Sunday, June 18, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 7 solutions answers right

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 7 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 The fruit of the Spirit and Spiritual gifts are the same concepts.
Question 2 When making hard decisions, it is important to ask if the decision will be spiritually profitable.
Question 3 According to the Westminster Confession sin is failure to be "Justified by the law."
Question 4 According to the reading, in light of the law of God, legalism should be a constant motivator for discipline.
Question 5 Renewal within the life of the believer is a one­time event, not an on­going process.
Question 6 Domestic conflict will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 7 It is unbiblical to pray for miracles.
Question 8 Praying with a wrong motive will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 9 Evangelizing others is a set of obedience to God.
Question 10 According to the author revival is only a recent phenomenon, a unique cultural event erupting in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Question 11 Legalism should motive the Christian to live a life of discipline.
Question 12 The Great Commission is recorded only 2 times in Scripture.
Question 13 The filling of the Holy Spirit has much to do with the concept of the control of the individual.
Question 14 John MacArthur states that one of the simple steps to Bible study is actually reading the text of Scripture.
Question 15 When making hard decisions, it is important to ask if the decision will glorify God.

Question 1 The fruit of the Spirit and Spiritual gifts are the same concepts.
Question 2 The filling of the Holy Spirit has much to do with the concept of the control of the individual.
Question 3 John MacArthur states that one of the simple steps to Bible study is actually reading the text of Scripture.
Question 4 The indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the filling of the Holy Spirit are the same thing.
Question 5 When making hard decisions, it is important to ask if the decision will be spiritually profitable.
Question 6 John MacArthur argues that Christians need to strive to make the Bible relevant, since the Bible is not inherently relevant.
Question 7 When making hard decisions, it is important to ask if the decision will glorify God.
Question 8 Domestic conflict will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 9 Intercessory prayer is prayer that is offered on behalf of others.
Question 10 Renewal within the life of the believer is a one­time event, not an on­going process.
Question 11 Praying with a wrong motive will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 12 The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Question 13 According to the author revival is only a recent phenomenon, a unique cultural event erupting in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Question 14 Harboring idols will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 15 The author believes that the great commission was Jesus' command to his disciples and to all believers today.

Question 1 The Great Commission is recorded only 2 times in Scripture.
Question 2 Domestic conflict will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 3 According to the Westminster Confession sin is failure to be "Justified by the law."
Question 4 Evangelizing others is a set of obedience to God.
Question 5 Renewal within the life of the believer is a one­time event, not an on­going process.
Question 6 Legalism should motive the Christian to live a life of discipline.
Question 7 The fruit of the Spirit relates to the indiviaul’s character.
Question 8 According to the reading, in light of the law of God, legalism should be a constant motivator for discipline.
Question 9 Intercessory prayer is prayer that is offered on behalf of others.
Question 10 Harboring idols will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 11 John MacArthur states that one of the simple steps to Bible study is actually reading the text of Scripture.
Question 12 The fruit of the Spirit and Spiritual gifts are the same concepts.
Question 13 The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Question 14 According to the author revival is only a recent phenomenon, a unique cultural event erupting in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Question 15 It is unbiblical to pray for miracles.

Question 1 According to the author revival is only a recent phenomenon, a unique cultural event erupting in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Question 2 Evangelizing others is a set of obedience to God.
Question 3 The fruit of the Spirit relates to the indiviaul’s character.
Question 4 According to the reading, what are the two imperatives in the Great Commission?
Question 5 Harboring idols will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 6 Legalism should motive the Christian to live a life of discipline.
Question 7 Renewal within the life of the believer is a one­time event, not an on­going process.
Question 8 The Holy Spirit’s ministry of indwelling and filling is not evidenced in the Old Testament.
Question 9 Praying with a wrong motive will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
Question 10 According to the Westminster Confession sin is failure to be "Justified by the law."
Question 11 It is unbiblical to pray for miracles.
Question 12 Uncofessed sin is among the conditions that are hinderances to prayer.
Question 13 The indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the filling of the Holy Spirit are the same thing.
Question 14 What was Jesus' last commandment called?
Question 15 According to the reading, in light of the law of God, legalism should be a constant motivator for discipline.

The filling of the Holy Spirit has much to do with the concept of the control of the individual.
Harboring idols will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
The author believes that the great commission was Jesus' command to his disciples and to all believers today.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the filling of the Holy Spirit are the same thing.
When making hard decisions, it is important to ask if the decision will glorify God.
According to the reading, in light of the law of God, legalism should be a constant motivator for discipline.
According to the Westminster Confession sin is failure to be "Justified by the law."
The Great Commission is recorded only 2 times in Scripture
What was Jesus' last commandment called?
John MacArthur argues that Christians need to strive to make the Bible relevant, since the Bible is not inherently relevant.
The fruit of the Spirit and Spiritual gifts are the same concepts.
Renewal within the life of the believer is a one­time event, not an on­going process.
Evangelizing others is a set of obedience to God.
Praying with a wrong motive will hinder the effectiveness of our prayers.
The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

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