Thursday, June 15, 2017

Liberty University PHIL 201 quiz 3 solutions answers right

Liberty University PHIL 201 quiz 3 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1 Which of the following is not a requirement for a good metaphysical theory?
Question 2 Which of the following is not a source of authority mentioned in Hasker?
Question 3 Christian theology has made extensive use of pagan philosophy in developing and interpreting Christian revelation.
Question 4 Which of the following is not one of the fundamental metaphysical questions identified by Hasker?
Question 5 If a theory is inconsistent that means everything asserted by the theory is wrong.
Question 6 A strong argument in favor of libertarianism is the rational thought seems to require the ability to freely choose between different options and ideas.
Question 7 If determinism is correct, then it is necessarily true that God does not exist.
Question 8 The theory that says some actions are chosen and performed by the agent without their being any sufficient cause or condition prior to the action itself.
Question 9 Determinism claims that ultimately our choices dont make any difference.
Question 10 One major argument for libertarianism is:
Question 11 Which of the following is true about Idealism?
Question 12 Both Dualism and Emergentism support the idea that the essential core person continues to exist after death.
Question 13 Emergentism states that the mind is produced by the brain and therefore is identical with the brain.
Question 14 Which of the following is not true of emergentism?
Question 15 Which of the following statements is true about Behaviorism?
Question 16 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of substances:
Question 17 The proposed solution to the mind/body problem that claims that for every physical state there exists a corresponding mental state, but there is no causal relationship between them.
Question 18 Of the elements of causality, the one that seems to be missing in the relationship between the mind and the body:
Question 19 According to Dr. Baggett, which of the following best describes libertarian free will:
Question 20 Which of the following is an essential property of a person according to the PointeCast.

Question 1 Christian theology has made extensive use of pagan philosophy in developing and interpreting Christian revelation.
Question 2 Some of the most important questions in metaphysics deal with:
Question 3 In Philosophy, some ideas, concepts or beliefs should be accepted on the grounds of authority, and should never be questioned.
Question 4 A good metaphysical theory should be characterized by explanatory power.
Question 5 According to Hasker it is possible to establish some metaphysical beliefs to a point where they are beyond the possibility of challenge.
Question 6 According to compatibilism, the proximate cause of an agents choice:
Question 7 The theory that says some actions are chosen and performed by the agent without their being any sufficient cause or condition prior to the action itself.
Question 8 A strong argument in favor of libertarianism is the rational thought seems to require the ability to freely choose between different options and ideas.
Question 9 Which doctrine does Hasker suggest to be a way to resolve of the problem of divine foreknowledge and human freedom?
Question 10 According to Hasker, a misconception that some have of libertarianism:
Question 11 Emergentism states that the mind is produced by the brain and therefore is identical with the brain.
Question 12 Which of the following statements is true about philosophical Materialism?
Question 13 Idealism tries to avoid the Mind­Body problem by reducing mental properties to physical properties.
Question 14 Which of the following statements is true about philosophical Dualism?
Question 15 Which of the following is not true of emergentism?
Question 16 The two types of substances are:
Question 17 Which of the following is an essential property of a person according to the PointeCast.
Question 18 Of the elements of causality, the one that seems to be missing in the relationship between the mind and the body:
Question 19 The kind of relationship that is the real problem behind the mind/body problem can be best characterized as:
Question 20 An example of an essential property is the fruit on a tree.

Question 1 According to Hasker, which is true of the premises we use in doing metaphysics?
Question 2 Which of the following is true of metaphysical theories?
Question 3 Because not everything can be absolutely proven 100%, then truth is necessarily relative.
Question 4 One rule of thumb in doing metaphysics is the recognition that there are some beliefs that should never be challenged or questioned.
Question 5 Which of the following is not one of the fundamental metaphysical questions identified by Hasker?
Question 6 According to Hasker, the most common response the determinist offers to the idea that rational thinking needs free choice is:
Question 7 For compatibilism a choice is considered free if the:
Question 8 The libertarian concedes that some human actions may, in fact, be socially or psychologically determined, while the determinist does not allow for the possibility of any free human action.
Question 9 Compatibilism claims that determinism is logically compatible with freedom as defined by the libertarian.
Question 10 The theory that says some actions are chosen and performed by the agent without their being any sufficient cause or condition prior to the action itself.
Question 11 Both Dualism and Emergentism support the idea that the essential core person continues to exist after death.
Question 12 On the question of life after death, John Hick proposes a theory that involves total annihilation of the entire person, including the soul, at death.
Question 13 Which of the following statements is not taught by Dualism?
Question 14 Which of the following is not true of emergentism?
Question 15 Behaviorism states that mental properties are merely a special category of physical properties.
Question 16 Of the elements of causality, the one that seems to be missing in the relationship between the mind and the body:
Question 17 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of substances:
Question 18 Which view that attempts to solve the mind/body problem by reducing the mind and body to one thing:
Question 19 The term contiguity means:
Question 20 Which of these is an example of an essential property?

Question 1 In Philosophy, some ideas, concepts or beliefs should be accepted on the grounds of authority, and should never be questioned.
Question 2 A good metaphysical theory should be characterized by explanatory power.
Question 3 According to Hasker, which is true of the premises we use in doing metaphysics?
Question 4 If a theory is inconsistent that means everything asserted by the theory is wrong.
Question 5 According to Hasker, we can and should thoughtfully evaluate our worldviews.
Question 6 According to Hasker, divine foreknowledge means:
Question 7 The view that our choices are governed by whatever is our strongest motive in a given situation is called:
Question 8 The theory that says some actions are chosen and performed by the agent without their being any sufficient cause or condition prior to the action itself.
Question 9 Which doctrine does Hasker suggest to be a way to resolve of the problem of divine foreknowledge and human freedom?
Question 10 If determinism is correct, then it is necessarily true that God does not exist.
Question 11 Which of the following statements is not taught by Dualism?
Question 12 Which of the following is a weakness/problem with Materialism?
Question 13 Idealism tries to avoid the Mind­Body problem by reducing mental properties to physical properties.
Question 14 Which of the following is not true of emergentism?
Question 15 Which of the following is not a common objection to Materialism?
Question 16 The proposed solution to the mind/body problem that says that God preordained our mental states to correspond with the appropriate physical state.
Question 17 Of the elements of causality, the one that seems to be missing in the relationship between the mind and the body:
Question 18 Which view attempts to solve the mind/body problem by appealing to Gods involvement:
Question 19 Which view that attempts to solve the mind/body problem by reducing the mind and body to one thing:
Question 20 Which of the following is a correct statement about essences?

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