Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Liberty University ENGL 101 test 2 solutions answers right

Liberty University ENGL 101 test 2 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Please refer to this text in order to answer the following 5 questions.
Why We Tuned Out By Karen Springen
“What’s your favorite TV show?” our girls’ beloved ballet instructor asked each pint­size dancer in her class. Our oldest daughter, Jazzy, didn’t know how to answer. She shrugged. Her moment of awkwardness results from a decision my husband, Mark, and I made five years ago. We don’t allow our kids to watch TV. Period.
NOT AT HOME, not at friends’ houses; and they dont watch videos or movies, either. We want our daughters, Jazzy, now nearly 6, and Gigi, 3, to be as active as possible, physically and mentally. So when a babysitter asked whether Jazzy, then 1 year old, could watch, we thought about it—and said no.
When we look at our inquisitive, energetic daughters, we have no regrets. And our reading of the research makes us feel even better. Nielsen Media Research reports that American children 2 through 11 watch three hours and 16 minutes of television every day. Kids who watch more than 10 hours of TV each week are more likely to be overweight, aggressive and slow to learn in school, according to the American Medical Association. For these reasons, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no TV for children younger than 2 and a maximum of two hours a day of “screen time” (TV, computers or videogames) for older kids. We are convinced that without TV, our daughters spend more time than other kids doing cartwheels, listening to stories and asking such interesting questions as “How old is God?” and “What makes my rubber ducks float?” They also aren’t haunted by TV images of September 11—because they never saw them.
Going without TV in America has its difficult moments. When I called my sister, Lucy, to make arrangements for Thanksgiving, she warned that her husband was planning to spend the day watching football. We’re going anyway. We’ll just steer the girls toward the playroom. And some well­-meaning friends tell us our girls may be missing out on good educational programming. Maybe. But that’s not what most kids are watching. Nielsen Media Research reports that among children 2 through 11, the top-­five TV shows in the new fall season were “The Wonderful World of Disney,” “Survivor: Thailand,” “ Yu­Gi­Oh!”, “Pokemon” and “Jackie Chan Adventures.”
Will our happy, busy girls suffer because they’re not participating in such a big part of the popular culture? Will they feel left out in school when they don’t know who won on “Survivor”? “Kids are going to make fun of them,” warns my mother-­in-­law. And a favorite child psychiatrist, Elizabeth Berger, author of “Raising Children With Character,” cautions that maintaining a puritanical approach may make our kids into social outcasts. “Part of preparing your children for life is preparing them to be one of the girls,” she says. “It’s awful to be different from the other kids in fourth grade.”
Our relatives all watch TV. So did we. I was born in 1961, the year Newton Minow, then the chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, called television a “vast wasteland.” But I loved it. My sister, Katy, and I shared a first crush on the TV cartoon hero Speed Racer. Watching “Bewitched” and “The Brady Bunch” and, later, soap operas gave us an easy way to bond with our friends. Am I being selfish in not wanting the same for our children?
So far, our daughters don’t seem to feel like misfits. We have no problem with the girls enjoying products based on TV characters. The girls wear Elmo pajamas and battle over who can sit on a big Clifford stuffed animal. From books, they also know about Big Bird, the Little Mermaid and Aladdin. And they haven’t mentioned missing out on “Yu­Gi­Oh!” cartoon duels. Dr. Miriam Baron, who chairs the American Academy of Pediatrics committee on public education, says I’m helping our kids be creative, independent learners and calls our decision “awesome.” And Mayo Clinic pediatrician Daniel Broughton, another group member, says that “there’s no valid reason” the girls need to view television.
As the girls grow older, we can’t completely shield them from TV anyway. We’ll probably watch Olympic rhythmic gymnastics; the girls love it. And if Jazzys favorite baseball team, the Cubs, ever make the World Series, we’ll tune in. Last Monday Jazzy’s music teacher showed “The Magic School Bus: Inside the Haunted House.” Though “ Magic School Bus” is a well-­regarded Scholastic product, I still cringed, wondering why the kids weren’t learning about vibrations and sounds by singing and banging on drums. But I kept silent; Id never require my kids to abstain in school. Like Jean Lotus, the Oak Park, Ill., mom who founded the anti­-TV group the White Dot and who also reluctantly allows her kids to view TV in school, I’m wary of being seen “as the crusading weirdo.” But some public ridicule will be worth it if I help get even a few people to think twice before automatically turning on the tube. Now it’s time for me to curl up with the girls and a well-­worn copy of “Curious George.”

Question 1 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­watching ­television argument?
Question 2 In context, the title “tuned out” means
Question 3 The following excerpt, “I’m wary of being seen ‘as the crusading weirdo,’” contains ‘”. Why?
Question 4 Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti­TV argument?
Question 5 Which of the following negative evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti­TV argument?
Question 6 Which of the following formats require an abstract?
Question 7 You should include your own interpretation of the text in a summary.
Question 8 Which of the following is not true about thesis statements?
Question 9 The similarity between a References page and a Works Cited page is that
Question 10 Writers' handbooks like the Prentice Hall Reference Guide contain the answers to fundamentals related to writing college essays.
Question 11 You do not need to cite sources that you merely summarize.
Question 12 In this course, as long as it is clear that you are making an effort to document your sources properly, you are free to make an honest mistake without penalty.
Question 13 What is the dreaded "P" word in college?
Question 14 You should cite not only sources that you quote, but also those that you paraphrase.
Question 15 When you write your title on the first page of your paper, you should underline it.
Question 16 Margins for both APA and Turabian papers must be 1" on each side.
Question 17 In your Works Cited or References list, you do not include materials you read but didn't specifically refer to in your paper.
Question 18 Which of the following is the correct way to write the title of your essay on the first page of the body of your paper?
Question 19 If you have only used one external source, you should use the words Work Cited or Reference as the title of your bibliography page.
Question 20 Your Prentice Hall Reference Guide includes information on MLA, APA, and CM (also know as Turabian formatting).
Question 21 The main difference between a summary and a paraphrase is that the summary contains more detail and appears in the same logical order as the source material.
Question 22 Turabian formatting uses footnotes.
Question 23 Students getting a degree in Religion should use which style of documentation?
Question 24 When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 25 You commit plagiarism if you

Question 1 In context, the title “tuned out” suggests
Question 2 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­watchingtelevisionargument?
Question 3 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­watchingtelevisionargument?
Question 4 In the following quotation, “Daniel Broughton … says that ‘there’s no valid reason’ the girls need to view television,” the three periods or dots placed in the quotation means
Question 5 In the following quotation, “Daniel Broughton … says that ‘there’s no valid reason’ the girls need to view television,” the three periods or dots placed in the quotation means that
Question 6 Which of the following is the correct way to write the title of your essay on the first page of the body of your paper?
Question 7 The similarity between a References page and a Works Cited page is that
Question 8 You commit plagiarism if you
Question 9 Attention to detail in a Works Cited page is important because
Question 10 When you write your title on the first page of your paper, you should underline it.
Question 11 Students getting a degree in Psychology should use which style of documentation? S
Question 12 You should cite not only sources that you quote, but also those that you paraphrase.
Question 13 The writer who writes multiple drafts of a paper
Question 14 APA and MLA formatting are the same.
Question 15 A summary does not have to follow the same organizational pattern as the original source material.
Question 16 You should include only the sources that you actually cited in your paper on your Works Cited or References page.
Question 17 The main difference between a summary and a paraphrase is that the summary contains more detail and appears in the same logical order as the source material.
Question 18 If you have only used one external source, you should use the words Work Cited or Reference as the title of your bibliography page.
Question 19 Use quotation marks for words used in special ways, such as for irony and for expressions being cited as expressions rather than for their meaning.
Question 20 Which of the following signal phrases is written correctly?
Question 21 You do not need to cite sources that you merely summarize.
Question 22 Margins for both APA and Turabian papers must be 1" on each side.
Question 23 Turabian formatting uses footnotes.
Question 24 If you use an encyclopedia article or a dictionary entry in your essay, you are exempt from giving the full citation in your Works Cited or References entry.
Question 25 Your Prentice Hall Reference Guide includes information on MLA, APA, and CM (also know as Turabian formatting).

Question 1 Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti­TV argument?
Question 2 Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti­TV argument?
Question 3 In context, the title “tuned out” means
Question 4 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­w atching­television argument?
Question 5 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­w atching­television argument?
Question 6 You do not need to cite sources that you merely summarize.
Question 7 Which of the following contains more detail?
Question 8 When you write dialogue, or conversation, you don't need to write each person's speech in a separate paragraph.
Question 9 If you use an encyclopedia article or a dictionary entry in your essay, you are exempt from giving the full citation in your Works Cited or References entry.
Question 10 A paraphrase only includes the main ideas from the original source material.
Question 11 You should include your own interpretation of the text in a summary.
Question 12 Entries in a References or Works Cited page must be written
Question 13 Which of the following signal phrases is written properly?
Question 14 The writer who writes multiple drafts of a paper
Question 15 What is the dreaded "P" word in college?
Question 16 Attention to detail in a Works Cited page is important because
Question 17 When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 18 You commit plagiarism if you
Question 19 Which of the following is the correct way to write the title of your essay on the first page of the body of your paper?
Question 20 Turabian formatting uses footnotes.
Question 21 Which of the following signal phrases is written correctly?
Question 22 Which of the following is a correct way to represent a quote within a quote:
Question 23 Students getting a degree in Psychology should use which style of documentation?
Question 24 When you write your title on the first page of your paper, you should underline it.
Question 25 Students getting a degree in Religion should use which style of documentation?

Question 1 Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti­TV argument?
Question 2 Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti­TV argument?
Question 3 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­watchingtelevisionargument?
Question 4 Based on the evidence presented in this essay, it would not be fair to say
Question 5 The following excerpt contains an ellipsis. Why? “…and who also reluctantly allows her kids to view TV in school, I’m wary of being seen ‘as the crusading weirdo.’”
Question 6 The writer who writes multiple drafts of a paper
Question 7 Which of the following is not true about thesis statements?
Question 8 If you have only used one external source, you should use the words Work Cited or Reference as the title of your bibliography page.
Question 9 Which of the following signal phrases is written correctly?
Question 10 APA and MLA formatting are the same.
Question 11 You commit plagiarism if you
Question 12 A paraphrase only includes the main ideas from the original source material.
Question 13 Margins for both APA and Turabian papers must be 1" on each side.
Question 14 Long quotes, also called block quotes,
Question 15 Which of the following is the correct way to write the title of your essay on the first page of the body of your paper?
Question 16 When you use a direct quotation of a whole sentence, you must use a capital letter to start the first word of the quotation.
Question 17 If a quotation takes up five or more lines of your paper, you should not treat it as a block quote.
Question 18 In this course, as long as it is clear that you are making an effort to document your sources properly, you are free to make an honest mistake without penalty.
Question 19 If you use an encyclopedia article or a dictionary entry in your essay, you are exempt from giving the full citation in your Works Cited or References entry.
Question 20 You should cite not only sources that you quote, but also those that you paraphrase.
Question 21 Use quotation marks for words used in special ways, such as for irony and for expressions being cited as expressions rather than for their meaning.
Question 22 Which of the following contains more detail?
Question 23 When you write your title on the first page of your paper, you should underline it.
Question 24 When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 25 Entries in a References or Works Cited page must be written

Question 1 The following excerpt, “I’m wary of being seen ‘as the crusading weirdo,’” contains ‘”. Why?
Question 2 In context, the title “tuned out” suggests
Question 3 In the following quotation, “Daniel Broughton, another group member, says that ‘there’s no valid reason’ the girls need to view television,” the single quotation marks placed around ‘there’s no valid reason” means that the expression is a
Question 4 In the following quotation, “Daniel Broughton … says that ‘there’s no valid reason’ the girls need to view television,” the three periods or dots placed in the quotation means
Question 5 Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti­TV argument?
Question 6 Which of the following signal phrases is written correctly?
Question 7 Use quotation marks for words used in special ways, such as for irony and for expressions being cited as expressions rather than for their meaning.
Question 8 A summary does not have to follow the same organizational pattern as the original source material.
Question 9 Which of the following is the correct way to write the title of your essay on the first page of the body of your paper?
Question 10 APA and MLA formatting are the same.
Question 11 If you use an encyclopedia article or a dictionary entry in your essay, you are exempt from giving the full citation in your Works Cited or References entry.
Question 12 You should include only the sources that you actually cited in your paper on your Works Cited or References page.
Question 13 Students getting a degree in Religion should use which style of documentation?
Question 14 When you use a direct quotation of a whole sentence, you must use a capital letter to start the first word of the quotation.
Question 15 In this course, as long as it is clear that you are making an effort to document your sources properly, you are free to make an honest mistake without penalty.
Question 16 The writer who writes multiple drafts of a paper
Question 17 Which of the following is a correct way to represent a quote within a quote:
Question 18 Students getting a degree in Psychology should use which style of documentation?
Question 19 If a quotation takes up five or more lines of your paper, you should not treat it as a block quote.
Question 20 The similarity between a References page and a Works Cited page is that
Question 21 Which of the following formats require an abstract?
Question 22 When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 23 Which of the following signal phrases is written properly?
Question 24 Which of the following contains more detail?
Question 25 Long quotes, also called block quotes,

Question 1 Based on the evidence presented in this essay, it would not be fair to say
Question 2 In the following quotation, “Daniel Broughton, another group member, says that ‘there’s no valid reason’ the girls need to view television,” the single quotation marks placed around ‘there’s no valid reason” means that the expression is a
Question 3 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­watchingtelevisionargument?
Question 4 The following excerpt, “I’m wary of being seen ‘as the crusading weirdo,’” contains ‘”. Why?
Question 5 Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti­children­watchingtelevisionargument?
Question 6 Turabian formatting uses footnotes.
Question 7 Attention to detail in a Works Cited page is important because
Question 8 When you write your title on the first page of your paper, you should underline it.
Question 9 What is the dreaded "P" word in college?
Question 10 You should include your own interpretation of the text in a summary. 3
Question 11 Which of the following is a correct way to represent a quote within a quote:
Question 12 Which of the following signal phrases is written correctly?
Question 13 Which of the following signal phrases is written properly?
Question 14 Margins for both APA and Turabian papers must be 1" on each side.
Question 15 A summary contains around the same number of words as the original source material.
Question 16 Entries in a References or Works Cited page must be written
Question 17 In your Works Cited or References list, you do not include materials you read but didn't specifically refer to in your paper.
Question 18 You should include only the sources that you actually cited in your paper on your Works Cited or References page.
Question 19 To insert the page number and other information at the top of the page, you should
Question 20 Your Prentice Hall Reference Guide includes information on MLA, APA, and CM (also know as Turabian formatting).
Question 21 Use quotation marks for words used in special ways, such as for irony and for expressions being cited as expressions rather than for their meaning.
Question 22 The main difference between a summary and a paraphrase is that the summary contains more detail and appears in the same logical order as the source material.
Question 23 Which of the following contains more detail?
Question 24 Which of the following formats require an abstract?
Question 25 APA and MLA formatting are the same.

Question 1         2 out of 2
In context, the title “tuned out” suggests
Question 2         2 out of 2
Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti-children-watching-television argument?
Question 3         2 out of 2
Which of the following from Springen’s article can be used as authority in an anti-children-watching-television argument?
Question 4         2 out of 2
Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti-TV argument?
Question 5         2 out of 2
Which of the following negative statistical evidence from Springen’s essay can be used to support an anti-TV argument?
Question 6         2 out of 2
You should include your own interpretation of the text in a summary.
Question 7         2 out of 2
Writers' handbooks like the /Prentice Hall Reference Guide/ contain the answers to fundamentals related to writing college essays.
Question 8         2 out of 2
Which of the following formats require an abstract?
Question 9         2 out of 2
If a quotation takes up five or more lines of your paper, you should not treat it as a block quote.
Question 10       2 out of 2
A summary does not have to follow the same organizational pattern as the original source material.
Question 11       2 out of 2
The similarity between a References page and a Works Cited page is that
Question 12       2 out of 2
Long quotes, also called block quotes,
Question 13       2 out of 2
The writer who writes multiple drafts of a paper
Question 14       2 out of 2
You do not need to cite sources that you merely summarize.
Question 15       2 out of 2
A summary contains around the same number of words as the original source material.
Question 16       2 out of 2
If you use an encyclopedia article or a dictionary entry in your essay, you are exempt from giving the full citation in your Works Cited or References entry.
Question 17       2 out of 2
Which of the following is a correct way to represent a quote within a quote:
Question 18       2 out of 2
In this course, as long as it is clear that you are making an effort to document your sources properly, you are free to make an honest mistake without penalty.
Question 19       2 out of 2
Your Prentice Hall Reference Guide includes information on MLA, APA, and CM (also know as Turabian formatting).
Question 20       2 out of 2
You should include only the sources that you actually cited in your paper on your Works Cited or References page.
Question 21       2 out of 2
Use quotation marks for words used in special ways, such as for irony and for expressions being cited as expressions rather than for their meaning.
Question 22       2 out of 2
Which of the following signal phrases is written correctly?
Question 23       2 out of 2
In your Works Cited or References list, you do not include materials you read but didn't specifically refer to in your paper.
Question 24       2 out of 2
When you use a direct quotation of a whole sentence, you must use a capital letter to start the first word of the quotation.
Question 25       2 out of 2
Which of the following is not true about thesis statements?

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