Thursday, March 23, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 Study Guide 4 solutions answers right

Textbook Readings:

Towns: chs. 4, 6


Chapter 4
1.   List the 11 proofs of Christs resurrection.
2.   T/F: Jesus predicted His death and resurrection.

Chapter 6
1.   What does the Greek word proseuchamai mean?
2.   T/F: The Lords Prayer embryonically contains everything a Christian must know and every way that a Christian must pray.
3.   Since a Christian has the righteousness of Christ, what should he or she do daily? Etzel & Gutierrez: chs. 16–20
1.   The making of enemies into friends by averting the punishment that their sin would otherwise incur defines what word?
2.   What was the Day of Atonement?
3.   T/F: One difference between the sacrifices of the Old Testament and the sacrifice of Jesus is that Jesus’ sacrificial offering for sin was permanent.
4.   Understand the significance of the various Greek words used in the New Testament for
5.   It has been said that the story of the Bible could be summarized with what word?
6.   Does the Bible affirm that Jesus is both 100 percent God and 100 percent man?
7.   T/F: The Bible records the virgin birth as a fact.
8.   What is the central claim of Christianity?

Online Excerpts:

New Life in Christ: pp. 298–307

1.   What is the term that describes why we have a legal standing by which we are declared righteous before God, and, on the basis of this judicial act, the Christian enjoys the life and peace of God?
2.   Who is the first person in the Bible described as having been justified by faith?
3.   According to the excerpt, which 2 words are linked in Scripture, in that both come from the word dikaios?
4.   When does justification occur?
5.   What 4 words does Paul use in Romans 6 to aid us in applying this truth to our Christian life? Explain.
6.   What is sanctification?
7.   How do some wrongly define sanctification?
8.   What is positional sanctification?
9.   What is progressive sanctification?

10. What is prospective sanctification? The Virgin Birth of Christ: pp. 184–191
1.   What Old Testament authors spoke about Christs future birth?
2.   Why is it essential that Christ have been born of a virgin?
3.   What are the 2 meanings for the word almah?
4.   What does the author believe is the best translation for the word almah in Isaiah 7:14? The Nature of Resurrection: pp. 238–245
1.   What is the biblical definition of death?
2.   What did the Roman soldiers do (and not do) that showed that Jesus was dead?
3.   After Jesus’ Resurrection, what became His new responsibilities?
4.   What were 5 things that Jesus accomplished through His Resurrection? The Death of Christ: pp. 213–224
1.   What is vicarious suffering?
2.   What is a vicar?
3.   What does the word redemption” mean?
4.   What does the word propitiation” mean?
5.   What does “reconciliation” mean?
6.   What is a sin nature?
7.   What is imputed sin?
8.   T/F: The law is a unit; to break one is to break all.
9.   How is every person a sinner on 3 counts?
10. What is the difference between judicial guilt and personal guilt?
11. T/F: Man is not reconciled to God through the blood of Christ; rather, the moral and noble life of Christ should compel man to seek after God.

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