Thursday, June 22, 2017

Liberty University APOL 104 test 3 solutions answers right

Liberty University APOL 104 test 3 solutions answers right

How many versions: 6different versions

Question 1
3 out of 3 points
The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years.
Question 2
3 out of 3 points
The following cannot be said of the Bible.
Question 3
What was NOT a significant discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Question 4
3 out of 3 points
According to Geisler, the central theme of the Bible is:
Question 5
3 out of 3 points
According to a Biblical Worldview only Christians are created in the image of God.
Question 6
3 out of 3 points
The New Testament is assumed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit but no specific scripture indicates that the Holy Spirit was continuing to inspire new scripture.
Question 7
3 out of 3 points
When the Old Testament manuscripts were found in the Qumran Caves major differences were found between these documents and the current Old Testament scriptures.
Question 8
3 out of 3 points
Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose.
Question 9
3 out of 3 points
Islam, Judaism and Christianity are examples of Theistic worldviews.
Question 10
3 out of 3 points
Gods revealing Himself through nature is known as:
Question 11
3 out of 3 points
Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins of the world. This is known as:
Question 12
0 out of 3 points
What is the problem with arguing that the Bible is Gods inspired word on the basis that it claims to be the inspired word of God?
Question 13
3 out of 3 points
A person can believe in evolution and still believe in the trustworthiness of scripture.
Question 14
3 out of 3 points
Pantheism views god as an infinite, impersonal force.
Question 15
3 out of 3 points
The search for truth is known as the science of:
Question 16
3 out of 3 points
William Ramsay, who was a skeptic about the historical accuracy of the Bible, changed his mind after researching one of the gospel writers detail to titles of historical figures. The writer was:
Question 17
3 out of 3 points
The Golden Rule taught by various religious groups over hundreds of years provides evidence that God created man in His Image.
Question 18
3 out of 3 points
Everybody has a worldview.
Question 19
3 out of 3 points
A problem for conservative scholars who claim the Bible is the Word of God is that Jesus never said any part of Bible was the Word of God.
Question 20
3 out of 3 points
Justification means to declare righteous or holy.

Question 1
3 out of 3 points
A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision-making.
· Question 2
3 out of 3 points
The Second Law of Thermodynamics gives evidence that the universe has not always existed.
· Question 3
3 out of 3 points
Evolution ultimately is based upon faith.
· Question 4
3 out of 3 points
An “atheist” is one who says there is sufficient evidence to show that God does not exist.
· Question 5
3 out of 3 points
Salvation is the restoration of the whole of God’s good creation.
· Question 6
3 out of 3 points
An “agnostic” is a person who believes that God exists but does not think there is enough evidence to prove He exists.
· Question 7
3 out of 3 points
A salvation term which means to be “set apart” from this world and unto God.
Question 8
3 out of 3 points
Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”
· Question 9
3 out of 3 points
A Secularist believes in absolute truth.
· Question 10
3 out of 3 points
During the Age of Enlightenment people elevated the teachings of the Church as the ultimate test for truth since they were being enlightened by the Word of God.
· Question 11
3 out of 3 points
There are no logical responses to the Problem of Evil which causes most Secularists to reject Christianity.
· Question 12
3 out of 3 points
Peter Singer in his book, Practical Ethics, suggested that human babies were born in the image of God with great value since their human bodies were so complex.
· Question 13
3 out of 3 points
Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following:
· Question 14
3 out of 3 points
According to Secularism, God did not make man in His image; instead, man made God in his image.
· Question 15
3 out of 3 points
Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose.
· Question 16
3 out of 3 points
The invention of the Gutenberg printing press influenced both the Reformation and the Renaissance.
Question 17
3 out of 3 points
Who said, “I think therefore I am” which caused him to become a religious reformer.
· Question 18
3 out of 3 points
Morality in Naturalism most often falls into the category of absolutism or the belief in absolute truth.
· Question 19
3 out of 3 points
A person can believe in macroevolution and still believe in the trustworthiness of scripture.
· Question 20
3 out of 3 points
Eastern World religions have a Theistic view of God.

Question 1
An example of Special Revelation is the creation that humans can see around them.
Question 2
Everybody has a worldview.
Question 3
William Ramsay, who was a skeptic about the historical accuracy of the Bible, changed his mind after researching one of the gospel writer’s detail to titles of historical figures. The writer was:
Question 4
According to Powell, what should be considered some of the best evidence that the Bible is the inspired word of God?
Question 5
Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following:
Question 6
According to Geisler, the central theme of the Bible is:
Question 7
Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins of the world. This is known as:
Question 8
Pantheism views god as an infinite, impersonal force.
Question 9
What is a worldview?
Question 10
Leaving the ground unplowed and unused every seventh year is one example of how the Bible included scientific knowledge before it was known and taught by scientists.
Question 11
According to a Biblical Worldview only Christians are created in the image of God.
Question 12
The New Testament is assumed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit but no specific scripture indicates that the Holy Spirit was continuing to inspire new scripture.
Question 13
According to the science of epistemology truth must be measurable and defendable.
Question 14
The “Golden Rule” taught by various religious groups over hundreds of years provides evidence that God created man in His Image.
Question 15
The following cannot be said of the Bible.
Question 16
God’s revealing Himself through nature is known as:
Question 17
The worldview “Question of Origin” deals with
Question 18
A salvation term which means to be “set apart” from this world and unto God.
Question 19
The question of what was and was not Scripture (in terms of the NT) really began “in earnest”:
Question 20
Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”

Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”
What is a worldview
The search for truth is known as the science of
A person can believe in macroevolution and still believe in the trustworthiness of scripture
Who said, “I think therefore I am” which caused him to become a religious reformer
Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following
Atheism and Agnosticism are examples of
Evolution ultimately is based upon faith
Everybody has a worldview
Peter Singer in his book, Practical Ethics, suggested that human babies were born in the image of God with great value since their human bodies were so complex
The “Golden Rule” taught by various religious groups over hundreds of years provides evidence that God created man in His Image
A person’s emotions and feelings are a valid standard for developing one’s worldview
A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision-making
The worldview “Question of Origin” deals with
Global apologetics is a method of approaching world religions and presenting a Christian apologetic so it is understandable in their context
Christians are to use the Bible as their filter or framework for their worldview
There are no logical responses to the Problem of Evil which causes most Secularists to reject Christianity
Islam, Judaism and Christianity are examples of Theistic worldviews
According to the science of epistemology truth must be measurable and defendable
The Buddha rejected the Caste system of Hinduism and declared that everyone had an equal opportunity to reach Nirvana

What was NOT a significant discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Which of the following piece(s) of evidence is/are a “main anchor” used in dating Paul’s letters from events recorded in Acts 18:12-17?
Global apologetics is a method of approaching world religions and presenting a Christian apologetic so it is understandable in their context
Eastern World religions include a belief that humans can achieve God-like status
God created humans because He was lonely and needed the fellowship of His creation
The search for truth is known as the science of
1 Corinthians 15:3-8 is especially important because
Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose
God’s revealing Himself through nature is known as
Pantheism views god as an infinite, impersonal force
Biblical authors were under the direction of the Holy Spirit when they wrote scripture
The following can impact a person’s worldview
The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years
Christians are to use the Bible as their filter or framework for their worldview
According to the science of epistemology truth must be measurable and defendable
Leaving the ground unplowed and unused every seventh year is one example of how the Bible included scientific knowledge before it was known and taught by scientists
Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following
According to Powell, what should be considered some of the best evidence that the Bible is the inspired word of God
There are no external evidences for the truthfulness of the Bible
A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision-making

Question 1
Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”
Question 2
The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are Naturalism, Pantheism, and Theism.
Question 3
The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years.
Question 4
Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose.
Question 5
According to Geisler, the central theme of the Bible is:
Question 6
What is a worldview?
Question 7
Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following:
Question 8
According to the science of epistemology truth must be measurable and defendable.
Question 9
A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision-making.
Question 10
The following can impact a person’s worldview.
Question 11
According to a Biblical Worldview only Christians are created in the image of God.
Question 12
What is the most important reason that Christians should be concerned with the Old Testament?
Question 13
According to Powell, what should be considered some of the best evidence that the Bible is the inspired word of God?
Question 14
Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins of the world. This is known as:
Question 15
What was NOT a significant discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Question 16
1 Corinthians 15:3-8 is especially important because:
Question 17
What materials are specifically used in the discipline of New Testament textual criticism?
Question 18
The worldview “Question of Origin” deals with
Question 19
God’s revealing Himself through nature is known as:
Question 20
Pantheism views god as an infinite, impersonal force.

A person can believe in macroevolution and still believe in the trustworthiness of scripture
There are no logical responses to the Problem of Evil which causes most Secularists to reject Christianity
The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are Naturalism, Pantheism, and Theism.
The classic apologetic approach of the 70’s and 80’s tended to limit evangelical attention to Western and new religions.
An example of Special Revelation is the creation that humans can see around them
Eastern World religions have a Theistic view of God.
The “Golden Rule” taught by various religious groups over hundreds of years provides evidence that God created man in His Image
Your worldview will be foundational in how you answer the “Question of Morality”
An “atheist” is one who says there is sufficient evidence to show that God does not exist.
A salvation term which means to be “set apart” from this world and unto God.
Global apologetics attempts to understand the beliefs of the listener, thus anticipating the assumptions they may have concerning Jesus Christ.
The Buddha rejected the Caste system of Hinduism and declared that everyone had an equal opportunity to reach Nirvana.
The beliefs of Secularism include:
Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins of the world. This is known as:
God created humans because He was lonely and needed the fellowship of His creation
The following can impact a person’s worldview
A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision-making.
Peter Singer in his book, Practical Ethics, suggested that human babies were born in the image of God with great value since their human bodies were so complex.
Western or New World religions are those that typically teach reincarnation.
According to Secularism, God did not make man in His image; instead, man made God in his image

The invention of the Gutenberg printing press influenced both the Reformation and the Renaissance.
The search for truth is known as the science of:
Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following:
Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose.
Christians are to use the Bible as their filter or framework for their worldview.
Although a Secularist may believe that Jesus Christ existed He was only a good moral teacher.
Karma is the basic idea that “what goes around comes around.”
Atheism and Agnosticism are examples of:
Justification means to “declare righteous or holy”.
What is a worldview
There are no external evidences for the truthfulness of the Bible.

A person’s emotions and feelings are a valid standard for developing one’s worldview
Eastern World religions include a belief that humans can achieve God-like status. Selected
A Secularist believes in absolute truth.
Islam, Judaism and Christianity are examples of Theistic worldviews.
Morality in Naturalism most often falls into the category of absolutism or the belief in absolute truth.
Global apologetics is a method of approaching world religions and presenting a Christian apologetic so it is understandable in their context.
Salvation is the restoration of the whole of God's good creation.
God revealing himself through nature is known as
The Second Law of Thermodynamics gives evidence that the universe has not always existed.

Question 1 A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision­making.
Question 2 The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are Naturalism, Pantheism, and Theism.
Question 3 Which of the following piece(s) of evidence is/are a “main anchor” used in dating Paul’s letters from events recorded in Acts 18:12­17?
Question 4 Christians are to use the Bible as their filter or framework for their worldview.
Question 5 Justification means to “declare righteous or holy”.
Question 6 A person can believe in evolution and still believe in the trustworthiness of scripture.
Question 7 Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose.
Question 8 The question of what was and was not Scripture (in terms of the NT) really began “in earnest”:
Question 9 All Old Testament scriptures are said to be “God breathed” according to II Timothy 3:16.
Question 10 Your worldview will be foundational in how you answer the “Question of Morality”.
Question 11 Salvation is the restoration of the whole of God’s good creation.
Question 12 The worldview “Question of Origin” deals with
Question 13 The search for truth is known as the science of:
Question 14 When the Old Testament manuscripts were found in the Qumran Caves major differences were found between these documents and the current Old Testament scriptures.
Question 15 Peter Singer in his book, Practical Ethics, suggested that human babies were born in the image of God with great value since their human bodies were so complex.
Question 16 Biblical authors were under the direction of the Holy Spirit when they wrote scripture.
Question 17 The “Golden Rule” taught by various religious groups over hundreds of years provides evidence that God created man in His Image.
Question 18 The following cannot be said of the Bible.
Question 19 A problem for conservative scholars who claim the Bible is the Word of God is that Jesus never said any part of Bible was the Word of God.
Question 20 What is the problem with arguing that the Bible is God’s inspired word on the basis that it claims to be the inspired word of God?

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