Sunday, March 26, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 3 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine.
Question 2 Christian believe the source of suffering to be the conditions of this world.
Question 3 The image of God was completely lost in the Fall recorded in Genesis 3.
Question 4 Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to.
Question 5 The Bible presents the body as being good, and the soul/spirit as being bad.
Question 6 While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine.
Question 7 The conscience is developed by doing right.
Question 8 What is a question that Darwinians have not been able to answer?
Question 9 Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Question 10 The belief that God began the creative process by bringing the first organisms to life, but then oversaw the evolutionary process.
Question 11 Prior to the Fall recorded in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were all­knowing.
Question 12 The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance.
Question 13 Only Christians maintain the image of God.
Question 14 What is the main point that the author illustrates with an elephant and 4 blind men?
Question 15 A system sees evolution as taking place entirely by inherent forces

Question 1 What is the main point that the author illustrates with an elephant and 4 blind men?
Question 2 The image of God is spoken of in the Old Testament, but it is not spoken of in the New Testament.
Question 3 The belief that God, through direct acts, brought into being virtually everything that exists out of nothing.
Question 4 A system that allows for external factors.
Question 5 Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to.
Question 6 There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament.
Question 7 The use of the Bible term “heart” is best understood by simply saying “me.”
Question 8 The image of God is synonymous with man’s immaterial nature.
Question 9 The image of God refers to something a human is rather than something a human has or does.
Question 10 Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to Scripture?
Question 11 The word, “heart” in the Bible is used only to refer to the physical organ.
Question 12 It is a sin to be tempted.
Question 13 Prior to the Fall recorded in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were all­knowing.
Question 14 Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Question 15 A system sees evolution as taking place entirely by inherent forces

Question 1 Only Christians maintain the image of God.
Question 2 The Bible presents the body as being good, and the soul/spirit as being bad.
Question 3 The image of God in man should help point others to the King of Kings.
Question 4 A system that allows for external factors.
Question 5 Due to sin, mankind lost orginal righteousness.
Question 6 The conscience is developed by doing right.
Question 7 It is a sin to be tempted.
Question 8 The image of God was completely lost in the Fall recorded in Genesis 3.
Question 9 The image of God is synonymous with man’s immaterial nature.
Question 10 The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance.
Question 11 The use of the Bible term “heart” is best understood by simply saying “me.”
Question 12 The word, “heart” in the Bible is used only to refer to the physical organ.
Question 13 There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament.
Question 14 The belief that God began the process of evolution within the context of created matter. Though God programmed the system, simple life forms were allowed to evolve into more complex life structures. During this entire process, God withdrew himself and allowed natural laws to guide the process.
Question 15 Of the three aspects of the human personality, the most vital part is the will.

Question 1 Of the three aspects of the human personality, the most vital part is the will.
Question 2 Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to.
Question 3 Due to sin, mankind lost orginal righteousness.
Question 4 Only Christians maintain the image of God.
Question 5 The human personality includes the three elements of intellect, emotions, and will.
Question 6 There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament.
Question 7 The image of God is merely man’s rational or moral abilities.
Question 8 The conscience is developed by doing right.
Question 9 Two types of sin exist: actual sin and conditional sin.
Question 10 While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine.
Question 11 All of God’s creation is created in the image of God.
Question 12 A system sees evolution as taking place entirely by inherent forces
Question 13 The image of God refers to something a human is rather than something a human has or does.
Question 14 The image of God was completely lost in the Fall recorded in Genesis 3.
Question 15 The belief that God began the creative process by bringing the first organisms to life, but then oversaw the evolutionary process.

The image of God is spoken of in the Old Testament, but it is not spoken of in the New Testament.
All of God’s creation is created in the image of God
Prior to the Fall recorded in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were all-knowing
While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine
Christian do good works because of gratitude for what God has done
A system that allows for external factors.
Due to sin, mankind lost original righteousness
The image of God in man should help point others to the King of Kings
The heart can be hardened by sin
Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to
There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament
Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Christian believe the source of suffering to be the conditions of this world
The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance
Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to Scripture?

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