Thursday, June 15, 2017

Liberty University PHIL 201 quiz 7 solutions answers right

Liberty University PHIL 201 quiz 7 solutions answers right
How many versions: 3 different versions

Question 1 The most severe version of the problem of horrendous evil is
Question 2 The view advanced by C. S. Lewis in The Great Divorce is
Question 3 The argument that there is probably pointless suffering that renders God’s existence unlikely is called
Question 4 Criticisms of mild hell include that
Question 5 The problem of evil comes about when we try to reconcile
Question 6 The Bible tells us everything we need to know and can benefit from ethically.
Question 7 Ethics is about the ________ and about the _________:
Question 8 All religions are concerned with the promulgation of certain values and the cultivation of specific virtues except Christianity.
Question 9 Where in the Bible can one find ethical material?
Question 10 Which of the following is a way Scripture does NOT contribute to philosophical ethics?
Question 11 For virtues ethics the “good” is located in the:
Question 12 In the end, Dr. Martin appealed to what factor in answering the question of gratuitous evil:
Question 13 The pointecast presentation on why be moral would support the idea that each individual should be free to formulate his/her own ethical norms.
Question 14 Natural Law theory comes under the category of
Question 15 When I ask “Why am I doing this?” I am seeking the ___________ behind my action:
Question 16 The dependency thesis states that morality is a matter of independent, rational judgment.
Question 17 According to emotivism, moral language is basically ___________, because it is not empirical or analytic.
Question 18 Which thesis holds that morality is not a matter of independent rational judgment but is causally dependent on cultural context:
Question 19 Moral practices and beliefs do not vary from culture to culture; they are universal.
Question 20 What is really at stake in the dependency thesis is the question of __________ and ___________.

Question 1 Deadly earthquakes, hurricanes, and diseases are examples of natural evils.
Question 2 Which of the following is a weakness with soul­making theodicies?
Question 3 The most severe version of the problem of horrendous evil is
Question 4 So­called “horrendous evils” are
Question 5 Which principle states that one is not justified in claiming that it appears that there are no X’s if one has reason to believe that, in one’s present epistemic state, one is not in a position to be able to perceive any Xs that might be there?
Question 6 The Bible gives us a ___________ basis for our moral obligation, in terms of our obligation to do the will of God, the Creator and Lawgiver.
Question 7 Ethics is about the ________ and about the _________:
Question 8 ________ comes hand in hand with an ethic, because it identifies values to be propogated and virtues to be cultivated.
Question 9 Christian liberty is not the license to do as one wants, but is rather being liberated to live within what God’s law requires.
Question 10 Where in the Bible can one find ethical material?
Question 11 The Synderesis rule states:
Question 12 According to Dr. Martin, Augustine defined evil as:
Question 13 In the end, Dr. Martin appealed to what factor in answering the question of gratuitous evil:
Question 14 According to Dr. Martin, why is evil a problem for theists?
Question 15 Natural Law theory comes under the category of
Question 16 The dependency thesis states that morality is a matter of independent, rational judgment.
Question 17 The emotivist says an ethical judgment describes feelings, while the subjectivist says it vents feelings.
Question 18 What term describes the idea that morality varies from culture to culture so that there are no universal norms?
Question 19 Cultural relativism is the view that moral beliefs and practices vary with and depend on human needs and social conditions.
Question 20 What is one problem with the charge of ethnocentrism aimed by relativists and the idea of universal moral beliefs?

Question 1 The logical form of the problem of evil:
Question 2 Which of the following is a weakness with soul­making theodicies?
Question 3 Marilyn Adams’s solution to the problem of evil requires universalism.
Question 4 The problem of evil comes about when we try to reconcile
Question 5 The apparent fact that God’s existence is not clearly manifested is a mystery for which believers have no explanation.
Question 6 Which of the following is NOT a way the Bible contributes to philosophical ethics?
Question 7 This is the type of claim that says what we “ought” to do.
Question 8 Ethics is similar to anthropology and sociology because they focus on human behaviors and the consequences of human action.
Question 9 The main difference between ethics and many other disciplines is that ethics is subjective while many other disciplines are objective.
Question 10 According to Holmes, the study of philosophical ethics can enhance Biblical morality by:
Question 11 When I ask “Why be moral?” on the pointecast, I am asking about the specific moral rules that one follows.
Question 12 According to Dr. Martin, Augustine defined evil as:
Question 13 In the end, Dr. Martin appealed to what factor in answering the question of gratuitous evil:
Question 14 When I ask “Why is this the right thing to do?” I am seeking the ___________ behind my action:
Question 15 Natural Law theory comes under the category of
Question 16 What is really at stake in the dependency thesis is the question of __________ and ___________.
Question 17 The emotivist says an ethical judgment describes feelings, while the subjectivist says it vents feelings.
Question 18 Which thesis holds that morality is not a matter of independent rational judgment but is causally dependent on cultural context:
Question 19 The dependency thesis states that morality is a matter of independent, rational judgment.
Question 20 What view holds that moral language simply expresses and perhaps arouses emotion so that nothing we say in moral terms is either true or false about anything:

Question 1 The logical form of the problem of evil:
Question 2 The most severe version of the problem of horrendous evil is
Question 3 Deadly earthquakes, hurricanes, and diseases are examples of natural evils.
Question 4 The problem of evil comes about when we try to reconcile
Question 5 Evans claims that a recurring theme of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, is
Question 6 The Bible tells us everything we need to know and can benefit from ethically.
Question 7 Which of the following is NOT a way that ethics can contribute to Biblical morality?
Question 8 The Bible contributes to philosophical ethics because it demonstrates that from love for God and gratitude for his mercies come the motivation and dynamic for moral living.
Question 9 Where in the Bible can one find ethical material?
Question 10 According to Holmes, the study of philosophical ethics can enhance Biblical morality by:
Question 11 Which element is not part of every moral event:
Question 12 Which element is NOT an element of the moral point of view:
Question 13 When I ask “Why am I doing this?” I am seeking the ___________ behind my action:
Question 14 The pointecast presentation on why be moral would support the idea that each individual should be free to formulate his/her own ethical norms.
Question 15 According to Dr. Martin, why is evil a problem for theists?
Question 16 Ethical intuitions really express objective feelings rather than evidencing subjective views of moral properties or ethical truths.
Question 17 Cultural relativism is the view that moral beliefs and practices vary with and depend on human needs and social conditions.
Question 18 In contrast to emotivism, which views ethical judgments as expressions of feelings, ethical subjectivism views such statements as:
Question 19 According to Holmes, one problem with the diversity thesis is that:
Question 20 What view holds that moral language simply expresses and perhaps arouses emotion so that nothing we say in moral terms is either true or false about anything:

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