Sunday, June 18, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 6 solutions answers right

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 6 solutions answers right
How many versions: 3 different versions

Question 1 Scripture teaches that one is justified not because of anything they do, but through the work of Jesus.
Question 2 When is a nation considered to be "Christianized"?
Question 3 According to the reading "trickle down" influence is often more effective than "bubble up" influence because God is more powerful than man.
Question 4 "Redemption and Lift" refers to the principle that conversion leads to moral improvement and often better use of their resources.
Question 5 Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself.”
Question 6 The examples in the New Testament of believers professing faith in the risen Jesus are followed by that individual being baptized.
Question 7 Trickle down influence is when leaders get saved and decree that everyone should become a Christian and Christian-­based laws are imposed upon everyone.
Question 8 According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a building?
Question 9 Trickle down influence begins in the hearts of individuals and spreads to their families, their occupation, and those around them.
Question 10 According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a body?
Question 11 Baptism is symbolic of the Lord’s death.
Question 12 Oikos conversion in the New Testament is the promise that the presence of one Christian in a family guarantees the eventual conversion of all other family members of his family.
Question 13 Participating in the Lord’s Supper is a step of obedience to the Lord’s command.
Question 14 Only one church governmental structure is evidenced within Scripture.
Question 15 "The Protestant work ethic" was a derogatory term used to describe the laziness of non-­catholic Christians in comparison to devout Catholics.

Question 1 Baptism is symbolic of the Lord’s death.
Question 2 The Bible indicates that the “church” is a building.
Question 3 Scipture teaches that only church leaders should be doing the work of the ministry.
Question 4 According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a body?
Question 5 The Bible refers to the church as a community of believers.
Question 6 The first Lord’s Supper was held during the Passover meal.
Question 7 Participating in the Lord’s Supper is a step of obedience to the Lord’s command.
Question 8 The two ordinances of the church are Baptism and the Lord’s Table.
Question 9 The Lord’s Table is a means of edification, fellowship and personal introspection.
Question 10 Only one church governmental structure is evidenced within Scripture.
Question 11 Trickle down influence begins in the hearts of individuals and spreads to their families, their occupation, and those around them.
Question 12 Scripture teaches that one is justified not because of anything they do, but through the work of Jesus.
Question 13 The chruch is both an organism and and organization.
Question 14 A "people movement" is when many people make an individual decision to believe in Jesus Christ, but they make the same decision simultaneously and all become Christians.
Question 15 The mission of the church is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.

Question 1 The Bible indicates that the “church” is a building.
Question 2 According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a body?
Question 3 The two ordinances of the church are Baptism and the Lord’s Table.
Question 4 The chruch is both an organism and and organization.
Question 5 There is no need to formally commit church membership to a local congregation.
Question 6 Trickle down influence begins in the hearts of individuals and spreads to their families, their occupation, and those around them.
Question 7 Scipture teaches that only church leaders should be doing the work of the ministry.
Question 8 Scripture teaches that one is justified not because of anything they do, but through the work of Jesus.
Question 9 The examples in the New Testament of beleivers professing faith in the risen Jesus are followed by that individual being baptized.
Question 10 According to the reading "trickle down" influence is often more effective than "bubble up" influence because God is more powerful than man.
Question 11 Oikos conversion in the New Testament is the promise that the presence of one Christian in a family guarantees the eventual conversion of all other family members of his family.
Question 12 Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself.”
Question 13 Baptism is symbolic of the Lord’s death.
Question 14 What does the Bible refer to with the word "church?"
Question 15 Participating in the Lord’s Supper is a step of obedience to the Lord’s command.

Question 1 A "people movement" is when many people make an individual decision to believe in Jesus Christ, but they make the same decision simultaneously and all become Christians.
Question 2 What does the Bible refer to with the word "church?"
Question 3 According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a body?
Question 4 The examples in the New Testament of beleivers professing faith in the risen Jesus are followed by that individual being baptized.
Question 5 The Bible indicates that the “church” is a building.
Question 6 "The Protestant work ethic" was a derogatory term used to describe the laziness of non­catholic Christians in comparison to devout Catholics.
Question 7 There is no need to formally commit church membership to a local congregation.
Question 8 The mission of the church is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.
Question 9 Trickle down influence begins in the hearts of individuals and spreads to their families, their occupation, and those around them.
Question 10 Oikos conversion in the New Testament is the promise that the presence of one Christian in a family guarantees the eventual conversion of all other family members of his family.
Question 11 There is evidence in the Bible that the early church took up offerings.
Question 12 According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a building?
Question 13 The Bible refers to the church as a community of believers.
Question 14 Scripture teaches that one is justified not because of anything they do, but through the work of Jesus.
Question 15 Scipture teaches that only church leaders should be doing the work of the ministry.

According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a body?
According to the reading, how does the New Testament compare the church to a building?
Oikos conversion in the New Testament is the promise that the presence of one Christian in a family guarantees the eventual conversion of all other family members of his family.
What does the Bible refer to with the word "church?"
"The Protestant work ethic" was a derogatory term used to describe the laziness of non­catholic Christians in comparison to devout Catholics.
The Bible indicates that the “church” is a building.
The first Lord’s Supper was held during the Passover meal.
The Lord’s Table is a means of edification, fellowship and personal introspection.
There is evidence in the Bible that the early church took up offerings.
Participating in the Lord’s Supper is a step of obedience to the Lord’s command.
Scripture teaches that one is justified not because of anything they do, but through the work of Jesus.
The Bible refers to the church as a community of believers.
The church is not corporately more than what we are individually.
A "people movement" is when many people make an individual decision to believe in Jesus Christ, but they make the same decision simultaneously and all become Christians.
Trickle down influence begins in the hearts of individuals and spreads to their families, their occupation, and those around them.

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