Sunday, June 18, 2017

Liberty University UNIV 104 quiz 3 solutions answers right

Liberty University UNIV 104 quiz 3 solutions answers right
How many versions: 6 different versions

Question 1 There are standard rules when it comes to avoiding plagiarism, but the Christian academic must also look at this issue through the lens of his/her [a].
Question 2 You should ________ the source of anything you include in your work that does not represent your own work or thoughts.
Question 3 When writing a paper, do not react to your sources or draw your own conclusions. it is better to simply report or describe the information.
Question 4 Which of the following are common forms of plagiarism? (Choose all that apply)
Question 5 Information found on the internet is subject to the same quality control measures as information published in journals and books.
Question 6 According to the textbook, Information Literacy is "the ability to [a] for, [b], and [c] information for [d] and [e]
Question 7 According to the textbook, this is a reference to an information source (e.g., book, article, web page) that provides enough information to allow the reader to retrieve the source.
Question 8 According to the textbook, this is a concise summary of the source's content, usually appearing at the beginning of an article, which can help you to decide quickly whether the source is relevant to your topic.
Question 9 ______ sources include firsthand information or original documents (e.g. research experiments or novels)
Question 10 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to ensuring that the content has not been influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; rather, it is based on facts; unbiased.

Question 1 Formal writing style and references to other published sources are two indicators that a source might be scholarly.
Question 2 The author's political or religious affiliations could impact the objectivity of a source.
Question 3 If the author of a source has a Ph.D. then the source is definitely credible.
Question 4 Sources should be cited
Question 5 According to the textbook, this is A symbol, such as an asterisk (*), question mark (?), or exclamation point (!), that may be used to substitute different letters into a search word or phrase, so that an electronic search will be performed on all variations of the word represented by the symbol.
Question 6 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to sources that have been reviewed by a panel or board of impartial experts in the field before being published.
Question 7 [a] sources include firsthand information or original documents (e.g. research experiments or novels)
Question 8 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to ensuring that the source was published recently enough to keep up with the pace of research being generated in the field.
Question 9 Summarize the content of Chapter 8 in no more or less than 25–30 words.

Question 1 There are standard rules when it comes to avoiding plagiarism, but the Christian academic must also look at this issue through the lens of his/her [a].
Question 2 When writing a paper, do not react to your sources or draw your own conclusions. it is better to simply report or describe the information.
Question 3 Sources should be cited
Question 4 You should ________ the source of anything you include in your work that does not represent your own work or thoughts.
Question 5 If the author of a source has a Ph.D. then the source is definitely credible.
Question 6 According to the textbook, Information Literacy is "the ability to [a] for, [b], and [c] information for [d] and[e]
Question 7 According to the textbook, this is a reference to an information source (e.g., book, article, web page) that provides enough information to allow the reader to retrieve the source.
Question 8 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to determining if the source was written by an authority or expert in the related field.
Question 9 According to the textbook, ______ ______ invloves avoiding the unethical practice of stealing the ideas of others, whether they are the ideas of peers (e.g., cheating on exams) or the words and ideas of authorities that have been used in a written paper.
Question 10 According to the textbook, this is a concise summary of the source's content, usually appearing at the beginning of an article, which can help you to decide quickly whether the source is relevant to your topic.
Question 11 Summarize the content of Chapter 8 in no more or less than 25–30 words.

Question 1 There are standard rules when it comes to avoiding plagiarism, but the Christian academic must also look at this issue through the lens of his/her [a].
Question 2 Which of the following are common forms of plagiarism? (Choose all that apply)
Question 3 Sources should be cited
Question 4 Information that most people already know is called common knowledge and does not need to be cited.
Question 5 If the author of a source has a Ph.D. then the source is definitely credible.
Question 6 According to the textbook, Information Literacy is "the ability to [a] for, [b], and [c] information for [d] and[e]
Question 7 According to the textbook, this is a concise summary of the source's content, usually appearing at the beginning of an article, which can help you to decide quickly whether the source is relevant to your topic.
Question 8 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to sources that have been reviewed by a panel or board of impartial experts in the field before being published.
Question 9 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to ensuring that the content has not been influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; rather, it is based on facts; unbiased.
Question 10 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to ensuring that the source was published recently enough to keep up with the pace of research being generated in the field.
Question 11 Summarize the content of Chapter 8 in no more or less than 25–30 words.

Question 1 You should ________ the source of anything you include in your work that does not represent your own work or thoughts.
Question 2 When writing a paper, do not react to your sources or draw your own conclusions. it is better to simply report or describe the information.
Question 3 Formal writing style and references to other published sources are two indicators that a source might be scholarly.
Question 4 Which of the following are common forms of plagiarism? (Choose all that apply)
Question 5 Plagiarism is...
Question 6 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to determining if the source was written by an authority or expert in the related field.
Question 7 According to the textbook, this is one of the criteria used to evaluate the quality of academic sources, specifically related to ensuring that the content has not been influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; rather, it is based on facts; unbiased.
Question 8 [a] sources include publications that rely on or respond to primary sources (e.g., a textbook or a newspaper article that critically reviews a novel or movie).
Question 9 Summarize the content of Chapter 8 in no more or less than 25–30 words.

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