Sunday, June 18, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 5 solutions answers right

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 5 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1 The Bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation.
Question 2 Regeneration can be brought about in the life of an individual by either God’s work, or by the individual keeping the law of God.
Question 3 Ray Comfort suggests that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual.
Question 4 Due to the Fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.
Question 5 According to the reading, feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.
Question 6 What part does baptism play in the salvation process?
Question 7 Which is not one of the "five points" of Calvinism?
Question 8 According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?
Question 9 Justification is an instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.
Question 10 The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.
Question 11 The idea of regeneration is found in the New Testament, but not in the Old Testament.
Question 12 Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.”
Question 13 Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer.
Question 14 Where was Jesus crucified?
Question 15 An accurate definition of “justification” is “just­as­if­I­never­sinned.”

Question 1 What part does baptism play in the salvation process?
Question 2 According to the reading, as a result of Adam's sin everyone is born into the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.
Question 3 The idea of regeneration is found in the New Testament, but not in the Old Testament.
Question 4 Ray Comfort suggests that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual.
Question 5 When a person receives Jesus Christ, he/she becomes a new creation, and the sin nature is eliminated.
Question 6 Who asked to bury Jesus' body?
Question 7 Which is not one of the "five points" of Calvinism?
Question 8 The Bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation.
Question 9 Due to the Fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.
Question 10 Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer.
Question 11 Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God.
Question 12 The Roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.
Question 13 Where was Jesus crucified?
Question 14 An accurate definition of “justification” is “just­as­if­I­never­sinned.”
Question 15 Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.”

Question 1 An accurate definition of “justification” is “just­as­if­I­never­sinned.”
Question 2 When a person receives Jesus Christ, he/she becomes a new creation, and the sin nature is eliminated.
Question 3 Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God.
Question 4 The Roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.
Question 5 What day does the author believe Jesus was crucified?
Question 6 Justification is an instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.
Question 7 The Bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation.
Question 8 According to the reading, feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.
Question 9 Due to the Fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.
Question 10 What part does baptism play in the salvation process?
Question 11 Salvation from the perspective of the individual includes the elements of repentance and faith.
Question 12 Who asked to bury Jesus' body?
Question 13 Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer.
Question 14 Where was Jesus crucified?
Question 15 Faith is a result of one’s own works and efforts.

Question 1 Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.”
Question 2 According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?
Question 3 Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not one’s will.
Question 4 Salvation from the perspective of the individual includes the elements of repentance and faith.
Question 5 When a person receives Jesus Christ, he/she becomes a new creation, and the sin nature is eliminated.
Question 6 Justification is an instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.
Question 7 The Roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.
Question 8 The term anothen, translated "born again," can also be translated as "born from within."
Question 9 What part does baptism play in the salvation process?
Question 10 Which is not one of the "five points" of Calvinism?
Question 11 An accurate definition of “justification” is “just­as­if­I­never­sinned.”
Question 12 Ray Comfort indicates that only 50­60% percentage of converts were falling away from the faith.
Question 13 Regeneration can be brought about in the life of an individual by either God’s work, or by the individual keeping the law of God.
Question 14 Faith is a result of one’s own works and efforts.
Question 15 The idea of regeneration is found in the New Testament, but not in the Old Testament.

The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.
Where was Jesus crucified?
Repentance is the same as feeling sorry.
Due to the Fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.
Justification is an instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.
Who asked to bury Jesus' body?
Ray Comfort indicates that only 50­60% percentage of converts were falling away from the faith.
Sanctification includes elements of being set apart in the past, continually being set apart in the present, and ultimate separation in the future.
An accurate definition of “justification” is “just­as­if­I­never­sinned.”
Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.”
Faith is a result of one’s own works and efforts.
Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God.
"Total responsibility" means that any man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do anything to please or gain merit before God.
The term anothen, translated "born again," can also be translated as "born from within."
What day does the author believe Jesus was crucified?

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