Question 46
To entrepreneurs, such pastimes as baseball were business. What does this fact reveal about the new concept of leisure time?
   It was rejected by the elite as slothful.
   It provided opportunities for some to make money.
   It could be enjoyed only by the wealthy.
   It had little to do with actual leisure.
   It was likely to be a short-lived trend.

Question 47
Residential suburbs primarily attracted
   industrial magnates.
   new immigrants.
   the nouveau riche.
   middle-class families.
   unskilled laborers.

Question 48
The City Beautiful Movement was comprised of
   activists fighting to improve cleanliness and sanitation in working-class neighborhoods.
   reformers working to ameliorate the lives of the urban poor.
   nativists striving to limit immigration to the United States.
   architects and urban planners hoping to improve urban life through design.
   state and federal leaders trying to put an end to urban corruption.

Question 49
William Jennings Bryan's famous "cross of gold" speech addressed which issue?
   railroad rates
   currency reform
   universal suffrage
   urban reform
   race relations

Question 50
What resulted from the protests of Coxey's Army and other similar activists?
   a public outcry over the indignities suffered by laborers
   the violent oppression of such groups by police
   small reforms aimed at regulating business
   the Panic of 1893
   more inaction by the government

Question 51
What factored into the migration of Americans from rural to urban areas?
   severe drought
   technological innovations
   the growth of suburbs
   the lure of high-paid occupations
   the widespread loss of farmland to industry

Question 52
Urban tenement districts were associated with
   a range of classes living side by side.
   filth and disease.
   relative prosperity.
   crowded but inexpensive apartments.
   low crime rates.

Question 53

This 1899 political cartoon by Thomas Nast warned against
   the corruption of "boss" rule in the cities.
   the rise of political radicalism.
   the rise of monopolies and trusts.
   the danger of the Populist agenda.
   the dangers of unrestricted immigration.

Question 54
Which statement would most likely have been said by a nativist?
   "The nation's purity is being ruined by Catholics and undesirable foreigners."
   "Labor must organize across ethnic lines to achieve justice and equality."
   "It is important to improve living conditions in poor, immigrant neighborhoods."
   "The workers' movement must be global and cannot be restricted to local concerns."
   "The needs of the working-class outweigh the desires of industrialists."

Question 55
What did proponents of "soft money" advocate?
   unlimited spending on election campaigns
   deficit spending by the federal government
   backing currency with gold
   deregulating campaign contributions
   issuing more currency

Question 56
The number of immigrants arriving in the United States from the United Kingdom and Ireland increased throughout the Gilded Age.

Question 57
Presidential elections of the Gilded Age were characterized by landslide victories.

Question 58
1 / 1 pts
New immigrants often chose to live together in concentrated ethnic enclaves within cities.

Question 59
Popular entertainment spread throughout the nation via published sheet music and touring companies.

Question 60
The term "New Woman" was primarily used to describe immigrant women who came to the United States in the late nineteenth century.

Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organizer of workers in the United States?

The Great Uprising of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's:

Based on one of the chapter online lectures. Eastman lost most of his patents for the early camera.

George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the

Which of the following most likely would have helped to prevent injuries and deaths in factories in the late nineteenth century?

The workplace of the late 1800s included all of the following EXCEPT

A Scribner's Monthly editorial on the 1877 Great Uprising alleged each of the following EXCEPT that

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

What was one disadvantage of the rise of industrialization for American workers?

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

He bought huge quantities of goods at a discount from wholesalers and How did the Knights of Labor differ from other nineteenth-century labor organizations?

What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate?

Which statement would most likely have been said by a believer in social Darwinism?

Why did advertisements increasingly need to be eye-catching and memorable?

Laissez-faire was a philosophy typically held by

What is one way that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differed from the Knights of Labor?

By 1879, John D. Rockefeller's company controlled 90 percent of the nation's

When female workers at the Mundell Company in Philadelphia faced wage cuts like the ones that male workers at the company had successfully resisted, the workers opted

What is the difference between vertical integration and horizontal integration?

Vertical integration involves control of all phases of production whereas horizontal Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that

An immigrant of African and Dutch heritage named Jan Matzeliger invented a machine that helped to mechanize the

What was the significance of the adoption of a standard gauge?

Andrew Carnegie became representative of those in big business who believed that

After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of

The first big business in the United States was the

Which headline would most likely have appeared during the Great Upheaval of 1886?

Why did many married African-American women take part in the paid workforce?

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) excluded unskilled workers from its membership rolls because AFL leaders believed unskilled workers

Which statement about women and children in the work force is NOT true?

Which of the following best describes Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth"?

In an 1884 editorial, pro-labor newspaper editor John Swinton argued that

In writing about "the modern emblem of motion and power—the pulse of the continent," Walt Whitman was celebrating late nineteenth-century

Frank W. Woolworth's stores were known as

Two cases, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois and Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, demonstrated that the Supreme Court in 1886 was

The inventor of a business model known as the "trust" was

Which set of factors BEST accounts for the reasons why the United States emerged as a global industrial power by 1900?

Many members of the Workingmen's Benevolent Association were

Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate?

Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that

Which of the following business tactics was NOT employed by Andrew Carnegie?


The Populist Party supported which of the following policies?

Based on one of the chapter online lectures. Populism was primarily an agricultural malaise.

In late nineteenth-century cities,

Which of the following best characterizes the political machines of the late nineteenth century?

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

Public education was promoted as a means of

A vaudeville show could BEST be described as

According to the text, the word gild in the term Gilded Age accurately describes the time because

The National Alliance was formed from a coalition of

How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century?

Tammany Hall operatives worked to win the support of immigrants by

With the 1896 presidential election, the Republicans became the party representing

What did proponents of "soft money" advocate?

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led

In 1890, in conjunction with the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Congress passed a bill

Our Country: Its Possible Future and Present Crisis author Josiah Strong could best be characterized as

What was most likely a result of the involvement of all American Railway Union members in the Pullman strike?

How did the women who ran settlement houses differ from elite women from earlier generations who also helped the poor?

During the Gilded Age, more and more people bought homes in suburban areas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

What was the Great Migration?

William Jennings Bryan's famous "cross of gold" speech addressed which issue?

The neighborhoods Little Italy and Chinatown are examples of

Whom did the People's Party hope to represent?

The Pendleton Act of 1883

In what way was How the Other Half Lives different from other contemporary writings on urban poverty?

In response to the Pullman strike, President Cleveland opted to

After 1880, immigrants from which of the following regions began to dominate the numbers of those coming to the United States?

What attitude toward the company town was expressed by the Pullman worker who said, "We are born in a Pullman house, fed from the Pullman shop, taught in the Pullman school, catechized in the Pullman church, and when we die we shall be buried in the Pullman cemetery and go to the Pullman Hell"?

Which of the following BEST characterizes the hopes of the designers of the White City?

Which movement most clearly benefited from the rising level of women's education?

Vaudeville's appeal to the masses was partly due to its

Who managed Andrew Carnegie's steel plant during the contentious Homestead strike?

Residential suburbs primarily attracted

The City Beautiful Movement was comprised of

What resulted from the protests of Coxey's Army and other similar activists?

Who was a reformer dedicated to improving the lives of the poor and the working class?

Who did the Populists nominate as their presidential candidate in 1892?

Urban tenement districts were associated with

Which of the following forms of leisure and entertainment did NOT emerge as popular during the Gilded Age?

How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century?

Why did many conservative Americans condemn bicycling?

Who won the presidency in 1896?

Which of the following groups would NOT have been affiliated with the new People's Party in 1892?

The central business districts of cities tended to include

John Roebling was a German immigrant who


Vaudeville's appeal to the masses was partly due to its

Mark Twain's novels were marked by their celebration of

Andrew Carnegie became representative of those in big business who believed that

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

What did journalist Ida Tarbell reveal in her exposé of Standard Oil?

President Wilson offset lost tariff revenues by relying on 

After 1880, immigrants from which of the following regions began to dominate the numbers of those coming to the United States?

What was the significance of the adoption of a standard gauge?

The temperance movement attracted all of the following EXCEPT

Which of the following best describes Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth"?

What did President Roosevelt and John Muir have in common?

They both were conservationists, who believed in conserving nature for the future Which of the following most likely would have helped to prevent injuries and deaths in factories in the late nineteenth century?

Henry Ford's policies benefited workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT by

American forces commanded by George Armstrong Custer were overwhelmed in

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) excluded unskilled workers from its membership rolls because AFL leaders believed unskilled workers

The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was

What is the difference between vertical integration and horizontal integration?

Vertical integration involves control of all phases of production whereas horizontal What factors constrained the Progressive agenda? 

What caused hardships for wheat farmers on the Plains in the 1880s?

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

How did the women who ran settlement houses differ from elite women from earlier generations who also helped the poor?

According to the text, the word gild in the term Gilded Age accurately describes the time because

Which of the following best characterizes the political machines of the late nineteenth century?

In campaigning for president, Woodrow Wilson promised "New Freedom," which prioritized

In the nineteenth century, how did rural customers typically differ from urban customers?

How did the 1916 law banning the interstate sale of products made by child labor affect children in the workplace?

What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate?

By 1900, all of the following were true of the railroad industry EXCEPT that

What was the Federal Reserve?

The Pendleton Act of 1883

What triggered the brief political success of the Grange?

All of the following contributed to Native Americans' difficulties in resisting the encroachments of Americans EXCEPT

A nationwide ban on child labor was enacted

According to his Frontier Thesis, Frederick Jackson Turner proposed all of the following of the western frontier EXCEPT that

The Grangers were members of a society of

What is one way that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differed from the Knights of Labor?


How did the 1916 law banning the interstate sale of products made by child labor affect children in the workplace?

What did John D. Rockefeller and other members of the upper class believe was the source of poverty?

Which best describes the middle-class view on childhood?

How did the Supreme Court use the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to benefit industrialists?

What did the popularity of Carry A. Nation reveal about early twentieth-century American culture?

In campaigning for president, Woodrow Wilson promised "New Freedom," which prioritized

Which Republican incumbent was defeated in 1912 when his party split into Progressive and conservative factions? 

Seventeenth Amendment

A nationwide ban on child labor was enacted

What did journalist Ida Tarbell reveal in her exposé of Standard Oil?

Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

The Progressive movement was driven by

Which statement best describes Woodrow Wilson's style as president? 

What was the effect on workers of the establishment of an "open shop" at a company?

The temperance movement attracted all of the following EXCEPT

In his 1895 "Atlanta Exposition Address," Booker T. Washington claimed to accept segregation if

The Pendleton Act of 1883

Based on one of the chapter online lectures. Populism was primarily an agricultural malaise.

Which of the following forms of leisure and entertainment did NOT emerge as popular during the Gilded Age?

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

Which statement would most likely have been said by a nativist?

According to the text, the word gild in the term Gilded Age accurately describes the time because

Why did many conservative Americans condemn bicycling?

What did proponents of "soft money" advocate?

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led

who won the presidency in 1896? 

What factored into the migration of Americans from rural to urban areas?

Our Country: Its Possible Future and Present Crisis author Josiah Strong could best be characterized as

How did Native Americans maintain their resistance even after the conclusion of armed conflict with Euro-American settlers?

the main goal of the dawes severalty act was 

Which of the following beliefs influenced the development of the trust?

Andrew Carnegie became representative of those in big business who believed that

William Jennings Bryan's famous "cross of gold" speech addressed which issue?

Which of the following was NOT a candidate for president in 1912?

What is a protectorate?

For what reasons did President Woodrow Wilson decide to implement conscription immediately following the declaration of war?

What was one major effect of the widespread acquisition of radios in American



The "progressive movement" was driven by:

The Homestead Act:

Effects of the Dawes Act included:

The Populist Party supported which of the following policies?

The aggressive tactics of John D. Rockefeller were supported by his:

Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organizer of workers in the United States?

The Harlem Renaissance:

Even before direct American involvement, the United States was linked to the Allies' cause:

The primary goal of the American government's imperialistic policies during the late 1800s was:

The Great Uprising of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's:

American forces commanded by George Armstrong Custer were overwhelmed in:

Americans generally viewed buffalo as:

What was the purpose of the annual Long Drives?

What triggered the brief political success of the Grange?

Which of the following beliefs influenced the development of the trust?

The workplace of the late 1800s included all of the following EXCEPT:

George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the:

Many members of the Workingmen's Benevolent Association were:

What was most likely a result of the involvement of all American Railway Union members in the Pullman strike?

The Pendleton Act of 1883:

What did proponents of "soft money" advocate?

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led:

What prevented workers from escaping when a fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?

Which of the following was NOT a candidate for president in 1912?

In what way did the urban working class disagree with Progressives about the ward system?

In campaigning for president, Woodrow Wilson promised "New Freedom," which prioritized:

What were spheres of influence?

Major outcomes of the Spanish-American War included which of the following?

Which one of the following statements BEST describes the relationship between advances in technology and American imperialism, according to the textbook?

What compelled the United States to intervene in the Cuban revolt against Spain?

One effect of German U-boat attacks on British passenger ships was:

What weakened President Wilson's negotiating position at the Paris Peace Conference?

Scientists at the time did not know that the Spanish Influenza was spread by:

Which act prohibited anti-government speech during the war?

To what aspect of modern life were both the Lost Generation and Christian fundamentalists responding?

What was one major effect of the widespread acquisition of radios in American homes during the 1920s?

Why did crime and illicit drinking flourish despite Prohibition?

In his novel This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald:

In educating Native American children as required by the Dawes Severalty Act, the government opted to establish:

Where did cattle ranching and cattle drives originate?

The Grangers were members of a society of:

How did the U.S. government view its treaties with Native Americans?

How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century?

Proponents of the Social Gospel believed that:

How was U.S. imperialism beyond North America similar to its pursuit of Manifest Destiny on the continent?

The primary focus of the Committee on Public Information was:

Why did Germany resort to submarine warfare?

The leader of the American Expeditionary Forces was:

Who was the African-American leader who rejected integration in favor of establishing an independent nation in Africa?

The Scopes Trial revealed Fundamentalists' rejection of:


The Homestead Act

The Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad companies relied heavily on the low-paid and difficult work done by

Where did cattle ranching and cattle drives originate?

Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group?

The Grangers were members of a society of

How did Helen Hunt Jackson call attention to the unjust treatment of Native Americans?

Sarah Winnemucca advocated for

Which statement best describes the Native American tribes that lived west of the Mississippi?

Which of the following was a common consequence of the adoption of horses by many Native American tribes?

What was the purpose of the annual Long Drives?

What triggered the brief political success of the Grange?

How did the U.S. government view its treaties with Native Americans?

As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act,

The first big business in the United States was the

Laissez-faire was a philosophy typically held by

After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of

The "Great Uprising" of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's

The mass market that emerged in the late nineteenth century could best be described as

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

What was the significance of the adoption of a standard gauge?

What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate?

The neighborhoods Little Italy and Chinatown are examples of

Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called

Public education was promoted as a means of

Which movement most clearly benefited from the rising level of women's education?

Whom did the People's Party hope to represent?

William Jennings Bryan's famous "cross of gold" speech addressed which issue?

What was the Great Migration?

Tammany Hall operatives worked to win the support of immigrants by

What resulted from the protests of Coxey's Army and other similar activists?

The Progressive agenda mainly reflected the values of

What ultimately resulted in a decline in child labor?

The temperance movement attracted all of the following EXCEPT

What did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

The Progressive movement was driven by

What was the Federal Reserve?

What was the main effect of mass production techniques such as the assembly line on the workplace?

What did the popularity of Carry A. Nation reveal about early twentieth-century American culture?

In his 1895 "Atlanta Exposition Address," Booker T. Washington claimed to accept segregation if



The Great Uprising of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's:

Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organizer of workers in the United States?

Eastman lost most of his patents for the early camera.

What was one disadvantage of the rise of industrialization for American workers?

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

Which set of factors BEST accounts for the reasons why the United States emerged as a global industrial power by 1900?

By 1879, John D. Rockefeller's company controlled 90 percent of the nation's

Which statement would most likely have been said by a believer in social Darwinism?

Which of the following business tactics was NOT employed by Andrew Carnegie?

The workplace of the late 1800s included all of the following EXCEPT

How did the Knights of Labor differ from other nineteenth-century labor organizations?

Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that

What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate?

Which of the following best describes Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth"?

Which of the following beliefs influenced the development of the trust?

After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of

Why did advertisements increasingly need to be eye-catching and memorable?

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) excluded unskilled workers from its membership rolls because AFL leaders believed unskilled workers

In the nineteenth century, how did rural customers typically differ from urban customers?

Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

What is the difference between vertical integration and horizontal integration?

Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger?

The inventor of a business model known as the "trust" was

How did children's work in industry differ from their earlier contributions to the family economy?

Which statement about women and children in the work force is NOT true?

By 1900, all of the following were true of the railroad industry EXCEPT that

Laissez-faire was a philosophy typically held by

Founded in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission could initially best be described as

Why did many married African-American women take part in the paid workforce?

A Scribner's Monthly editorial on the 1877 Great Uprising alleged each of the following EXCEPT that

Frank W. Woolworth's stores were known as

Which set of factors BEST accounts for the reasons why the United States emerged as a global industrial power by 1900?

Many members of the Workingmen's Benevolent Association were

When female workers at the Mundell Company in Philadelphia faced wage cuts like the ones that male workers at the company had successfully resisted, the workers opted

George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the

In an 1884 editorial, pro-labor newspaper editor John Swinton argued that

Which headline would most likely have appeared during the Great Upheaval of 1886?

Which of the following most likely would have helped to prevent injuries and deaths in factories in the late nineteenth century?



As the size of the industrial work force grew in the late nineteenth century

Between 1870 and 1910, the percentage of people working in

The major significance of Elihu Thomson's career was his

An example of vertical integration was

The aggressive tactics of John D. Rockefeller were supported by his

The pioneer of horizontal integration was

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle focused on the problems of

The workplace of the late 1800s included

The use of sweatshops was most common in

By 1900, legislative acts that regulated the horrors of child labor were

The great uprising of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's

A major difference between the knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor was

Seven policemen and four workers were killed by a bomb at Haymarket square in

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

How many strikes were called in the late nineteenth and earlier twentieth centuries

A huge group of Jewish immigrants escaped from the Pogroms in

The number of immigrants from northern and western Europe was highest around

Jacob A. Riis's How the other Half lives focused on

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

The term Great Migration refers to the

Stereotypes of blacks were reinforced

In 1990, the largest city in the united states was

Residential suburbs were first populated by

"Downtown" districts tended to include

A Spectator sport that was largely favored by the middle class at the turn of the century was

The term "gilded age" refers specifically to a time when

After 1870,

Before the industrial boom of the late 1800s

An industrial owner who practiced Horizontal integration

one disadvantage for American workers of the rise of corporations was

one effect of workers being required to work long hours was

regarding the increase of female workers, most Americans believed that

The purpose of the settlement house movement was to

A believer in social Darwinism said

A turning point in the Pullman strike occurred when

Horatio Alger stories

American workers were drawn to the American federation of Labor's

Andrew Carnegie stated a differing view of the gospel of wealth by expressing that

In the urban, working-class neighborhoods of the early twentieth century

Immigration and migration patterns from 1880-1910 resulted in

of the groups that migrated to the United States in the late nineteenth century , which were motivated most by fear of violence

Francesco Barone's success in America led to

The condition in Italy that was least important for Italians deciding to migrate in the late nineteenth century

in the latter part of the nineteenth centaury, countries that attracted migrants usually

The last to enter the middle class in America was the

Coney island in the New York served as an optimal example of Americans love for

Joseph Pulitzer and Randolph Hearst capitalized on the middle class's taste for

An effect of the rise in corporation in America was

A statement most likely said by a nativist is

The new middle class



America proudly displayed its newest technological wonders at the Centennial Exposition in

The term gilded age refers specifically to a time when

As the size of the industrial work force grew in the late nineteenth century,

After 1870,

Thomas Edison accomplished all of the following achievements EXCEPT

Edison organized the building of the first electrical power plant in

The major significance of Elihu Thomson's career was his

An effect of the rise of corporations in America was

Before the industrial boom of the late 1800s,

An example of vertical integration was

The aggressive tactics of John D. Rockefeller were supported by his

An industrial owner who practiced horizontal integration

The pioneer of horizontal integration was

Automated cigarette manufacturing was pioneered by

One disadvantage for American workers, of the rise of corporations was

The workplace of the late 1800s included all of the following conditions EXCEPT:
A. large forces of unskilled laborers
B. long hours
C. increased menanization
D. a safe and healthy environment

One effect of workers being required to work long hours was

The use of sweatshops was most common in

By 1900, legislative acts that regulated the horrors of child labor were

Which statement about women and children in the work force is NOT true?

The leader of the Knights of labor.

led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organizer of workers in the United States

Leader of the American Railway Union, he voted to aid workers in the Pullman strike. He was jailed for six months for disobeying a court order after the strike was over.

Manager of the Carnegie Steel plant outside of Pittsburgh, PA who barricaded the plant and hired armed Pinkerton guards to attack striking workers

American naturalist who wrote The Financier and The Titan. Like Riis, he helped reveal the poor conditions people in the slums faced and influenced reforms.

Danish immigrant reporter for the New York Sun who shocked middle class Americans with his account "How the Other Half Lives", a damning indictment of the poverty of the New York slums that profoundly influenced New York City police commissioner, Theodore Roosevelt.

 (The Awakening, 1899), United States writer who described Creole life in Louisiana (1851-1904)

1860-1935. Founder of Settlement House Movement. First American Woman to earn Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 as president of Women's Intenational League for Peace and Freedom.

first to perform open heart surgery by removing a knife from a stabbing victim's chest

the peoples bank, who gave money to the little guy

In the early 1900s, rare professional opportunities were available to women as

Regarding the increase of female workers, most Americans believed that

The purpose of the settlement house movement was to

Andrew Carnegie stated a differing view of the Gospel of Wealth by expressing that

Which statement would most likely have been said by a believer in Social Darwinism?

The Great Uprising of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's

A major difference between the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor was

Which labor organization was formed in 1886 and became the major organizing body for skilled workers?

Seven policemen and four workers were killed by a bomb at Haymarket Square in

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

American workers were drawn to the American Federation of Labor's

A turning point in the Pullman strike occurred when

According to your text, how many strikes were called in the late nineteenth and earlier twentieth centuries?

A huge group of Jewish immigrants escaped from the pogroms in

Which group was NOT a large part of the "new immigrants" in the period 1880-1910?

Francesco Barone's success in America led to

In urban, working-class neighborhoods of the early twentieth century,

Which statement would most likely have been said by a nativist?

Scientific racism espoused all of the following beliefs EXCEPT

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

What was the only area in which immigrants discovered they were favored by nativists?

The term "Great Migration" refers to the

Stereotypes of blacks were reinforced

Immigration and migration patterns from 1880-1910 resulted in

Residential suburbs were first populated by

"Downtown" districts tended to include

Joseph Pulitzer and Randolph Hearst capitalized on the middle-class's taste for

After 1890, department stores

Coney Island in New York served as an optimal example of Americans' love for

Which spectator sport was largely favored by the middle class at the turn of the century?

Which labor dispute happened first?
a. the Homestead Steel Strike
b. the 8-hour day movement in Chicago
c. the Great Uprising in the railway industry
d. the Pullman strike

The American Federation of Labor was formed in
a. 1886
b. 1894
c. 1897
d. 1905

In which decade did John D. Rockefeller form Standard Oil?



What happened at Wounded Knee, South Dakota in 1890?

The "Great Uprising" of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's

In defending the League of Nations, President Wilson argued all of the following positions EXCEPT that

Many members of the Workingmen's Benevolent Association were

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

The Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad companies relied heavily on the low-paid and difficult work done by

After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built?

A nationwide ban on child labor was enacted

Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

President Wilson promoted all of the following in his Fourteen Points speech to Congress EXCEPT

What triggered the brief political success of the Grange?

Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group?

As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act,

How did the railroad benefit Western farmers MOST?

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Which of the following forms of leisure and entertainment did NOT emerge as popular during the Gilded Age?

Theodore Roosevelt saw the Roosevelt Corollary as

The central business districts of cities tended to include

Which of the following was a popular trumpet player who gained prominence during the Jazz Age?

Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger?

Who emerged as the leader of the Knights of Labor, the nation's first large union?

During the war, most enlisted African Americans worked

William Jennings Bryan's famous "cross of gold" speech addressed which issue?

Which statement is true about both lynch mobs and the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s?

The Central Pacific Railroad began its work on the transcontinental railroad in

What was the Open Door Policy?

The government funded the war effort primarily by

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

Which nation was excluded from the Paris Peace Conference?

In Lochner v. New York the Supreme Court ruled that

How did Henry Ford's innovations affect consumers?

What was the main effect of mass production techniques such as the assembly line on the workplace?

Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that

What did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

In the Sand Creek Massacre,

The Progressive agenda mainly reflected the values of

What attitude toward birth control did Margaret Sanger encounter in her work?

Whom did the People's Party hope to represent?

What portion of American workers were wage-earning manual laborers?

One of the most dramatic moments of the Scopes Trial occurred when

What conflict came to symbolize the brutality associated with the conquest of the West?

What was one disadvantage of the rise of industrialization for American workers?

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led

The Pendleton Act of 1883

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century?

Frank W. Woolworth's stores were known as

Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger?

What factored into the migration of Americans from rural to urban areas?

What was the Open Door Policy?

What did John D. Rockefeller and other members of the upper class believe was the source of poverty?

Where did cattle ranching and cattle drives originate?

Why did the federal government institute the Dollar Diplomacy policy?

George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the

Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group?

Rationales for imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that

After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built?

The Kellogg-Briand Pact provided for all of the following EXCEPT that it

Frederick Taylor's scientific management system involved all of the following EXCEPT

Which of the following was NOT relinquished by Spain as a result of the Spanish-American War?

Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

The Progressive agenda mainly reflected the values of

In Lochner v. New York the Supreme Court ruled that

The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was

After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of

Which statement is true about both lynch mobs and the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s?

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led

President Wilson's primary opponent on the matter of the League of Nations was

The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from

Americans generally viewed buffalo as

All of the following nations were among the Central Powers EXCEPT

Henry Ford's policies benefited workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT by

Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organization of workers in the United States?

The main Asian imperialist power around the turn of the twentieth century was

What is a protectorate?

Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?

Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that

President Wilson offset lost tariff revenues by relying on

What was the Great Migration?

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

What is one way that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differed from the Knights of Labor?

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

Jazz could best be described as a melding of European musical traditions and

Which statement about women and children in the work force is NOT true?

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he

Which nation did Austria-Hungary hold responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

The Progressive movement was driven by

During the war, most enlisted African Americans worked

What happened at Wounded Knee, South Dakota in 1890?

Who did the Populists nominate as their presidential candidate in 1892?

Why did many married African-American women take part in the paid workforce?

Suburbanization in the 1920s

Pueblo society was noted for its

All of the following nations were among the Central Powers EXCEPT

In 1890, in conjunction with the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Congress passed a bill

When was Prohibition repealed?

Frederick Taylor's scientific management system involved all of the following EXCEPT

Which nation was excluded from the Paris Peace Conference?

Why did the federal government institute the Dollar Diplomacy policy?

The Reparations Committee at the Paris Peace Conference set a reparations bill of $33 billion in gold for which nation to pay?

How did Henry Ford's innovations affect consumers?

Public education was promoted as a means of

Jazz could best be described as a melding of European musical traditions and

In response to the Pullman strike, President Cleveland opted to

President Wilson promoted all of the following in his Fourteen Points speech to Congress EXCEPT

Why did many married African-American women take part in the paid workforce?

President Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania

During the Gilded Age, more and more people bought homes in suburban areas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

The government funded the war effort primarily by

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

What was the purpose of the annual Long Drives?

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

By 1900, all of the following were true of the railroad industry EXCEPT that

Who emerged as the leader of the Knights of Labor, the nation's first large union?

Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he

What portion of American workers were wage-earning manual laborers?

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) excluded unskilled workers from its membership rolls because AFL leaders believed unskilled workers

Rationales for imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that

Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate?

In the Sand Creek Massacre,

The central business districts of cities tended to include

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

Major outcomes of the Spanish-American War included which of the following?

The Kellogg-Briand Pact provided for all of the following EXCEPT that it

Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

What effect did the Bolshevik revolution have on World War I?

Leading up to the Spanish-American War, the yellow press

The main Asian imperialist power around the turn of the twentieth century was

The first big business in the United States was the

Which resulted from the Spanish-American War?

To entrepreneurs, such pastimes as baseball were business. What does this fact reveal about the new concept of leisure time?

As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act,

The Grangers were members of a society of

Which of the following best characterizes the political machines of the late nineteenth century?

After 1880, immigrants from which of the following regions began to dominate the numbers of those coming to the United States?

In the 1920s, American women were primarily employed as

In campaigning for president, Woodrow Wilson promised "New Freedom," which prioritized

The Morrill Land Grant College Act was designed to promote

Which of the following best describes the American Federation of Labor?

What was the Boxer Rebellion?

The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was

The Central Pacific Railroad began its work on the transcontinental railroad in

Which Republican incumbent was defeated in 1912 when his party split into Progressive and conservative factions?

Which nation did Austria-Hungary hold responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

What is a protectorate?

Whom did the People's Party hope to represent?

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

The Grangers were members of a society of

The temperance movement attracted all of the following EXCEPT

The primary goal of the American government's imperialistic policies was

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle focused on the problems of immigrants who worked

During the Gilded Age, more and more people bought homes in suburban areas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

Who did the Populists nominate as their presidential candidate in 1892?

George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the

Leading up to the Spanish-American War, the yellow press

After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built?

During the war, most enlisted African Americans worked

In his 1895 "Atlanta Exposition Address," Booker T. Washington claimed to accept segregation if

What is one way that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differed from the Knights of Labor?

Many members of the Workingmen's Benevolent Association were

What did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

Which nation was excluded from the Paris Peace Conference?

Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

Why did anti-imperialist William Jennings Bryan support the Treaty of Paris?

Which of the following was NOT a writer associated with the Lost Generation?

When was Prohibition repealed?

Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he

The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from

Founded in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission could initially best be described as

Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organization of workers in the United States?

The Progressive movement was driven by

The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was

President Coolidge was asked to sign a treaty with France renouncing war, and decided to

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

All of the following nations were among the Central Powers EXCEPT

Henry Ford's policies benefited workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT by

Rationales for imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that

How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century?

In the West, the industrial revolution took the form of railroads and

Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group?

Frederick Taylor's scientific management system involved all of the following EXCEPT

The leader of the American Expeditionary Forces was

In the Zimmerman Telegram, German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann negotiated in support of

In educating Native American children as required by the Dawes Severalty Act, the government opted to establish

The Western Front was characterized by a complex system of trenches that ran for over 400 miles from the North Sea to

Suburbanization in the 1920s

President Wilson's primary opponent on the matter of the League of Nations was

Which act prohibited anti-government speech during the war?

One of the most dramatic moments of the Scopes Trial occurred when

What portion of American workers were wage-earning manual laborers?

Proponents of the Social Gospel believed that

The National Alliance was formed from a coalition of


The American Protective Association specifically focused on

The central business districts of cities tended to include

Residential suburbs primarily attracted

The term "New Woman" was primarily used to describe immigrant women who came to the United States in the late nineteenth century.

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was so weakened that it failed to curb big business in any meaningful way.

After 1880, immigrants from which of the following regions began to dominate the numbers of those coming to the United States?

Who did the Populists nominate as their presidential candidate in 1892?

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led

The neighborhoods Little Italy and Chinatown are examples of

Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called

New immigrants often chose to live together in concentrated ethnic enclaves within cities.

William Tweed of Tammany Hall was known for intimidating voters in order to influence election results.

The Pledge of Allegiance was used to promote patriotism and civic pride among immigrant children.

Baseball cards were originally produced to market

Presidential elections of the Gilded Age were characterized by landslide victories.

Who was a reformer dedicated to improving the lives of the poor and the working class?

Public education was promoted as a means of

Technological advances, such as mass transit systems, allowed for the creation of suburbs.

In 1890, in conjunction with the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Congress passed a bill

Who won the presidency in 1896?

In late nineteenth-century cities,

Eventually, the People's Party disintegrated even as many of its ideas became popular and mainstream parties adopted some of its agenda.

Whom did the People's Party hope to represent?

The Pendleton Act of 1883

President Cleveland's handling of the Pullman strike led to calls for tighter regulation of both unions and corporations.

Which of the following did NOT encourage African Americans to migrate to northern cities?

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