Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 3 solutions answers right

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 3 solutions answers right
How many versions: 6 different versions

Question 1
During the electron transfer reactions, protons (H+ ions) are pumped (moved) to one side of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The value of this pumping is that the proton gradient is then used
Question 2
Which of the following features of glycolysis is a value to the cell?
Question 3
DNA is stored within the ____________ of a cell in a __________ fiber called chromatin.
Question 4
Accessory pigments and chlorophylls work together within the thylakoid membrane in clusters called __________ . They harvest light energy and use it to transfer electrons to _______________.
Question 5
DNA contains two chains of nucleotides in which ______ and ______ alternate in supporting each chain structurally.
Question 6
The overall process that uptakes energypoor molecules (CO2 and H2O) from their reservoirs in nature and converts them into energyrich molecules is
Question 7
Enzymes are important because they
Question 8
Light dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce
Question 9
If the final end product of a metabolic pathway is continually removed and used elsewhere then
Question 10
Autotrophic organisms are supportive of man. They
Question 11
The wavelengths of light used in photosynthesis are found in the _________ portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Question 12
Which of the following phrases best describes the role of NADPH in photosynthesis?
Question 13
The immediate source of electrons for electron transfer phosphorylation is
Question 14
The value of the three stages of aerobic respiration is their ability to break down glucose, a single molecule, with the resultant production of about
Question 15
Biological information must exist because
Question 16
Which of the following is neither a reactant nor a product of glycolysis?
Question 17
Energyreleasing reactions drive biosynthetic ones forward by contributing to a pool of
Question 18
The physicist’s definition of energy is _______________ for use in defining energy changes within a living cell.
Question 19
The activation energy of a reaction can be lowered if the reaction is catalyzed by
Question 20
Photosynthesis and respiration are complementing processes within a global cycle known as the
Question 21
The (gene)tic information in a single strand of DNA is found in
Question 22
The process of __________ can be defined as about 30 individual, sequential chemical reactions that form three metabolic pathways: one in the cytoplasm and two within the mitochondrion.
Question 23
Plants are considered autotrophic because their cells contain
Question 24
Energy supplied to break bonds in reactant molecules is known as
Question 25
_________ is a reactant in the process of aerobic respiration and _______ is a product of the same process.

Question 1 __________ is a process that uses chlorophyll molecules to produce high­energy carbohydrates.
Question 2 One of the laws governing the behavior of energy in living things describes energy conversion as inefficient, with much energy being lost in the form of
Question 3 During the electron transfer reactions, protons (H+ ions) are pumped (moved) to one side of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The value of this pumping is that the proton gradient is then used
Question 4 If the final end product of a metabolic pathway is continually removed and used elsewhere then
Question 5 The immediate product of photosynthesis, three­carbon PGALs
Question 6 In nature, as energy freely changes from one form to another .
Question 7 On a cold day, your cells depend on ________ to maintain an operating temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.
Question 8 An ATP molecule carries potential energy in the easily broken bond
Question 9 The physicist’s definition of energy is _______________ for use in defining energy changes within a living cell.
Question 10 In a crowded, unventilated room, the temperature rises because
Question 11 DNA was discovered by Friederick Miescher; he isolated it from
Question 12 In photosynthesis the H atoms used to make high­energy carbohydrates like glucose come from
Question 13 A lit match cannot continue to burn when the wood of the match stick is consumed. This statement illustrates the more general principle that
Question 14 A producer organism is called a “producer” because it produces
Question 15 The overall process that uptakes energy­poor molecules (CO2 and H2O) from their reservoirs in nature and converts them into energy­rich molecules is
Question 16 Autotrophic organisms are supportive of man. They
Question 17 New molecules of glucose are produced
Question 18 In respiration, chemical energy is transferred from glucose to ATP. The energy transfer however, is not 100% efficient. In the transfer, some of the energy is lost as
Question 19 ______ is freely convertible from one form to another but _______ can never be created or destroyed.
Question 20 The Krebs cycle’s NADH products are of value because
Question 21 When light of the correct wavelength hits a photosynthetic pigment molecule
Question 22 Accessory pigments and chlorophylls work together within the thylakoid membrane in clusters called __________ . They harvest light energy and use it to transfer electrons to _______________.
Question 23 Metabolic pathways
Question 24 Which of the following is not a product of the Krebs cycle?
Question 25 Which of the following is not a major sort/category of energy change within the cell?

Question 1 In the process of ____________, three interrelated, exergonic pathways and oxygen are used to igenerate large amounts of ATP from glucose molecules.
Question 2 Accessory pigments enable the chloroplast to
Question 3 For most chemical reactions in the non­living world, the energy required to break bonds in the reactant molecules
Question 4 Which of the following is a stage of aerobic respiration?
Question 5 If the final end product of a metabolic pathway is continually removed and used elsewhere then
Question 6 The Krebs cycle’s NADH products are of value because
Question 7 The final stage of aerobic respiration involves
Question 8 Griffith exposed weak living bacteria to just the fluids from dead virulent bacteria. Some of these weak bacteria became virulent and could now kill mice. What control experiment did he do to argue that his weak bacteria changed to virulence in these studies?
Question 9 Light dependent reactions are carried out both on and in between photosystems. This process is like the last stage of aerobic respiration in that both
Question 10 Three phosphate groups linked to a ribose sugar which, in turn, is linked to a pyrimidine base known as adenine: this phrase describes the structure of
Question 11 Accessory pigments and chlorophylls work together within the thylakoid membrane in clusters called __________ . They harvest light energy and use it to transfer electrons to _______________.
Question 12 DNA was discovered by Friederick Miescher; he isolated it from
Question 13 Photosynthesis and respiration are complementing processes within a global cycle known as the
Question 14 When activation energy is not available for a given chemical reaction
Question 15 Biological information must exist because
Question 16 A single regulatory molecule can shut down multiple metabolic pathways if it is able to
Question 17 A lit match cannot continue to burn when the wood of the match stick is consumed. This statement illustrates the more general principle that
Question 18 ______ is freely convertible from one form to another but _______ can never be created or destroyed.
Question 19 Light dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce
Question 20 The three metabolic pathways that make up aerobic respiration are really all parts of one larger pathway because
Question 21 The immediate source of electrons for electron transfer phosphorylation is
Question 22 To derive energy from an ATP molecule
Question 23 The process of aerobic respiration begins with
Question 24 New molecules of glucose are produced
Question 25 DNA is stored within the ____________ of a cell in a __________ fiber called chromatin.

Question 1 New molecules of glucose are produced
Question 2 Glucose + _________ + 36 ADP yields _________ + 6H2O + 36 _________.
Question 3 The energy storage molecule that connects endergonic and exergonic reactions, driving endergonic reactions forward, is
Question 4 If the final product of a metabolic pathway begins to build up in excess, the pathway can often be slowed down by a process called
Question 5 If the final end product of a metabolic pathway is continually removed and used elsewhere then
Question 6 Reactants like hydrogen and oxygen molecules and are converted into a product like water molecules in the course of
Question 7 The structure of DNA was unraveled using
Question 8 The most energetic and useful product of the Krebs cycle is
Question 9 An endergonic reaction always
Question 10 In photosynthesis the H atoms used to make high­energy carbohydrates like glucose come from
Question 11 DNA is stored within the ____________ of a cell in a __________ fiber called chromatin.
Question 12 ________ organisms build their own energy­rich molecules using solar energy.
Question 13 The cell’s pumping of substances against diffusion forces that would carry those substances the other way is termed
Question 14 Autotrophic organisms are supportive of man. They
Question 15 In photosynthesis, ______ and ______ are used to build_______ and release______.
Question 16 The (gene)tic information in a single strand of DNA is found in
Question 17 Systems that convert energy from one form to another are
Question 18 The immediate product of photosynthesis, three­carbon PGALs
Question 19 Photosynthesis and respiration are complementing processes within a global cycle known as the
Question 20 An excess amount of product accumulates at the end of a metabolic pathway. The product then binds to the allosteric site of the first enzyme along the pathway shutting down the pathway. We call this process
Question 21 The activation energy of a reaction can be lowered if the reaction is catalyzed by
Question 22 Which of the following features of glycolysis is a value to the cell?
Question 23 NADPH is formed when
Question 24 Energy supplied to break bonds in reactant molecules is known as
Question 25 Existing chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new ones are formed between different atoms. This process

Question 1 Light dependent reactions are carried out both on and in between photosystems. This process is like the last stage of aerobic respiration in that both
Question 2 In the chloroplast, light dependent reactions take place in the __________________ while light independent reactions take place in the __________________.
Question 3 When your car engine burns the octane in gasoline, at least 50% of the energy of the octane
Question 4 The value of the three stages of aerobic respiration is their ability to break down glucose, a single molecule, with the resultant production of about
Question 5 Enzymes are important because they
Question 6 Accessory pigments and chlorophylls work together within the thylakoid membrane in clusters called __________ . They harvest light energy and use it to transfer electrons to _______________.
Question 7 Energy­releasing reactions drive biosynthetic ones forward by contributing to a pool of
Question 8 The energy storage molecule that connects endergonic and exergonic reactions, driving endergonic reactions forward, is
Question 9 ________ and ________ are products of aerobic respiration.
Question 10 The physicist’s definition of energy is _______________ for use in defining energy changes within a living cell.
Question 11 The final stage of aerobic respiration involves
Question 12 The cell’s pumping of substances against diffusion forces that would carry those substances the other way is termed
Question 13 An allosteric enzyme
Question 14 Each wavelength of light has its own
Question 15 The three metabolic pathways that make up aerobic respiration are really all parts of one larger pathway because
Question 16 Which of the following is not a product of the Krebs cycle?
Question 17 Which of the following phrases best describes the role of NADPH in photosynthesis?
Question 18 The process of __________ can be defined as about 30 individual, sequential chemical reactions that form three metabolic pathways: one in the cytoplasm and two within the mitochondrion.
Question 19 Griffith exposed weak living bacteria to just the fluids from dead virulent bacteria. Some of these weak bacteria became virulent and could now kill mice. What control experiment did he do to argue that his weak bacteria changed to virulence in these studies?
Question 20 Glucose + _________ + 36 ADP yields _________ + 6H2O + 36 _________.
Question 21 DNA is stored within the ____________ of a cell in a __________ fiber called chromatin.
Question 22 For most chemical reactions in the non­living world, the energy required to break bonds in the reactant molecules
Question 23 _________ is a reactant in the process of aerobic respiration and _______ is a product of the same process.
Question 24 NADPH is formed when
Question 25 Existing chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new ones are formed between different atoms. This process

Question 1 For most chemical reactions in the non-living world, the energy required to break bonds in the reactant molecules
Question 2 In biosynthesis of a protein, energy for bonding amino acids together comes from
Question 3 A producer organism is called a “producer” because it produces
Question 4 Physicists define energy as
Question 5 Reactants like hydrogen and oxygen molecules and are converted into a product like water molecules in the course of
Question 6 Systems that convert energy from one form to another are
Question 7 In a long metabolic pathway, the multiple changes made to an initial reactant molecule are entirely controlled by
Question 8 Energy-releasing reactions drive biosynthetic ones forward by contributing to a pool of
Question 9 If bacteria can get their energy for life from a single kind of chemical reaction, then that reaction
Question 10 An endergonic reaction always
Question 11 An allosteric enzyme
Question 12 A useful way for a cell biologist to define energy is
Question 13 In nature, as energy freely changes from one form to another
Question 14 On a cold day, your cells depend on ________ to maintain an operating temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.
Question 15 Whenever chemical bonds are broken, energy is __________. Whenever chemical bonds form, energy is __________.
Question 16 Producer organisms convert _______ energy to chemical energy—the energy of C―H and C―O―H bonds.
Question 17 Three phosphate groups linked to a ribose sugar which, in turn, is linked to a pyrimidine base known as adenine: this phrase describes the structure of
Question 18 An excess amount of product accumulates at the end of a metabolic pathway. The product then binds to the allosteric site of the first enzyme along the pathway shutting down the pathway. We call this process
Question 19 The energy storage molecule that connects endergonic and exergonic reactions, driving endergonic reactions forward, is
Question 20 Existing chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new ones are formed between different atoms. This process
Question 21 The activation energy of a reaction can be lowered if the reaction is catalyzed by
Question 22 A single regulatory molecule can shut down multiple metabolic pathways if it is able to
Question 23 In respiration, chemical energy is transferred from glucose to ATP. The energy transfer however, is not 100% efficient. In the transfer, some of the energy is lost as
Question 24 Moving ions across a membrane requires energy when
Question 25 Which of the following substances would most likely enable a flagellum to drive a bacterium forward through the medium in which it is swimming?

Question 1 Light dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce
Question 2 The wavelengths of light used in photosynthesis are found in the _________ portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Question 3 When light of the correct wavelength hits a photosynthetic pigment molecule
Question 4 All of the six carbon atoms in each glucose molecule leave respiration in the form of carbon dioxide. Most of them leave during which part of aerobic respiration?
Question 5 Which of the following phrases best describes the role of NADPH in photosynthesis?
Question 6 In the process of glycolysis one molecule of _______ is converted to two molecules of __________.
Question 7 The overall process that uptakes energy-poor molecules (CO2 and H2O) from their reservoirs in nature and converts them into energy-rich molecules is
Question 8 The process of aerobic respiration begins with
Question 9 Photosynthesis and respiration are complementing processes within a global cycle known as the
Question 10 Photosynthesis and respiration are complementary processes within
Question 11 The value of the three stages of aerobic respiration is their ability to break down glucose, a single molecule, with the resultant production of about
Question 12 The Krebs cycle’s NADH products are of value because
Question 13 In photosynthesis, ______ and ______ are used to build_______ and release______.
Question 14 When electrons flow between photosystems, they ________ which can be used to generate new ____________ molecules.
Question 15 New molecules of glucose are produced
Question 16 Accessory pigments enable the chloroplast to
Question 17 In photosynthesis the H atoms used to make high-energy carbohydrates like glucose come from
Question 18 In the electron transfer phosphorylation process, ______ is a reactant and _____ is a product.
Question 19 In the chloroplast, light dependent reactions take place in the __________________ while light independent reactions take place in the __________________.
Question 20 If fermentation reactions did not occur on earth then in places where no oxygen is available
Question 21 Oxygen is an important molecule to both respiration and photosynthesis. If evolution created these two processes one after the other, which would probably have had to appear first on earth?
Question 22 During the electron transfer reactions, protons (H+ ions) are pumped (moved) to one side of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The value of this pumping is that the proton gradient is then used
Question 23 Fermentation of sugar causes grape juice to become wine. In fermentation, the two products given off are ____________ and _________. The latter product accumulates in the wine during the process.
Question 24 The three metabolic pathways that make up aerobic respiration are really all parts of one larger pathway because
Question 25 Which of the following is valuable as the most immediate source of the greatest amount of ATP energy given off during aerobic respiration?

Reactants like hydrogen and oxygen molecules and are converted into a product like water molecules in the course of
The structure of DNA was unraveled using
Biological information must exist because
The most energetic and useful product of the Krebs cycle is
Producer organisms convert _______ energy to chemical energy—the energy of C―H and C―O―H bonds
The most valuable product, energetically, of electron transfer phosphorylation is
All of the six carbon atoms in each glucose molecule leave respiration in the form of carbon dioxide. Most of them leave during which part of aerobic respiration?
Existing chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new ones are formed between different atoms. This process
If the final product of a metabolic pathway begins to build up in excess, the pathway can often be slowed down by a process called
An allosteric enzyme
In nature, as energy freely changes from one form to another
Systems that convert energy from one form to another are
The final stage of aerobic respiration involves
Plants are considered autotrophic because their cells contain
Light dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce
The three metabolic pathways that make up aerobic respiration are really all parts of one larger pathway because
Three phosphate groups linked to a ribose sugar which, in turn, is linked to a pyrimidine base known as adenine: this phrase describes the structure of
The immediate source of electrons for electron transfer phosphorylation is
DNA was discovered by Friederick Miescher; he isolated it from
Metabolic pathways
An excess amount of product accumulates at the end of a metabolic pathway. The product then binds to the allosteric site of the first enzyme along the pathway shutting down the pathway. We call this process
Which of the following is a stage of aerobic respiration
________ organisms build their own energy-rich molecules using solar energy
The energy storage molecule that connects endergonic and exergonic reactions, driving endergonic reactions forward, is
When activation energy is not available for a given chemical reaction

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