Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Liberty University ENGL 101 test 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University ENGL 101 test 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Please refer to this text in order to answer the following 5 questions.
Did My Car Join Al Qaeda?
By Woody Hochswender
I drive a large, four­-wheel­drive vehicle. Does that mean I'm a bad person? You might think so, from all the sturm und drang we've heard lately from the Virtuous Ones who insist that America's fuel consumption ­­ indeed, our very style of life ­­ is somehow responsible for the enmity toward us in the Middle East, not to mention the rest of the world. A series of TV commercials put together by the columnist Arianna Huffington and Lawrence Bender, the Hollywood producer behind ''Pulp Fiction,'' have even linked S.U.V.'s with Mideast terrorism. The idea is that the petrodollars transmigrate from the Gas 'n' Go to the oil sheiks to the hands of maniacs wielding AK­47's.
Leaving aside for the moment that this is trendy, illogical thinking ­­ and leaving aside also the odd sensation of being lectured on socially responsible behavior by the producer of ''Pulp Fiction'' ­­ isn't this really a backdoor way of blaming America for Sept. 11 and other crimes like it? Those who implicate Americans ­­ particularly our adventurous habits, offbeat choices and breathtaking freedoms, including the freedom to drive to a poetry reading followed by dinner at a French restaurant in the midst of a raging snowstorm ­­ validate the terrorists as essentially right
Where I live, about 100 miles north of New York City, at least half of all the vehicles you see on the road are S.U.V.'s or other light trucks. They make a great deal of sense. This is not just because we have plenty of long, steep driveways and miles and miles of dirt roads. We also have had more than 70 inches of snow this winter. When the sun goes down and the melted snow re­freezes, the roads are covered with insidious stretches of black ice.
Four­-wheel­drive vehicles allow workers to get to and from their jobs, and parents to transport their children safely to school, sporting events, ballet classes and the rest. Yes, there is something vaguely obscene about driving solo to the supermarket in Beverly Hills to pick up a carton of milk in your two-­ton Navigator. But not so much in Portland or Green Bay or Chicago. The well­publicized notion that S.U.V.'s are actually unsafe, based on their propensity to roll over, does not take into account personal responsibility. Rollover accidents tend to be something the driver has a substantial degree of control over. I choose not to whip around corners or to follow others so closely and at such high speeds that I have to make harrowing emergency stops. I drive so as not to roll over
However, if some drunken driver veers across the center divider ­­ a situation I have no control over ­­ I would prefer that my 9­year­old and I not be inside a Corolla. From the standpoint of a reasoned individualism, S.U.V.'s are safer in many situations than cars. I think a lot of intelligent people realize that. Of course, S.U.V.'s use a lot of gas. This goes for my wife's all-­wheel­-drive Volvo as well as for my voracious mistress, my 1989 GMC. But a car's miles­-per­-gallon rating is only one measure of fuel efficiency. Miles driven is another. People who drive light trucks quickly learn not to drive around aimlessly. We tend to combine trips and to keep engines finely tuned and tires properly inflated. It all comes down to home economics.
What are we supposed to do now, turn our S.U.V.'s in? En masse? Only the independently wealthy can treat their cars purely as fashion items. The S.U.V.-bashers' argument also falls apart on macro­economic grounds. Were we to somehow cut our national fuel consumption by 20 percent, would that deprive the terrorism sponsors of cash? Unfortunately, the world oil market is, well, a market. Even if America were energy independent, there is no guarantee that Exxon, Texaco and Getty ­­ or, for that matter, France, the Netherlands and Japan ­­ would cease buying oil from Middle Eastern states.
My guess is that this campaign has less to do with politics and economics than with an American tendency to mind everybody else's business. So, busybodies, let me ask you a question: How big is your house? Ms. Huffington's is reported to be 9,000 square feet. We all know what it costs to heat and air­-condition a joint like that. A couple of years ago I replaced the aging oil furnace in my 3,000­ square-­foot house with a new fuel­-injected system. It saves me about 800 gallons of oil a year. Hey, that's almost precisely the yearly fuel consumption of my GMC. I think of that as progress, for me, as a world citizen. Maybe I'm not such a bad person after all.

Question 1 The writer’s argument that a cut in U.S. fuel consumption would not affect the market of Mideast oil is flawed because
Question 2 The writer says that “intelligent” people realize that SUVs offer protection against injury in collisions. “Intelligent” implies that
Question 3 This article appeared on the New York Times op­ed page. Consequently, it’s one reasonably assume that
Question 4 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 5 One central argument the writer makes is that
Question 6 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? You catch the flu a few weeks after receiving a flu vaccination, and you conclude that the vaccination must have given you the flu.
Question 7 Ethos arguments appeal to a reader's
Question 8 Refutation is
Question 9 Visual texts can contain implicit and explicit messages.
Question 10 Warrants are
Question 11 Facts are different from opinions.
Question 12 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? A letter to the editor published in the local newspaper says that either the school board must require students to wear uniforms or the schools will be overrun with juvenile gangs.
Question 13 Arguments are based upon ideas that are open to dispute or debate.
Question 14 Toulmin Model arguments include:
Question 15 What type of reasoning are advertisers using when they showcase a parade of satisfied customers who claim the product has worked for them?
Question 16 More than any other kind of writing, argument relies on
Question 17 _____ is a process of reasoning that seeks valid conclusions.
Question 18 Argument is always about winners and losers.
Question 19 _____ is another term for claim.
Question 20 Pathos arguments appeal to a reader's
Question 21 Judgments based upon beliefs, values, and culture are
Question 22 _____ is a way of reasoning in which a general statement is reached on the basis of specific examples.
Question 23 Critical reading of a visual image must include analysis of
Question 24 Visual literacy involves an ability to analyze simple and complex images in terms of their design and content.
Question 25 Sometimes, appeals to emotion are even more powerful than logic in their effect on an audience.

Question 1 The writer argues against the notion that
Question 2 One central argument the writer makes is that
Question 3 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 4 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 5 The writer says that “intelligent” people realize that SUVs offer protection against injury in collisions. “Intelligent” implies that
Question 6 Empirical evidence is based upon
Question 7 Some arguments are conducted solely to explore a topic and increase understanding of an issue.
Question 8 _____ are the reasons, support, and evidence offered to support a claim.
Question 9 Evidence can be made up of
Question 10 Arguments are based upon ideas that are open to dispute or debate.
Question 11 A _____ is information that can be taken as verifiable and is believed to have objective reality.
Question 12 Deductions establish that a conclusion must be true because the premises are also true.
Question 13 Visual images can be read as texts conveying powerful cultural messages and arguments.
Question 14 Argument is always about winners and losers.
Question 15 More than any other kind of writing, argument relies on
Question 16 Critical reading of a visual image must include analysis of
Question 17 The Toulmin Model of argument includes claim, reason, and warrant.
Question 18 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? An irate parent at the school board meeting to discuss uniforms points out that one of the members of the board was a sloppy dresser when he was in high school.
Question 19 _____ is a way of reasoning in which a general statement is reached on the basis of specific examples.
Question 20 _____ is/are the main idea in an argument.
Question 21 What type of reasoning are advertisers using when they showcase a parade of satisfied customers who claim the product has worked for them?
Question 22 _____ are any materials that serve to prove a claim.
Question 23 The purpose of some arguments is to
Question 24 _____ is a process of reasoning that presents reasons or proofs to support a position, belief, or conclusion.
Question 25 Honest and truthful argument, though difficult to achieve, is essential to the health of democracy and of nations around the world.

Question 1 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 2 One of the writer’s main argument is that
Question 3 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 4 One central argument the writer makes is that
Question 5 One of the writer’s main argument is that
Question 6 Argument is always about winners and losers.
Question 7 Warrants are
Question 8 Judgments based upon beliefs, values, and culture are
Question 9 A carefully constructed argument includes
Question 10 _____ is another term for claim.
Question 11 Ethos arguments appeal to a reader's
Question 12 _____ is a process of reasoning that seeks valid conclusions.
Question 13 Pathos arguments appeal to a reader's
Question 14 Empirical evidence is based upon
Question 15 The Toulmin Model of argument includes claim, reason, and warrant.
Question 16 Argumentative essays must be rational, reflecting a process of logical thinking.
Question 17 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? A letter to the editor published in the local newspaper says that either the school board must require students to wear uniforms or the schools will be overrun with juvenile gangs.
Question 18 A _____ is information that can be taken as verifiable and is believed to have objective reality.
Question 19 More than any other kind of writing, argument relies on
Question 20 Evidence can be made up of
Question 21 Honest and truthful argument, though difficult to achieve, is essential to the health of democracy and of nations around the world.
Question 22 Visual literacy involves an ability to analyze simple and complex images in terms of their design and content.
Question 23 Toulmin Model arguments include:
Question 24 Sometimes, appeals to emotion are even more powerful than logic in their effect on an audience.
Question 25 Critical reading of a visual image must include analysis of

Question 1 According to the writer, one good reason to own a SUV is that
Question 2 The writer argues against the notion that
Question 3 One of the writer’s main argument is that
Question 4 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 5 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 6 Sometimes, appeals to emotion are even more powerful than logic in their effect on an audience.
Question 7 A _____ is information that can be taken as verifiable and is believed to have objective reality.
Question 8 More than any other kind of writing, argument relies on
Question 9 Toulmin Model arguments include:
Question 10 A carefully constructed argument includes
Question 11 Argument is always about winners and losers.
Question 12 _____ is the connection, typically assumed and unstated, between a claim and the supporting reasons.
Question 13 Evidence can be made up of
Question 14 Pathos arguments appeal to a reader's
Question 15 _____ is a way of reasoning in which a general statement is reached on the basis of specific examples.
Question 16 _____ is/are the main idea in an argument.
Question 17 Critical reading of a visual image must include analysis of
Question 18 Empirical evidence is based upon
Question 19 _____ is a process of reasoning that presents reasons or proofs to support a position, belief, or conclusion.
Question 20 Warrants are
Question 21 Argumentative essays must be rational, reflecting a process of logical thinking.
Question 22 Some arguments are conducted solely to explore a topic and increase understanding of an issue.
Question 23 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? A friend reasons that his car must be mechanically superior to your car because his car cost significantly more to purchase than your car did.
Question 24 Visual literacy involves an ability to analyze simple and complex images in terms of their design and content.
Question 25 Ethos arguments appeal to a reader's

Question 1 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 2 The writer says that “intelligent” people realize that SUVs offer protection against injury in collisions. “Intelligent” implies that
Question 3 The writer argues against the notion that
Question 4 This article argues against the notion that
Question 5 One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 6 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? An irate parent at the school board meeting to discuss uniforms points out that one of the members of the board was a sloppy dresser when he was in high school.
Question 7 _____ are any materials that serve to prove a claim.
Question 8 Deductions establish that a conclusion must be true because the premises are also true.
Question 9 Ethos arguments appeal to a reader's
Question 10 Critical reading of a visual image must include analysis of
Question 12 Arguments are always intended to change what the other person thinks.
Question 13 _____ is the connection, typically assumed and unstated, between a claim and the supporting reasons.
Question 14 _____ is a way of reasoning in which a general statement is reached on the basis of specific examples.
Question 15 Refutation is
Question 16 Warrants are
Question 17 Evidence can be made up of
Question 18 _____ are the reasons, support, and evidence offered to support a claim.
Question 19 A _____ is information that can be taken as verifiable and is believed to have objective reality.
Question 20 Argument is always about winners and losers.
Question 21 Toulmin Model arguments include:
Question 22 _____ is a process of reasoning that presents reasons or proofs to support a position, belief, or conclusion.
Question 23 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? A friend reasons that his car must be mechanically superior to your car because his car cost significantly more to purchase than your car did.
Question 24 Visual texts can contain implicit and explicit messages.
Question 25 _____ is a process of reasoning that seeks valid conclusions.

Question 1 The writer’s argument that a cut in U.S. fuel consumption would not affect the market of Mideast oil is flawed because
Question 2 One of the writer’s main argument is that
Question 3 This article appeared on the New York Times op­ed page. Consequently, it’s one reasonably assume that
Question 4 The writer’s argument that a cut in U.S. fuel consumption would not affect the market of Mideast oil is flawed because
Question 5 One central argument the writer makes is that
Question 6 Empirical evidence is based upon
Question 7 Deductions establish that a conclusion must be true because the premises are also true.
Question 8 Logos evidence can include
Question 9 Arguments are always intended to change what the other person thinks.
Question 10 Visual images can be read as texts conveying powerful cultural messages and arguments.
Question 11 The purpose of some arguments is to
Question 12 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? You catch the flu a few weeks after receiving a flu vaccination, and you conclude that the vaccination must have given you the flu.
Question 13 Ethos arguments appeal to a reader's
Question 14 More than any other kind of writing, argument relies on
Question 15 Honest and truthful argument, though difficult to achieve, is essential to the health of democracy and of nations around the world.
Question 16 The Toulmin Model of argument includes claim, reason, and warrant.
Question 17 Sometimes, appeals to emotion are even more powerful than logic in their effect on an audience.
Question 18 Valid argument can produce
Question 19 _____ are the reasons, support, and evidence offered to support a claim.
Question 20 Argumentative essays must be rational, reflecting a process of logical thinking.
Question 21 Some arguments are conducted solely to explore a topic and increase understanding of an issue.
Question 22 Facts are different from opinions.
Question 23 Critical reading of a visual image must include analysis of
Question 24 A _____ is information that can be taken as verifiable and is believed to have objective reality.
Question 25 Judgments based upon beliefs, values, and culture are

Question 1
The writer says that “intelligent” people realize that SUVs offer protection against injury in collisions. “Intelligent” implies that
Question 2
The writer’s argument that a cut in U.S. fuel consumption would not affect the market of Mideast oil is flawed because
Question 3
One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 4
One of the writer’s main argument is that
Question 5
One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 6
Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? You catch the flu a few weeks after receiving a flu vaccination, and you conclude that the vaccination must have given you the flu.
Question 7
Visual texts can contain implicit and explicit messages.
Question 8
A _____ is an error of reasoning based on faulty use of evidence or incorrect reasoning from premises or assumptions.
Question 9
Visual literacy involves an ability to analyze simple and complex images in terms of their design and content.
Question 10
_____ is a process of reasoning that seeks valid conclusions.
Question 11
_____ is a way of reasoning in which a general statement is reached on the basis of specific examples.
Question 12
Sometimes, appeals to emotion are even more powerful than logic in their effect on an audience.
Question 13
A _____ is information that can be taken as verifiable and is believed to have objective reality.
Question 14
Argumentative essays must be rational, reflecting a process of logical thinking.
Question 15
The Toulmin Model of argument includes claim, reason, and warrant.
Question 16
_____ is another term for claim.
Question 17
Argument is
Question 18
Judgments based upon beliefs, values, and culture are
Question 19
Arguments are based upon ideas that are open to dispute or debate.
Question 20
Evidence can be made up of
Question 21
_____ is a process of reasoning that presents reasons or proofs to support a position, belief, or conclusion.
Question 22
Refutation is
Question 23
A process of reasoning that seeks valid conclusions is
Question 24
Honest and truthful argument, though difficult to achieve, is essential to the health of democracy and of nations around the world.
Question 25
Visual images can be read as texts conveying powerful cultural messages and arguments.
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Question 1    2 out of 2 points
One central argument the writer makes is that
Question 2    2 out of 2 points
According to the writer, one good reason to own SUV is that
Question 3   2 out of 2 points
One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 4    2 out of 2 points
One rebuttal the writer offers is that
Question 5   2 out of 2 points
The writer says that “intelligent” people realize that SUVs offer protection against injury in collisions. Intelligent” implies that
Question 6    2 out of 2 points
_____ is a way of reasoning in which a general statement is reached on the basis of specific examples.
Question 7    2 out of 2 points
Argumentative essays must be rational, reflecting a process of logical thinking.
Question 8   2 out of 2 points
A _____ is an error of reasoning based on faulty use of evidence or incorrect reasoning from premises or assumptions.
Question 9    2 out of 2 points
Refutation is
Question 10   2 out of 2 points
_____ is/are the main idea in an argument.
Question 11   2 out of 2 points
_____ are the reasons, support, and evidence offered to support a claim.
Question 12   2 out of 2 points
The Toulmin Model of argument includes claim, reason, and warrant.
Question 13   2 out of 2 points
Honest and truthful argument, though difficult to achieve, is essential to the health of democracy and of nations around the world.
Question 14   2 out of 2 points
More than any other kind of writing, argument relies on
Question 15   2 out of 2 points
Visual literacy involves an ability to analyze simple and complex images in terms of their design and content.
Question 16   2 out of 2 points
Toulmin Model arguments include:
Question 17   2 out of 2 points
A carefully constructed argument includes
Question 18   2 out of 2 points
A _____ is information that can be taken as verifiable and is believed to have objective reality.
Question 19    2 out of 2 points
Visual texts can contain implicit and explicit messages.
Question 20   2 out of 2 points
Visual images can be read as texts conveying powerful cultural messages and arguments.
Question 21   2 out of 2 points
Arguments are based upon ideas that are open to dispute or debate.
Question 22   2 out of 2 points
Critical reading of a visual image must include analysis of
Question 23    2 out of 2 points          
Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? You catch the flu a few weeks after receiving a flu vaccination, and you conclude that the vaccination must have given you the flu.
Question 24   2 out of 2 points
Empirical evidence is based upon
Question 25   2 out of 2 points            

Facts are different from opinions.

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