Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Liberty University COMS 101 quiz 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University COMS 101 quiz 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 2 different versions.

Question 1
Which approach to the study of communication identifies, analyzes, and attempts to explain the existence of attitudes, values, beliefs, feelings, or behaviors that unify people as a whole or that come to unify particular groups of people (e.g., shared belief in gravity, in a song’s beauty, etc).
Question 2
According to the Alban text, the term for factors that can disrupt meaningful transmissions of information between senders and potential recipients is _______.
Question 3
When Dr. Alban defines communication as something personal, he means it is something only humans can do.
Question 4
The human tendency to form careless beliefs about people based on their features or group identities is called ________.
Question 5
Dr. Alban argues that all people see all things in exactly the same way.
Question 6
According to the Alban text, the existence of a potential message recipient creates communication, regardless of whether he or she actually receives the message.
Question 7
This communication mode applies to situations in which people use media technology to distribute information to a large group of physically detached people.
Question 8
Which type of figurative wording does the author of the following words use: "Ha! ha! ha!" roared Goodman Brown when the wind laughed at him.”
Question 9
Which of the following is not one of Edward Hall’s space zones that people expect others to recognize and respect?
Question 10
The term for a person’s use of space or distance to send information is _______.
Question 11
The term for a person’s use of bodily movement to send information is ________.
Question 12
The term for “a sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning” is _______.
Question 13
Which type of worldview system sees the world as a selfcreated, selfsustaining machine, consisting of material particles and processes and nothing more than this?
Question 14
According to the Alban text, a person’s physical constitution can impact the development of his or her worldview.
Question 15
According to the Alban text, ___________ is the term that denotes the influence of parents, spiritual leaders, teachers, friends, and media personalities on a person’s worldview development.
Question 16
According to the Alban text, ___________ is someone who is content to live with an inconsistency between the belief system he or she professes and the one he or she practices.
Question 17
Existentialist Jean PaulSartre’s uses the term _______ to denote the psychological pain one feels upon authentically believing that everything is pointless.
Question 18
According to the Alban text, this term denotes the composite of someone’s beliefs about human origin, nature, purpose, and destiny, and about values, whether moral or aesthetic.
Question 19
According to the Alban text, the Biblically Christian calling for human lives recognizes God’s rightful authority only over religious aspects of our lives.
Question 20
According to the Alban text, all people are accountable to the ethical laws that God has instituted.
Question 21
According to the Alban text, the Biblically Christian worldview recognizes truth as something to be created rather than discovered.
Question 22
According to the Alban text, the Biblically Christian worldview understands that reasoning and observation, because they are corrupted, are incapable or disclosing any reliable information about ourselves.
Question 23
During a conversation about the rightness or wrongness of Derek's recent behavior, Kari makes the following statement to Dustin: "I guess it doesn't really matter anyway because, in the end, right and wrong are just matter of personal opinion or preference. What's right for Derek is right for Derek, even if it's wrong for you or me."
True or False: According to the Alban text, Kari's statement expresses the Biblically Christian worldview regarding ethics.
Question 24
The term ____________ denotes God’s undeserved act of giving humans immeasurable blessings that they, because of their corruption, have no right to expect from Him.
Question 25
According to the Alban text, when a redemptive critic makes sense of a communication text, he or she identifies several common graces as these graces appear in the text. Which of the following is not one of these?
Question 26
The Old Testament prophet Micah indicates that a Godcentered communicator 's life will manifest this commitment in three basic character qualities. Which of the following is not one of these?
Question 27
This twentieth century psychologist devised a hierarchy to show the needs that motivate humans to behave as they do.
Question 28
According to the Alban text, the idea that human behavior is motivated by a drive to physically survive is flawed for which of the following reasons?
Question 29
According to the Alban text, the calling to be a redemptive communicator applies only to those who enter vocational Christian ministry fields, like missions and the pastorate.
Question 30
According to the Alban text, if Malinoski’s model for explaining human behavior is flawed, it is for which of the following reasons?

Dr. Alban argues that it is questionable to argue that people are incapable of seeing at least some things in the same way
According to the Alban text, different understandings of the same facial expression can present which type of barrier to communication?
Which approach to the study of communication identifies, analyzes, and attempts to explain the existence of attitudes, values, beliefs, feelings, or behaviors that unify people as a whole or that come to unify particular groups of people (e.g., shared belief in gravity, in a song’s beauty, etc).
According to the Alban text, a communicative message can be sent by more than one person
According to the Alban text, the disappearance of outdated media technologies can present which type of barrier to communication?
The presence of commonness is an essential feature of communication.
The term for a person’s use of touch to send information is _______.
This communication mode applies to situations in which three or more people come together for a common purpose, whether work-related or social.
According to the Alban text, whereas redemption is the human attempt to connect with God or with something God-like, religion is the state of having actually connected with God.
The term for a person’s use of space or distance to send information is _______.
Researchers Teresa Rosegrant and James McCroskey have shown that females maintain greater interpersonal space from each other than males do
Which of the following is not one of Edward Hall’s space zones that people expect others to recognize and respect?
According to the Alban text, existentialists believe that humans are radically free to take control of their minds and to break away from stifling social influences
According to the Alban text, a redemptive communicator is someone who does what?
According to the Alban text, this term denotes the composite of someone’s beliefs about human origin, nature, purpose, and destiny, and about values, whether moral or aesthetic.
According to the Alban text, these social constructionists believe the only reality people can know is the one, they say, that their minds construct in response to the world as language filters it to them.
According to the Alban text, existentialists view communication as something that tends to be positive.
According to the Alban text, existentialism is a sub-tradition of social constructivism
The fact that God enables us, through reasoning, observation, and Scripture, to make sense of communication means we can and always will arrive at the same conclusions about it.
According to the Alban text, God's special grace benefits only those who turn to Him for the remedy to our alienation from Him.
The term ____________ denotes God’s undeserved act of giving humans immeasurable blessings that they, because of their corruption, have no right to expect from Him.
According to the Alban text, this term denotes God's offer to humans of a remedy for their alienation from Him.
According to the Alban text, the Biblically Christian worldview recognizes history as a set of circular, meaningless events that will cease when God reenters the world to give it direction.
The Biblically Christian worldview regards truth to be what?
According to the Alban text, the idea that human behavior is motivated by a drive to physically survive is flawed for which of the following reasons?
This twentieth century psychologist devised a hierarchy to show the needs that motivate humans to behave as they do.
According to the Alban text, the stories people tell—whether fairy tales, personal anecdotes, song lyrics, or movie scripts—consistently manifest our longing for what?
The Old Testament prophet Micah indicates that a God-centered communicator 's life will manifest this commitment in three basic character qualities. Which of the following is not one of these?
According to Scripture, God values it when we, as an expression of authentic love for Him, exercise our God-given freedom, even if it offends someone else's sensitivities.

According to the Alban text, God may use even a person’s wrongly motivated communications to promote His redemptive purposes.

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