Sunday, June 11, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 221 primary source and presentation review 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University HIUS 221 primary source and presentation review 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 8 different versions

Question 1 In Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” he gives a picture of Christians as parts in the body of Christ. What does he say is the ligament that ties everything together?
Question 2 According to Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” what was most important in ensuring the success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Question 3 In the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony” what was the first thing the Jamestown settlers were told to do?
Question 4 What was the most important of the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony” regarding its success?
Question 5 According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who was the first Native American to approach the Plymouth Pilgrims?
Question 6 According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who performed the first marriage in the Plymouth colony?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, what product was the savior of the Virginia colony?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, what was the most important function of the Mayflower Compact?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, what was the Headright System?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, what was the Massachusetts Body of Liberties?

Question 1
According to Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” what was most important in ensuring the success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Question 2
In Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” he gives a picture of Christians as parts in the body of Christ. What does he say is the ligament that ties everything together?
Question 3
Which of the following was NOT one of the tasks set to a group of Jamestown settlers in the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony”?
Question 4
In the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony” what was the first thing the Jamestown settlers were told to do?
Question 5
According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who was the first Native American to approach the Plymouth Pilgrims?
Question 6
According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who performed the first marriage in the Plymouth colony?
Question 7
According to the video presentation, what was the Headright System?
Question 8
According to the video presentation, what product was the savior of the Virginia colony?
Question 9
According to the video presentation, what was the Massachusetts Body of Liberties?
Question 10
According to the video presentation, who introduced tobacco to Virginia in 1612?

Question 1 According to Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” what are the two principles that should govern human relationships?
Question 2 In Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” he gives a picture of Christians as parts in the body of Christ. What does he say is the ligament that ties everything together?
Question 3 According to the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony,” in relation to the Native Americans, the Jamestown settlers were to
Question 4 In the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony” the colonists were NOT instructed to
Question 5 According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who performed the first marriage in the Plymouth colony?
Question 6 According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, when did the Pilgrims arrive in Cape Cod?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, what was the Headright System?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, what product was the savior of the Virginia colony?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, who introduced tobacco to Virginia in 1612?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, what was Pocahontas' Christian name?

Question 1 What did Europeans most want to obtain from Asia through trade?
Question 2 Hernan Cortes found allies in his conquest of the Aztec Empire in
Question 3 In capitalism, the prices of goods and services are set by
Question 4 Why did France initially send fleets to Newfoundland?
Question 5 What did Europeans obtain from the Islamic world and Asia to assist them with their explorations of the Atlantic world?
Question 6 For what purpose did the Spanish bishop Bartolome de Las Casas write the work known in English as The Tears of the Indians?
Question 7 How did the European concept of slavery differ from the African?
Question 8 What defined the nation­states that emerged in Europe by the sixteenth century?
Question 9 The Columbian Exchange refers to transformations in what aspect of the Atlantic world?
Question 10 Why was the French Jesuits’ use of religious images to convert the Indians most likely effective?

Question 1 All of the colonies established during the Restoration were
Question 2 All of the following are true of the economic system that Adam Smith called mercantilism EXCEPT that
Question 3 How did Virginia Company of London treasurer Sir Edwin Sandys attract settlers to Virginia?
Question 4 In the early eighteenth century, the British government created a federal system of government that divided power between
Question 5 Why was Roger Williams threatened with arrest
Question 6 The Dutch Prince William of Orange was able to claim the English throne on the basis of
Question 7 Why was it difficult to maintain an adequate labor force in Barbados?
Question 8 How did the cultivation of sugar affect the economy of the English Caribbean?
Question 9 In 1680, why did the Pueblo people revolt against the Spanish in New Mexico?
Question 10 What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

Question 1 Puritan minister Increase Mather viewed King Philip’s War as a sign of God’s displeasure. Both this view and the Salem witchcraft hysteria showed that colonial Puritans
Question 2 According to Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” what are the two principles that should govern human relationships?
Question 3 In the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony” what was the first thing the Jamestown settlers were told to do?
Question 4 According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who was the first Native American to approach the Plymouth Pilgrims?
Question 5 What did McClay say about understanding the dark side of the past?
Question 6 According to McClay, which of the following is NOT true about the study of American history?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, what product was the savior of the Virginia colony?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, who introduced tobacco to Virginia in 1612?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, which colony provides the best example of how Americans participated in the "World of Goods"?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, once a luxury good became common, what happened?

Question 1 The religion of the Eastern Woodlands Indians included animism, which was a belief that
Question 2 Martin Luther and John Calvin were similar in that they both
Question 3 Hernan Cortes found allies in his conquest of the Aztec Empire in
Question 4 The theology of John Calvin included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that
Question 5 What did Europeans obtain from the Islamic world and Asia to assist them with their explorations of the Atlantic world?
Question 6 For what purpose did the Spanish bishop Bartolome de Las Casas write the work known in English as The Tears of the Indians?
Question 7 What defined the nation­states that emerged in Europe by the sixteenth century?
Question 8 Why did both the Spanish and the Portuguese eventually enslave Africans to supply labor for them in the Americas?
Question 9 How did the European concept of slavery differ from the African?
Question 10 Why was the French Jesuits’ use of religious images to convert the Indians most likely effective?

Question 1 The key island in the English Caribbean was Barbados because of its
Question 2 Planters in Barbados turned to each of the following to provide labor on their sugar fields EXCEPT
Question 3 All of the following are true of the economic system that Adam Smith called mercantilism EXCEPT that
Question 4 In the early eighteenth century, the British government created a federal system of government that divided power between
Question 5 Maryland was founded as a
Question 6 The Dutch Prince William of Orange was able to claim the English throne on the basis of
Question 7 Why were colonial powers like the French, Spanish, and English constantly warring over their Caribbean possessions?
Question 8 Why did King James II revoke the charters of New York and New Jersey and create the Dominion of New England?
Question 9 All of the following may have contributed to the Salem witchcraft hysteria EXCEPT
Question 10 How did the cultivation of sugar affect the economy of the English Caribbean?

Question 1 Puritan minister Increase Mather viewed King Philip’s War as a sign of God’s displeasure. Both this view and the Salem witchcraft hysteria showed that colonial Puritans
Question 2 According to Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” what are the two principles that should govern human relationships?
Question 3 In the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony” what was the first thing the Jamestown settlers were told to do?
Question 4 According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, when did the Pilgrims arrive in Cape Cod?
Question 5 According to McClay, which of the following is NOT true about the study of American history?
Question 6 What does McClay say is the goal of his book?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, what was the most important function of the Mayflower Compact?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, what was the Headright System?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, which colony provides the best example of how Americans participated in the "World of Goods"?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, how was wealth defined prior to the 17 th century?

Question 1 The alpaca and llamas of the Andes Mountains were unusual in the Americas before European contact because they were
Question 2 The Renaissance scholars known as humanists primarily studied
Question 3 The Renaissance originated in
Question 4 Hernan Cortes found allies in his conquest of the Aztec Empire in
Question 5 The religion of the Eastern Woodlands Indians included animism, which was a belief that
Question 6 In capitalism, the prices of goods and services are set by
Question 7 Though West African societies were as diverse as those in the Americas, they were different in that only West Africans
Question 8 Aztec society was different from that of the mound builders and Anasazi in that only the Aztec
Question 9 All of the following contributed to the failure of the English settlement at Roanoke EXCEPT
Question 10 What left indigenous Americans most vulnerable to Europeans upon first contact?

Question 1 All of the following are true of the economic system that Adam Smith called mercantilism EXCEPT that
Question 2 Why was Roger Williams threatened with arrest
Question 3 How did Virginia Company of London treasurer Sir Edwin Sandys attract settlers to Virginia?
Question 4 All of the colonies established during the Restoration were
Question 5 Planters in Barbados turned to each of the following to provide labor on their sugar fields EXCEPT
Question 6 Who were permitted to vote in Massachusetts?
Question 7 With the ascension of Charles I to the throne of England, the Puritans had good reason to fear
Question 8 In 1680, why did the Pueblo people revolt against the Spanish in New Mexico?
Question 9 Which of the following statements best describes why Jamestown was a poor choice for permanent settlement?
Question 10 All of the following may have contributed to the Salem witchcraft hysteria EXCEPT

Question 1 According to the text, “During the first generation of settlement, when land was plentiful and the immigrant population small, Pennsylvania upheld Penn’s promise to treat the Indians with respect.” What does this statement imply about relations between the colonists and the Indians?
Question 2 According to Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” what are the two principles that should govern human relationships?
Question 3 Which of the following was NOT one of the tasks set to a group of Jamestown settlers in the “Instructions for the Virginia Colony”?
Question 4 According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who performed the first marriage in the Plymouth colony?
Question 5 What did McClay say about understanding the dark side of the past?
Question 6 According to McClay, which of the following is NOT true about the study of American history?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, what product was the savior of the Virginia colony?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, what was Pocahontas' Christian name?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, once a luxury good became common, what happened?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, how did the fashionable world set itself apart?

The Paleo-Indians were
In capitalism, the prices of goods and services are set by
For what purpose did the Spanish bishop Bartolome de Las Casas write the work known in English as the Tears of the Indians?
Martin Luther and John Calvin were similar in that they both
What did Europeans obtain from the Islamic world and Asia to assist them with their explorations of the Atlantic world?
Benin differed from other West African nations with regard to the slave trade because Benin
Why did Africans begin raiding their neighboring territories after 1600?
Why did Henry VIII of England break with the Catholic Church?
All of the following contributed to the failure of the English settlement at Roanoke EXCEPT
What left indigenous Americans most vulnerable to Europeans upon first contact?
The 1707 Act of Union united
What was the Glorious Revolution?
All of the colonies established during the Restoration were
Why was Roger Williams threatened with arrest?
Maryland was founded as a
All of the following are true of the economic system that Adam Smith called mercantilism EXCEPT that
In 1689, the English Bill of Rights established
How did the cultivation of sugar affect the economy of the English Caribbean?
What was the purpose of the Woolens Act of 1699?
The Dutch city of New Amsterdam welcomed
According to the text, “During the first generation of settlement, when land was plentiful and the immigrant population small, Pennsylvania upheld Penn’s promise to treat the Indians with respect. “What does this statement imply about relations between the colonists and the Indians?
According to Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” what was most important in ensuring the success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
In the “Instructions for the Virginia colony” the colonists were not instructed to
According to Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, who performed the first marriage in the Plymouth colony?
According to McClay, it is important to study history
What does McClay say is the goal of his book?
According to the video presentation, what product was the savior of the Virginia colony?
According to the video presentation, what was the Massachusetts Body of Liberties?
According to the video presentation, which colony provides the best example of how Americans participated in the “World of Goods”?
According to the video presentation, how did the fashionable world set itself apart?

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