Monday, June 5, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 222 quiz 7 solutions answers right

Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 7 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1 After the Kent State shootings, labor unions staged counter­protests in support of the war.
Question 2 During the Vietnam War, Walter Cronkite was
Question 3 Religious tolerance became a problem in South Vietnam under Ngo Dinh Diem, who was
Question 4 The impact of the Tet Offensive was magnified by all of the following EXCEPT
Question 5 In 1971, The New York Times published the Pentagon Papers, a classified Department of Defense study that confirmed that
Question 6 Leading voices in the media simply echoed the optimistic predictions of U.S. officials throughout the Vietnam War.
Question 7 The majority of the drafted men sent to Vietnam were
Question 8 Why did conservative ideals gain strength as the decade progressed?
Question 9 How did Woodstock symbolize the 1960s?
Question 10 Which policy did Lyndon Johnson pursue in the Vietnam War?
Question 11 Which of the following did the National Organization of Women not advocate?
Question 12 After Richard Nixon took office in 1969, what was his strategy in the Vietnam War?
Question 13 Major decisions of the Warren Court demonstrated the overall conservatism of the federal government in the 1960s.
Question 14 The Supreme Court outlawed officially sanctioned school prayer in its decision in Engel v. Vitale.
Question 15 César Chávez fought for better working and living conditions for members of what group?
Question 16 Malcolm X was assassinated by rivals within the Nation of Islam after he
Question 17 In 1969, Native American activists seized the abandoned federal prison on Alcatraz Island in a failed attempt to overthrow the federal government.
Question 18 As a Nation of Islam spokesperson, Malcolm X advocated
Question 19 In 1968, many feminists preferred the traditional beauty pageant over the subversive depiction of women in Playboy magazine.
Question 20 When were the B­52s most vulnerable on their missions in December 1972?
Question 21 Brigadier General Dave Young does not believe that the Air Force learned the lessons it needed to from the Vietnam War.

During World War II the Vietnamese fought the occupation of Vietnam by which nation
Religious tolerance became a problem in South Vietnam under Ngo dinh diem who was
Which of the following was not a member nation of the south East Asian Treaty organization
Why did Lyndon B. Johnson insist on taking the oath of office with Jackie Kennedy at his side
Why is Pres. Johnson's gallbladder incision pretrade in the shape of that south Vietnam in this political cartoon
Who was the military commander who in 1965 requested a dramatic escalation in American ground troops
In early 1965 confronting a request for additional troops in Vietnam Pres. Johnson opted to
What was the code name of the defoliant that was used to destroy Vietnam's forests and crops and later linked to health problems and birth defects
To contrast its efforts with those of the US military the North Vietnamese use images such as this one of the volunteers on the Ho Chi Minh mean trail to emphasize
During the Vietnam War Walter Cronkite was
What is this doonesbury cartoon intended to lampoon
This antiwar poster could best be described as representing the position of
Whom do the most conservative Southern whites and white northern blue-collar workers support in the 1968 presidential election
The winner of the 1968 presidential election was
Why were even at My lai referred to as a massacre
What were the consequences of the my Lai massacre for commanding lieutenant William Calley
Which best describes Ho Chi Minhs policy towards China
Pres. Nixon's policy of détente made significant headway in 1972 beginning with his diplomatic trip to
What was it Fragging
In 1971 the New York Times published the Pentagon papers a classified department of defense study that confirmed that
Who's release of the Pentagon papers revealed many unknown aspects of the federal government
The strategic arms limitation treaty
And the election of 1972 Richard Nixon easily defeated the Democratic candidate
The Watergate scandal involved a break in of the
Contrary to the beliefs of the most Americans Ho Chi Minh was not
Which of the following statements best summarizes the domino theory
Why was the Vietcong able to gain the sympathy of peasants among other groups in South Vietnam
Why did the Buddhist monk thick quang duc set himself on fire
Why did Ngo dinh Diem and his brother seek a negotiated settlement with the North Vietnamese in 1963
What controversies still surrounds the Association of Pres. Kennedy
What happened shortly before the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963
Which of the following best describes it Lyndon B. Johnson's character
The Gulf of Tonkin resolution
Why was Lyndon B. Johnson reluctant to be seen as weak in Vietnam
What was the controversial about the events that served as the rationale for the Gulf of Tonkin resolution
The majority of the drafted and then sent to Vietnam war
The Vietcong effectively employed guerrilla tactics that included of all of the following except
One reason why search and destroy missions against Vietcong were so challenging was because
The impact of the tet offenses was magnified by all of the following except
In the wake of the tet offenses
In 1968 Pres. Johnson decided not to run for reelection because
What was the effect of the American bombing campaign in Vietnam
Founded in 1962 students for democratic society
Hubert Humphrey's narrow defeat in 1968 could be attributed to all of the following factors except
The antiwar movement could best be described as
Four students were killed by the national guard at Kent State University during a protest of
The term détente has been used to describe Pres. Nixon's
Effects of the Vietnam War include the
All of the following are outcomes of the Vietnam War except that
In 1945 Vietnamese forces formed a provisional government in Hanoi and it declared independence from France under the leadership of
During the Vietnam War, Walter Cronkite was
This antiwar poster could best be described as representing the position of
Why did Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother seek a negotiated settlement with the north Vietnamese in 1963
In early 1965, confronting a request for additional troops in Vietnam, president Johnson opted to
Who did most conservative southern whites and white northern blue collar workers support in the 1968 presidential election
President Nixon's policy of détente made significant headway in 1972, beginning with his diplomatic trip to
During World War II, the Vietminh fought the occupation of Vietnam by which nation
The impact of the Tet Offensive was magnified by all of the following EXCEPT
The majority of the drafted men sent to Vietnam except
Which best describes Ho Chi Minh's policy toward China
The best explanation for the enduring power of this image is
Why is president Johnson's gallbladder incision portrayed in the shape of South Vietnam in this political cartoon
What is this Doonesbury cartoon intended to lampoon
To contrast its efforts with those of the US military , the North Vietnamese used images such as this one of volunteers on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, to emphasize
Hubert Humphrey's narrow defeat in 1968 could be attributed to all of the following factors except
What happened shortly before the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963
In 1968, President Johnson decided not to run for reelection because
The term détente has been used to describe president's Nixon's
Why was Lyndon B. Johnson reluctant to be seen as weak in Vietnam
In the election of 1972, Richard Nixon easily defeated the democratic candidate
What was fragging
The antiwar movement could best be described as
The gulf of Tonkin resolution
Four students were killed by the National Guard at Kent State University during a protest of
Effects of the Vietnam War included the
One reason why search and destroy missions against the Vietcong were so challenging was because
Why did Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc set himself on fire
Founded in 1962, Students for a Democratic society
Which quotation BEST accounts for the actions of those responsible for the My Lai massacre
What controversy still surrounds the assassination of president Kennedy
Accurately counting the enemy dead after a battle proceed to be impossible for American troops
According to the domino theory, a communist Vietnam would prevent the spread of soviet and Chinese power across Southeast Asia
As part of their preparations for the Tet Offensive, the North Vietnamese and Vietcong lured U.S forces into South Vietnamese towns and cities
No American solider ever testified against any actors in the My Lai massacre
After the Kent State Shooting, labor unions staged counter protest in support of the war
Anger about American involvement in Vietnam led Sirhan Sirhan to assassinate Robert Kennedy
It is unlikely that a second attack on the USS Maddox occurred in the Gulf of Tonkin
Neil Young's "Ohio" is a patriotic defense of the Nixon administration and the actions of the government at Kent State University
Leading voices in the media simply echoed the optimistic predictions of U.S officials throughout the Vietnam War
Jackie Kennedy attended President Johnson's searing in ceremony while still wearing the clothes stained with her husband's blood
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution:
Effects of the Vietnam War included the:
Based on one of the chapter online lectures. Although earlier wars saw drug abuse and high AWOL, Vietnam did not have these issues.
Hubert Humphrey's narrow defeat in 1968 could be attributed to all of the following factors EXCEPT
Which BEST describes Ho Chi Minh's policy toward China?
Religious tolerance became a problem in South Vietnam under Ngo Dinh Diem, who was
In the election of 1972, Richard Nixon easily defeated the Democratic candidate
What was "fragging"?
Why did Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc set himself on fire?
What was the code name of the defoliant that was used to destroy Vietnamese forests and crops and later linked to health problems and birth defects?
President Nixon's policy of détente made significant headway in 1972, beginning with his diplomatic trip to
In 1971, The New York Times published the Pentagon Papers, a classified Department of Defense study that confirmed that
Which quotation BEST accounts for the actions of those responsible for the My Lai massacre?
What happened shortly before the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963?
Which of the following statements best summarizes the "domino theory"?
Four students were killed by the National Guard at Kent State University during a protest of
What was the effect of the American bombing campaign in Vietnam?
What was controversial about the events that served as the rationale for the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
All of the following are outcomes of the Vietnam War EXCEPT that
The term détente has been used to describe President Nixon's
Founded in 1962, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
In 1968, President Johnson decided not to run for reelection because
Which of the following was NOT a member nation of the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO)?
Whose release of the Pentagon Papers revealed many unknown aspects of the federal government?
Why did Lyndon B. Johnson insist on taking the oath of office with Jackie Kennedy at his side?
During the Vietnam War, Walter Cronkite was
The winner of the 1968 presidential election was
One reason why search-and-destroy missions against the Vietcong were so challenging was because
Why did Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother seek a negotiated settlement with the North Vietnamese in 1963?
Why were events at My Lai referred to as a massacre?
What controversy still surrounds the assassination of President Kennedy?
During World War II, the Vietminh fought the occupation of Vietnam by which nation?
Who was the military commander who in 1965 requested a dramatic escalation in American ground troops?
The Vietcong effectively employed guerilla tactics that included of all of following EXCEPT
The majority of the drafted men sent to Vietnam were
Whom did most conservative Southern whites and white Northern blue-collar workers support in the 1968 presidential election?
Why was Lyndon B. Johnson reluctant to be seen as weak in Vietnam?
Which of the following BEST describes Lyndon B. Johnson's character?
In 1945, Vietnamese forces formed a provisional government in Hanoi and declared independence from France under the leadership of
The antiwar movement could BEST be described as
What were the consequences of the My Lai massacre for commanding Lieutenant William Calley?
Contrary to the belief of most Americans, Ho Chi Minh was not
This antiwar poster could best be described as representing the position of
In early 1965, confronting a request for additional troops in Vietnam, president Johnson opted to
The impact of the Tet Offensive was magnified by all of the following EXCEPT
The best explanation for the enduring power of this image is
Why is president Johnson's gallbladder incision portrayed in the shape of South Vietnam in this political cartoon
What is this Doonesbury cartoon intended to lampoon
To contrast its efforts with those of the US military , the North Vietnamese used images such as this one of volunteers on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, to emphasize
Accurately counting the enemy dead after a battle proceed to be impossible for American troops
According to the domino theory, a communist Vietnam would prevent the spread of soviet and Chinese power across Southeast Asia
As part of their preparations for the Tet Offensive, the North Vietnamese and Vietcong lured U.S forces into South Vietnamese towns and cities
No American solider ever testified against any actors in the My Lai massacre
After the Kent State Shooting, labor unions staged counter protest in support of the war
Anger about American involvement in Vietnam led Sirhan Sirhan to assassinate Robert Kennedy
It is unlikely that a second attack on the USS Maddox occurred in the Gulf of Tonkin
Neil Young's "Ohio" is a patriotic defense of the Nixon administration and the actions of the government at Kent State University
Leading voices in the media simply echoed the optimistic predictions of U.S officials throughout the Vietnam War
Jackie Kennedy attended President Johnson's searing in ceremony while still wearing the clothes stained with her husband's blood
The strategic arms limitation treaty
The Watergate scandal involved a break in of the
Why was the Vietcong able to gain the sympathy of peasants among other groups in South Vietnam
In the wake of the tet offenses
President Kennedy played a major role in the establishment of
As a delegate for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which of the following spoke eloquently in favor of bringing electoral justice to the South?
After a firebombing in Alabama, the Freedom Riders received protection from
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Counterculture hippies saw drug use as
As a Nation of Islam spokesperson, Malcolm X advocated
James Meredith's 1966 "March Against Fear" was intended to inspire blacks to
In The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan argued that
César Chávez fought for better working and living conditions for members of what group?
What catch-phrase did Richard Nixon employ in winning the presidency in 1968?
In 1962, the Supreme Court ruled that a short prayer adopted by the New York Board of Regents for use in public schools
As president, Lyndon B. Johnson differed from John F. Kennedy in that
Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society reflected the belief that
The Civil Rights Movement was successful in bringing national attention to Birmingham because
What was the primary reason why SNCC recruited Northern whites to work on voter registration drives as part of the Freedom Summer?
All of the following statements about the Black Panthers are true EXCEPT that
Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965
In the election of 1972, Richard Nixon easily defeated the antiwar candidate
The Rust Belt derived its name from
In the 1970s, the CIA was involved in overthrowing a democratically elected leader in favor of a brutal dictator in which country?
SALT I was a treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union that
The Carter Doctrine declared that the United States
Activist Gloria Steinem maintained that
In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that
President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative
In the Iran-Contra affair, John Poindexter and Oliver North
Whom did the Reagan administration seek to support in Latin America?
Both the Vietnam War and the Iranian hostage crisis
The roots of the Iranian hostage crisis resided in
What event led to Ayatollah Khomeini's willingness to negotiate an end to the Iranian hostage crisis?
In his first term, President Reagan did all of the following EXCEPT
What resulted from the sale of arms to Iran in order to secure the release of American hostages held in Lebanon?
How did President Reagan react to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's efforts to reduce tension between the two nations?
Which combination of factors contributed to the economic downturn of the 1970s?
In which nation did a popular revolt against communist rule fail to succeed?
Anita Hill accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of
The term high-tech lynching refers to
According to the Powell Doctrine, the conditions under which the United States might go to war include
Among Saddam Hussein's atrocities in Iraq was an attack on Kurdish villagers with
Despite the support of many voters, President Clinton failed to
In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the United States ousted the Taliban regime in
Prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, George W. Bush focused primarily on Iraq's
The first three weeks of the Iraq War were marked by
The disputed election of 2000 was ultimately decided through an appeal to
President Bush muted his response to the fall of the Berlin Wall because
President George H. W. Bush's call for U.S. military involvement in the Persian Gulf came when
With the goal of decreasing U.S. dependence on oil from the Middle East, the Bush administration
Why were U.S. troops sent to Somalia in 1992?
What combination of factors has been proposed as causing the severe economic downturn that began in 2007?

How did the Bush administration respond to the economic crisis in 2008?

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