Monday, June 5, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 222 quiz 4 solutions answers right

Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 4 solutions answers right
How many verisons: 5 different versions

Question 1 Which of the following was a popular trumpet player who gained prominence during the Jazz Age?
Question 2 Who was the African­American leader who rejected integration in favor of establishing an independent nation in Africa?
Question 3 The Dawes Plan resulted in the United States’ loaning Germany
Question 4 What attitude toward birth control did Margaret Sanger encounter in her work?
Question 5 Who were referred to as “wets”?
Question 6 Which of the following best characterizes the Harlem Renaissance?
Question 7 In the 1920s, the best predictor of how a woman would vote was
Question 8 The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from
Question 9 In the 1920s, American women were primarily employed as
Question 10 In evicting the Bonus Marchers, Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur exceeded President Hoover’s orders, thus committing insubordination.
Question 11 In the 1930s, black voters abandoned the Republicans for the Democratic Party. What does this shift in allegiance reveal about the FDR’s Democratic Party?
Question 12 The New Deal successfully ended the Great Depression.
Question 13 As high as unemployment rates were during the Great Depression, the nation had seen similar levels of unemployment previously in its history.
Question 14 Dorothea Lange’s photographs for the Resettlement Administration were intended to
Question 15 Which of the following is NOT true of Father Charles Coughlin?
Question 16 During the Great Depression more than 400,000 Mexicans left the United States, both voluntarily and involuntarily.
Question 17 The fact that the government encouraged farmers in the Dust Bowl to plant soil­improving crops like legumes most likely indicates that
Question 18 With Eleanor Roosevelt leading the way, more political opportunities became available to women during FDR’s presidency.
Question 19 How many home runs did Babe Ruth average each year in the 1920s?
Question 20 Why was Frederick Taylor significant?
Question 21 Which New Deal program employed men ages 18­25 and became one of the most popular Roosevelt initiatives of the 1930s?
Question 22 By the 1930s, Americans had more cars per capita than any other country except Great Britain.
Question 23 What did Francis Townsend want FDR and the federal government to do?
Question 24 What was FDR’s priority when he came into office?
Question 25 What did Huey Long believe FDR should do?

Question 1
According to the text, Warren Harding’s victory in the election of 1920 was largely due to the public’s
Question 2
What attitude toward birth control did Margaret Sanger encounter in her work?
Question 3
The Scopes Trial revealed Fundamentalists’ rejection of
Question 4
What was one major effect of the widespread acquisition of radios in American homes during the 1920s?
Question 5
Which of the following best characterizes the Harlem Renaissance?
Question 6
In the 1920s, the best predictor of how a woman would vote was
Question 7
The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from
Question 8
According to philosopher Alain Locke, the “New Negro” embodied
Question 9
Proponents of welfare capitalism pushed for all of the following EXCEPT
Question 10
The Agricultural Marketing Act was passed before the beginning of the Great Depression with the purpose of
Question 11
With Eleanor Roosevelt leading the way, more political opportunities became available to women during FDR’s presidency.
Question 12
How did FDR’s efforts to address unemployment compare with those of Hoover?           
Question 13
The fact that the government encouraged farmers in the Dust Bowl to plant soil-improving crops like legumes most likely indicates that
Question 14
The purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was to
Question 15
The Dust Bowl wreaked havoc on the western plains to the degree that even the East coast felt its effects.
Question 16
All of the following contributed to the economic problems that emerged in the 1920s EXCEPT
Question 17 The unemployment rate climbed as high as 25% during the Great Depression.
Question 18 The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was created to regulate
Question 19
Which of the following presidents did not serve their time in office in the 1920s?
Question 20
What did Americans call the make-shift towns that the newly-homeless created in the 1930s?
Question 21
Where did the Catholic Church hold a series of meetings in 1926 that drew an estimated 1 million attendees?
Question 22
Clara Bow was a famous singer in the 1920s.
Question 23
How bad was the situation in the United States in 1932-1933?
Question 24
What did Huey Long believe FDR should do?
Question 25
Who argued in the 1930s that the federal government was not doing enough to regulate capitalism and to help the poor?

The Harlem Renaissance:
Based on one of the chapter online lectures. Langston Hughes was a New York politcian.
The Dawes Plan resulted in the United States' loaning Germany
Marcus Garvey and Booker T. Washington were similar in that they both
The Teapot Dome scandal involved
In what sense did Charles Lindbergh's achievement represent traditional values to some Americans?
Members of the African-American elite accused Marcus Garvey of all of the following EXCEPT
During the 1910s and 1920s, Margaret Sanger was a staunch advocate for
Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he
Why did crime and illicit drinking flourish despite Prohibition?
During World War I, the government provided protections for industrial workers, but after the war,
According to philosopher Alain Locke, the "New Negro" embodied
Which of the following was a popular trumpet player who gained prominence during the Jazz Age?
Politicians stopped supporting women's reform issues
According to the text, Warren Harding's victory in the election of 1920 was largely due to the public's
Which statement is true about both lynch mobs and the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s?
Who was the African-American leader who rejected integration in favor of establishing an independent nation in Africa?
The Republican presidents of the 1920s
In his novel This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald
The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment
Proponents of welfare capitalism believed that
Industrialists accused union leaders of attempting to spread
President Coolidge was asked to sign a treaty with France renouncing war, and decided to
To what aspect of modern life were both the Lost Generation and Christian fundamentalists responding?
The passage of the Sheppard-Towner Act
The White House hoped that the Washington Conference would correct what previous blunder?
During negotiations for the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the United States worked to
Jazz could best be described as a melding of European musical traditions and
The Kellogg-Briand Pact provided for all of the following EXCEPT that it
The First Red Scare was caused by all of the following EXCEPT
Who were referred to as "wets"?
Proponents of welfare capitalism pushed for all of the following EXCEPT
What was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier intended to represent?
What attitude toward birth control did Margaret Sanger encounter in her work?
President Harding's foreign policy can best be characterized by which of the following statements?
What was one major effect of the widespread acquisition of radios in American homes during the 1920s?
When was Prohibition repealed?
In the 1920s, American women were primarily employed as
Which of the following was NOT a writer associated with the Lost Generation?
During World War I, the government provided protections for industrial workers, but after the war,
The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from
In the 1920s, the best predictor of how a woman would vote was
Who was the novelist whose Home to Harlem was labeled as harmful and exploitative by W. E. B. Du Bois?

What did the New Deal accomplish from 1933-1938?
Based on one of the chapter online lectures. Huey Long failed to attract many followers in his attack on FDR.
What did the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 do to boost American confidence in the banking system?
How did FDR's efforts to address unemployment compare with those of Hoover?
Which of the following is NOT true of Father Charles Coughlin?
What occurred on "Black Tuesday"?
Which of the following is accurate regarding Eleanor Roosevelt's relationship with the public?
How was Eleanor Roosevelt different from previous First Ladies?
Which group hoped to take advantage of the increased unrest among American workers to further its cause?
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) did all of the following EXCEPT
Why were large corporations wary of the National Recovery Administration (NRA)?
What were the Bonus Marchers demanding through their demonstrations?
When banks confiscated the property of farmers who defaulted on loans, farmers influenced the sale of this property by
What was the effect of FDR's "Court-packing scheme"?
Gallup polls were innovative in that they
How did the Indian Reorganization Act set the stage for a rebirth of Native American culture?
What group is described as "riding the rails" during the Depression?
How did FDR react to business leaders' hostility to New Deal programs?
Before he became president, Herbert Hoover was known as a
All of the following are true of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) EXCEPT that
Why did federal policy in the thirties encourage Mexican immigrants to return to Mexico?
The Agricultural Marketing Act was passed before the beginning of the Great Depression with the purpose of
How did Father Charles Coughlin influence FDR's first administration?
Frances Perkins is noted as the first woman to have served as
How did the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) attempt to raise crop prices?
What was the New Deal coalition?
Native Californians did not welcome "Okies" to their state, even though
How did New Deal programs respond to the needs of African Americans?
What resulted from the work of the Federal Housing Authority (FHA), established in 1934?
FDR campaigned as
The fact that the government encouraged farmers in the Dust Bowl to plant soil-improving crops like legumes most likely indicates that
Why was FDR's relationship with the Supreme Court difficult?
Huey Long's "Share Our Wealth" plan
According to the text, why were Roosevelt's "fireside chats" so popular with the American public?
The purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was to
The announcement of a ten percent wage cut by U.S. Steel initiated a wave of wage cuts and layoffs that influenced Hoover to
Why did Franklin Roosevelt refuse to be photographed in a wheelchair?
The plight of American farmers during the Depression was magnified by
In what way did many of Hoover's policies pave the way for the New Deal?
In the 1930s, black voters abandoned the Republicans for the Democratic Party. What does this shift in allegiance reveal about the FDR's Democratic Party?
Why did federal policy in the thirties encourage Mexican immigrants to return to Mexico?
How did FDR's efforts to address unemployment compare with those of Hoover?
What statement best describes the direct impact of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Act of 1932?
The Tennessee Valley Authority did all of the following EXCEPT
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was created to regulate

The War Industries board was established too?
During WW1, the women's suffrage movement....
The U.S. government funded the war effort primarily by...
During the WW1, Eugene Debs was arrested and imprisoned for...
The Reparations Committee at the Paris Peace Conference set a reparation bill of 33 billion in gold for which nation?
What linked the US to the Allies cause even before direct American involvement in the war? 
In deciding whether or not to fight, Tennessean Alvin C York faced an agonizing conflict in reconciling...
The deadly disease which killed huge numbers of soldiers and civilians alike during the WW1 ear was...
What were the three main axis powers in ww2?
Fascism is BEST characterized as 
Congress responded to the rise of European fascist states by
All of the following statements about women's experiences in the war are true EXCEPT that...
In 1941, African American leader Phillip Randolph planned to protest...
Of the native americans who served in WW2, the navajos were particularly noted for? 
Where would one most likely find a "zoot suit" during WW2?
Who were referred to as wets? 
The immigration act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from?
The Scopes Trial revealed Fundamentalists' rejection of? 
The first red scare was caused by all of the following EXCEPT
Which statement is true about both lynch mobs and the KKK in the 1920's?
Politicians stopped supporting women's reform issues...
Which of the following was a popular trumpet player who gained prominence during the jazz age?

1.After 1880, immigrants from which of the following regions began to dominate the numbers of those coming to the United States
2.After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built
3.After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built
4.After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of
5.All of the following nations were among the Central Powers EXCEPT
6.The American Federation of Labor (AFL) excluded unskilled workers from its membership rolls because AFL leaders believed unskilled workers
7.The American Protective Association specifically focused on
 8.The American Protective Association specifically focused on
9.Americans generally viewed buffalo as
10.As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act
11.As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led
12.Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve
13.By 1900, all of the following were true of the railroad industry EXCEPT that
14.The central business districts of cities tended to include
15.The Central Pacific Railroad began its work on the transcontinental railroad in
16.Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he
17.Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he
18.During the Gilded Age, more and more people bought homes in suburban areas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
19.During the war, most enlisted African Americans worked
20.The first big business in the United States was the
21.Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was
22.Founded in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission could initially best be described as
23.Frank W. Woolworth's stores were known as
24.Frederick Taylor's scientific management system involved all of the following EXCEPT
25.George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the
26.The government funded the war effort primarily by
27.The Grangers were members of a society of
28.The "Great Uprising" of 1877 was a general strike against the nation's
29.Henry Ford's policies benefited workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT by
30.How did Henry Ford's innovations affect consumers
31.How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century
32.How did the railroad benefit Western farmers MOST
33.The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from
34.In 1890, in conjunction with the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Congress passed a bill
35.In campaigning for president, Woodrow Wilson promised "New Freedom," which prioritized
36.In defending the League of Nations, President Wilson argued all of the following positions EXCEPT that
37.In educating Native American children as required by the Dawes Severalty Act, the government opted to establish
38.In his 1895 "Atlanta Exposition Address," Booker T. Washington claimed to accept segregation if
39.In Lochner v. New York the Supreme Court ruled that
41.In response to the Pullman strike, President Cleveland opted to
42.Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called
43.In the 1920s, American women were primarily employed as
45.In the Sand Creek Massacre
46.In the West, the industrial revolution took the form of railroads and
47.In the Zimmerman Telegram, German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann negotiated in support of
48.Jazz could best be described as a melding of European musical traditions and
49.The Kellogg-Briand Pact provided for all of the following EXCEPT that it
50.The leader of the American Expeditionary Forces was
51.Leading up to the Spanish-American War, the yellow press
52.The main Asian imperialist power around the turn of the twentieth century was
53.The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was
54.Major outcomes of the Spanish-American War included which of the following
55.Many members of the Workingmen's Benevolent Association were
56.The Morrill Land Grant College Act was designed to promote
57.Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group
58.The National Alliance was formed from a coalition of
59.A nationwide ban on child labor was enacted
60.One of the most dramatic moments of the Scopes Trial occurred when
61.The Pendleton Act of 1883
62.President Coolidge was asked to sign a treaty with France renouncing war, and decided to
63.President Wilson offset lost tariff revenues by relying on
64.President Wilson promoted all of the following in his Fourteen Points speech to Congress EXCEPT
65.President Wilson's primary opponent on the matter of the League of Nations was
66.President Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania
67.The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot
68.The primary goal of the American government's imperialistic policies was
69.The Progressive agenda mainly reflected the values of
70.The Progressive movement was driven by
71.Proponents of the Social Gospel believed that
72.Public education was promoted as a means of
73.Pueblo society was noted for its74.Rationales for imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that
75.Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that
76.The Reparations Committee at the Paris Peace Conference set a reparations bill of $33 billion in gold for which nation to pay?:
77.Suburbanization in the 1920s
78.The temperance movement attracted all of the following EXCEPT
79.Theodore Roosevelt saw the Roosevelt Corollary as
80.To entrepreneurs, such pastimes as baseball were business. What does this fact reveal about the new concept of leisure time
81.The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
82.The Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad companies relied heavily on the low-paid and difficult work done by
83.Upton Sinclair's The Jungle focused on the problems of immigrants who worked
84.The Western Front was characterized by a complex system of trenches that ran for over 400 miles from the North Sea to
85.What attitude toward birth control did Margaret Sanger encounter in her work
86.What conflict came to symbolize the brutality associated with the conquest of the West
87.What did John D. Rockefeller and other members of the upper class believe was the source of poverty
88.What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate
89.What did the Seventeenth Amendment do
90.What effect did the Bolshevik revolution have on World War I
91.What factored into the migration of Americans from rural to urban areas
92.What happened at Wounded Knee, South Dakota in 1890
93.What is a protectorate
94.What is one way that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differed from the Knights of Labor
95.What portion of American workers were wage-earning manual laborers
96.What triggered the brief political success of the Grange
97.What was one disadvantage of the rise of industrialization for American workers
98.What was the Boxer Rebellion
99.What was the Great Migration
100.What was the main effect of mass production techniques such as the assembly line on the workplace
101.What was the Open Door Policy
102.What was the purpose of the annual Long Drives
103.When was Prohibition repealed
104.Where did cattle ranching and cattle drives originate
105.Which act prohibited anti-government speech during the war
106.Which nation did Austria-Hungary hold responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
107.Which nation was excluded from the Paris Peace Conference
108.Which of the following best characterizes the political machines of the late nineteenth century
109.Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger
110.Which of the following best describes the American Federation of Labor
111.Which of the following forms of leisure and entertainment did NOT emerge as popular during the Gilded Age
112.Which of the following was a popular trumpet player who gained prominence during the Jazz Age
113.Which of the following was NOT a writer associated with the Lost Generation
114.Which of the following was NOT relinquished by Spain as a result of the Spanish-American War
115.Which Republican incumbent was defeated in 1912 when his party split into Progressive and conservative factions
116.Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
117.Which resulted from the Spanish-American War
118.Which statement about women and children in the work force is NOT true
119.Which statement is true about both lynch mobs and the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s
120.Who did the Populists nominate as their presidential candidate in 1892
121.Who emerged as the leader of the Knights of Labor, the nation's first large union
122.Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organization of workers in the United States
123.Whom did the People's Party hope to represent
124.Who was Emilio Aguinaldo
125.Why did anti-imperialist William Jennings Bryan support the Treaty of Paris
126.Why did many married African-American women take part in the paid workforce
127.Why did the federal government institute the Dollar Diplomacy policy
128.Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise
129.William Jennings Bryan's famous "cross of gold" speech addressed which issue
130.The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

1.According to philosopher Alain Locke, the "New Negro" embodied
2.According to the text, Warren Harding's victory in the election of 1920 was largely due to the public's
3.Charles Linbergh became a celebrity when he
4.The Dawes Plan resulted in the United States' loaning Germany:
5.During negotiations for the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the United states worked to
6.During the 1910s and 1920s, Margaret Sanger was a staunch advocate for
7.During World War I, the government provided protections for industrial workers, but after the war
8.The First Red Scare was caused by all of the following EXCEPT
10.Industrialists accused union leaders of attempting to spread
11.In his novel This side of paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald
12.In the 1920 presidential election, Warren Harding called her
13.In the 1920s, American women were primarily employed as
14.In the 1920's , President Coolidge famously said that "the business of America is business." How did contemporary trends reflect this statement
15.In the 1920s, the best predictor of how a woman would vote was
16.In what sense did Charles Lindbergh's achievement represent traditional values to some Americans
17.Jazz could best be described as a melding of european musical traditions and
18.The Kellogg- Briand pact provided for all of the following EXCEPt that it
19.Marcus Garvey and Brooker T Washing were similar in that they both
20.One of the most dramatic moments of the Scopes Trial occurred when
21.The passage of the Sheppard-Towner Act
22.Politicians stopped supporting women's reform issues
23.President Coolidge was asked to sing a treaty with France renouncing war, and decided to
24.Proponents of welfare capitalism believed that
25.Proponents of welfare capitalism pushed for all of the following except
26.The Republican presidents of the 1920s
27.The scopes Trial revealed fundamentalists' rejection of:
28.Suburbanization in the 1920s
29.The teapot dome scandal involved
30.This image showing a group entering a speakeasy suggests that speakeasies were
31.This political cartoon expresses which of the following views of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
32.Through this image,, KKK members intended to associate their cause primarily with
33.To what aspect of modern life were both the Lost Generation and Christian fundamentalists responding
34.What aspect of the "new woman" is emphasized in this photograph of flappers
35.what attitude regarding the northward migration of African Americans can be inferred from Jacob Lawrence's paintings
36.What attitude toward birth control did Margaret Sanger encounter in her work
37.What does the Teapot Dome Service Station, pictured here, represent about American culture in the 1920s
38.What does this image represent about the American war effort
39.What effect did the Bolshevik revolution have on WW1
40.What factors most likely inspired the image of women such as is portrayed in this advertisement
41.What new form of entertainment emerged in the 1920s that is emphasized in this advertisement "Cocoanuts”
42.What was one major effect of the widespread acquisition of radios in American homes during the 1920
43.What was the tomb of the unknown soldier intended to represent
44.What weakened President Wilson's negotiating position at the Paris Peace Conference
45.When was prohibitions repealed
46.Which is the BEST inference that can be made from such intelligence tests as those picturered here
47.Which of the following best characterizes the Harlem Renaissance
48.Which of the following was a popular trumpet player who gained prominence during the Jazz Age
49.Which of the following was NOT a writer associated with the lost generation
50.Who was the African-American leader who rejected integration in favor of establishing an independent nation in Africa
51.Who was the novelist who home to harlem was labeled as harmful and exploitive by WEB Du Bois
52.Who were referred to as wets
53.With regard to the issue of wartime debts, most americans believe that
54.The young woman in this photograph likely supported the tenets of

1.According to Senator Huey Long, no individual should earn more than 1 million a year
2.According to the text, why were Roosevelt's fireside chats so popular with the American public
3.The agricultural marketing act was passed before the beginning of the great depression with the purpose of
4.all of the following are true of the american federation of labor and congress of industrial organization except that
5.All of the following contributed to the economic problems that emerged in the 1920s except
6.the announcement of a ten percent wage cut by US steel initiated a wage cuts and layoffs that influenced hoover to
7.As a result of the week-long bank holiday declared on March 6 1933
8.As high as unemployment rates were during the Great Depression, the nation had seen similar levels of unemployment previously in its history
9.Before he became president, Herbert hoover was known as a
10.By 1936, Huey Long had become one of Franklin Roosevelt's most loyal allies
11.Dorothea Lange's photograph "Migrant Mother" became an iconic image of the Great Depression
12.Dorothea Lange's photographs for the Resettlement administration were intended to
13.During the Great Depression more than 400,000 Mexican left the United States, both voluntarily and involuntarily
14.The dust bowl wreaked havoc on the western plains to the degree that even the east coast felt its effect
15.The fact that the government encouraged farmers in the Dust Blow to plant soil-improving crops like legumes most likely indicates that
16.Father Charles Coughlin criticized the New Deal for overreaching in its policies toward banking and finance
17.FDR campaigned as
18.Frances Perkins is noted as the first woman to have served as
19.Gallup polls were innovative in that they
20.How did Father Charles Coughlin influence FDR's first administration
21.How did FDR react to business leaders' hostility to New Deal program
22.How did FDR's efforts to address unemployment compare with those of Hoover
23.How did General Douglas Mac Arthur's response to the Bonus March affect the view of the electorate toward president hoover
24.How did New Deal programs respond to the needs of African Americans
25.How did Reginald Marsh Bread line-No one has starved respond to Hoover's statement that "no one is actually starving”
26.How did the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) attempt to raise crop prices
27.How did the Indian Reorganization Act set the stage for a rebirth of Native American culture does the image of poverty in Dorothea Lange's photograph Breadline compare with the that in Reginald marsh's drawing bread line no one has starved
29.How does the mural Turning a corner misrepresent the plight of farmers in the 1930
30.How was Eleanor Roosevelt different from previous first ladies
31.Huey Long proposed pensions for the elderly that would be funded by taxing the rich, whereas the social security system was funded through payroll taxes
32.Huey long's share our wealth plan
33.In addition to the Works Progress Administration, other governmental agencies hired artists to create public art
34.In evicting the Bonus Marchers, Chief of staff General Douglas MacArthur exceeded President Hoover's orders, thus committing insubordination
35.In the 1930s, black voters abandoned the Republicans for the Democratic Party. What does this shift in allegiance reveal about the FDR's Democratic Party
36.In what way did many of Hoover's policies pave the way for the New Deal
37.James Rosenberg's Dies Irae 1929 portrays
38.A Migrant family such as the one pictured in this photograph was most likely headed
39.Native Californians did not welcome Okies to their state even though
40.New Deal policies improved the lot of farm owners tenant farmers, and farm laborers equally
41.The New Deal successfully ended the great depression
42.The plight of American farmers during the Depression was magnified by
43.President Hoover's advisers saw the Bonus Marchers as a welcome opportunity to score points in the presidential elections
44.The purpose of the civilian Conservation Corps was to
45.The securities and exchange commission was created to regulate
46.Senator huey long accused president Roosevelt of trying to bring about racial equality
47.The Tennessee Valley Authority did all of the following except
48.This poster advertising social security does all of the following except
49.The unemployment rate climbed as high as 25 % during the great depression
50.Unskilled workers were unaffected by the growth of unions during the New Deal
51.What did the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 do to boost American confidence in the banking system
52.What group is described as "riding the rails" during the depression
53.What is implied by this photo shot by Margaret Bourke-White in 1937
54.What message did signs such as this one convert to the average American
55.What occurred on Black Tuesday
56.What resulted from the work of the Federal Housing Authority, established in 1934
57.What statement best describes the direct impact of the reconstruction finance corporation act of 1932
58.What was the effect of FDR's court packing scheme
59.What was the new deal coalition
60.What were the Bonus Marchers demanding through their demonstrations
61.When banks confiscated the property of farmers who defaulted on loans, farmers influenced the sale of this property by:
62.Which group hoped to take advantage of the increased unrest among American workers to further its cause
63.which of the following is accurate regarding eleanor roosevelt's relationship with the public
64.Which of the following is NOT true of Father Charles Coughlin
65.Who view of the New Deal is portrayed in the cartoon "Uncle guinea pig”
66.Why did federal policy in the thirties encourage Mexican immigrants to return to mexico
67.Why did Franklin Roosevelt refuse to be photographed in a wheelchair
68.Why did photographs such as this one cause a public outcry
69.Why was FDR's relationship with supreme court difficult
70.Why were large corporations wary of the National Recovery Administration
71.With Eleanor Roosevelt leading the way, more political opportunities became available to women during FDR's presidency
72.The woman portrayed in Dorothea Lange's photograph "Migrant Mother" later tried to suppress the image because she felt it stigmatized her for being poor
73.The Works Progress Administration (WPA) did all of the following except

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