Monday, June 5, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 222 quiz 5 solutions answers key

Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 5 solutions answers key
How many versions: 3 different versions

Question 1 What was the double­victory campaign?
Question 2 As vice president, Harry Truman knew nothing about
Question 3 When did the U.S. government pay off its war debts?
Question 4 Where would one most likely find a “zoot suit” during World War II?
Question 5 The government uncovered proof that Japanese­American farmers in Hawaii had plowed arrows in their fields to guide Japanese pilots toward military installations.
Question 6 The first check to Japanese expansion came at the Battle of the Coral Sea when
Question 7 The Soviet Union lost the most soldiers of any country on the battlefield during World War II.
Question 8 Why had Hiroshima and Nagasaki not been firebombed?
Question 9 General Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded
Question 10 In response to the Holocaust, the United States
Question 11 Rather than invade France, as Joseph Stalin urged, in 1943 Britain and the United States
Question 12 Nazi aggression was finally stalled in 1940 and early 1941 when
Question 13 Why does so much controversy surround the dropping the atomic bomb and not conventional weapons?
Question 14 What was the codename of the project that created the atomic bomb?
Question 15 Why did Harry Truman order the use of the atomic bomb?
Question 16 Who was the overall commander of allied forces in Operations Torch and Overlord?
Question 17 Prior to December 1941, Dr. Seuss wanted the United States to intervene in World War II on the side of the allies.
Question 18 What were kamikazes?
Question 19 When did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
Question 20 What branch of the German Military did Mr. Wright engage the night he was wounded?
Question 21 In what location was Mr. Wright wounded in combat?

1.According to the text, African Americans stated that the most fitting epitaph for a black solider was "here lies a black man killed fighting a yellow man for the protection of a white man." Which of the following best supports this statement
2.After Japan's surrender the Allies
3.Although Italy surrendered to the Allies in 1943, fighting continued on the peninsula until May 1945
4.American public opinion polls in 1929 showed that
5.As a result of the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the United States
6.As its defeats mounted, to what strategy did the Japanese resort in fighting the United States
7.The battle of Leyte Gulf
8.Both Japanese American citizens and Japanese immigrants were relocated to internment camps during the war
9.Congress responded to the rise of European fascist states by
10.FDR's lend-lease program allowed
11.General Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded
12.The government uncovered proof that Japanese-American farmers in Hawaii had plowed arrows in their fields to guide Japanese pilots toward military installations
13.In 1941, African American leader A. Philip Randolph planned to protest
14.In response to the holocaust, the United States
15.The internment of Japanese American can be linked to ethnic prejudice and earlier waves of nativism in American
16.In their opinion on Korematsu V United States, Justices Hugo Black and Frank Murphy agreed that some Japanese Americans were disloyal
17.The main reason behind President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb was that
18.The neutrality Act passed from 1935-1939 encapsulated America's isolationist vision
19.Of the native American who served in World War II, the Navajos were particularly noted for
20.Roosevelt's plan to integrate the military resulted in the suspension of A. Philip Randolph's call for a march on Washington
21.The soviet union lost more soldiers on the battlefield than all other nations
22.Stalin already knew about the atomic bomb before President Truman mentioned its development at the Potsdam Conference
23.Supporters of President Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb argued that the Japanese were racially inferior
24.Tens of thousands of German civilians were killed in the firebombing of
25.This 1944 photograph from Life magazine represents that common practice
26.This cartoon represents what significant transformation in the rationale for the United States tradition of non intervention
27.The turning point on the Eastern Front came when
28.The U.S bombing campaign in the Pacific theater differed from that against Germany in that the United States
29.A wartime ad read, "Will you ever have another car? Another radio? Another gleaming new refrigerator? Those who live under dictators merely dream of such possessions." This ad links consumerism with
30.What did Britain and France agree at the 1939 Munich Conference
31.What is most likely the reason why government officials censored this photograph of Japanese-American reporting to an evacuation center
32.What was the double-victory campaign
33.When confronted with deciding how best to use the atomic bomb, president Truman opted to
34.When did the U.S. government pay off its war debts
35.Which combination of factors significantly contributed to the Allied victory in World War II
36.Which of the following areas was most insulated from the fighting in World War II
37.Which of the following countries did NOT declare war on the United States in December 1941
38.Which were the three major axis powers in world war II
39.Why did the soviet Union enter the war against Japan immediately after the United States bombed Hiroshima
40.Why were such images published in the opening days of WWII

1.After Japan occupied French Indochina, Roosevelt did not
2.After the collapse of France in June 1940, what event happened in September 1940 in the US
3.After the fall of Mussolini
4.The Allies bombed Dresden because it was the industrial center of Germany
5.America first was known for its
6.The American strategy in the Pacific has often been called
7.As the Allies began to defeat Germans from the East and the West
8.The Atlantic Charter of 1941
9.At the Yalta Conference
10.Axis Powers in WWII
11.The bitter intensity of the war in the Pacific was magnified by
12.By 1943, the Allies had begun to achieve all of the following goals except
13.A common misperception of WWII is that
14.Congress ordered the expansion of the military and an increase in defense production when
15.The earliest nationalist aggression took place when
16.FDR's "lend-lease" program allowed
17.The first check to Japanese expansion came at the Battle of the Coral Sea when
18.The Germans were uniformly portrayed as being more inherently evil than the Japanese
19.Hitler and Mussolini didn't declare war against the US until a year after Pearl Harbor
20.In 1935, the "Nuremberg laws" in Germany
21.In June 1941, having failed to knock Britain out the war, Hitler invaded
22.In the months leading up to Pearl Harbor
23.In the Potsdam Declaration of 1945, the US attempted to
24.Italian-American scientist Enrico Fermi led the project which
25.Japan surrendered to the United States
26.Jews and Poles were the only people killed in Nazi Death camps
27.Korematsu v. US (1944)
28.The last military action of WWII was
29.The main reason behind Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb was
30.The Manhattan Project was the code name for
31.The Manhattan's Project location was
32.Many scientists who helped develop the atomic bomb for the United States
33.Meetings of Allied leaders at Casablanca and Tehran revealed that
34.Mexican workers in the Bracero Program
35.The most decorated American unit in the European war against fascism was a combat team of
36.The most important result of the fighting after the Allied landing at Normandy was
37.The Neutrality Acts of 1939
38.Not a way Japanese-Americans responded to their treatment
39.The Office of Price Administration fought inflation
40."Operation OVERLORD" was the code name for the
41.Opinion in polls in the fall of 1941 showed that Americans
42.Over 2,000 Americans were killed in the surprise Japanese attack
43.The percentage of women working in manufacturing jobs did not increase
44.The poorest quarter of Americans were excluded from wartime industries
45.The purpose of the D-Day invasion was
46.The support for the war unified Americans across regional, national, and class divisions
47.A turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic cam when
48.A turning point on the Eastern Front came when
49.The war accelerated the fight for full civil rights
50.Which group of Americans had 112,000 people imprisoned under Executive Order 9066

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