Sunday, June 11, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 221 primary source and presentation review 4 solutions answers right

Liberty University HIUS 221 primary source and presentation review 4 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 Which of the branches of government is responsible for passing laws and legislation?
Question 2 Which house of Congress must approve a bill before it becomes law?
Question 3 To which branch of government does the Constitution grant sole power of taxation?
Question 4 Though most cases can be tried in lower courts, where does the Supreme Court have “original jurisdiction”?
Question 5 Where in the Constitution is the “absolute separation of church and state” discussed?
Question 6 According to the video, who was the leader of the faction who opposed the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, the men who resisted the Virginia Plan were trying to protect
Question 8 According to the video presentation, who requested that Madison draft a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to
Question 10 According to the video presentation, which of the following groups sympathized with the French although they disagreed with the excesses of the Revolution?

Question 1 How many witnesses are necessary in order to convict someone of treason?
Question 2 Which house of Congress must approve a bill before it becomes law?
Question 3 Though most cases can be tried in lower courts, where does the Supreme Court have “original jurisdiction”?
Question 4 What does Amendment Four prevent?
Question 5 The Ninth Amendment makes clear that the rights brought out in the Bill of Rights are the only rights citizens of the United States have.
Question 6 According to the video, our American system of government was formed by what decision?
Question 7 According to the video, who was the leader of the faction who opposed the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, the men who resisted the Virginia Plan were trying to protect
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to
Question 10 According to the video presentation, which of the following caused issues between American merchant shipping and the British?

Women were expected to participate in the political life of the new republic by
Most Anti-Federalists
How did the Articles of Confederation reflect the colonial experience of Americans?
Which of the branches of government is responsible for passing laws and legislation?
Which of the following is NOT one of the qualifications for becoming President of the United States?
What does Amendment Four prevent?
Where in the Constitution is the “absolute separation of church and state” discussed?
Which is most likely NOT a reason that the Federalist position ultimately prevailed?
The first sentence of the Constitution states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” The words “insure domestic Tranquility” may have been a reference to
On June 21, 1788, which state’s vote gave Federalists the nine states needed to ratify the Constitution?
Many Anti-Federalists were concerned that the Constitution did not
What is judicial review?
What motivated the Confederation Congress to print paper currency?
Where did the convention to reform the Articles of Confederation take place?
The United States faced military conflicts with all of the following EXCEPT
In The Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson argued against
How was Judith Sargent Murray’s novel The Story of Margaretta different from the typical sentimental novel of the period?
Why did Republican leaders decide not to challenge President Washington in the 1792 election?
How did the growth of the newspaper business affect politics?
Who led the slave uprising in Saint Domingue?
Hamilton’s ideas included all the following EXCEPT
Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?
What bold plan did Hamilton create an effort to address debt from the American Revolution?
To secure the support of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for his economic program, Hamilton agreed to
Who was the first Secretary of State?
What bold plan did Hamilton create an effort to address debt from the American Revolution?
To secure the support of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for his economic program, Hamilton agreed to
Who was the first Secretary of State?
The XYZ affair almost caused
According to the video presentation, the men who resisted the Virginia Plan were trying to protect
According to the video, who was the leader of the faction who opposed the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention?
According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to
According to the video presentation, which of the following groups sympathized with the French, although they disagreed with the excesses of the Revolution?

The delegates who signed the Declaration of Independence accused the king of
The Declaration of Independence claimed that the king had abdicated his right to governing the colonies because he
In every case of the violation of English rights, the colonists had
Jefferson wrote that the rights claimed by America were
One of the complaints against the king was keeping ________ in time of peace
The delegates claimed a reliance on the protection of
According to the document, when is it proper to overthrow one government and set up another?
Who did the delegates appeal to for judgment of their actions?
Which of the following is NOT one of the "unalienable rights" Jefferson lists
One of the complaints against the king was that he fundamentally altered long-standing ________.
How many witnesses are necessary in order to convict someone of treason?
Which of the branches of government is responsible for passing laws and legislation
How many Senators represent each state?
Though most cases can be tried in lower courts, where does the Supreme Court have "original jurisdiction"?
Which house of Congress must a bill be approved by in order to become law?
The Ninth Amendment makes clear that the rights brought out in the Bill of Rights are the ONLY rights citizens of the United States have.
If the President disapproves of a measure and sends it back to the Congress for reconsideration (vetoes it), what percentage of Senators and Congressmen must repass it in order to override his disapproval?
Which branch of government does the Constitution grant sole power of taxation?
Which of the following is NOT one of the qualifications for becoming President of the United States?
Where in the Constitution is the "absolute separation of church and state" discussed?

Question 1 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Constitution, as listed in its Preamble?
Question 2 What does Amendment Four prevent?
Question 3 Congress may set a punishment for treason that also applies to the guilty party’s descendants.
Question 4 If the President disapproves of a measure and sends it back to the Congress for reconsideration (vetoes it), what percentage of Senators and Congressmen must repass it in order to override his disapproval?
Question 5 Which of the following is NOT one of the qualifications for becoming President of the United States?
Question 6 According to the video presentation, the men who resisted the Virginia Plan were trying to protect
Question 7 According the video presentation, James Madison should be called the
Question 8 According to the video presentation, who requested that Madison draft a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to
Question 10 According to the video presentation, which of the following caused issues between American merchant shipping and the British?

Question 1 The Great Compromise, devised by Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth
Question 2 After the Constitution was ratified, Anti­Federalists chose to
Question 3 How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 effectively bar the average citizen from directly obtaining land in the Northwest Territories?
Question 4 Though most cases can be tried in lower courts, where does the Supreme Court have “original jurisdiction”?
Question 5 Which house of Congress must approve a bill before it becomes law?
Question 6 The Ninth Amendment makes clear that the rights brought out in the Bill of Rights are the only rights citizens of the United States have.
Question 7 If the President disapproves of a measure and sends it back to the Congress for reconsideration (vetoes it), what percentage of Senators and Congressmen must repass it in order to override his disapproval?
Question 8 What is the most likely reason why most state politicians were Anti­Federalists?
Question 9 The first sentence of the Constitution states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” The words “insure domestic Tranquility” may have been a reference to
Question 10 Many Anti­Federalists were concerned that the Constitution did not

Question 1 The Virginia Plan was primarily drafted by
Question 2 Even after the Constitution was ratified, the votes of which two states were nevertheless considered essential?
Question 3 Each of the following men was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention EXCEPT for
Question 4 What caused the trade deficit with Britain after the Revolution?
Question 5 What is judicial review?
Question 6 Which of the following events happened first?
Question 7 Why did James Madison agree to draft what became known as the Bill of Rights?
Question 8 Why did the Federalist Alexander Hamilton support the Republican Thomas Jefferson after the 1800 election?
Question 9 In what way did James Madison argue against the chartering of the Bank of the United States?
Question 10 All of the following statements are true about the Federalists, EXCEPT that the Federalists

Question 1 In the 1796 election, John Adams had the most support in
Question 2 What bold plan did Hamilton create an effort to address debt from the American Revolution?
Question 3 Who was the first Secretary of State?
Question 4 Thomas Jefferson envisioned the United States is a nation of
Question 5 The Battle of Fallen Timbers resulted in
Question 6 All of the following are true about Alexander Hamilton EXCEPT that
Question 7 According to the video presentation, who requested that Madison draft a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, it can be said American produced the Constitution rather than the Constitution producing
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to
Question 10 According to the video presentation, the actions of Citizen Genet caused this member of Washington's Cabinet to resign his position

Question 1 How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 effectively bar the average citizen from directly obtaining land in the Northwest Territories?
Question 2 Women were expected to participate in the political life of the new republic by
Question 3 Why did Americans of the revolutionary generation look to the Roman Republic as a model?
Question 4 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Constitution, as listed in its Preamble?
Question 5 If the President disapproves of a measure and sends it back to the Congress for reconsideration (vetoes it), what percentage of Senators and Congressmen must repass it in order to override his disapproval?
Question 6 Which of the following is NOT one of the items the US government must guarantee the states, according to Article IV?
Question 7 Though most cases can be tried in lower courts, where does the Supreme Court have “original jurisdiction”?
Question 8 What is the most likely reason why most state politicians were Anti­Federalists?
Question 9 Which is most likely NOT a reason that the Federalist position ultimately prevailed?
Question 10 Many Anti­Federalists were concerned that the Constitution did not

Question 1 In The Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson argued against
Question 2 Thomas Jefferson’s initial plan for the Northwest Territory called for
Question 3 What is judicial review?
Question 4 Which of the following is NOT true of the Virginia Plan?
Question 5 What compromise did the Constitutional Convention reach in regards to the slave trade?
Question 6 The Constitution established a Congress that had
Question 7 How did Thomas Jefferson and John Beckley differ?
Question 8 In what way did James Madison argue against the chartering of the Bank of the United States?
Question 9 Why did Alexander Hamilton look to Britain as a model for the economy of the United States?
Question 10 Agreements in Jay’s treaty ended conflicts between

Question 1 The Battle of Fallen Timbers resulted in
Question 2 Who was the first Secretary of State?
Question 3 Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?
Question 4 What position did Congress create to advise the Pres. on foreign affairs?
Question 5 What bold plan did Hamilton create an effort to address debt from the American Revolution?
Question 6 In the 1796 election, John Adams had the most support in
Question 7 According to the video presentation, it can be said American produced the Constitution rather than the Constitution producing
Question 8 According to the video, who was the leader of the faction who opposed the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, which of the following groups sympathized with the French, although they disagreed with the excesses of the Revolution?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, which section of the United States ignored the Embargo Act and continued to trade with Great Britain?

Question 1 All of the following were seen as ways to instruct the public in civic virtue EXCEPT
Question 2 Why did the Confederation Congress have trouble meeting such obligations as paying the Continental Army?
Question 3 After the Constitution was ratified, Anti­Federalists chose to
Question 4 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Constitution, as listed in its Preamble?
Question 5 In the case of a tie vote in the Senate, who casts the deciding vote?
Question 6 How many Senators represent each state?
Question 7 If the President disapproves of a measure and sends it back to the Congress for reconsideration (vetoes it), what percentage of Senators and Congressmen must repass it in order to override his disapproval?
Question 8 What is the most likely reason why most state politicians were Anti­Federalists?
Question 9 The first sentence of the Constitution states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” The words “insure domestic Tranquility” may have been a reference to
Question 10 The Constitution established a Congress that had

Question 1 What motivated the Confederation Congress to print paper currency?
Question 2 What type of men dominated the colonial assemblies before the Revolution?
Question 3 What caused the trade deficit with Britain after the Revolution?
Question 4 Where did the convention to reform the Articles of Confederation take place?
Question 5 What compromise did the Constitutional Convention reach in regards to the slave trade?
Question 6 What was the Newburgh conspiracy?
Question 7 How did the growth of the newspaper business affect politics?
Question 8 How did the size of the federal government during Washington’s presidency accord with Anti­Federalist fears?
Question 9 Why did the Federalist Alexander Hamilton support the Republican Thomas Jefferson after the 1800 election?
Question 10 Despite the Treaty of Paris, Britain continue to occupy forts in

Question 1 Thomas Jefferson envisioned the United States is a nation of
Question 2 What position did Congress create to advise the Pres. on foreign affairs?
Question 3 What bold plan did Hamilton create an effort to address debt from the American Revolution?
Question 4 Why was John Jay sent to London in 1794?
Question 5 Agreements in Jay’s treaty ended conflicts between
Question 6 All of the following are true about Alexander Hamilton EXCEPT that
Question 7 According the video presentation, James Madison should be called the
Question 8 According to the video presentation, the men who resisted the Virginia Plan were trying to protect
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to
Question 10 According to the video presentation, which section of the United States ignored the Embargo Act and continued to trade with Great Britain?

Question 1 How did Benjamin Franklin view the Constitution?
Question 2 Why did Shays’ Rebellion give additional impetus to those hoping to reform the Articles of Confederation?
Question 3 As a result of the economic, diplomatic, and political crises of the 1780s,
Question 4 What does Amendment Four prevent?
Question 5 In the case of a tie vote in the Senate, who casts the deciding vote?
Question 6 Which of the following is NOT one of the qualifications for becoming President of the United States?
Question 7 According to the Constitution, how is the number of Representatives for each state determined?
Question 8 Which is most likely NOT a reason that the Federalist position ultimately prevailed?
Question 9 The first sentence of the Constitution states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” The words “insure domestic Tranquility” may have been a reference to
Question 10 What was the Newburgh conspiracy?

Question 1 Many Anti­Federalists were concerned that the Constitution did not
Question 2 What motivated the Confederation Congress to print paper currency?
Question 3 Even after the Constitution was ratified, the votes of which two states were nevertheless considered essential?
Question 4 Each of the following men was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention EXCEPT for
Question 5 Which of the following events happened first?
Question 6 What caused the trade deficit with Britain after the Revolution?
Question 7 Why did Republican leaders decide not to challenge President Washington in the 1792 election?
Question 8 According to the text, by 1880, “sporting the ‘wrong’ type of ornament on one’s hat in the streets of Philadelphia could easily trigger a riot.” What does this example reveal about citizens of the United States in its early years?
Question 9 In what way did James Madison argue against the chartering of the Bank of the United States?
Question 10 With the rise in partisan politics in the 1790s, what tool was professional politicians such as John Beckley willing to employ?

Question 1 Which of the following was a major theme of President. Washington’s Farewell Address?
Question 2 Agreements in Jay’s treaty ended conflicts between
Question 3 All of the following statements are true about the Federalists, EXCEPT that the Federalists
Question 4 Thomas Jefferson felt that the creation of the Bank of the United States was
Question 5 The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest against the policy that was initially proposed by
Question 6 All of the following statements are true with the election of 1800 EXCEPT that
Question 7 According to the video presentation, it can be said American produced the Constitution rather than the Constitution producing
Question 8 According to the video, who was the leader of the faction who opposed the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to
Question 10 According to the video presentation, which of the following groups sympathized with the French, although they disagreed with the excesses of the Revolution?

The Revolution challenged traditional republican theory, according to which citizens were expected to
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 did which of the following?
Why did the artisans of New York City support the ratification of the Constitution?
Though most cases can be tend in lower courts, where does the Supreme Court have "original jurisdiction"?
In the case of a tie vote in the Senate, who casts the deciding vote?
How many Senators represent each state?
According to the Tenth Amendment, who holds the powers not given to the federal government or prohibited to the states?
The first sentence of the Constitution states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." The words “insure domestic Tranquility" may have been a reference to
Which is most likely NOT a reason that the Federalist position ultimately prevailed?
Which of the following events happened first?
On June 21, 1788, which state’s vote gave Federalists the nine states needed to ratify the Constitution?
The Virginia Plan was primarily drafted by
The Constitution established a Congress that had
What compromise did the Constitutional Convention reach in regards to the slave trade?
Whale motivated the Confederation Congress to print paper currency?
What caused the trade deficit with Britain after the Revolution?
Why George Washington was unanimously selected to be the first President of the United States?
According to the text, by 1880, "Sporting the ‘wrong’ type of ornament on one’s hat m the streets of Philadelphia could easily trigger a riot." What does this example reveal about citizens of the United States in its early years?
Why did Alexander Hamilton look to Britain as a model for the economy of the United States?
Thomas Jefferson envisioned the United States is a nation of
All of the following statements are true about the Federalists, EXCEPT that the Federalists
After Pinckney’s Treaty, the western boundary of the United States was the
Which of the following was a major theme of President. Washington's Farewell Address?
Why was John Jay sent to London in 1794?
What position did Congress create to advise the Pres. on foreign affairs?
The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest against the policy that was initially proposed by
According to the video presentation, who requested that Madison draft a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?
According to the video presentation, which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why Madison is known as the "Father of the Constitution?
According to the video presentation, which of the following caused issues between American merchant shipping and the British?

According to the video presentation, which section of the United States ignored the Embargo Act and continued to trade with Great Britain?

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