Sunday, June 18, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 8 solutions answers right

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 8 solutions answers right
How many versions: 6 different versions

Question 1 The “Second death” spoken of in Scripture is the separation of a person from God.
Question 2 Which of these is not one of the 5 crowns listed in Scripture to describe rewards?
Question 3 Only 15 books in the New Testament mention the second coming of Jesus.
Question 4 God designed hell to punish those angels that rebelled against his authority
Question 5 What is the "first" heaven?
Question 6 This prophetic school of interpretation does not believe in a literal kingdom of peace and prosperity here on earth that will last 1,000 years.
Question 7 Hell is a place of eternal separation from God.
Question 8 The Amillennial view recognizes a distinction between Israel and the church?
Question 9 Jesus is currenlty preparing an eternal home for those who believe in him.
Question 10 How many heavens does the Apostle Paul talk about?
Question 11 Jesus taught that heaven is eternal.
Question 12 Hell and the Lake of Fire are synonymous?
Question 13 The common word for hell in the Old Testament is “Sheol.”
Question 14 Both Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh­day Adventists have predicted numerous dates over the years only to have to change the date or redefine the event after the fact.
Question 15 One of the best arguments that Heaven is real is the physical presence of Jesus.

Question 1 The common word for hell in the Old Testament is “Sheol.”
Question 2 Hell is a place of eternal separation from God.
Question 3 The idea that a prophesy can have fulfillment both in the authors day and at a later time in a later event.
Question 4 Who are the only two people that have entered heaven in a similar way to the rapture?
Question 5 God designed hell to punish those angels that rebelled against his authority
Question 6 The Hebrew word “Sheol” is translated “Hades” in the Greek.
Question 7 Jesus is currenlty preparing an eternal home for those who believe in him.
Question 8 Jesus taught that heaven is eternal.
Question 9 What does immanency mean?
Question 10 Hell and the Lake of Fire are synonymous?
Question 11 The “Second death” spoken of in Scripture is the separation of a person from God.
Question 12 What was the most popular view of the kingdom at the turn of the 20th century?
Question 13 The Bible indicates that there is no death in heaven.
Question 14 Where do some commentators believe that Jesus was chronologically outlining the characteristics of this present age.
Question 15 How many heavens does the Apostle Paul talk about?

Question 1 Hell is a place of eternal separation from God.
Question 2 The Hebrew word “Sheol” is translated “Hades” in the Greek.
Question 3 What is the third heaven?
Question 4 What is the second heaven?
Question 5 The “Second death” spoken of in Scripture is the separation of a person from God.
Question 6 What does immanency mean?
Question 7 Hell and the Lake of Fire are synonymous?
Question 8 Jesus taught that heaven is eternal.
Question 9 The idea that a prophesy can have fulfillment both in the authors day and at a later time in a later event.
Question 10 The ascension of Jesus indicated that he completed the work he came to earth to do.
Question 11 Though the word "rapture" is only found once in Scripture it is a major doctrine of many conservative churches today.
Question 12 The Bible indicates that there is no death in heaven.
Question 13 What was the most popular view of the kingdom at the turn of the 20th century?
Question 14 What view believed that the world from the time of Christ's coming was getting better and better and assumed that a millennial kingdom would be established on earth as the world lived in peace.
Question 15 Who are the only two people that have entered heaven in a similar way to the rapture?

Question 1 When did the Premillennial view become popular?
Question 2 This prophetic school of interpretation does not believe in a literal kingdom of peace and prosperity here on earth that will last 1,000 years.
Question 3 According to the readings, Scripture contains everything that we need to know in order to know with complete certainty when Christ will return and to properly identify the antichrist.
Question 4 The idea that a prophesy can have fulfillment both in the authors day and at a later time in a later event.
Question 5 The Bible indicates that there is night and day in heaven.
Question 6 This word Rapture means to be "changed."
Question 7 What does immanency mean?
Question 8 Though the word "rapture" is only found once in Scripture it is a major doctrine of many conservative churches today.
Question 9 The “Second death” spoken of in Scripture is the separation of a person from God.
Question 10 Scripture teaches that Hell is eternal.
Question 11 Hell is a place of eternal separation from God.
Question 12 What is the second heaven?
Question 13 Only 15 books in the New Testament mention the second coming of Jesus.
Question 14 Who are the only two people that have entered heaven in a similar way to the rapture?
Question 15 One of the best arguments that Heaven is real is the physical presence of Jesus.

The Bible indicates that there is no death in heaven.
Hell is a place of eternal separation from God.
This prophetic school of interpretation does not believe in a literal kingdom of peace and prosperity here on earth that will last 1,000 years.
What view believed that the world from the time of Christ's coming was getting better and better and assumed that a millennial kingdom would be established on earth as the world lived in peace
The idea that a prophesy can have fulfillment both in the authors day and at a later time in a later event.
Though the word "rapture" is only found once in Scripture it is a major doctrine of many conservative churches today.
Where do some commentators believe that Jesus was chronologically outlining the characteristics of this present age.
The Hebrew word “Sheol” is translated “Hades” in the Greek
The Amillennial view recognizes a distinction between Israel and the church?
Jesus taught that heaven is eternal.
What happens at the "Great White Throne Judgment?"
The common word for hell in the Old Testament is “Sheol.”
Which of these is not one of the 5 crowns listed in Scripture to describe rewards?
According to the readings, Scripture contains everything that we need to know in order to know with complete certainty when Christ will return and to properly identify the antichrist.

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