Friday, June 30, 2017

Liberty University CSTU 101 quiz 8 solutions answers right

Liberty University CSTU 101 quiz 8 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 The early 20th century is described by which representative phrase?
Question 2 The men of the French Enlightenment had no base but their own ____________
Question 3 The treaty that officially ended World War 1.
Question 4 This man said that law is based on experience.
Question 5 A postimpressionism artist who died at age 37 and only sold one painting during his career.
Question 6 Often called The Father of the Enlightenment.
Question 7 What event destroyed the 19th century age of optimism and progress?
Question 8 Our distance from past ages enables us to perceive the periods when a culture was balanced, when the balance tipped into chaos, when the adjustment began that leads to a new period of balance and so on.
Question 9 Which names are closely associated with the Scientific Revolution?
Question 10 The Vietnam Memorial is located in which town?
Question 11 What central philosophical idea is foundational to The Communist Manifesto?
Question 12 Based on the view of Sigmund Freud
Question 13 Which of the following was not associated with the Romantic movement?
Question 14 Which of the following could not be considered a Romantic hero?
Question 15 In philosophical terms, Karl Marx most closely matches up with whom?
Question 16 The Renaissance and the ________________________ overlap the Scientific Revolution.
Question 17 Which of the following issues relate to the Human Genome Project?
Question 18 Which building illustrates the materialism and industrialization of 19th­century Europe?
Question 19 He proposed drugs as the solution. We should he said, give healthy people drugs and they can then find truth inside their own heads
Question 20 What year did Karl Marx write the Communist Manifesto?
Question 21 Preachers such as John Wesley sought to avoid conflict with the government so they would not preach on social problems.
Question 22 According to Romanticism, great art is produced by the triumph of reason over passion.
Question 23 Paris hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851.
Question 24 According to Rawls' textbook, the Enlightenment's faith in the possibility of progress died in the 18th century.
Question 25 According to Rawls' textbook, globalization appears to have created a global community.
Question 26 The Vietnam Memorial is a prime example of Neo-­Classical architecture.
Question 27 In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the romantic veneration of nature.
Question 28 Marxism can be understood as a theory of history.
Question 29 Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal.
Question 30 Belief in progress was a central idea within late 19th century western culture.

Question 1 The men of the French Enlightenment had no base but their own ____________
Question 2 The Vietnam Memorial is located in which town?
Question 3 Which building illustrates the materialism and industrialization of 19th­century Europe?
Question 4 What year did Karl Marx write the Communist Manifesto?
Question 5 Slavery was finally prohibited in England in 1807 mainly because of the work of _________.
Question 6 What central philosophical idea is foundational to The Communist Manifesto?
Question 7 Which of the following was not associated with the Romantic movement?
Question 8 Which of the following could not be considered a Romantic hero?
Question 9 The treaty that officially ended World War 1.
Question 10 A belief system in contemporary culture characterized by the rejection of objective truth and global cultural narrative. Has influenced many cultural fields, including literary criticism, sociology, linguistics, architecture, visual arts, and music.
Question 11 Which of the following is not associated with Modernism in the early 20th century?
Question 12 Which of the following events did NOT occur during the 1990s?
Question 13 Usually dated (19471991) was the continuing state of political conflict, military tension, proxy wars, and economic competition existing after World War II (19391945), primarily between the Soviet Union and its satellite states, and the powers of the Western world, particularly the United States.
Question 14 Theory that holds that reason is the standard of truth and that knowledge is to be verified by intellectual rather than empirical factors.
Question 15 What event destroyed the 19th century age of optimism and progress?
Question 16 In philosophical terms, Karl Marx most closely matches up with whom?
Question 17 The early 20th century is described by which representative phrase?
Question 18 Which names are closely associated with the Scientific Revolution?
Question 19 Which of the following is not associated with the 19th­century movement known as realism?
Question 20 Those who own property and means of production; in Marxism, capitalists as a class. Marxism says they exploit the class called the Proletariat.
Question 21 John Locke said individuals have a right to life, liberty, and property, and there was also such a thing as natural rights.
Question 22 Belief in progress was a central idea within late 19th century western culture.
Question 23 Matthew Arnolds poem Dover Beach illustrates a resurgence of religious faith during the late 19th century.
Question 24 The Vietnam Memorial is a prime example of Neo-­Classical architecture.
Question 25 History and culture are best studied as separate areas so that they do not influence each other.
Question 26 Flaubert was one of the leading realist novelists of the 19th century.
Question 27 According to Rawls' textbook, globalization appears to have created a global community.
Question 28 Preachers such as John Wesley sought to avoid conflict with the government so they would not preach on social problems.
Question 29 Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal.
Question 30 People's religious views will determine the direction of their individual lives and of their society.

Which of the following could not be considered a “Romantic hero”?
Which of the following is not associated with Modernism in the early 20th century?
Which of the following was not associated with the Romantic movement?
Which building illustrates the materialism and industrialization of 19th century Europe?
Wordsworth’s sonnet, “The World Is Too Much with Us,” best illustrates which concept?
What central philosophical idea is foundational to “The Communist Manifesto”?
What key word best describes the cultural and intellectual climate of the early 20th century western world?
In philosophical terms, Karl Marx most closely matches up with whom?
Which of the following is not associated with the 19th century movement known as realism?
The early 20th century is described by which representative phrase?
According to Romanticism, great art is produced by the triumph of reason over passion.
The poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” documents the intellectual disillusionment brought about by the publication of Darwin’s “Origin of Species”
Belief in progress was a central idea within late 19th
In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the romantic veneration of nature
Existentialism was a philosophical movement that emerged after the Second World War
Marxism can be understood as a theory of history.
Flaubert was one of the leading realist novelists of the 19th
Matthew Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach” illustrates a resurgence of religious faith during the late 19th century
Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal.
Paris hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851.

Question 1 Which of the following was not associated with the Romantic movement?
Question 2 Which of the following could not be considered a Romantic hero?
Question 3 The early 20th century is described by which representative phrase?
Question 4 Wordsworths sonnet, The World Is Too Much with Us, best illustrates which concept?
Question 5 Which of the following is not associated with the 19th ­century movement known as realism?
Question 6 Which building illustrates the materialism and industrialization of 19th ­century Europe?
Question 7 What central philosophical idea is foundational to The Communist Manifesto?
Question 8 What key word best describes the cultural and intellectual climate of the early 20th­century western world?
Question 9 In philosophical terms, Karl Marx most closely matches up with whom?
Question 10 Which of the following is not associated with Modernism in the early 20th century?
Question 11 Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal.
Question 12 The poem Dulce et Decorum Est documents the intellectual disillusionment brought about by the publication of Darwins Origin of Species.
Question 13 Existentialism was a philosophical movement that emerged after the Second World War.
Question 14 In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the romantic veneration of nature.
Question 15 Paris hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851.
Question 16 According to Romanticism, great art is produced by the triumph of reason over passion.
Question 17 Marxism can be understood as a theory of history.
Question 18 Matthew Arnolds poem Dover Beach illustrates a resurgence of religious faith during the late 19th century.
Question 19 Belief in progress was a central idea within late 19th century western culture.
Question 20 Flaubert was one of the leading realist novelists of the 19th century.

Question 1 Which building illustrates the materialism and industrialization of 19th­ century Europe?
Question 2 Which of the following was not associated with the Romantic movement?
Question 3 What central philosophical idea is foundational to The Communist Manifesto?
Question 4 Which of the following could not be considered a Romantic hero?
Question 5 Which of the following is not associated with Modernism in the early 20th century?
Question 6 In philosophical terms, Karl Marx most closely matches up with whom?
Question 7 The early 20th century is described by which representative phrase?
Question 8 Which of the following is not associated with the 19th century movement known as realism?
Question 9 Wordsworths sonnet, The World Is Too Much with Us, best illustrates which concept?
Question 10 What key word best describes the cultural and intellectual climate of the early 20th century western world?
Question 11 Matthew Arnolds poem Dover Beach illustrates a resurgence of religious faith during the late 19th century.
Question 12 Existentialism was a philosophical movement that emerged after the Second World War.
Question 13 Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal.
Question 14 The poem Dulce et Decorum Est documents the intellectual disillusionment brought about by the publication of Darwins Origin of Species.
Question 15 Belief in progress was a central idea within late 19th century western culture.
Question 16 According to Romanticism, great art is produced by the triumph of reason over passion.
Question 17 In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the romantic veneration of nature.
Question 18 Marxism can be understood as a theory of history.
Question 19 Paris hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851.
Question 20 Flaubert was one of the leading realist novelists of the 19th century.

Question 1 Which of the following was not associated with the Romantic movement?
Question 2 The early 20th century is described by which representative phrase?
Question 3 Which of the following could not be considered a Romantic hero?
Question 4 Which building illustrates the materialism and industrialization of 19th ­century Europe?
Question 5 What key word best describes the cultural and intellectual climate of the early 20th­century western world?
Question 6 Which of the following is not associated with the 19th­ century movement known as realism?
Question 7 What central philosophical idea is foundational to The Communist Manifesto?
Question 8 In philosophical terms, Karl Marx most closely matches up with whom?
Question 9 Wordsworths sonnet, The World Is Too Much with Us, best illustrates which concept?
Question 10 Which of the following is not associated with Modernism in the early 20th century?
Question 11 The poem Dulce et Decorum Est documents the intellectual disillusionment brought about by the publication of Darwins Origin of Species.
Question 12 Paris hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851.
Question 13 Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal.
Question 14 Belief in progress was a central idea within late 19th century western culture.
Question 15 Marxism can be understood as a theory of history.
Question 16 In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the romantic veneration of nature.
Question 17 According to Romanticism, great art is produced by the triumph of reason over passion.
Question 18 Flaubert was one of the leading realist novelists of the 19th century.
Question 19 Matthew Arnolds poem Dover Beach illustrates a resurgence of religious faith during the late 19th century.
Question 20 Existentialism was a philosophical movement that emerged after the Second World War.

Wordsworth Sonnet: " The word is too Much with Us" best illustrates which concept ?
The name Galileo is best associated with what period?
Which of the following is not associated with the 19th century movement known as realism?
What central philosophical idea is foundational to the
What year did Karl Max write the Communist Manifesto
The Renaissance and the _____ overlap the Scientific Revolution.
Which of the following is not associated with modernism in the early 20th century
In the 1880's was the first one who said "God is dead"
Which of the following events did not occur during the 1900's
The men of the French Enlightenment had no base their own
Which Building illustrates the materialism and Industrialization of the 19th century Europe?
Often called the Father of Enlightenment
Which of the following issues relates to the Genome Project
He held the belief that in the area of reason everything is absurd, but nonetheless a person can authenticate himself by an act of the will: Everyone should abandon the pose of spectator, and act in the purposeless world lived in the 1900's.
Slavery was finally prohibited in England in 1807 mainly because of the work of ________. 
Those who own property and means of production: In Marxism, Capitalists as a class exploit the class called
Which of the following could not be considered a "Romantic Hero"?
Which of the following is not associated with the Romantic movement
A Postimpressionism Artist who died at 37 and only sold one painting during his career____
In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the "romantic regeneration of nature.
Existentialism was a philosophical movement that emerged after the Second World War
The Vietnam Memorial is a prime example of Neo-Classical architecture.
History and culture are best studied as separated areas so that they do not influence each other.
Preachers such as John Wesley sought to avoid conflict with the gov't so they would not preach on social problems.
Flaubert was one of the leading realist novelists of the 19th Century
People religious views will determine the direction of their individual Lives and of their society
Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach", illustrates a resurgence of religious faith during the late 19th century.
According to Romanticism, great art produced by the triumph of reason over passion Postmodernism can be described as the belief that truth is absolute and universal
The Revolution involves such men as _______________.  

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