Sunday, June 11, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 221 primary source and presentation review 3 solutions answers right

Liberty University HIUS 221 primary source and presentation review 3 solutions answers right
How many versions: 8 different versions

Question 1
Many of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence involved
Question 2
One of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence was that he fundamentally altered longstanding ___________________.
Question 3
According to the video presentation, people at the time of the Revolution saw a connection to
Question 4
According to the video presentation, who is a Founding Father who the British thought was the key instigator of the American Revolution?
Question 5
According to the video presentation, what was the name of the newspaper that Samuel Adams used to condone to Boston mobs?
Question 6
According to the video presentation, what did the establishment of the Committees of Correspondence pave the way for?
Question 7
According to the video presentation, which colony started the intercolonial movement of the Committees of Correspondence?
Question 8
According to the video presentation, what was the policy passed after the Boston Tea Party to make Bostonians repay the East India Trading Company for the tea that was destroyed?
Question 9
According to the video presentation, why did the British want to move the war further south?
Question 10
According to the video presentation, where did the Revolutionary War end?

Question 1
Who did the delegates appeal to for judgment of their actions in the Declaration of Independence?
Question 2
In every case of the violation of English rights listed in the Declaration of Independence, the colonists had
Question 3
According to the video presentation, what was the most quoted source in literature of the Era of the American Revolution?
Question 4
According to the video presentation, how did Chief Justice Earl Warren describe the relationship between Christianity and the United States?
Question 5
According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT an effect of the Stamp Act?
Question 6
According to the video presentation, where was the first Committee of Correspondence formed?
Question 7
According to the video presentation, what did the establishment of the Committees of Correspondence pave the way for?
Question 8
According to the video presentation, where were the first shots of the American Revolution fired?
Question 9
According to the video presentation, what did the victory in Saratoga mean for the colonies regarding the French?
Question 10
According to the video presentation, where did Benedict Arnold commit his act of treason?

Question 1 Who did the delegates appeal to for judgment of their actions in the Declaration of Independence?
Question 2 The Declaration of Independence claimed that the king had abdicated his right to governing the colonies because he
Question 3 According to the video presentation, most Americans understood
Question 4 According to the video presentation, Thomas Paine felt that who or what should rule in America?
Question 5 According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT an effect of the Stamp Act?
Question 6 According to the video presentation, where was the first Committee of Correspondence formed?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, what was the primary form of communication in the 18th century?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, where did the second Virginia Convention meet?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, where did Benedict Arnold commit his act of treason?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, what did the victory in Saratoga mean for the colonies regarding the French?

Question 1 Who did the delegates appeal to for judgment of their actions in the Declaration of Independence?
Question 2 What did the delegates NOT pledge as support for the Declaration and the country it founded?
Question 3 In every case of the violation of English rights listed in the Declaration of Independence, the colonists had
Question 4 In the Declaration of Independence, the delegates claimed a reliance on the protection of
Question 5 The Declaration of Independence claimed that the king had abdicated his right to governing the colonies because he
Question 6 How might the Whig theory of virtual representation have contributed to the tensions leading to the American Revolution?
Question 7 How did the British respond to the creation of the Continental Army under General George Washington?
Question 8 Given the enslavement of African­Americans, British writer Dr. Samuel Johnson viewed the championing of liberty by Americans as
Question 9 Why did British Prime Minister George Grenville initiate a program of taxing the American colonists in 1764?
Question 10 Which of the following best describes the position of the Loyalists?

Question 1 What was the effect of King George III’s rejection of the “Olive Branch” petition sent by the First Continental Congress?
Question 2 In 1775, Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation
Question 3 The First Continental Congress endorsed the Resolves of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which denounced the Intolerable Acts primarily on the grounds that the law was
Question 4 Washington’s crossing the Delaware River to attack British allies at Trenton took the British by surprise because
Question 5 How was New Jersey unusual with regards to suffrage?
Question 6 The Sugar Act did all of the following EXCEPT
Question 7 Why did Britain declare war on Holland during the American Revolution?
Question 8 The Battle of Lexington occurred when British troops marched from Boston in order to
Question 9 Like the Massachusetts Constitution, the Virginia Declaration of Rights and Constitution
Question 10 All of the following motivated the Regulators EXCEPT

Question 1 In response to the Townshend Acts, many colonial women
Question 2 Why was there a possibility that the property of Grace Growden Galloway of Philadelphia would be confiscated?
Question 3 According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT an effect of the Stamp Act?
Question 4 According to the video presentation, what year was the Stamp Act passed?
Question 5 According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT one of the first three members of the Virginia Committee of Correspondence?
Question 6 According to the video presentation, what did the establishment of the Committees of Correspondence pave the way for?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, where is most of the first part of the war fought?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, where did Benedict Arnold commit his act of treason?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, who is a Founding Father who the British thought was the key instigator of the American Revolution?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, most Americans understood

Question 1 Who did the delegates appeal to for judgment of their actions in the Declaration of Independence?
Question 2 One of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence was keeping ___________ in time of peace.
Question 3 One of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence was that he fundamentally altered long­standing ___________________.
Question 4 What did the delegates NOT pledge as support for the Declaration and the country it founded?
Question 5 In every case of the violation of English rights listed in the Declaration of Independence, the colonists had
Question 6 What view might have contributed most to Americans’ continuing slavery while also supporting liberty for themselves?
Question 7 What was the effect of King George III’s rejection of the “Olive Branch” petition sent by the First Continental Congress?
Question 8 How did the British respond to the creation of the Continental Army under General George Washington?
Question 9 After the Stamp Act crisis was resolved, why did the British continue to seek ways to tax the colonists?
Question 10 Why was the opposition to the Stamp Act so much more widespread than opposition to taxes previously levied by Parliament?

Question 1 During the Revolution, American forces enjoyed all of the following advantages EXCEPT
Question 2 The Sons of Liberty were
Question 3 How was New Jersey unusual with regards to suffrage?
Question 4 The Patriot leader who expressed the greatest concerns about more radical forms of democracy was
Question 5 Like the Massachusetts Constitution, the Virginia Declaration of Rights and Constitution
Question 6 The First Continental Congress endorsed the Resolves of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which denounced the Intolerable Acts primarily on the grounds that the law was
Question 7 Why was there a possibility that the property of Grace Growden Galloway of Philadelphia would be confiscated?
Question 8 Washington’s crossing the Delaware River to attack British allies at Trenton took the British by surprise because
Question 9 The British reacted to the Boston Tea Party by passing the
Question 10 Which of the following affirmed the power of Parliament to pass binding laws on the colonies?

Question 1 In 1775, Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation
Question 2 The Sugar Act did all of the following EXCEPT
Question 3 According to the video presentation, the Sons of Liberty emerged in which colony?
Question 4 According to the video presentation, what year was the Stamp Act passed?
Question 5 According to the video presentation, what did the establishment of the Committees of Correspondence pave the way for?
Question 6 According to the video presentation, what was the primary form of communication in the 18th century?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, where did the Revolutionary War end?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, which battle helped to set up the battle at Yorktown?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Thomas Paine felt that who or what should rule in America?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, what was the most quoted source in literature of the Era of the American Revolution?

Question 1 What did the delegates NOT pledge as support for the Declaration and the country it founded?
Question 2 Many of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence involved
Question 3 Who did the delegates appeal to for judgment of their actions in the Declaration of Independence?
Question 4 In every case of the violation of English rights listed in the Declaration of Independence, the colonists had
Question 5 In the Declaration of Independence, the delegates claimed a reliance on the protection of
Question 6 How might the Whig theory of virtual representation have contributed to the tensions leading to the American Revolution?
Question 7 Beginning with the Sugar Act, colonists objected to taxation by the British because they
Question 8 Which resulted from General Horatio Gates’ victory over General John Burgoyne at Saratoga?
Question 9 How did the Massachusetts Constitution limit the power of the governor?
Question 10 What was the effect of King George III’s rejection of the “Olive Branch” petition sent by the First Continental Congress?

Question 1 During the Revolution, American forces enjoyed all of the following advantages EXCEPT
Question 2 Washington’s crossing the Delaware River to attack British allies at Trenton took the British by surprise because
Question 3 The British reacted to the Boston Tea Party by passing the
Question 4 Which of the following affirmed the power of Parliament to pass binding laws on the colonies?
Question 5 Who was asked to take the lead in drafting the formal resolution that would become the Declaration of Independence?
Question 6 The Battle of Lexington occurred when British troops marched from Boston in order to
Question 7 All of the following motivated the Regulators EXCEPT
Question 8 The First Continental Congress endorsed the Resolves of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which denounced the Intolerable Acts primarily on the grounds that the law was
Question 9 Why did the British shift their attention to the South in the latter years of the American Revolution?
Question 10 Like the Massachusetts Constitution, the Virginia Declaration of Rights and Constitution

Question 1 Estimates indicate that about what percent of white colonists were Loyalists?
Question 2 The Pennsylvania Constitution established all of the following EXCEPT
Question 3 According to the video presentation, the Sons of Liberty emerged in which colony?
Question 4 According to the video presentation, what year was the Stamp Act passed?
Question 5 According to the video presentation, which colony started the intercolonial movement of the Committees of Correspondence?
Question 6 According to the video presentation, what was the Currency Act?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, where did the Revolutionary War end?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, why did the British want to move the war further south?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, most Americans understood
Question 10 According to the video presentation, people at the time of the Revolution saw a connection to

Question 1 The Declaration of Independence claimed that the king had abdicated his right to governing the colonies because he
Question 2 In the Declaration of Independence, the delegates claimed a reliance on the protection of
Question 3 One of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence was keeping ___________ in time of peace.
Question 4 In every case of the violation of English rights listed in the Declaration of Independence, the colonists had
Question 5 Many of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence involved
Question 6 What view might have contributed most to Americans’ continuing slavery while also supporting liberty for themselves?
Question 7 What was the effect of King George III’s rejection of the “Olive Branch” petition sent by the First Continental Congress?
Question 8 Why was the Declaration of Independence aimed at a foreign as well as domestic audience?
Question 9 Why did the British transfer the bulk of their military forces in America from the frontier to the major seaports between 1765 and 1768?
Question 10 During the Revolution, American forces enjoyed all of the following advantages EXCEPT

Question 1 Why did the British retreat to New York after defeating the Patriots in Boston?
Question 2 Estimates indicate that about what percent of white colonists were Loyalists?
Question 3 The Battle of Lexington occurred when British troops marched from Boston in order to
Question 4 Which was the only colony that did NOT send representatives to the Continental Congress that convened in 1774?
Question 5 How was New Jersey unusual with regards to suffrage?
Question 6 Who was asked to take the lead in drafting the formal resolution that would become the Declaration of Independence?
Question 7 Why did the British shift their attention to the South in the latter years of the American Revolution?
Question 8 Britain recognized American independence by
Question 9 The First Continental Congress endorsed the Resolves of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which denounced the Intolerable Acts primarily on the grounds that the law was
Question 10 The Sons of Liberty were

Question 1 What did the Prohibitory Act outlaw?
Question 2 In 1775, Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation
Question 3 According to the video presentation, the Sons of Liberty emerged in which colony?
Question 4 According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT an effect of the Stamp Act?
Question 5 According to the video presentation, what was the primary form of communication in the 18th century?
Question 6 According to the video presentation, where was the first Committee of Correspondence formed?
Question 7 According to the video presentation, where did Benedict Arnold commit his act of treason?
Question 8 According to the video presentation, where is most of the first part of the war fought?
Question 9 According to the video presentation, Thomas Paine felt that who or what should rule in America?
Question 10 According to the video presentation, who is a Founding Father who the British thought was the key instigator of the American Revolution?

In the Declaration of Independence, the delegates claimed a reliance on the protection of
Many of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence involved
Who did the delegates appeal lo for Judgment of their actions in the Declaration of Independence?
One of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence was that he fundamentally altered long-standing                     
One of the complaints against the king in the Declaration of Independence was keeping                          (blank) in time of peace.
John Adams’ dismissive reply to his wife Abigail’s entreaty to "Remember the Ladies" betrayed his distrust of
Why did the British transfer the bulk of their military forces in America from the frontier to the major seaports between 1765 and 1768?
Why was the opposition to the Stamp Act so much more widespread than opposition to taxes previously levied by Parliament?
How did the British respond to the creation of the Continental Army under General George Washington?
Given the enslavement of African-Americans, British writer Dry Samuel Johnson viewed the championing of liberty by Americans as
Why did the British retreat to New York after defeating the Patriots in Boston?
The Patriot leader who expressed the greatest concerns about more radical forms of democracy was
Why did Britain declare war on Holland during the American Revolution?
How was New Jersey unusual with regards to suffrage?
The Pennsylvania Constitution established all of the following EXCEPT
Who was asked to take the lead in drafting! His formal resolution that would become the Declaration of Independence?
Britain recognized American independence by
Estimates indicate that about what percent of white colonists were Loyalists?
In response to the Townshend Acts, many colonial women
The First Continental Congress endorsed the Resolves of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which denounced the Intolerable Acts primarily on the grounds that the law was
Which was the only colony that did NOT send representatives   to the Continental Congress that convened in 1774?
All of the following motivated the Regulators EXCEPT
According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT an effect of the Stamp Act?
According to the video presentation, what year was the Stamp Act passed?
According to the video presentation, which of these was NOT one of the first three members of the Virginia Committee of Correspondence?
According to the video presentation, what was the Currency Act?
According to the video presentation, what did the victory in Saratoga mean for the colonies regarding the French?
According to the video presentation, where is most of the first part of the war fought?
According to the video presentation, who is a Founding Father who the British thought was the key instigator of the American Revolution?
According to the video presentation, most Americas understood

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