Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Liberty University COMS 101 quiz 2 solutions answers right

Liberty University COMS 101 quiz 2 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1
According to your text, which of the following would most likely be the place to begin to look for an initial speech topic?
Question 2
Which of the following is an example of a specific purpose?
Question 3
According to the text, you may be your worst critic.
Question 4
“Take several deep breaths” is a suggestion for:
Question 5
Which of the following is not one of the three possible general purposes for a speech?
Question 6
Which is not included in the body of the speech?
Question 7
The specific purpose of a speech summarizes the speech's main idea in a single sentence.
Question 8
The most effective way to organize your speech is to divide your message into four parts: opening remarks, thesis, body, and conclusion.
Question 9
Plagiarism involves using another’s work, words, or ideas without adequate acknowledgement.
Question 10
Using your own experience for support in a speech is NOT acceptable.
Question 11
In informative speaking, it is important to present information that is fair and unbiased. This relates to which goal of informative speaking?
Question 12
When trying to determine the accuracy of information given in a speech, one of the things a speaker needs to do is consider the timeliness of the information.
Question 13
Using pictures, charts, models, PowerPoint slides, and other presentational aids helps:
Question 14
The key to informative speaking is supporting material.
Question 15
The key difference between informative speaking and persuasive speaking is:
Question 16
Which goal is not part of the primary aims of informative speaking?
Question 17
A(n) ________ speech will be one where the speaker is enthusiastic, genuine, creative, and who can communicate his/her excitement to the audience by using dramatic stories, engaging examples, and tasteful humor.
Question 18
____________________ specify procedures for observing and measuring concepts.
Question 19
This type of speech deals with abstract subjects such as ideas, theories, and principles.
Question 20
From the list of statements below which is best suited as a specific purpose for an informative speech of demonstration?
Question 21
In all cases of inductive reasoning, you can never be sure that your conclusions are absolutely accurate.
Question 22
The statement, “Malnutrition is a growing problem worldwide, especially in Asia,” is:
Question 23
Belongingness and love needs refer to our needs for affiliation, friendship, and love.
Question 24
A speaker who tries to persuade an audience they should be mindful of protecting the world’s environment by comparing Earth to a delicate flower is using what sort of evidence to persuade the audience?
Question 25
A syllogism includes a major and a minor premise, and a conclusion.
Question 26
Drawing conclusions based on the connections between statements that serve as premises is the basis for:
Question 27
The part of an argument that links the evidence with the statement (claim) is called the:
Question 28
Maslow’s hierarchy is a useful theory because it helps the persuasive speaker to understand bases of human motivations grounded in needs.
Question 29
When dealing with propositions of fact, you have to convince your audience that your interpretation of the truth is based on widely accepted standards.
Question 30
Research suggests that a person’s attitude is likely to predict behavior when:

Jessie referred to an study, reported on ScienceDaily, in which communication professors Amy Nathanson and Eric Rasmussen found that early TV exposure harms parent-child communication. Jessie offered a quote from Nathanson and Rasmussen state this point. This is an example of which kind of support?
You begin to organize your speech by:
"To entertain" is an example of a general purpose statement.
Which of the following was not listed specifically as a question to ask yourself about your audience?
As a speaker, you need to make sure that your general purpose, for example, “to inform,” does not overlap with a different general purpose, “to persuade.”
Preparation is important but it has little to do with controlling tension.
One good way to control speech tension is to visualize your success.
Which of the following strategies will help to reduce speech tension most effectively?
The two types of analogies are literal and figurative.
____________ made before an audience should be backed up with reliable supporting information and sound reasoning.
A(n) ________ speech will be one where the speaker is enthusiastic, genuine, creative, and who can communicate his/her excitement to the audience by using dramatic stories, engaging examples, and tasteful humor.
Guidelines for the informative speaking goal of ____________ include questioning the source of the information, considering the timeliness of the information.
The difference between a "how" speech and a "how to" speech is that a "how to" speech focuses primarily on application, and a "how" speech focuses on understanding.
In informative speaking, it is important to present information that is fair and unbiased. This relates to which goal of informative speaking?
Saying “first, “second,” “third,” as you cover your three main points is an example of:
If we want to meet the goal of being clear in our informative speech, we need to:
Selected Answer: Define unfamiliar words or concepts
Burt, attending a Midwestern university, delivered his first speech in his public speaking class on the growing numbers of automobile accidents in Italy. The problem with his speech, however, essentially was:
Which of the following WAS NOT identified as one of the guidelines for effective informative speaking?
Which of the following is the definition of a speech of description?
Visual aids can be used most speeches, but they can be particularly useful in what type of informative speech?
Research suggests that a person’s attitude is likely to predict behavior when:
The appeals that are rational and reasonable based on evidence provided are appeals to:
When a speaker attempts to persuade an audience to adopt a new idea or plan, the persuasive aim is called continuance.
 “The liberally oriented electorate is the worst thing that could have happened to the country” is a:
Which is not a step in the motivated sequence?
When you urge people to stop doing something, it’s called:
 “I am pleased and impressed to see so many of you turn out for the first meeting of our neighborhood association. We have an attractive, safe, and well-maintained neighborhood and tonight I am here to inspire us all to keep it this way.” This statement serves which persuasive general goal listed below?
A truncated form of the syllogism, where the entire argument may not be explicitly stated is called the :
To test the validity of your reasoning when making a causal argument, you need to ask yourself several questions. Which of the following was identified in your text as one of those questions?
Reasoning by analogy rests on the logical implications that:

Question 1
According to the text, one of the ways to control public speaking tension is to:
Question 2
Which of the following is a literal analogy?
Question 3
As a speaker, you need to make sure that your general purpose, for example, to inform, does not overlap with a different general purpose, “to persuade.”
Question 4
"To entertain" is an example of a general purpose statement.
Question 5
Which of the following was not listed as suggestions related to “develop the language of the speech with care”?
Question 6
You will seldom, if ever, need to construct a full-sentence outline.
Question 7
One good way to control speech tension is to visualize your success.
Question 8
You begin to organize your speech by:
Question 9
Using your own experience for support in a speech is NOT acceptable.
Question 10
Once you select a topic and remember that ethical behavior is required through the process, the third step in preparing your speech is:
Question 11
The key difference between informative speaking and persuasive speaking is:
Question 12
The notion of avoiding information overload refers to which goal of informative speaking?
Question 13
Speeches of explanation often involve a how or a how to approach.
Question 14
Which goal is not part of the primary aims of informative speaking?
Question 15
______________ ambiguity is a speaker’s planned effort to be vague, sketchy, and considerably abstract.
Question 16
From the list of statements below which is best suited as a specific purpose for an informative speech of demonstration?
Question 17
The key to informative speaking is supporting material.
Question 18
The difference between a "how" speech and a "how to" speech is that a "how to" speech focuses primarily on application, and a "how" speech focuses on:
Question 19
Which of the following is the definition of a speech of description?
Question 20
The difference between a "how" speech and a "how to" speech is that a "how to" speech focuses primarily on application, and a "how" speech focuses on understanding.
Question 21
In the habit of justice, we look for information to confirm or contradict a point of view.
Question 22
Drawing conclusions based on the connections between statements that serve as premises is the basis for:
Question 23
A speaker who has proposed that the federal government should protect human life in the womb is arguing:
Question 24
Perceived competence, concern for audience, dynamism, and ethics are aspects of which of the following appeals?
Question 25
In all cases of inductive reasoning, you can never be sure that your conclusions are absolutely accurate.
Question 26
A truncated form of the syllogism, where the entire argument may not be explicitly stated is called the :
Question 27
The two overall persuasive goals are:
Question 28
Your audience may wonder whether you have the background to speak on a topic, whether you communicate confidence and control of your subject matter, and whether your message has any value. Your audience is reflecting on what dimension of speaker credibility?
Question 29
Motivating listeners to action is usually the hardest goal for a persuasive speaker to achieve.
Question 30
Which is not a step in the motivated sequence?

The specific purpose of a speech summarizes the speech's main idea in a single sentence
The primary vehicle for creating meaning is:
Professor Michael Motley’s research on speech tension indicates most people experience three stages of tension before and during a speech. Heart rate is usually at its highest level during:
Which of the following is an example of a specific purpose?
Which of the following is not one of the three possible general purposes for a speech?
You will seldom, if ever, need to construct a full-sentence outline.
Which of the following strategies will help to reduce speech tension most effectively?
According to the text, one of the ways to control public speaking tension is to:
The specific purpose of your speech is ____________.
As a speaker, you need to make sure that your general purpose, for example, “to inform,” does not overlap with a different general purpose, “to persuade.”
“Show trends” is one of the suggestions provided when discussing which goal of informative speaking?
Which of the following IS NOT one of the types of informative speaking?
The notion of avoiding information overload refers to which goal of informative speaking?
One clear difference between the speech of demonstration and speeches of presentation and explanation is that the speech of demonstration benefits from presentational aids
The key to informative speaking is supporting material.
If we want to meet the goal of being clear in our informative speech, we need to:
Visual aids can be used most speeches, but they can be particularly useful in what type of informative speech?
Which of the following is true about informative speaking?
The goal in an informative speech is to communicate information and ideas in a way that your audience:
The difference between a "how" speech and a "how to" speech is that a "how to" speech focuses primarily on application, and a "how" speech focuses on understanding.
Which is NOT a persuasive aim?
When a speaker attempts to persuade an audience to adopt a new idea or plan, the persuasive aim is called continuance.
“The liberally oriented electorate is the worst thing that could have happened to the country” is a: 
A speaker who has proposed that the federal government should protect human life in the womb is arguing:
“To convince a person is largely a matter of identifying the opinion or course of action you wish her or him to adopt with one or more of her or his fixed opinions of customary courses of action” is the definition of which of the following terms? 
When a speaker praises a community for their energy and initiative in dealing with a local problem such as vandalism, the speaker is appeal to which needs of the audience (according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)?
In an argument from __________, the inference step is that an event of one kind contributes to or brings about an event of another kind
According to psychologist Maslow, at the bottom of our hierarchy of needs are:
Any argument needs to have three components. The aspect that refers to the support of an idea you advocate is referred to as:
A syllogism includes a major and a minor premise, and a conclusion.

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