Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Liberty University BUSI 330 quiz 6 solutions answers right

Liberty University BUSI 330 quiz 6 solutions answers right
How many versions: 3 different versions

Question 1 What did Toyota do to reach World of Warcraft's U.S. game players?
Question 2 __________ refers to any marketing activity conducted though Internet networks to which consumer are continuously connected using a personal mobile device.
Question 3 As a performance measure, share of voice is
Question 4 Figure 16­1 Based on the social media identified in Figure 16­1 above, the social media site rated HIGHEST in self­disclosure is
Question 5 Social networks can be classified based on (1) __________ and (2) __________.
Question 6 The __________ measure most closely ties the cost of the social media ad to the sales revenues the ad generates.
Question 7 A fixed amount of money paid to the site for every visitor who clicks on an ad and then jumps from that page to the advertiser's website is referred to as
Question 8 If you wanted to generate brand buzz for an upcoming product using Twitter, what is the best way to implement Twitter?
Question 9 In terms of performance measures, fans are
Question 10 An example of the ideal performance measure for social media advertising is one that __________.
Question 11 Which of the following the results of the convergence of the real and digital worlds is most accurate?
Question 12 StuffDOT is a
Question 13 Within the context of social media, an "evangelist" is an online user who
Question 14 The performance measure of average page views per visitor is the number of
Question 15 All of the following are tips experts recommend to student job seekers using LinkedIn EXCEPT:
Question 16 In using __________, brand managers can post images of their company's products on their board in hopes that they will be shared on other themed boards, or that users will follow the links back to their websites.
Question 17 In classifying social media, the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners is referred to as
Question 18 Social networks are
Question 19 Online content that is published on a publicly accessible website or social networking site is a criterion of
Question 20 As the content of a blog or messages posted on social media sites move from impersonal to highly personal, the level of self­disclosure __________.
Question 21 The marketing challenge for the brand manager using a Facebook Page is to post and create content that will generate the best response. This goal can be accomplished by all of the following EXCEPT:
Question 22 Blogs and wikis differ in that a blog is a diary that shows a __________, while a wiki shows the end result as a __________.
Question 23 Online content created by an individual outside of a professional organization without a commercial market in mind is a criterion of
Question 24 Which of the following firms sponsored the LeBronJames.com Half­Court Hero promotion, which consisted of an opportunity to go to Miami for a chance to win $75,000?
Question 25 Which of the following is the best marketing strategy for promoting Betty Crocker products using social media?
Question 26 Marketers are increasingly using social media to reach college­age students in the U.S. because
Question 27 A publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization is a __________, whereas a website whose online content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users is a __________.
Question 28 Apps are
Question 29 Users or members to social networking websites are
Question 30 A single social media site with millions of users interacting with each other, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, is referred to as a(n)

Question 1
A recent study found that "Likes" or "Followers" to a brand's Facebook Page is worth _______ in terms of product spending, brand loyalty, and propensity to recommend' the site to others.
Question 2
__________ is a content sharing network where members affix images, videos, and more to "boards" they create, which are categorized into different themes.
Question 3
Users or members to social networking websites are
Question 4
In what way are traditional and social media similar?
Question 5
A single social media site with millions of users interacting with each other, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, is referred to as a(n)
Question 6
To generate traffic to a Facebook Page for a brand, what is another mode of advertising on Facebook?
Question 7
Apps are
Question 8
Whereas traditional media build credibility through experts being influencers in a particular field, with social media a sender often simply begins to participate in the __________, hoping that the quality of the message will establish credibility with the receivers.
Question 9
StuffDOT is a
Question 10
Figure 163
Figure 163 above shows the __________ web page for StuffDOT and the data available for marketers to assess its performance and understand its users.
Question 11
Through a network of businesspeople known as __________, members of LinkedIn gain an introduction to someone they wish to know through a mutual, trusted contact.
Question 12
A Facebook Page, such as the one for StuffDOT, contains all of the following elements that are of interest to brand managers EXCEPT:
Question 13
The number of people who have "opted in" to a brand's messages through a social media platform at a given time are referred to as
Question 14
The total number of people who connect with a Post (for example, "like" or make a comment) divided by the total number of people seeing the Post is the
Question 15
What is the primary purpose of LinkedIn?
Question 16
Which of the following is the best marketing strategy for promoting Betty Crocker products using social media?
Question 17
Figure 161
Based on the social media identified in Figure 161 above, the social media site rated LOWEST in media richness is
Question 18
The percentage of recipients who have clicked on a link on the Page to visit a specific site is the
Question 19
While both traditional media and social media can reach either a large audience or a niche audience, social media are different from traditional media because
Question 20
An example of a smart system is(are)
Question 21
Figure 161
Based on the social media identified in Figure 161 above, the social media site rated
HIGHEST in selfdisclosure is
Question 22
A featurerich, microblogging platform that allows users to share text, photos, music, links, videos, and more is
Question 23
What is one way in which Web 2.0 media are different from traditional media?
Question 24
When Kimmy Summers had to communicate with other students to recruit volunteers at their respective universities to help freshmen during campus movein day, they chose to use
Question 25
The social media website open to anyone age 13 and over where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and likes with them, is known as
Question 26
Cost per action refers to
Question 27
Cost per thousand (CPM) is a measure in which
Question 28
Computerbased networks that trigger actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world are known as
Question 29
A blog is __________, whereas a wiki is __________.
Question 30
Figure 165
According to Figure 165 above, B is the performance measure described by the accompanying quote "I will pay $1.00 for every visitor who clicks on this ad and goes from your website to mine" under the Cost to Advertisers heading:

When Kimmy Summers and Gina Damoto had to communicate with other students to recruit volunteers at their respective universities to help freshmen during campus move-in day, they chose to use
a.   letters from their colleges’ deans of students.
b.   flyers pushed under dorm-room doors.
c.   phone solicitations.
d.   ads in their campus newspapers.
e.   social media.
When thousands of college-age “brand ambassadors” at colleges and universities across the U.S. needed to recruit volunteers to help incoming freshmen on campus move-in day, the most effective way to reach the greatest number of students was by using
a.   the campus radio.
b.   social media.
c.   phone solicitations.
d.   ads in the campus newspaper.
e.   hanging ads on dorm-room handles.
Marketers use social media to reach the important market of college-age students because
a.   of their discretionary spending.
b.   only a small percentage of students check their Facebook pages.
c.   Internet advertising is ineffective with this age group.
d.   these media are less effective than print and TV advertising.
e.   rebellious students reject the brands their parents buy.
It is important for marketers to reach college-age students in the U.S. because
a.   college age students are sensitive to the environment, which carries over to their media usage.
b.   only a small percentage of students check their Facebook pages.
c.   Internet advertising is ineffective with this age group.
d.   the information sources they use to make buying decisions.
e.   students reject the brands their parents buy.
According to Figure 19-1 above, the source of information most used by college students in 2009 was
a.   free samples in a store.
b.   advertising on the television.
c.   advertising in magazines.
d.   advertising on the Internet.
e.   word of mouth.
According to Figure 19-1 above, the information source most used in 2000 was
a.   advertising on television.
b.   information on the Internet.
c.   advertising in magazines.
d.   advertising on the Internet.
e.   word of mouth.
According to Figure 19-1 above, which information source showed the biggest increase in college student preference from 2000 to 2009?
a.   free samples in a store
b.   advertising on the Internet
c.   information on the Internet
d.   advertising on television
e.   word of mouth
According to Figure 19-1 above, which information source showed the biggest decrease in college student preference from 2000 to 2009?
a.   free samples in a store
b.   information on the Internet
c.   advertising on television
d.   advertising on the Internet
e.   word of mouth
What is another term that is sometimes used interchangeably with “social media?”
a.   net platforms
b.   Web 3.0
c.   user generated content
d.   user platforms
e.   peer-to-peer networking
Another term sometimes used interchangeably with “social media” is __________.
a.   net platforms
b.   Web 3.0
c.   Web functionalities
d.   Web 2.0
e.   peer-to-peer networking
Web 2.0 is a term that describes
a.   the increased functionality of the World Wide Web that increased the interactivity among users.
b.   a technical update of the World Wide Web.
c.   the first Internet browser.
d.   the decreased degree of interactivity among users.
e.   the final published form of web content.
Web 2.0 is a term that describes
a.   a technical update of the World Wide Web.
b.   the highly interactive web content created by users.
c.   the second generation of Internet browsers.
d.   the decreased interactivity of user generated content.
e.   the second revision of interactive web content.
What is one way in which the Internet has changed and brought about the term “Web 2.0?”
a.   Web 2.0 is the most-used Internet browser, launched in 2004.
b.   The ability to access the Internet from smartphones brought on a cultural revolution in how users view the Internet.
c.   Faster routers allowed for quicker, more efficient Internet service.
d.   Internet content can now be continuously modified by all users in a participatory fashion.
e.   The technical interface of the Internet has drastically changed since 2004.
What is one way in which “Web 2.0” media are different from traditional media?
a.   Web 2.0 involves online media where users submit comments, photos, and videos as well as have genuine online conversation among multiple users.
b.   The ability to access the Internet from smartphones brought on a cultural revolution when the majority of college students began to use them.
c.   Greater bandwidth allows for faster media downloads from the Internet.
d.   All college students use Web 2.0.
e.   The technical interface of Web 2.0 is user friendly.
A web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization is referred to as a
a.   wiki.
b.   blog.
c.   net platform.
d.   Facebook page.
e.   “tweet.”
A blog is a
a.   business-oriented website that lets users create profiles for professional networking.
b.   unique type of Internet browser where search results are personalized for each user.
c.   web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization.
d.   website where users create a personal profile, add “friends,” and exchange messages and photos with them.
e.   website whose content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users.
Which of the following is the best marketing strategy for promoting Betty Crocker products using social media?
a.   create “Betty Cooks,” a blog featuring recipes for trendy dishes using Betty Crocker products.
b.   monitor e-mail for customer complaints and respond promptly with a 50% discount coupon
c.   hold a cooking contest to generate new recipes using Betty Crocker products
d.   produce commercials incorporating images of Betty Crocker cooking with Julia Child
e.   produce a movie featuring a female or male cooking her/his way through all the recipes in the latest edition of the Betty Crocker cookbook
 “Epicurious” is a website where recipes are posted by the site owner and individual cooks.  Using a “four-fork” rating system, users rate and comment on these recipes for ease or difficulty in preparation, the taste of the finished dish, and whether or not they would use the recipe again. What type of social media website is “Epicurious?”
a.   Web 2.0
b.   a Facebook page
c.   a wiki
d.   a blog
e.   a Twitter account
Companies like Hewlett-Packard and Frito-Lay routinely monitor blogs to gain insight into
a.   popular trends among members of the over-65 market.
b.   technological advancements that can be used to promote their brands.
c.   new slang terms to create more effective advertisements.
d.   recruiting prospective employees.
e.   customer complaints and suggestions.
A website whose content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users is known as a
a.   wiki.
b.   blog.
c.   Net platform.
d.   Facebook page.
e.   “tweet.”
A wiki is a
a.   web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization.
b.   business-oriented website that lets users create profiles for professional networking.
c.   unique type of Internet browser where search results are personalized for each user.
d.   website where users create a personal profile, add “friends,” and exchange messages and photos with them.
e.   website whose content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users.
A blog is __________, whereas a wiki is __________.
a.   a log of an individual’s Internet activity; Internet activity updated by the user
b.   a website for companies to gather customer insights; an academic tool to post grades and projects
c.   a website whose online content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users; a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for a individual or organization
d.   a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization; a website whose online content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users
e.   an advertising forum; an artistic forum
A publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization is a __________, whereas a website whose online content is created and edited by the ongoing collaboration of end users is a __________.
a.   Internet browser; blog
b.   wiki; blog
c.   blog; wiki
d.   Facebook; Twitter
e.   Twitter; Facebook
Blogs and wikis differ in that a blog is a diary that shows a __________, while a wiki shows the end result as a __________.
a.   complete thought process; fragmented group of ideas
b.   sequential journey; single entry
c.   single entry; sequential journey
d.   personal side of the user; formal presentation
e.   long narrative; block of text
User generated content refers to
a.   the content posted by only one user on his or her private blog.
b.   Web 3.0, a new use of the Web.
c.   the content created by one user on his or her smartphone.
d.   another term for social media.
e.   another term for “flash mobs.”
User generated content (UGC) refers to
a.   content found on a “personal profile” page.
b.   content found only on blogs and wikis.
c.   content that is created with the intention of achieving commercial profit.
d.   content found on forms of online media that are privately owned and operated by a single “user.”
e.   the various forms of online media content that are publicly available and created by end users.
The various forms of online media content that are publicly available and created by end users are referred to as
a.   user-generated content (UGC).
b.   wikis.
c.   net platforms.
d.   Facebook pages.
e.   mass media.
All the following statements about user generated content (UGC) are true EXCEPT:
a.   UGC is published on a publicly accessible website and created by end users.
b.   UGC is reposting an article found in a newspaper or magazine without editing.
c.   UGC is consumer-generated by an individual outside of a professional organization.
d.   UGC shows a significant degree of creative effort.
e.   UGC is not simply e-mail, but is published on a publicly accessible website.
Which of the following statements about user generated content (UGC) is MOST accurate?
a.   UGC is published on a publicly accessible website or a social networking site.
b.   UGC must show a sequential journey through posts made by a user.
c.   UGC is intended for commercial profit.
d.   UGC is not found on a social networking site.
e.   UGC is limited to text-only postings due to the limited bandwith of Internet service providers.
Online content that is published on a publicly accessible website or social networking site is a criterion of
a.   social networks.
b.   user generated content (UGC).
c.   blogs.
d.   wikis.
e.   YouTube.
Online content that shows a significant degree of creative effort, and thus is more than simply posting a newspaper or magazine article on a personal blog, is a criterion of
a.   online advertisements.
b.   blogs.
c.   user generated content (UGC).
d.   wikis.
e.   YouTube.
Online content created by an individual outside of a professional organization without a commercial market in mind is a criterion of
a.   online advertisements.
b.   user generated content (UGC).
c.   blogs.
d.   wikis.
e.   YouTube.
Social media are
a.   online games.
b.   online media where users submit news, photos, and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process to identify “popular” topics.
c.   any type of medium in which large groups of people read content generated by a business, government, or corporation.
d.   only media that allow face-to-face communication.
e.   all forms of electronic media.
Online media where users submit news, photos, and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process to identify “popular” topics—are referred to as
a.   gaming websites.
b.   Facebook.
c.   electronic media.
d.   social media.
e.   feedback media.
A single social media site like Facebook or YouTube is referred to as a(n)
a.   social network.
b.   gaming website.
c.   electronic media.
d.   social media.
e.   feedback media.
Social networks are
a.   gaming websites.
b.   Internet browsers.
c.   specific social media like Facebook or YouTube.
d.   the replacement for e-mail to send private messages.
e.   social media websites that are the highest in media richness.
Social networks can be classified based on (1) __________ and (2) __________.
a.   web browsers; apps
b.   user generated content (UGC); organization-sponsored content (OSC)
c.   blogs; wikis
d.   textual; visual
e.   media richness; self-disclosure.
In classifying social media, the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners is referred to as
a.   user generated content.
b.   social value.
c.   self-disclosure.
d.   media richness.
e.   emotive content.
In classifying social media, self-disclosure is
a.   the degree to which a person’s thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes are made public.
b.   the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners.
c.   an undesirable effect of social media, in which too much personal information is given resulting in identity theft.
d.   a growing trend in which telephone and e-mail communications contribute to one’s online profile.
e.   behavior that leads to an unfavorable impression on other online users.
In classifying social media, media richness is __________, whereas self-disclosure is __________.
a.   the degree to which a person’s thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes are made public; the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners.
b.   the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners; the degree to which a person’s thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes are made public.
c.   the quality of the graphics and video on a website; the online conduct that leads to an unfavorable impression.
d.   a visual measure; an emotional measure.
e.   the extent to which a user personalizes his or her profile page; adding contact information (telephone, address, and e-mail) on one’s Facebook page.
In classifying social media, the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners is referred to as __________, whereas the degree to which a person’s thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes are made public is referred to as __________.
a.   self-disclosure; media richness.
b.   emotional value; social degree.
c.   media richness; self-disclosure.
d.   social degree; emotional value.
e.   media richness; user-generated content.
Media richness is __________ in face-to-face communication than telephone or e-mail communications.
a.   equal
b.   lower
c.   higher
d.   more updated
e.   less updated
As the content of a marketing website for a product moves from words to photos, videos, and animation, the media richness of the site
a.   decreases.
b.   is not affected.
c.   increases.
d.   can be manipulated.
e.   is undermined.
A favorable image is affected by the degree of self-disclosure of a person’s thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes.  Greater self-disclosure is likely to __________ the influence on those reached.
a.   decrease
b.   not affect
c.   undermine
d.   manipulate
e.   increase
As the content of a blog or messages posted on social media sites moves from impersonal to highly personal, the level of self-disclosure __________.
a.   decreases
b.   is not affected
c.   undermines the credibility of the site
d.   increases
e.   increases the credibility of the site
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, a social media site that has elaborate visuals, graphics, and animation but where the users disclose very little personal information about themselves or their feelings would most likely be located in which cell of the chart?
a.   upper left
b.   upper right
c.   lower center
d.   lower right
e.   lower left
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, the social media site rated highest in media richness and lowest in self-disclosure is
a.   Wikipedia.
b.   Facebook.
c.   Second Life.
d.   World of Warcraft.
e.   Farmville.
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, the social media site rated highest in self-disclosure but lowest in media richness is
a.   Facebook.
b.   Tumblr.
c.   Wikipedia.
d.   Foursquare.
e.   Farmville.
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, blogs are
a.   highly interactive websites.
b.   high in self-disclosure but low in media richness.
c.   low in self-disclosure but high in media richness.
d.   websites that are low in self-disclosure.
e.   websites that are high in media richness.
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, Wikipedia has a __________ degree of self-disclosure.
a.   high
b.   medium
c.   low
d.   average
e.   nonexistent
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, Second Life has a __________ degree of self-disclosure than Call of Duty.
a.   higher
b.   lower
c.   equal
d.   more unique
e.   more elaborate
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, LinkedIn is
a.   medium in self-disclosure and low in media richness.
b.   high in self-disclosure and medium in media richness.
c.   high in self-disclosure and high in media richness.
d.   low in self-disclosure and medium in media richness.
e.   low in self-disclosure and low in media richness.
Based on the social media identified in Figure 19-2 above, Foursquare is seen as
a.   low in self-disclosure and low in media richness.
b.   low in self-disclosure and medium in media richness.
c.   high in self-disclosure and high in media richness.
d.   medium in self-disclosure and medium in media richness.
e.   low in self-disclosure and high in media richness.
What did Toyota do to reach World of Warcraft’s 2.5 million U.S. players?
a.   Toyota sponsored an expansion pack of the game.
b.   Toyota purchased the personal information of users from the game company to send e-mails.
c.   Toyota used mechanics and pictures in a commercial.
d.   Toyota paid to have likenesses of their vehicles appear in the game as product placement.
e.   Toyota paid to have ads placed on the game’s website.
When Toyota featured images from the World of Warcraft game in a TV commercial, it demonstrated that World of Warcraft has a high degree of __________, as visuals, graphics, and animations were the major draw for World of Warcraft users.
a.   media richness
b.   self-disclosure
c.   character development
d.   product placement
e.   “wikiness”
In what way are traditional and social media similar?
a.   They both require specialized training.
b.   They both rely upon contributions from established “experts” to create credibility and social authority.
c.   They both can reach either large or niche audiences.
d.   They both are relatively inexpensive or free to produce.
e.   They both produce content that can be altered.
All of the following are differences between social and traditional media EXCEPT:
a.   the number of and skills required to produce and train personnel to produce the media.
b.   the permanence of the media.
c.   the credibility of the media.
d.   the ability to reach a mass or specialized market segment.
e.   the privacy and anonymity of the media.
While brand managers use both traditional and social media to promote and advertise their products, traditional media __________, while social media __________.
a.   appeal to a younger audience; appeal to a middle-aged audience
b.   are cheaper; are more creative
c.   are produced quickly and inexpensively by an individual; are expensive to produce and may take a team of specialists months to complete
d.   are generally accessible everywhere to those with smartphones, computers, and tablet devices; are typically produced by an individual and privately owned by them
e.   take longer to produce and use a team of specialists; can be produced inexpensively and quickly by an individual
While both traditional media and social media can reach either a large audience or a niche audience, social media are different from traditional media because
a.   production of traditional media requires specialized skills and a team of people.
b.   traditional media include Facebook and Twitter.
c.   social media only reaches niche audiences.
d.   social media is relatively expensive to produce.
e.   the content of social media cannot be altered after publication.
Whereas traditional media build credibility through “experts” being “influencers” in a particular field, with social media a sender often simply begins to participate in the __________, hoping that the quality of the message will establish credibility with the receivers.
a.   “digital thread”
b.   “amateur discussion”
c.   “discussion pool”
d.   “information superhighway”
e.   “conversation”
All of the following are the four more widely social media networks discussed in the text EXCEPT:
a.   Twitter.
b.   YouTube.
c.   Facebook.
d.   LinkedIn.
e.   Groupon.
Facebook is
a.  a website where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and “likes” with them.
b.   a website that enables users to send and receive “tweets,” messages up to 140 characters long.
c.   a business-oriented website that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of businesspeople.
d.   a video-sharing website in which users can upload, distribute, view, and comment on videos.
e.   a website that enables online customers to use their collective buying power to take advantage of deeply discounted prices for a product or service each day.
The social media website open to anyone age 13 and over, where users keep family and friends up to date on what they are thinking, doing, and feeling; chat with friends; and create and join common-interest groups organized by workplace, high school, college, and Pages is
a.   Twitter.
b.   Vimeo.
c.   Facebook.
d.   YouTube.
e.   LinkedIn.
Which of the following statements is true about Facebook?
a.   Facebook is second to Twitter in the number of registered users.
b.   Facebook has remained a “closed system,” which means outside search engines such as Google or Bing cannot catalog information about a particular brand or topic.
c.   Facebook is the social media website where users upload more videos to its site than any other site.
d.   Facebook’s official smartphone app uses location-based technology so users can “check-in” to local businesses to receive targeted promotional offers.
e.   Facebook is a social media website with the primary purpose of enabling users to network and connect with others in their profession.
Which of the following statements about Facebook is MOST accurate?
a.   Facebook is the third most-used social network.
b.   Facebook has a global presence and is accessible in over 70 languages.
c.   Facebook has almost 80 million active users.
d.   Facebook lets people keep in touch through long text-entries similar to e-mail.
e.   Facebook is just as successful as Twitter.
In its early years, Facebook was a “closed” system, which meant that Facebook
a.   prevented outside search engines from cataloguing and reporting mentions of a brand.
b.   put a limit on the number of countries in which Facebook could be accessed, such as China.
c.   had a policy to prevent collaboration with other sites such as MySpace.
d.   restricted brands from creating awareness through an individual Facebook Page.
e.   allowed users to have strict control over who shared their photos.
If Facebook was a “closed” system of private and personal profiles, how could brand managers use Facebook in their advertising strategy?
a.   Facebook allowed companies’ ads to show up in pop-up windows throughout the site.
b.   Facebook charged companies to create a Facebook Page for their brands.
c.   Facebook staff developed ads for companies who wanted to advertise on Facebook.
d.   Facebook charged companies when their brand was mentioned in a user’s profile.
e.   Facebook allowed brand managers to promote their business on Facebook separate from their private and personal profiles.
Aside from an individual Facebook Page for a brand, what is the other mode of advertising on Facebook?
a.   Messages are sent to the “inbox” on a user’s profile page.
b.   Pop-up ads appear after a user logs in.
c.   Ads appear on the right-hand side of a user’s profile page.
d.   They are integrated into the “newsfeed” on a Facebook user’s home page.
e.   Facebook does not allow for any other forms of advertising.
The marketing challenge for the brand manager using a Facebook Page is to post and create content that will generate the best response.  This goal can be accomplished by
a.   updating content regularly to keep it fresh.
b.   using familiar imagery and messaging, but adding a twist.
c.   engaging users and letting them guide site content.
d.   leveraging existing media assets for the brand.
e.   all of the above.
What is a reason users have “unliked” a brand’s Facebook Page?
a.   The brand ceases to be popular and users move on to a new brand’s Facebook Page.
b.   The brand posts too frequently on trivial or controversial topics.
c.   Users tire of not being able to contribute to the conversation.
d.   Users want to protest the presence of advertisements on Facebook.
e.   The Page isn’t updated and users lose interest.
Facebook came under fire in December 2009 when it made significant changes to the privacy settings of users.  These changes to privacy settings resulted in
a.   releasing user’s personal information, such as name, picture, gender, and a list of friends, “by default.”
b.   wall posts being lost.
c.   friends being lost.
d.   additional privacy and security for its users who provided a detailed Facebook Page, sent automatically to the company.
e.   products being “unliked.”
The requirement that users “opt-out” of changes to Facebook’s privacy settings was considered unethical because
a.   “by default” privacy settings would not be changed.
b.   all Facebook users want automatic updates to new features such as facial recognition.
c.   Facebook was providing additional privacy and security for its users.
d.   “by default” privacy settings would be changed.
e.   the new privacy settings made it harder for brand managers to find “evangelist” consumers of their products.
Facebook consistently addresses issues related to user privacy because users post personal information to their Facebook accounts and
a.   have a right to know if Facebook changes the way their personal information is released.
b.   use search engines such as Google and Bing.
c.   make them “opt-out” of privacy setting changes.
d.   “by default” have their privacy settings changed by Facebook employees.
e.   not object if their personal information is made public without their permission.
In thinking about starting an ad campaign on Facebook, the brand manager considers
a.   that each user who visits a Facebook Page will see the same advertisement.
b.   whether the ad has a balance of text, audio, and video when it is placed on users’ Facebook Pages.
c.   letting users specify ad positioning and placement on the Facebook Page.
d.   tracking new sales produced by the ad by linking it to a coupon code, product, or promotional offer.
e.   that advertising on Facebook Pages is free and is an economical advertising strategy.
To create a successful advertising campaign on Facebook, a good strategy a brand manager can use is to
a.   create ads that will appear in a specified, strategic position on every page when users log into their profiles.
b.   create and send an e-mail message to every registered Facebook user.
c.   create video ads with a funny, engaging, character spokesperson for the brand that will capture users’ attention and “go viral.”
d.   create ads that incorporate controversial topics like religion and politics to get Facebook users to “like” their Page.
e.   create a Facebook profile for every employee to show Facebook users the professionalism and dedication of the marketing team.
Twitter is
a.  a website where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and “likes” with them.
b.   a website that enables users to send and receive short messages up to 140 characters long.
c.   a business-oriented website that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of businesspeople.
d.   a video-sharing website in which users can upload, distribute, view, and comment on videos.
e.   a website enables online customers to use their collective buying power to take advantage of deeply discounted prices for a product or service each day.
The website that enables users to send and receive messages up to 140 characters long is
a.   LinkedIn.
b.   YouTube.
c.   Twitter.
d.   Facebook.
e.   Friendster.
In a recent analysis, what percentage of “tweets” on Twitter was considered “pointless babble?”
a.   3%
b.   6%
c.   9%
d.   38%
e.   41%
In assessing the value of tweets, Twitter users considered the majority of tweets to be
a.   news.
b.   self-promotion.
c.   conversational.
d.   pointless babble.
e.   spam.
A downfall to Twitter is that users can feel __________, as they need to check messages at odd hours, and have higher mobile phone bills.
a.   “too connected”
b.   “their privacy has been ‘violated’”
c.   “addicted” to Twitter
d.   “easily bored” by the repetitive messages
e.   they’ve experienced a “lifestyle change”
Brand managers can use Twitter strategically to
a.   respond to user criticisms to develop happier customers.
b.   generate brand buzz by developing an official Twitter profile.
c.   tweet on topics that provide information of value to their customers.
d.   follow Twitter profiles that mention their products.
e.   all of the above.
Brand managers find out what people are saying about their brand on Twitter by
a.   having employees perform spot-checks on posts.
b.   creating their own Twitter account and seeing what “followers” say on Facebook.
c.   using keyword search monitoring from services such as CoTweet or HootSuite.
d.   recognizing that posts are too brief to allow for a substantive mention of their brand.
e.   employing outside search services such as Google and Bing.      
When promoting its new Fiesta subcompact, Ford’s “Fiesta movement” on Twitter received __________ tweets.
a.   100,000
b.   400,000
c.   1 million
d.   4 million
e.   10 million
As a consultant to a brand manager, which social media marketing strategy would you recommend to your client to build the customer base?
a.   Hire celebrities to tweet about using their product.
b.   Run concurrent specials on multiple social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
c.   Use tweets to drive traffic to the brand’s website.
d.   All of the above.
e.   None of the above.
If you wanted to generate brand buzz for an upcoming product using Twitter, what is the best way to implement Twitter?
a.   Monitor other Twitter accounts for negative mentions of your brand.
b.   Defend your brand aggressively on your Twitter account for happier customers.
c.   Create an account and generate followers through posting photos of the new product.
d.   Create an account and tweet several times a day for a few weeks before releasing the product.
e.   Post on current events, such as an upcoming political election, to be interesting and unexpected.
LinkedIn is
a.  a website where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and “likes” with them.
b.   a website that enables users to send and receive short messages up to 140 characters long.
c.   a business-oriented website that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of businesspeople.
d.   a video-sharing website in which users can upload, distribute, view, and comment on videos.
e.   a website enables online customers to use their collective buying power to take advantage of deeply discounted prices for a product or service each day.
Through a network of businesspeople known as __________, members of LinkedIn gain an introduction to someone they wish to know through a mutual, trusted contact.
a.   “followers”
b.   “colleagues”
c.   “contacts”
d.   “connections”
e.   “friends”
The business-oriented website that lets users post their profiles and connect to a network for business people is
a.   LinkedIn.
b.   YouTube.
c.   Twitter.
d.   Facebook.
e.   Friendster.
The social network primarily used for professional networking and job searching is
a.   Twitter.
b.   LinkedIn.
c.   Facebook.
d.   YouTube.
e.   Farmville.
What is the primary purpose of LinkedIn?
a.   LinkedIn keeps track of business trends and news updates.
b.   LinkedIn provides a way to integrate all of one’s social networks into one comprehensive news feed.
c.   LinkedIn provides a forum for discussion about the difficulties and stresses of the job market.
d.   LinkedIn provides a forum to create a conversation between large companies and their employees.
e.   LinkedIn is a platform for professional networking and job searching.
Brand managers can strategically use LinkedIn to
a.   find sales leads.
b.   organize focus groups.
c.   network with industry-related groups.
d.   none of the above.
e.   all of the above.
If a brand manager wanted to use LinkedIn to promote his or her brand, the best way would be to
a.   monitor profiles for negative mentions of their brand.
b.   create a profile for their brand.
c.   use profiles of company employees for business-to-business image building.
d.   try to accumulate online “followers” for the business.
e.   buy ad space on the LinkedIn website.
YouTube is
a.  a website where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and “likes” with them.
b.   a website that enables users to send and receive short messages up to 140 characters long.
c.   a business-oriented website that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of businesspeople.
d.   a video-sharing website in which users can upload, distribute, view, and comment on videos.
e.   a website enables online customers to use their collective buying power to take advantage of deeply discounted prices for a product or service each day.
All of the following statements about YouTube are true EXCEPT:
a.   registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos.
b.   every minute, 48 hours of video is uploaded to the site.
c.   seventy percent of the video traffic comes from outside the U.S.
d.   unregistered users can watch videos but cannot upload them.
e.   most of the content is uploaded by companies like CBS, 3M, and Home Depot.
The social network that is used solely for sharing videos is
a.   Google.
b.   Facebook.
c.   YouTube.
d.   Twitter.
e.   LinkedIn.
If a brand manager wants to explain the benefits of using a complex product to consumers, the best social network to use is
a.   YouTube.
b.   LinkedIn.
c.   Facebook.
d.   Twitter.
e.   Google Chrome.
The three guidelines on marketing and promoting a brand using YouTube include: (1) create a channel rich in key words to improve the odds of the video showing up in user searches; (2) target viewers by using YouTube’s insights and analytics research to reveal the number of views, where they originate within YouTube, and what key words are driving user visits; and (3) __________.
a.   use an expert to inform the audience about product features and benefits
b.   tie the product to a current political or news event
c.   remember that money matters—cost is a factor
d.   include humorous content to attract as many viewers as possible
e.   limit the video to one minute or less, the same as a TV or radio ad time limit
If a brand manager for Honda creates an offbeat and funny video featuring its latest model, the best social networking site to publish the video for marketing purposes would be __________.
a.   Facebook
b.   LinkedIn
c.   Twitter
d.   YouTube
e.   the Honda website
YouTube would be an excellent social network to advertise all of the following products EXCEPT:
a.   power tools.
b.   financial services.
c.   cars.
d.   men’s cologne.
e.   blenders.
A popular social network used by college students to find and share the best content on the Web is
a.   Tumblr.
b.   Flickr.
c.   Vimeo.
d.   Hi5.
e.   StumbleUpon.
Traditional media use one-way communication to advertise their products.  The consumers are therefore referred to as __________.
a.   one-way consumers
b.   passive receivers
c.   end-receivers
d.   traditional consumers
e.   traditional receivers
Social media advertising is helpful to brand managers because consumers are __________.
a.   end users who buy products online.
b.   end receivers who buy products online.
c.   traditional consumers who buy products in retail stores.
d.   active receivers who send UGC to both friends and advertisers.
e.   traditional receivers who buy products online.
Social media deliberately seek to ensure that the message does not end with an individual receiver.  Social media seek to reach __________.
a.   “two-way receivers”
b.   “end receivers”
c.   “active receivers”
d.   “followers”
e.   “connections”
An “active receiver” who is “delighted” with the brand advertised and sends messages to his or her online friends about the brand is referred to as a(n) __________.
a.   “expert”
b.   “follower”
c.   “end-receiver”
d.   “traditional consumer”
e.   “evangelist”
Within the context of social media, an “evangelist” is an online user who
a.   is “delighted” about the brand advertised and sends messages to his or her online friends and then back to the advertiser about the joys of using the brand.
b.   tries to promote an anti-consumerist agenda to other online users, hindering the effectiveness of online advertisements.
c.   is paid by the advertisers to promote the brand’s positive qualities by sending messages to his or her online friends.
d.   is indifferent to advertisements on social media networks.
e.   develops his or her own Facebook, Twitter, and/or YouTube following, and therefore, should be contacted by advertisers about his or her website.
Marketers can use one of two strategies: the first strategy uses Groupon and Living Social Deals, and the second strategy uses ads in newspapers, magazines, and on TV.  The difference between these two types of marketing strategies is that the first one targets consumers who are __________ and the second one targets consumers who are __________.
a.   “passive receivers”; “active receivers”
b.   an older demographic; a younger demographic
c.   wealthy; disadvantaged
d.   “active receivers”; “passive receivers”
e.   disadvantaged; wealthy
In using social media a brand manager tries to select and use one or more social networks from the hundreds that exist.  This often entails assessing (1) the number of daily visitors to the website, (2) __________, and (3) the focus of the website
a.   the availability of social network to run apps
b.   the ability of the site to be measured in terms of its sales, profitability, distribution density, and other performance metrics
c.   the characteristics of these visitors
d.   the ability of the social network to pull controversial content
e.   the site’s ability to present the results of key word searches to improve the odds of a firm’s products showing up in user searches
According to Figure 19-5 above, Facebook had slightly over __________ unique U.S. visitors per day by September 2011.
a.   20 million
b.   30 million
c.   70 million
d.   150 million
e.   800 million
According to Figure 19-5 above, which social network was closest to Facebook terms of unique U.S. visitors per month as of September 2011?
a.   LinkedIn
b.   YouTube
c.   Twitter
d.   Angry Birds
e.   Plants vs. Zombies
According to Figure 19-5 above, the correct rank order of social network sites from most to least popular as measured by the number of unique U.S. visitors as of September 2011 is
a.   Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter.
b.   Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
c.   Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
d.   Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
e.   Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
According to Figure 19-5 above, the correct rank order of social media sites from least to most popular as measured by the number of unique U.S. visitors as of September 2011 is
a.   LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
b.   Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter.
c.   YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
d.   Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube, and Twitter.
e.   Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Using the information provided in Figure 19-6 above, what is the MOST LIKELY profile of a Facebook visitor in late 2011?
a.   a male, under 25 years old, earning less than $25, 000, with at most a high school diploma
b.   a female, 55 + years old, earning $25,000 to $49,999 with at least a college degree
c.   a female, 45 to 54 years old, earning $25, 000 to $74,999, with some college education
d.   a male, 18 to 34 years old, earning $25,000 to $9,999, with a bachelors degree
e.   cannot be determined from the information provided
One of the advantages of social media is that communities can form around ideas, interests, and commonalities regardless of the physical location of their members.  The best way to use this advantage to market a product is to
a.   identify the niche audience of consumers to target and choose the appropriate social network to reach this audience.
b.   use Facebook to reach the niche audience of consumers because it is the largest, most popular social network.
c.   use Twitter to create a buzz in the niche audience of consumers to target and get them “tweeting.”
d.   identify consumers in the niche audience who are “passive receivers.”
e.   create a YouTube video because it is the highest in “media richness” and will capture the attention of the niche audience.
While YouTube and Vimeo both allow users to upload videos, Vimeo focuses on __________ and YouTube focuses on __________.
a.   videos that will appeal to a younger audience; videos that will appeal to a middle-aged audience
b.   videos with artistic content; videos with broad appeal
c.   videos with broad appeal; videos with more artistic content
d.   upcoming movie trailers; amateur stunt videos
e.   videos that will generate a profit; videos that will build social awareness
The brand manager of Nikon’s newest camera product has decided create a video for an advertising campaign to be presented to a narrow, sophistical target market on one of the social networks.  The best social network to reach his target audience of professional photographers is
a.   YouTube.
b.   LinkedIn
c.   Facebook.
d.   Vimeo.
e.   Instagram.
How does Facebook generate its sales revenue from ads?
a.   Facebook allows companies’ ads to show up in pop-up windows throughout the site.
b.   Facebook charges companies to create a Facebook Page for their brands.
c.   Facebook charges for ads to appear along the right-hand section of a Facebook webpage.
d.   Facebook staff members create ads for companies who want to advertise on Facebook.
e.   Facebook charges companies every time their brand is mentioned in a user’s profile.
What is a main difference between advertising in traditional print media and advertising on Facebook?
a.   Brand managers compose the title, the copy, and the images or photos of the ad.
b.   Demographics are not taken into account when placing ads on Facebook.
c.   Brand managers do not keep an expense budget for Facebook ads.
d.   Brand managers cannot control the content of their Facebook ads—the advertising agency does.
e.   Brand managers do not select the placement of where the ads are seen on Facebook.
What is the challenge presented to brand managers by social media advertising?
a.   Brand managers need to convince social networks to post their ads free of charge.
b.   Brand managers need to connect the cost of new social network promotions to the sales they generate.
c.   Brand managers need to create “universally appealing” ads as they cannot target specific demographics on social networks.
d.   Brand managers need to estimate how many users have clicked on their ads, leading to difficulties in assessing an ad’s effectiveness.
e.   Brand managers need to deal with having only a limited selection of social networking platforms to advertise on.
An example of a performance measure linked to inputs or costs in social media advertising is
a.   Facebook allows companies’ ads to show up in pop-up windows throughout the site.
b.   Facebook charges companies to create a Facebook Page for their brands.
c.   Facebook staff members create ads for companies who want to advertise on Facebook.
d.   Facebook charges for ads to appear along the right-hand section of a Facebook webpage.
e.   Facebook charges companies every time their brand is mentioned in a user’s profile.
Performance measures for social media are divided into these two types: __________ and __________.
a.   number of photos uploaded; number of characters types (comments, tweets, etc.)
b.   purchases made online; purchases made in a store as a result of a link from a social media website
c.   traditional media costs; social media costs
d.   number of views of a YouTube video; a viral video on Vimeo
e.   those linked to inputs or costs; those tied to the outputs or revenues
A fixed amount paid to a site for posting an ad for a finite amount of time is referred to as
a.   cost per thousand (CPM).
b.   cost per click (CPC).
c.   cost per action (CPA).
d.   negotiated (cost).
e.   commission (cost).
Negotiated (cost) is a measure in which
a.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every visitor who clicks on this ad and goes from the website to the advertiser’s site.
b.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every sale that originated from an ad posted on that site.
c.   a fixed amount paid to a site for posting an ad for a finite amount of time.
d.   a fixed amount of money is paid for every 1,000 times an ad loads, up to $100 a month.
e.   a fixed discount a visitor gets for clicking on the ad.
Cost per thousand is a measure in which
a.   a fixed amount of money is paid for every 1,000 times an ad loads and a visitor might see it—but not whether the user has actually reacted to it.
b.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every visitor who clicks on an ad and goes from the website to the advertiser’s site.
c.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every sale that originated from an ad posted on that site.
d.   a fixed amount of money is paid to a site for posting an ad for a finite amount of time.
e.   a fixed discount given to a visitor for clicking on an ad.
A fixed amount of money paid for every 1,000 times an ad loads and a visitor might see it is referred to as
a.   negotiated cost.
b.   cost per thousand.
c.   cost per action.
d.   cost per click.
e.   fixed cost.
A fixed amount of money paid to the site for every visitor who clicks on an ad and goes from the website to the advertiser’s site is referred to as
a.   online measure.
b.   cost per thousand.
c.   negotiated measure.
d.   cost per action.
e.   cost per click.
Cost per click is a measure in which
a.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every visitor who clicks on an ad and goes from the website to the advertiser’s site.
b.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every sale that originated from an ad posted on that site.
c.   a fixed amount of money is paid to a site for posting an ad for a finite amount of time.
d.   a fixed amount of money is paid for every 1,000 times an ad loads, up to $100 a month.
e.   a fixed discount given to a visitor for clicking on an ad.
A company paying a set amount to Facebook for every time a user clicks on its ad is known as __________, whereas a company that pays pennies for every 1,000 times its ad loads on a Facebook Page and people may see it is referred to as __________.
a.   set rate; fixed amount
b.   cost per click; cost per thousand
c.   fixed amount; set rate
d.   cost per thousand; cost per click
e.   traditional cost; standard cost
Cost per click is a performance measure in which __________, whereas cost per thousand is a performance measure in which __________.
a.   a company paying a set amount to Facebook for every purchase that originated from an ad on a website; a company that pays pennies for every time its ad loads on a Facebook page, up to $10,000
b.   a company that pays pennies for every time its ad loads on a Facebook page, up to $10,000; a company paying a set amount to Facebook for every time a user clicks on its ad
c.   a company paying a set amount to Facebook for every time a user clicks on its ad and goes to its website; a company that pays pennies for every time its ad loads on a Facebook page, up to $10,000
d.   a company paying a set amount to Facebook for every purchase that originated from an ad on a website; a company paying a set amount for the ad to be placed on the website for a certain amount of time
e.   a company paying a set amount for the ad to be placed on the website for a certain amount of time; a company paying a set amount to Facebook for every purchase that originated from an ad on a website
Cost per action refers to
a.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every time a visitor clicks on the ad.
b.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for placement of the ad.
c.   a fixed amount of money paid to the site for every sale that originated from an ad posted on that site.
d.   a fixed percentage the site gets paid for placing the ad.
e.   a fixed discount given to a visitor for clicking on the ad.
The __________ measure most closely ties the cost of the social media ad to the sales revenues the ad generates.
a.   cost per click.
b.   cost per thousand.
c.   negotiated measure.
d.   cost per view.
e.   cost per action.
A business hoping to generate large online sales through posting ads on social networking sites but only pay when an ad actually generates a sale should use a performance measure of
a.   “cost per action,” and pay $50 for every purchase that originated from an ad on the site.
b.   “cost per thousand,” and pay $0.50 for every time an ad loads, up to $100 per month.
c.   a “negotiated measure,” and pay $100 to post their ad for two weeks.
d.   “cost per click,” and pay $0.50 for every visitor who clicks on the ad and goes to their website.
e.   “cost per liker,” and pay $1.00 for every visitor who likes the advertised product.
The number of people who have “opted in” to a brand’s messages through a social media platform at a given time are referred to as
a.   followers.
b.   visitors.
c.   lookers.
d.   fans.
e.   likers.
In terms of performance measures, fans are
a.   the total number of unique visitors to a Facebook Page in a given time period.
b.   the number of people who have opted in to a brand’s messages through a social media platform at a given time.
c.   the percentage of people who have clicked on a link on the Page to visit a specific site.
d.   the number of people who interact with a Post (“like,” make a comment, and so on) divided by the total number of people seeing the Post.
e.   the brand’s share or percentage of all the online social media chatter related to its product category or a topic.
As a performance measure, share of voice is
a.   the number of comments users are making on a product or a brand.
b.   the percentage of comments users are making on the unique videos posted about a product or brand.
c.   the brand’s share or percentage of all the online social media chatter related to a product category or topic.
d.   the number of users tweeting about a brand or product.
e.   the number of users chatting online about a brand or product.
The number of times a Facebook Page is loaded in a given time period is referred to as
a.   page views.
b.   page rate.
c.   page load rate.
d.   load rate.
e.   view rate.
Frequently used Facebook measures include __________ (the number of people who have opted in to a brand’s messages at a given time) and __________ (if someone visits five times in one day, he or she is counted once).
a.   followers; fans
b.   unique fans; visitors
c.   fans; unique visitors
d.   fans; unique page views
e.   visitors; unique visitors
In terms of performance measures important to marketing managers, unique visitors are
a.   the total number of pages fans visit on any of a brand’s social media sites in a given time period.
b.   the total number of Facebook Page views in one day.
c.   the total number of  product website views on YouTube.
d.   visitors who post unique comments on a product’s Facebook Page.
e.   the total number of unique visitors to a Facebook Page in a given time period.
The number of Page views divided by visitors in a given time period is referred to as
a.   daily page views.
b.   the average page views per visitor.
c.   website visitors per day.
d.   the website view rate.
e.   the interaction rate.
The performance measure of average Page views per visitor is the number of
a.   visitors who land on a brand’s Facebook Page by clicking on a Google ad.
b.   visitors to a brand’s website.
c.   visitors who view pages and comment in a given time period.
d.   page views divided by visitors in a given time period.
e.   visitors to a website who click on a link.
The total number of people who interact with a Post (for example, “like” or make a comment) divided by the total number of people seeing the Post is the
a.   fan rate.
b.   liker rate.
c.   reader rate.
d.   active receiver rate.
e.   interaction rate.
The interaction rate is
a.   the total number of people who are fans of the Post divided by the total number of people in the target demographic.
b.   the number of people who “like” a Post.
c.   the number of people who read a Post on a Page divided by the total number of people seeing the Post.
d.   the number of people who interact with a Post divided by the total number of people seeing the Post.
e.   the number of people who visit the product website and click on at least one link.
The click-through rate is
a.   the percentage of recipients who have clicked on a link on the Page to visit a specific site.
b.   the percentage of e-mail recipients who buy the product after receiving a targeted message with an embedded link.
c.   the percentage of customers who buy a product from the brand website.
d.   the total number of people who have visited a brand’s Facebook Page and have become  Facebook fans of the product.
e.   the total number of people who have purchased the product online divided by the number of people viewing the Page.
The percentage of recipients who have clicked on a link on the Page to visit a specific site is the
a.   fan percentage.
b.   click-through rate.
c.   specific-website rate.
d.   recipient rate.
e.   website link rate.
Where a social network following comes from—with fans coming from a friend being more valuable than those coming from an ad—is referred to as a
a.   friendster.
b.   friend visitor.
c.   fan source.
d.   fan base.
e.   friend source.
A fan source is
a.   where a social network following comes from—with every source being of equal value.
b.   where a social network following comes from—with fans coming from a friend being more valuable than those coming from an ad.
c.   the source of all Facebook fans in the target demographic for a particular brand.
d.   the number of fans who interact with a Facebook Page.
e.   the number of fans who are evangelists for a brand.
Performance measures for output and revenues for social media are
a.   less specific than those for traditional media.
b.   easier to track for traditional media such as newspapers and magazines because marketing managers can track the circulation numbers.
c.   easiest to track using Twitter.
d.   more specific than those for traditional media.
e.   the same as for traditional media.
The issue between Nestlé and Greenpeace over Nestlé’s Kit Kat candy bar was that
a.   the palm oil Nestlé was using in the candy bar was nonsustainable.
b.   Greenpeace praised Nestlé Corporation’s sense of social responsibility and commitment to global sustainability.
c.   Greenpeace decided to use Twitter to start a conversation among environmentalists urging them to buy Nestlé’s Kit Kat candy bars.
d.   the palm oil Nestlé was using in the candy bar contained synthetic preservatives.
e.   the palm oil Nestlé was using in the candy bar was sustainable.
Nestlé received a lot of bad press and negative customer feedback during Greenpeace’s campaign because of Nestlé’s __________ comments made on its Facebook Page.
a.   unresponsive and silent
b.   dogmatic and preachy
c.   transparent and honest
d.   bitter and petulant
e.   uninformed and oblivious
The Greenpeace campaign against Nestlé using social media was effective because
a.   Greenpeace quickly agreed that Nestlé appeared to be acting in a socially responsible manner with a commitment to global sustainability.
b.   by using social media instead of traditional media, Greenpeace was saving trees.
c.   Greenpeace effectively used a variety of media, both traditional and social, for its “shock campaign.”
d.   the attention Greenpeace garnered helped to promote the sales of  Nestlé’s Kit Kat candy bars.
e.   Nestlé immediately apologized and pledged to end its use of nonsustainable palm oil.
How did Greenpeace use social media to leverage “crowd power” to get Nestlé to capitulate to its demands?
a.   Greenpeace hacked into Nestlé’s website.
b.   Greenpeace posted a provocative video on YouTube, then later on Vimeo.
c.   Greenpeace swarmed Nestlé’s Facebook Page with comments.
d.   Greenpeace protested Nestlé’s policies on a television talk show.
e.   Greenpeace got experts to testify against Nestlé’s environmentally unsound actions.
What is the best way a brand manager might deal with “key influencers” during a social media attack on a brand?
a.   Respond with aggression to get them to back down.
b.   Ignore them and they will stop commenting.
c.   Undermine their credibility by emphasizing the fact that they are not “experts.”
d.   Communicate directly and honestly.
e.   Accept whatever solution they offer, as they will not cooperate any other way.
Which of the following responses does the textbook recommend a brand manager take during a social media attack on a brand?
a.   Respond immediately respond to the attack with aggression to get the attackers to back down.
b.   Ignore your detractors so they will stop commenting.
c.   Communicate your solution through multiple social media platforms.
d.   Use only traditional media to reach the target audience because the issues can be explored in greater detail that way.
e.   Accept whatever solution the attackers offer, as quickly as possible.
Smart systems are
a.   computer-based networks that trigger actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world.
b.   highly organized social media campaigns to protest a brand.
c.   social networking sites that allow for people to keep in touch with photos, videos, and short-text entries.
d.   financially successful social networking sites.
e.   programs that provide measures of an ad’s success on social networking sites.
Computer-based networks that trigger actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world are known as
a.   global marketing platforms.
b.   convergence systems.
c.   intelligence technologies.
d.   smart systems.
e.   social networking sites.
An example of a smart system is(are)
a.   social networking sites at colleges and universities.
b.   location-based app downloaded to a GPS-enabled smartphone.
c.   global marketing strategies that leverage advertising assets to multiple countries.
d.   convergence systems.
e.   online retailers.
Smart systems are called “smart” because
a.   a user needs to be intelligent to use them efficiently and effectively.
b.   users are primarily located at colleges and universities.
c.   in this case “smart” means fashionable or cool.
d.   users have to be smart to excel at playing games such as Angry Birds on smartphones.
e.   they use various sensing features to facilitate more dynamic interactions with consumers.
The convergence of real and digital worlds is the result of
a.   the work of William Gibson who coined the term “cyberspace.”
b.   the implementation of ideas found in science fiction films and books.
c.   the unlimited proliferation of interlinked smartphones, tablet devices, sensors, sophisticated algorithms, databases, and other elements.
d.   Steve Jobs, the late visionary CEO of Apple, Inc.
e.   the researchers at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).
Apps are
a.   computer-based networks that trigger actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world.
b.   software programs to measure the number of times an ad loads on a webpage.
c.   small, downloadable software programs that can run on tablet devices or smartphones to provide special functions for these devices.
d.   a failed marketing gimmick to advertise the benefits of smartphones.
e.   programs that can be used to organize large groups to form protests on social networking sites.
If a clothing store is hoping to let customers know of its competitive prices on jeans, a useful smartphone app to spread this information is
a.   Instagram.
b.   an app released by The Find, where a customer can search for the product among 500,000 stores.
c.   Twitter.
d.   an app released by Facebook that lets customers receive discounts for “checking in” at a store location.
e.   an app released by Esquire that lets a customer look at different brands and order the one he or she wants.
A consumer who is out shopping and searching for a particular product can find the store with the best price by using
a.   Instagram.
b.   Twitter.
c.   Facebook.
d.   an app released by Facebook that lets customers receive discounts for “checking in” at a store location.
e.   an app released by The Find, where a customer can search for the product among 500,000 stores.
Smartphone apps are providing stiff competition for physical retail stores because
a.   consumers using the app Instagram can shop instantly.
b.   consumers can “tweet” their product preferences.
c.   consumers can create and save shopping lists on their smartphones.
d.   consumers can simultaneously check prices at other stores while shopping for a product in a brick-and-mortar retail store.
e.   consumers using the app ShopKick receive credit, discounts, and other incentives for walking into a brick-and-mortar retail store.
What is the number one paid iPhone app?
a.   Instagram
b.   Farmville
c.   Angry Birds
d.   Twitter
e.   Plants vs.  Zombies
Facebook’s charging for user actions that generate more sales for advertisers demonstrates
a.   the influence of social network users in the marketplace.
b.   the monopoly of Facebook over the marketplace.
c.   the increasing effectiveness of advertising on social networking sites.
d.   the convergence of social networking sites with each other.
e.   the ethically questionable mode of Facebook charging advertisers for using their site.
An unintended effect of the proliferation of social media is
a.   users are more connected than ever.
b.   entrepreneurs are able to create start-up businesses with less financial investment than was required in the past decades.
c.   Twitter is gaining in popularity and will soon surpass Facebook as the most popular social media site.
d.   both YouTube and Vimeo became video sites.
e.   LinkedIn is a site for business professionals to network.
The 2010 T-Mobile holiday TV ad featuring Chuck Norris planned to use a __________ marketing strategy tailored to consumers in a single country—the Czech Republic.  But it crossed country boundaries to reach Polish and Slovakian consumers.
a.   single-country
b.   cultural
c.   limited
d.   global
e.   multidomestic
T-Mobile’s 2010 holiday TV ad featuring Chuck Norris unexpectedly surpassed expectations of success by becoming popular not only in the Czech network but in neighboring Poland and Slovakia as well.  While this started as a __________ marketing strategy targeted as a single country, it crossed country boundaries and became a global marketing strategy.
a.   intracultural
b.   multidomestic
c.   intercultural
d.   convergence
e.   social network
China has consistently blocked __________ use by its citizens.
a.   Internet
b.   Twitter
c.   gmail
d.   Facebook
e.   smartphone
The AOI marketing team planned a(n) __________ between the Bitter Girls name and the __________ of the girls in the description of them.
a.   positive, supportive connection; dark, “edgy,” sullen nature
b.   an empowering connection; typical “tween and teen” characteristics
c.   ironic disconnect; bitter, sullen nature
d.   similarity; dark, “edgy,” sullen nature
e.   deliberate disconnect; positive nature
The concept underlying Bitter Girls focuses on
a.   the most-popular-girl-in-her-high-school-class model.
b.   bringing introverted girls out of their shells.
c.   increasing the assertiveness of shy girls.
d.   a message that is uplifting and empowering for girls.
e.   the least-popular-girl-in-her-high-school-class model.
The concept underlying Bitter Girls was developed because the AOI team wanted to
a.   empower tween and teen girls who do not fit into the most-popular-girl-in-high-school model.
b.   bring out the sullenness of this age group.
c.   encourage tween and teen girls to turn from bitter to sweet.
d.   downplay a message that is uplifting and empowering for girls.
e.   support the least-popular-girl-in-her-high-school-class model.
With a limited marketing budget, the AOI team concluded the best way to develop a following was to
a.   develop a hypothetical LinkedIn “connection” for each Bitter Girl.
b.   produce a 3-minute YouTube video, hoping it would go viral.
c.   utilize its own website and Facebook.
d.   aggressively describe Bitter Girls on Twitter.
e.   feature creative stories about each Bitter Girl that then appear on Vimeo.
The AOI marketing team used the following approach in its Bitter Girls marketing strategy to develop a following in its target market by
a.   setting up a Twitter account for each of the Bitter Girls.
b.   producing a six-minute YouTube video, featuring a one-minute cameo appearance by each girl.
c.   creating a hypothetical LinkedIn “connection” for each Bitter Girl.
d.   creating an official Facebook Page, developed a story line on Facebook, and ran highly targeted Facebook ads.
e.   asking Facebook fans to submit creative stories about each Bitter Girl.

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