Friday, June 30, 2017

Liberty University CSTU 101 Quiz 4 solutions answers right

Liberty University CSTU 101 Quiz 4 solutions answers right
How many versions: 6 different versions

Question 1 Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
Question 2 According to the Roman timeline this Republic began around what date?
Question 3 The Punic Wars involved which two countries?
Question 4 The central wedge­shaped stone in an arch; the last stone put in place, it makes the arch stable.
Question 5 Rome had two early philosophies taught, one being Epicureanism. What was the other one?
Question 6 Which of American founding fathers designed their house with the Pantheon in mind?
Question 7 The court of a Roman house, roofless and near the entrance.
Question 8 What was as common in Rome as billboards are to us today?
Question 9 Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher?
Question 10 Who was the chief patron of art in the Roman culture?
Question 11 What structure did the Romans built that allowed their expression of who there were in the world and what they were trying to do?
Question 12 Caesar Augustus, we know from the Bible gave himself this name. What was his name before he took this new name?
Question 13 The period from the rule of Caesar Augustus through Marcus Aurelius
Question 14 This structure is the best preserved structure from the Roman Era.
Question 15 Which document did Jefferson write?
Question 16 Who wrote the poem the Aeneid?
Question 17 From the Christian's perspective which of these is true?
Question 18 Who proclaimed himself to be the first emperor of Rome?
Question 19 Which Roman city was destroyed by a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius?
Question 20 What was Rome’s major and most enduring contribution to Western Culture.
Question 21 The Greeks were more interested in what works, while the Romans were more interested in what is right.
Question 22 The Romans took pride in their Imperialism.
Question 23 The chief arts of Rome were architecture and sculpture.
Question 24 A good word to describe the Roman mind in relations to art, would be idealistic.
Question 25 Duty, honor, and patriotism were Greek virtues as opposed to the Roman ideals of freedom, truth, and beauty.
Question 26 Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii.
Question 27 In 146 BC the Romans finally made peace with Carthage by signing a peace treaty at their capital.
Question 28 Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the Greeks.
Question 29 The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism.
Question 30 Rome could be described as being pragmatic in their worldview.

Question 1 What significant structural architectural principle did the Romans develop?
Question 2 Rome had two early philosophies taught, one being Epicureanism. What was the other one?
Question 3 The Punic Wars involved which two countries?
Question 4 Which Roman city was destroyed by a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius?
Question 5 Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
Question 6 Who was the chief patron of art in the Roman culture?
Question 7 According to the Roman timeline this Republic began around what date?
Question 8 Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher?
Question 9 This structure is the best preserved structure from the Roman Era.
Question 10 Caesar Augustus, we know from the Bible gave himself this name. What was his name before he took this new name?
Question 11 Which of American founding fathers designed their house with the Pantheon in mind?
Question 12 Who proclaimed himself to be the first emperor of Rome?
Question 13 Which document did Jefferson write?
Question 14 Who is created with introducing the Neo­classical architecture to America’s buildings?
Question 15 Who wrote the poem the Aeneid?
Question 16 What structure did the Romans built that allowed their expression of who there were in the world and what they were trying to do?
Question 17 The period from the rule of Caesar Augustus through Marcus Aurelius
Question 18 What was as common in Rome as billboards are to us today?
Question 19 From the Christian's perspective which of these is true?
Question 20 One of Rome’s most famous narrative art monuments is _____________.
Question 21 The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism.
Question 22 A good word to describe the Roman mind in relations to art, would be idealistic.
Question 23 The Romans took pride in their Imperialism.
Question 24 Rome could be described as being pragmatic in their worldview.
Question 25 The Greeks were more interested in what works, while the Romans were more interested in what is right.
Question 26 The chief arts of Rome were architecture and sculpture.
Question 27 The Roman Coliseum was not as big as previously thought and probably only held a few thousand people.
Question 28 For the Romans, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny.
Question 29 Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii.
Question 30 In 146 BC the Romans finally made peace with Carthage by signing a peace treaty at their capital.

Question 1 Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife?
Question 2 The most “popular” story depicted in the catacombs is:
Question 3 Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
Question 4 Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher?
Question 5 We noticed a variant of the “swastika” symbol associated with which figure in early Christian painting?
Question 6 Which of the following is not depicted on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus?
Question 7 In the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, which two figures are standing on either side of Jesus?
Question 8 What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture?
Question 9 E. R. Dodds identified which three reasons for the “success” of early Christianity?
Question 10 After the period of Constantine, how is Jesus depicted in Christian art?
Question 11 In the early church, there was much theological disagreement about what Jesus looked like.
Question 12 The Greeks were more interested in what works, while the Romans were more interested in what is right.
Question 13 Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii.
Question 14 For the Romans, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny.
Question 15 Roman portraiture art can be described by the word “photorealistic.”
Question 16 The New Testament is silent on the philosophies of the Roman world.
Question 17 Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the Greeks.
Question 18 The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism.
Question 19 Early Christian art was more symbolic and less materialistic than Roman art.
Question 20 Ancient Roman society was relatively tolerant of various religions.

Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife?
The most “popular” story depicted in the catacombs is:
We noticed a variant of the swastika symbol associated with which figure in early Christian painting?
Which Roman emperor was a stoic philosopher?
After the period of Constantine, how is Jesus depicted in Christian art?
E. R. Dodds identified which three reasons for the “success” of early Christianity?
What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture?
Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
Which of the following is not depicted on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus?
In the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, which two figures are standing on either side of Jesus?
In the early church, there was much theological disagreement about what Jesus looked like.
The Greeks were more interested in what works, while the Romans were more interested in what is right.
Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the Greeks.
For the Romans, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny.
Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii
The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism
Ancient Roman society was relatively tolerant of various religions
The New Testament is silent on the philosophies of the Roman world
Roman portraiture art can be described by the word photorealistic

Question 1 The most “popular” story depicted in the catacombs is:
Question 2 Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife?
Question 3 Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher?
Question 4 After the period of Constantine, how is Jesus depicted in Christian art?
Question 5 E. R. Dodds identified which three reasons for the “success” of early Christianity?
Question 6 In the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, which two figures are standing on either side of Jesus?
Question 7 We noticed a variant of the “swastika” symbol associated with which figure in early Christian painting?
Question 8 What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture?
Question 9 Which of the following is not depicted on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus?
Question 10 Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
Question 11 The Greeks were more interested in what works, while the Romans were more interested in what is right.
Question 12 Ancient Roman society was relatively tolerant of various religions.
Question 13 For the Romans, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny.
Question 14 Roman portraiture art can be described by the word “photorealistic.”
Question 15 Early Christian art was more symbolic and less materialistic than Roman art.
Question 16 The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism.
Question 17 Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the Greeks.
Question 18 Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii.
Question 19 The New Testament is silent on the philosophies of the Roman world.
Question 20 In the early church, there was much theological disagreement about what Jesus looked like.

Question 1 Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher?
Question 2 Which of the following is not depicted on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus?
Question 3 After the period of Constantine, how is Jesus depicted in Christian art?
Question 4 Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife?
Question 5 The most “popular” story depicted in the catacombs is:
Question 6 We noticed a variant of the “swastika” symbol associated with which figure in early Christian painting?
Question 7 E. R. Dodds identified which three reasons for the “success” of early Christianity?
Question 8 What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture?
Question 9 Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
Question 10 In the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, which two figures are standing on either side of Jesus?
Question 11 Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the Greeks.
Question 12 For the Romans, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny.
Question 13 Ancient Roman society was relatively tolerant of various religions.
Question 14 The New Testament is silent on the philosophies of the Roman world.
Question 15 Roman portraiture art can be described by the word “photorealistic.”
Question 16 Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii.
Question 17 Early Christian art was more symbolic and less materialistic than Roman art.
Question 18 The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism.
Question 19 The Greeks were more interested in what works, while the Romans were more interested in what is right.
Question 20 In the early church, there was much theological disagreement about what Jesus looked like.

1. Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher?
2. What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture?
3. Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife?
4. The most “popular” story depicted in the catacombs is:
5. After the period of Constantine, how is Jesus depicted in Christian art?
6. E.R. Dodds identified which three reasons for the “success” of early Christianity?
7. Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
8. In the Sacrophagus of Junius Bassus, which two figures are standing on either side of Jesus?
9. Which of the following is NOT depicted on the Sacrophagus of Junius Bassus?
10. We noticed a variant of the “swastika” symbol associated with which figure in early Christian painting?
11. The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism.
12. Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the Greeks.
13. Roman portraiture art can be described by the word “photorealistic.”
14. The Greeks were more interested in what works, while the Romans were more interested in what is right.
15. Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii.
16. TRUE In the early church, there was much theological disagreement about what Jesus looked like.
17. Ancient Roman society was relatively tolerant of various religions.
18. Early Christian art was more symbolic and less materialistic than Roman art.
19. The New Testament is silent on the philosophies of the Roman world.
20. For the Romans, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny.
21. Who proclaimed himself to be the first emperor of Rome?
22. The Punic Wars involved which two countries?
23. This structure is the best preserved structure from the Roman Era.
24. BC According to the Roman timeline this Republic began around what date?
25. Who was the poem the Aeneid?
26. The court of a Roman house, roofless and near the entrance.
27. Rome had two early philosophies taught, one being Epicureanism. What was the other one?
28. Who is created with introducing the Neo-classical architecture to America’s buildings?
29. Which Roman city was destroyed by a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius?
30. Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
31. Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher?
32. What was as common in Rome as billboards are to us today?
33. Caesar Augustus, we know from the Bible gave himself this name. What was his name before he took this new name?
34. Which of American founding fathers designed their house with the Pantheon in mind?
35. Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii.
36. Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the greeks
37. The Romans took pride in their Imperialism.
38. The main point we were illustrating with the aqueduct was Roman imperialism.
39. A good word to describe the Roman mind in relations to art, would be idealistic.
40. In 146 BC the Romans finally made peace with Carthage by signing a peace treaty at their capital.
41. For the Romans, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny.
42. The Roman Coliseum was not as big as previously thought and probably only held a few thousand people.
43. The British Isles were finally able to stop the Roman Armies.
44. The chief arts of Rome were architecture and sculpture.

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