Thursday, March 23, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 Study Guide 2 solutions answers right

Textbook Readings:

Towns: ch. 2


1.   What does dual authorship mean?
2.   What was the Old Testament written on?
3.   What are the 3 divisions of the Old Testament?
4.   What did the Psalms scroll contain?
5.   What is a codex?
6.   Where does the name “Bible come from?
7.   Where does the term Scripture come from?
8.   What are 3 ways the Bible can influence its reader? Etzel & Gutierrez: chs. 6–10
1.   Who is Gods revelation available to?
2.   Is general revelation enough to bring someone to salvation? Why?
3.   What is the significance of the fact that the words of the Bible were inspired by God?
4.   Inspiration and inerrancy apply to which manuscripts?
5.   What is the discipline that studies the principles and theories of how texts ought to be interpreted?
6.   What are the 3 basic steps to understanding the Bible?

Online Excerpts:

Preservation: Insuring the Authenticity of the Text: pp. 73–78

1.   What is textual criticism?
2.   What is lower criticism?
3.   What is higher criticism?

Inspiration: Guaranteeing the Word of Scripture”: pp. 59–72

1.   What are the 4 qualities of inspiration?
2.   T/F: Inspiration incorporates the personality of the writer into the final product.
3.   What does conceptual inspiration state was inspired?
4.   What does partial inspiration state?
5.   What does limited inspiration state?
6.   According to the text, what is Bibliolatry? Who was accused of it?
7.   According to the text, about what percent of the New Testament is either quotation or allusion to the Old Testament?
8.   What are the 5 arguments for inspiration/inerrancy?

Canonicity: The Standard for Including Books in Scripture”: pp. 79–88

1.   What 4 criteria determine that a person is a biblical prophet?
2.   What are the 12 main arguments against adding the Apocrypha to the Canon (the Bible)? Arguments that the Bible is the Word of God: pp. 43–48
1.   What 3 arguments are the basis for arguments from revelation?
2.   What empirical evidence sets Christianity apart from other belief systems?
3.   Name 2 sources that establish an early date of Scripture. “Bibliology: pp. 28–42
1.   What is revelation?
2.   What is inspiration?
3.   What is inerrancy?
4.   What is the Canon?
5.   What is hermeneutics?
6.   What is illumination?
7.   What does Hebrews 1:12 teach about divine revelation?
8.   What are the two areas of revelation?
9.   What is natural revelation?
10. What is special revelation?
11. What is reason?
12. What does the cosmological argument state?
13. What 3 things is the cosmological argument dependent upon?
14. What does the teleological argument state?
15. What does the anthropological argument state?
16. What does the anthropological argument reason?
17. What does the ontological argument state?
18. What does congruity mean?
19. What does the existence of laws imply?

20. What does law in society give evidence of?

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