Thursday, March 23, 2017

Liberty University UNIV 104 English Assessment complete solutions correct answers right

Liberty University UNIV 104 English Assessment complete solutions correct answers right
There are 7 different versions/types.

Your placement in English 100 or 101 depends upon a variety of factors, including your previous GPA and test scores, in addition to this placement test score. In most cases, within 24 hours, your Academic Advisor will have access to your scores and will be able to place you accurately in the proper course.

NOTE: If you have attained a score above 38 on this test, you are a candidate to take the College Composition CLEP test. If you PASS the CLEP, you can get credit for ENGL 101. For more information, go to 

This test is a timed assessment; the time has been set for 90 minutes. A 1-minute warning will be displayed. Your time will begin when you open the test and will not end until you finish the last question. If you exceed the 90 minute allowance, 1 point will be deducted per minute, so please to be conscientious of your time limit.


Click on "Begin" when you are ready to begin the test. Multiple attempts are NOT allowed. This test can only be taken once.

NOTE: You will see two columns in My Grades referencing the English Assessment. The completion column is the only column that will count toward your final grade for the course.

Question 1: Multiple Choice Even after having prepared in the most thoroughest manner, Mark did not feel confident that his presentation would be successful.
Question 2: Multiple Choice Shoppers hunting for low prices will be able to find them at this sale; however, he or she should do some comparison shopping first in order to recognize the true bargains.
Question 3: Multiple Choice 88 In the days when baseball parks were small, with stands close to the playing fields, fans not only recognized individual players easily but also would be more knowledgeable about the game.
Question 4: Multiple Choice According to the article, more money is spent in the Unites States each year on health care as on national defense.
Question 5: Multiple Choice Both Edna and me were asked to put aside our regular work so that we could help prepare the proposal for the new client.
Question 6: Multiple Choice Because the public-address system was not working proper, only the people who were sitting in the front of the auditorium could hear the speaker clearly.
Question 7: Multiple Choice 89 The validity of the results of any survey depend, in part, on the care with which the sample is chosen.
Question 8: Multiple Choice Among the nonfictional works of James Baldwin are two volumes of essays that explore the relationship between Black intellectuals with society.
Question 9: Multiple Choice If the forest fire that broke out yesterday is not brought under control shortly, an entire village would have to be evacuated.
Question 10: Multiple Choice Because Maria had ran so fast during the first part of the race, she was beginning to tire by the time she reached the steep grade in the middle of the course.
Question 11: Multiple Choice After hearing Smith's surprising report, Detective Meng began to expect that the 90 witness had been lying.
Question 12: Multiple Choice As visitors enter the Museum of the Plains Indian, you see four large murals, painted by the Blackfoot artist Victor Pepion, that depict several aspects of the buffalo hunt.
Question 13: Multiple Choice When the traffic light was installed at the intersection of Broad Street and Washington Avenue, the flow of rush-hour traffic improves noticeably.
Question 14: Multiple Choice Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, who developed COBOL, one of the first computer languages, retiring after serving forty-three years in the United States Navy.
Question 15: Multiple Choice Inez and Dave plan to apply for part-time jobs, but, although they both are full-time students, Inez wants to work longer hours than him.
Question 16: Multiple Choice Like an iceberg, the Portuguese man-of-war conceals its most longest and most dangerous parts beneath the surface of the sea.
Question 17: Multiple Choice Like an iceberg, the Portuguese man-of-war conceals its most longest and most dangerous parts beneath the surface of the sea.
Question 18: Multiple Choice Chief among the recommendations of the committee are that the students be encouraged to participate in Black History month by attending the special programs sponsored by the school.
Question 19: Multiple Choice When the leaders of the American Revolution sought foreign help, they logically turned to France and Spain, and both countries responded favorable.
Question 20: Multiple Choice Elizabeth Gaskell's nineteenth-century novel North and South draws an extended contrast between the attractive southern countryside of Britain with the grimy factory towns of the north.
Question 21: Multiple Choice Because the bamboo plant on which the panda feeds is now scarce, naturalists are worried about their chances of survival.
Question 22: Multiple Choice When we arrived in Montreal, we learned that a jazz festival had just began there.
Question 23: Multiple Choice Frank was very good at planning practical jokes; the joke he played on Alice and I was particularly clever.
Question 24: Multiple Answer Neither the scientist nor her research assistant expect to encounter any difficulty in obtaining funds for the project.
Question 25: Multiple Choice Deciding which one of the three plans for the library was the better one proved to be exceedingly difficult because each of the architects had presented excellent ideas.
Question 26: Multiple Choice Because they were confined to the cramped cockpit of the small experimental plane and the two pilots found the long flight extremely uncomfortable.
Question 27: Multiple Choice Sustained high temperatures can weaken tires, causing blowouts and tread separations.
Question 28: Multiple Choice Unfortunately, the already hard-pressed farmers were plagued once again by spring flooding, midsummer drought, and early frost.
Question 29: Multiple Choice If he would know about the seminar, Rafael would not have called the meeting of the Hispanic Students' Union for the same evening.
Question 30: Multiple Choice The room, which has been painted white, and it still looks small and gloomy.
Question 31: Multiple Choice The polarization of the Earth is not fixed; in fact, the north and south magnetic poles which have exchanged positions five times over the last two million years.
Question 32: Multiple Answer It is easy to learn to use the personal computer, and it has replaced the typewriter in most homes and offices.
Question 33: Multiple Choice The contributions of minority groups to the culture of the United States are so extensive that no brief scholarly work cannot be expected to treat the subject satisfactorily.
Question 34: Multiple Choice Her first novel destroyed her quiet life, and the reason was she impressed the critics, the public was captivated, and she became a celebrity overnight.
Question 35: Multiple Choice As students who commute to campus, we feel that you should be excused from class when the weather makes it hazardous for us to drive.
Question 36: Multiple Choice Which of the two athletes is the better runner is difficult to say; both have abundant speed, energy, and endurance.
Question 37: Multiple Choice Because of the water shortage, the governor encouraged consumers to conserve the available supply.
Question 38: Multiple Choice A failure as an administrator, the general made irrational decisions, he exceeded his authority, and alienating many of the best members of the staff.
Question 39: Multiple Choice Culture consists of all learned information and it is transmitted by generation to generation.
Question 40: Multiple Choice Martina Arroya, like Leontyne Price, are celebrated for opera singing.

· Question 1

Questions 2-11. Read each sentence and find the error in academic or formal English in each. There is no more than one error in each sentence. Remember that academic or formal English is the kind of English you are usually asked to write in class; sometimes there is a difference between the way we write something and the way we say the same thing.

Answer True or False: I have read the above instructions. 
·         Question 2
Elizabeth Gaskell's nineteenth-century novel North and South draws an extended contrast between the attractive southern countryside of Britain with the grimy factory towns in the north.
·         Question 3

Because the bamboo plant on which the panda feeds is now scarce, naturalists are worried about theirchances of survival.
on which
is now scarce
·         Question 4

Even after having prepared in the most thoroughest manner, Mark did not feel confident that his presentation would be successful.
Even after
most thoroughest
confident that
would be
·         Question 5

Frank was very good at planning practical jokes; the joke he played on Alice and I was particularlyclever.
at planning
he played
·         Question 6

Because the public-address system was not working properonly the people who were sitting in the front of the auditorium could hear the speaker clearly.

was not working
could hear
·         Question 7

Shoppers hunting for low prices will be able to find them at this sale; however, he or she should do some comparison shopping first in order to recognize the true bargains.
hunting for
he or she
in order to
·         Question 8

Both Edna and me were asked to put aside our regular work so that we could help prepare the proposalfor the new client.
put aside
so that
·         Question 9

Neither the scientist or her research assistant expect to encounter any difficulty in obtaining funds for the project.
to encounter
·         Question 10

When the leaders of the American Revolution sought foreign help, they logically turned to France and Spain, and both countries responded favorable.
turned to
·         Question 11

Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, who developed COBOL, one of the first computer languages, retiringafter serving forty-three years in the United States Navy.
who developed
one of
·         Question 12
Questions 13-18. Select the best version of the underlined part of the sentence. Choice (A) is the same as the original sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer (A).

Answer True or False: I have read the above instructions.
·         Question 13

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

If he would know about the seminar, Rafael would not have called the meeting of the Hispanic Students' Union for the same evening.
If he would know
Not knowing
Inasmuch as he did not know
If he had known
·         Question 14

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

Culture consists of all learned information and it is transmitted by generation to generation.
and it is transmitted by
that is transmitted from
being transmitted by
that they have transmitted from
·         Question 15

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

The room, which has been painted white, and it still looks small and gloomy.
The room, which has been painted white, and
Painting the room white, after which
Even though the room has been painted white,
Despite the white paint for the room,
·         Question 16

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

Which of the two athletes is the better runner is difficult to say; both have abundant speed, energy, and endurance.
runner is difficult to say; both
runner, it is difficult to say; and both
runner is difficult to say, both
runner, being difficult to say because both
·         Question 17

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

The polarization of the Earth is not fixed; in fact, the north and south magnetic poles which have exchanged positions five times over the last two million years.
poles which have exchanged positions
poles have exchanged positions
poles, exchanging positions
poles, their positions exchanged
·         Question 18

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

Unfortunately, the already hard-pressed farmers were plagued once again by spring flooding,midsummer drought, and early frost.
midsummer drought, and early frost
with midsummer drought, and the early frost
then there was midsummer drought and early frost
followed by midsummer drought and early frost after that
·         Question 19
Questions 20 and 21. These questions are designed to test your reading comprehension skills on a basic and more advanced level. Read the passages below and mark the letter of the most correct answer. There are no trick questions. 

free market describes a market without economic intervention and regulation by government except to regulate against force or fraud. The terminology is used by economists and in popular culture. A free market requires protection of property rights, but no regulation, no subsidization, no single monetary system, and no governmental monopolies. It is the opposite of a controlled market, where the government regulates prices or how property is used.

The theory holds that within the ideal free market, property rights are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged solely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers. By definition, buyers and sellers do not coerce each other, in the sense that they obtain each other's property rights without the use of physical force, threat of physical force, or fraud, nor are they coerced by a third party (such as by government via transfer payments) and they engage in trade simply because they both consent and believe that what they are getting is worth more than or as much as what they give up. Price is the result of buying and selling decisions en masse as described by the law of supply and demand.

Free market economics is closely associated with laissez-faire economic philosophy, which advocates approximating this condition in the real world by mostly confining government intervention in economic matters to regulating against force and fraud among market participants. Some free market advocates oppose taxation as well, claiming that the market is more efficient at providing all valuable services of which defense and law are no exception, that such services can be provided without direct taxation and that consent would be the basis of political legitimacy making it a morally consistent system.

Answer True or False: I have read the above passage.  
·         Question 20

In a free market economy, which of the protections would the government NOT offer?
Protecting personal property
Protecting individuals' trade interests abroad
Protecting against force
Protecting against fraud
·         Question 21

Which of these terms or ideas do you NOT need to understand ahead of time to be able to comprehend the meaning of this passage?
Government intervention
Supply and demand
Free market economics
Force and fraud
·         Question 22
Questions 23 and 24. These questions are designed to test your reading comprehension skills on a basic and more advanced level. Read the passages below and mark the letter of the most correct answer. There are no trick questions.

Romans 7:14-25
"14We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. 24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!

So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin."

Answer True or False: I have read the above passage. 
·         Question 23

What is the solution Paul gives in this passage to the problem he discusses?
He thinks the law should be abolished.
He trusts Jesus to deliver him.
He is waiting for death, when the battle will be over.
Whatever bad he does, he blames on the sin in him; therefore, he doesn't feel guilty anymore.
·         Question 24

Which of these terms best describes Paul's mental state as he portrays it here?
He is dealing with a lot of unresolved anger.
He feels very guilty about a sin he has committed recently.
He feels that he is divided against himself.
He is upset because he has low self-esteem.
·         Question 25
Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions.
The foreboding city of Baghdad brings chills of fear that are only penetrated by its transcendent sunsets. The rocky ground just beneath the barrel of my rigid M240B machine gun is carefully scanned for explosives. Just beyond the rocks is the desolate road which mocks my worries by providing the enemy a valued avenue of approach. The brisk draft runs farther down my spine as I hear the eerie prayers shouted from rooftop to rooftop. The hateful noise belongs to the cloaked black figures bowing in unison. In the distance, beyond the menace, an exquisite array of colors pierces my doubts. Finally, my chill is warmed by an orange sun falling slowly out of sight. The clouds dance just above the sun. They remind me of the joy provided by my salvation. It is then I realize, even in the valley of the shadow of death I find peace; the hand of God has painted a magnificent sunset just for me.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 
·         Question 26

Which sentence uses specific and detailed vocabulary to convey the theme?
Just beyond the rocks is the desolate road which mocks my worries by providing the enemy a valued avenue of approach.
The hateful noise belongs to the cloaked black figures bowing in unison.
Finally, my chill is warmed by an orange sun falling slowly out of sight.
The foreboding city of Baghdad brings chills of fear that are only penetrated by its transcendent sunsets. 
·         Question 27

Identify the topic sentence of the paragraph:
It is then I realize, even in the valley of the shadow of death I find peace; the hand of God has painted a magnificent sunset just for me.
The brisk draft runs farther down my spine as I hear the eerie prayers shouted from rooftop to rooftop.
The foreboding city of Baghdad brings chills of fear that are only penetrated by its transcendent sunsets.
In the distance, beyond the menace, an exquisite array of colors pierces my doubts.
·         Question 28

Rewrite the following sentence that removes the passive voice and adds clarity.
Sentence: Just beyond the rocks is the desolate road which mocks my worries by providing the enemy a valued avenue of approach.
The desolate road beyond the rocks worries me because it provides the enemy an advantage.
The rocks ahead, being able to hide behind, in the desolate road, mocks my fears and provides a place for them to hide.
The desolate road ahead, which mocks my worries, provides a hiding place behind rocks for my enemy.
The enemy can hide behind the rocks and I am afraid because the road is desolate and they have a better approach.
·         Question 29

What is the vantage point of the author in the passage?
On the ground
Standing behind a wall
On a rooftop above the city
In the barracks
·         Question 30
Refer to the paragraph below in order to answer the following four questions.
In censorship, silence is not always golden. The word "censorship” means to silence, limit, or repress information, whether in the media, through music, artistic expression, political, social, theological, or educational information, not within the norms of a particular mode of thought concerning those particular standards that they each support. Rather, it is the control of information showing itself in the form of a boycott, embargo, injunction, restriction, and last but not least, “silence.” Censorship is not permission, a green light, nor an allowance of complete self-expression. In today’s world, the computer’s phrases: “to delete”, “empty recycle bin” or even “erase from the hard drive” could mean censorship. Sometimes people confuse censorship with the thought of limiting it to only a couple of types or that censorship is always valid or deserving. Others think it only comes through a dictatorship type of government. A few examples would be a court-imposed gag order: a judicial judge signs a paper to put a hush order on the media, regarding information that can compromise a case. Still another example, would be by taking the 5th Amendment, individuals can choose to remain silent because the information may only serve to incriminate them. Consequently, it also seems a means of protection for them. Churches have their own laws and standards, some of which in ancient Biblical times even silenced women (1 Timothy 2: 11-14). In censorship, silence is not always golden, even secrets between friends can be a form of voluntary censorship, or not!

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 
·         Question 31

In the paragraph, which of the following best describes the concluding sentence? 
Sentence: In censorship, silence is not always golden, even secrets between friends can be a form of voluntary censorship, or not!
The concluding sentence is ineffective because it introduces a new detail or supporting point.
The concluding sentence is highly effective and no revision is needed.
The concluding sentence is ineffective because an exclamation mark is used.
The concluding sentence is ineffective because it restates the topic sentence.
·         Question 32

Which of the following sentences best defines “censorship” in connotative terms?
Rather, it [censorship] is the control of information showing itself in the form of a boycott, embargo, injunction, restriction, and last but not least, “silence.”
In censorship, silence is not always golden.
The word "censorship” means to silence, limit, or repress information.
Still another example, would be by taking the 5th Amendment, individuals can choose to remain silent because the information may only serve to incriminate them.
·         Question 33

In the passage, which of the following would be considered the topic sentence?
Others think it only comes through a dictatorship type of government.
Sometimes people confuse censorship with the thought of limiting it to only a couple of types or that censorship is always valid or deserving.
Still another example, would be by taking the 5th Amendment, individuals can choose to remain silent because the information may only serve to incriminate them.
In censorship, silence is not always golden.
·         Question 34

What mode of writing is primarily used in this passage?

·         Question 35
Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions:
The wedding process is often trying; however, during my wedding planning, the easiest and most essential aspect was choosing my gown. As soon as my husband proposed, I began purchasing wedding magazines for ideas, but most importantly, I used the magazines in search of dress options. I narrowed my options down to local stores, which had gowns closest to my style. Because department-sized wedding shops can be intimidating, I made an appointment at a small, bridal boutique. I was allowed to choose six gowns to take to the fitting room. In most bridal stores, the dresses are larger than the average woman’s size; therefore, I had a difficult time envisioning myself wearing most that I had chosen to try on. Yet, the first one I picked was similar to all the dresses I envied in the magazines. I put this dress on and knew it had to be mine. I saw no purpose in continuing with my search. It was evident that I had found the perfect gown for my wedding. The preparation for a wedding can be difficult at times; yet, I found the perfect dress to ensure a key element of my wedding day.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph.
·         Question 36

The author chose six dresses for the fitting room, but she bought the first dress she tried on. What might the author’s purpose be in providing these details?
To explain the dress-fitting policies in bridal boutiques.
To prove how easy wedding dress shopping should be for all brides.
To describe the overwhelming task of dress shopping. 
To emphasize how quickly she found the perfect dress.
·         Question 37

In this passage, which of the following sentences would be considered the topic sentence?
The wedding process is often trying; however, during my wedding planning, the easiest and most essential aspect was choosing my gown.
Because department-sized wedding shops can be intimidating, I made an appointment at a small, bridal boutique.
It was evident that I had found the perfect gown for my wedding.
The preparation for a wedding can be difficult at times; yet, I found the perfect dress to ensure a key element of my wedding day.
·         Question 38

Which of the following details could the author have omitted because the information within the sentence is not relevant?
Because department-sized wedding shops can be intimidating, I made an appointment at a small, bridal boutique.
I was allowed to choose six gowns to take to the fitting room.
Yet, the first one I picked was similar to all the dresses I envied in the magazines.
All of the details are significant and should remain in the paragraph.
·         Question 39

What is the best way to revise this passive sentence to active voice from this passage? 
Sentence: I was allowed to choose six gowns to take to the fitting room.
I could choose six gowns to take with me into the fitting rooms.
I chose six gowns to take into the fitting room.
Into the fitting room, I was able to take six gowns.
At the store, I was allowed to choose six gowns to take to the fitting room.
·         Question 40
Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions. 
My life after marriage is a far cry from what it was before I married. As a single teenager and the daughter of an evangelistic minister, traveling was a way of life. I packed in less than thirty minutes for a journey of a few weeks to a month. I journeyed all over the United States and some in Canada and Mexico. Now, I find myself hesitating to leave the house to acquire groceries. My week usually consists of departing for church, which is situated across the street. Once upon a time, I knew tens of thousands of people in all the churches we visited; meeting new people as we traveled back to these places yearly. Unfortunately, in my husband’s home town, I have found it difficult to even make new friends or meet new people. Prior, traveling meant that I was surrounded by people all the time. Currently, I spend most of my days alone, seldom leaving my bedroom except to do chores or spend time with the kids. As a minister and minister’s daughter, I found myself in church several days a week; ministering in each service to one degree or another. In my husband’s home church I am seldom asked to minister, yet I still receive calls from time to time asking me to minister in other churches. I do not like traveling alone so I seldom accept many offers to minister outside my home church. This change of lifestyle is the hardest transition of my adult life; from the life I had to the life I have.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 
·         Question 41

What would be considered the main idea of this passage?
Marriage causes changes in a person’s lifestyle.
Ministers live a transient lifestyle.
Marriage causes wives to be reclusive.
Worshipping at a different churches is a blessing.
·         Question 42

What specific verb does the author overuse within the paragraph?
·         Question 43

Which of the sentences below signals an abrupt change in the mode of writing?
Once upon a time, I knew tens of thousands of people in all the churches we visited.
I packed in less than thirty minutes for a journey of a few weeks to a month.
I journeyed all over the United States and some in Canada and Mexico.
I found myself in church several days a week; ministering in each service to one degree or another.
·         Question 44

What specific sentence and word choice best describes the author’s feelings towards her current situation?
My life after marriage is a far cry from what it was before I married.
In my husband’s home church I am seldom asked to minister, yet I still receive calls from time to time asking me to minister in other churches.
My week usually consists of departing for church, which is situated across the street.
I do not like traveling alone so I seldom accept many offers to minister outside my home church.
·         Question 45
Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions.
There are basically three different types of boats, which can be somewhat overwhelming to a potential first time boat buyer. The intended purpose a boat will be used for should help determine the type of boat to be purchased. Stream boats are usually small, light, and easy to maneuver from place to place. Most stream boats require only one operator and are typically smaller making them the simplest to use. The next choice one might consider is an inland boat; while an inland boat might be larger than a stream boat, their size is still more maneuverable in smaller bodies of water and can be operated easily by one or two operators in most cases. Most inland boats maintain a somewhat shallower draw (draw is the amount of water required under a boat for it to float) allowing them to maneuver in and out of shallower water. Finally, the last category is the deep-sea boat class; these boats are made for the big, open water and are capable of withstanding much larger waves. In most applications, a deep-sea boat can carry more passengers and cargo than the smaller inland variations, making it the ultimate camper or getaway. Boating is a great time, even when the fish are not biting pick the right size and kind of boat and the fun is increased. So, to avoid feeling in over your head when buying a boat for the first time, make certain to weigh the options of the different classifications of boats; the first time boat buyer needs to assess the facts and various models to make the best selection.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 
·         Question 46

How could the author achieve credibility in this passage?
By addressing the audience using second person point of view
By using sources to support his/her main claims
By providing more details regarding the three classification of boats
By adding personal experiences
·         Question 47

Which mode of writing is used in this passage?
·         Question 48

Which phrase least effectively describes the final type of boat class?
Made for the big, open water
Withstanding much larger waves
Can carry more passengers
More maneuverable
·         Question 49

Which of the following phrases serves as an effective transitional phrase?
Most stream boats require
The next choice
Most inland boats
In most applications
·         Question 50
Read the below paragraph to answer the following four questions.
Many features combine to create the perfect football experience; these features include: the competition between the two teams, the fans, and the setting. The competition between the two football teams brings everyone to the stadium for the game. These two opposing and talented groups come prepared for the game, having practiced for weeks. The chemistry created by the fierce athletes, driven to win, stirs up tension between the two groups of fans, who come ready to cheer on their team. These eager and zealous fans show their support through screams, standing, shouting, jumping up and down, and blowing horns. Marching bands and cheerleaders also show their support. The marching bands play different songs in the stands like “Hey, Baby” or “Go, Big Red!” The cheerleaders cheer their hearts out to inspire the fans to get excited about the conflict on the field. The football game setting also contributes to the perfect football experience. The crisp, fall air inspires fans to wear sweatshirts and bring fleece blankets. The big, blaring lights draw attention to the activity on the field, even in the dark of night. Warm hot chocolate, hot dogs, and nachos add to the overall football experience. All of these elements, the competition, the fans, and the setting, combine to create the perfect, football experience.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph.
·         Question 51

Which sentence best shows the transition in tone that takes place in this paragraph?
The competition between the two football teams brings everyone to the stadium for the game.
Many features combine to create the perfect football experience; these features include: the competition between the two teams, the fans, and the setting.
The chemistry created by the fierce athletes, driven to win, stirs up tension between the two groups of fans, who come ready to cheer on their team.
Warm hot chocolate, hot dogs, and nachos add to the overall football experience.
·         Question 52

Which of the following sentences is a strong transitional sentence from one supporting detail about the topic to the next?
The chemistry created by the fierce athletes, driven to win, stirs up tension between the two groups of fans, who come ready to cheer on their team.
Many features combine to create the perfect football experience; these features include: the competition between the two teams, the fans, and the setting.
The marching bands play different songs in the stands like “Hey, Baby” or “Go, Big Red!”
All of these elements, the competition, the fans, and the setting, combine to create the perfect, football experience.
·         Question 53

What is the topic sentence of this passage?
These two opposing and talented groups come prepared for the game, having practiced for weeks.  The chemistry created by the fierce athletes, driven to win, stirs up tension between the two groups of fans, who come ready to cheer on their team.
The competition between the two football teams brings everyone to the stadium for the game.
All of these elements, the competition, the fans, and the setting, combine to create the perfect, football experience.
Many features combine to create the perfect football experience; these features include: the competition between the two teams, the fans, and the setting. 
·         Question 54

Based on the topic sentence in the passage, what are the main points?
fierce athletes, competition, and setting
competition, setting, and fans
marching band, fierce athletes, and competition
teams, setting, and competition
·         Question 55
Read the below Essay to answer the following three questions.

Essay: Operating Room Housekeepers 
(1)When a person visits a hotel, hospital, or a shopping center, a person may encounter a housekeeper from time to time, trying to keep that particular type of facility clean. He or she may see a housekeeper cleaning a room in a hotel, emptying trash cans in a shopping center, or using an automatic scrubber to maintain the main hallways of a hospital. The operating room housekeeper, however, most likely has the most unique job of any other housekeeping position, due to the environment, the surroundings he or she can work in, the dress code that is required to work in surgery, and the many dangers he or she will face on a daily basis. 
(2)The operating room housekeeper must become familiar with his or her surroundings; becoming familiar with the surroundings inside and outside the operating room will help the housekeeper stay safe and help him/her clean each operating room efficiently. Knowing where the overhead lights and monitors are in an operating room can be the difference, preventing a housekeeper from getting injured on the job and cleaning the room properly. Also, a housekeeper must wear the proper uniform before entering the surgery area to help prevent infections. 
(3)Housekeepers must wear a surgery blues uniform before entering the surgery area, no street clothes or any other housekeeping uniform is allowed in the surgery; this is to help prevent the spread of infections in the surgery area. A housekeeper is also required to wear a mask, hat, and shoe covers before entering an operating room or center core area, this is not only to protect housekeepers from a patient that may have an infection, he or she may encounter while working in surgery; this also protects the patient, and helps protect the housekeeper from many other dangers he or she will encounter while cleaning in surgery. 
(4)Housekeepers face many dangers everyday while cleaning operating rooms, such as: needle sticks, broken glass, blood spills, and overhead lights in the operating rooms. A housekeeper needs to know how to protect themselves from these types of hazards; needles found in an operating room must be handled with care, knowing how to dispose them properly can prevent a housekeeper from getting a needle stick. Blood spills and broken glass must be handled with caution, especially if broken glass is found with blood present; having the proper tools and equipment will help the housekeeper from getting cut on the broken glass. Handling these types of situations properly will help the housekeeper stay safe and cleaning the rooms more enjoyable. 
(5)There are many things a housekeeper must be aware of while working in the surgery area, he or she can encounter many dangers on a daily basis; however, with proper training and education, the housekeeper can be prepared for any situation he or she may encounter while working in surgery. Knowing what to do can help a housekeeper clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments a housekeeper can work in.
Answer True or False: I have read the above essay.
·         Question 56

The following sentence from the essay “Operating Room Housekeepers” is confusing. Why?

Sentence: A housekeeper is also required to wear a mask, hat, and shoe covers before entering an operating room or center core area, this is not only to protect housekeepers from a patient that may have an infection, he or she may encounter while working in surgery; this also protects the patient, and helps protect the housekeeper from many other dangers he or she will encounter while cleaning in surgery.
Time order words
·         Question 57

Consider the following sentence from “Operating Room Housekeepers”: Knowing what to do can help a housekeeper clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments a housekeeper can work in. Which revision best eliminates vagueness/confusion?
A good housekeeper cleans more efficiently and avoids any serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments a housekeeper can work in.
An operating room housekeeper, who is aware of potential hazards, will definitely clean more efficiently and more safely.
Knowing what to do can help a housekeeper clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries.
While working in one of the most unique environments a housekeeper can work in, knowing what to do can help a housekeeper clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries
·         Question 58

In the last paragraph of the essay, which is a better revision of the last sentence?

Sentence: Knowing what to do can help a housekeeper clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments a housekeeper can work in.
When a housekeeper knows what to do, they can clean more efficiently and avoid serious injury while working in the unique environment.
Knowing what to do can help a housekeeper clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments.
Knowing what to do can help housekeepers clean more efficiently and avoid serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments a housekeeper can work in.
A housekeeper, knowing what to do, can clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments they can work in.
·         Question 59
Read the below Essay to answer the following three questions.
Essay: Marriage is Sacred 
(1) Couples should understand that when they marry they are entering into the most sacred of institutions established by God; it is a Holy covenant, not to be taken lightly. In addition, it is the first covenant established between God and mankind. Until this day, it seals their relationship until death; therefore, the marriage covenant produces oneness that honors God, creating a binding contract in his eyes. 
(2) God wants marriage to reflect the church’s relationship with Jesus Christ because the church is the bride, preparing to meet the bridegroom. When couples develop intimacy with God, it also strengthens the marriage. Per Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, there is currently a 50% divorce rate in marriages in and outside of the church. This is evidence that couples no longer take their commitment and vows seriously, and it is almost impossible to honor vows without acknowledging the sacredness of the marriage contract. Consequently, the marriage covenant brings strength to relationships helping them to endure. 
(3) The covenant of marriage also protects the family unit. It is the vehicle that allows sexual expression not provided in other unions. The children born of couples, who are in covenant, reap the benefits of their parent’s faithfulness to each other and to God. These couples also insulate themselves and their families from the enemy that would destroy homes and ruin relationships. The odds of couples committed to covenant relations, committing adultery, divorcing or separating is not as great as those who are not committed. 
(4) The marriage covenant is the most import contract entered into by man. Dennis Rainey, a well known Christian minister, writes that “For the past two years I have had a growing concern that the Christian community has passively watched the 'dummying down' of the marriage covenant. Marriage has become little more than an upgraded social contract between two people-not a holy covenant between a man and a woman and their God for a lifetime.” Couples, who are in covenant marriages, provide stability for their families and communities; it has more impact on community than anyone could ever imagine because the covenant is the cornerstone for all relationships. 
(5) The scriptures are clear about marriage being holy in God’s sight; consequently, married couples must take their vows serious if the current trend in divorce, in and outside the church, is to change. Acknowledging this will greatly impact and reverse the current culture and views on marriage. Because God so loved us, he designed the sanctity of marriage for our protection from generation to generation.

Answer True or False: I have read the above essay.
·         Question 60

What information is missing from the introduction that was needed for the establishment of a strong thesis and inclusive presentation of all of the information in the essay?
The protection that marriage offers
The covenant contract
The relationship aspect of the covenant
The sacredness of marriage
·         Question 61

Which of the following improves the second sentence in the last paragraph from a vague assertion to a more specific one? 
Sentence: Acknowledging this will greatly impact and reverse the current culture and views on marriage.
Acknowledging that marriage is serious will greatly impact and reverse the current culture and views on marriage.
Acknowledging this will greatly impact and reverse the current cultural views on marriage.
When people acknowledge that marriage is considered holy, it will reverse the current culture and views on marriage.
When people acknowledge the holiness and seriousness of marriage, their influence will reverse the current cultural views of marriage.
·         Question 62

Which sentence is a better transition for the beginning of paragraph 4?
The marriage covenant is the most important contract entered into by man.
The marriage covenant is best for relationships.
Because a covenant of committed relationships prevents disruption of marriage, it is the most important contract entered into by man.
Because the marriage covenant tends to prevent the disruption of relationships, it is the most important contract entered into by man.

· Question 1

Questions 2-11. Read each sentence and find the error in academic or formal English in each. There is no more than one error in each sentence. Remember that academic or formal English is the kind of English you are usually asked to write in class; sometimes there is a difference between the way we write something and the way we say the same thing. 

Answer True or False: I have read the above instructions. 

· Question 2

Neither the scientist or her research assistant expect to encounter any difficulty in obtaining funds for the project.
to encounter

· Question 3

Like an iceberg, the Portuguese man-of-war conceals its most longest and most dangerous partsbeneath the surface of the sea.
Like an iceberg
most longest

· Question 4

Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, who developed COBOL, one of the first computer languages, retiringafter serving forty-three years in the United States Navy.
who developed
one of

· Question 5

As visitors enter the Museum of the Plains Indian, you see four large murals, painted by the Blackfoot artist Victor Pepion, that depict several aspects of the buffalo hunt.
you see
painted by
aspects of

· Question 6

Deciding which one of the three plans for the library was the better one proved to be exceedinglydifficult because each of the architects had presented excellent ideas.
the better
proved to be

· Question 7

When the traffic light was installed at the intersection of Broad Street and Washington Avenue, the flow of rush-hour traffic improves noticeably.
installed at

· Question 8

Because the bamboo plant on which the panda feeds is now scarce, naturalists are worried about theirchances of survival.
on which
is now scarce

· Question 9

When we arrived in Montreal, we learned that a jazz festival had just began there.
we arrived
just began

· Question 10

Like a distance runner, the Dodge Challenger saves its most quickest and most impressive accelerationfor the open road.
Like a distance runner
most quickest

· Question 11

Among the nonfictional works of James Baldwin are two volumes of essays that explore the relationship between black intellectuals with society.


· Question 12

Questions 13-18. Select the best version of the underlined part of the sentence. Choice (A) is the same as the original sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer (A).

Answer True or False: I have read the above instructions.

· Question 13

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

Because of the water shortage, the governor encouraged consumers to conserve the available supply.
Because of the water shortage, the
Due to having a water shortage, the
Because of the water shortage was why the
Due to the water shortage which was why the

· Question 14

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A. 

Because they were confined to the cramped cockpit of the small experimental plane and the two pilotsfound the long flight extremely uncomfortable.
plane and the two pilots
plane was why the two pilots
plane, the two pilots who
plane, the two pilots

· Question 15

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

If he would know about the seminar, Rafael would not have called the meeting of the Hispanic Students' Union for the same evening.
If he would know
Not knowing
Inasmuch as he did not know
If he had known

· Question 16

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

Culture consists of all learned information and it is transmitted by generation to generation.
and it is transmitted by
that is transmitted from
being transmitted by
that they have transmitted from

· Question 17

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

It is easy to learn to use the personal computer, and it has replaced the typewriter in most homes and offices.
It is easy to learn to use the personal computer, and it
It is easy to learn to use the personal computer, but it
The personal computer is easy to learn to use, because of which it
The personal computer, which is easy to learn to use,

· Question 18

Select the best wording of the underlined part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose answer A.

A failure as an administrator, the general made irrational decisions, he exceeded his authority, and alienating many of the best members of the staff.
made irrational decisions, he exceeded his authority, and alienating many of the best members of the staff
made decisions that were irrational, his authority was exceeded, and he alienated many of the best members of the staff
making irrational decisions, exceeding his authority, and many of the best members of the staff were alienated
made irrational decisions, exceeded his authority, and alienated many of the best members of the staff

· Question 19

Questions 20 and 21. These questions are designed to test your reading comprehension skills on a basic and more advanced level. Read the passages below and mark the letter of the most correct answer. There are no trick questions. 

A free market describes a market without economic intervention and regulation by government except to regulate against force or fraud. The terminology is used by economists and in popular culture. A free market requires protection of property rights, but no regulation, no subsidization, no single monetary system, and no governmental monopolies. It is the opposite of a controlled market, where the government regulates prices or how property is used.

The theory holds that within the ideal free market, property rights are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged solely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers. By definition, buyers and sellers do not coerce each other, in the sense that they obtain each other's property rights without the use of physical force, threat of physical force, or fraud, nor are they coerced by a third party (such as by government via transfer payments) and they engage in trade simply because they both consent and believe that what they are getting is worth more than or as much as what they give up. Price is the result of buying and selling decisions en masse as described by the law of supply and demand.

Free market economics is closely associated with laissez-faire economic philosophy, which advocates approximating this condition in the real world by mostly confining government intervention in economic matters to regulating against force and fraud among market participants. Some free market advocates oppose taxation as well, claiming that the market is more efficient at providing all valuable services of which defense and law are no exception, that such services can be provided without direct taxation and that consent would be the basis of political legitimacy making it a morally consistent system. 

Answer True or False: I have read the above passage.  

· Question 20

What would you say is the purpose of this passage?
Arguing against other economic models such as communism
Convincing a reader that free market economics are effective at preventing abuses such as force and fraud
Explaining the meaning of or defining the term "free market."
Comparing free market economics to other systems

· Question 21

In a free market economy, which of the protections would the government NOT offer?
Protecting personal property
Protecting individuals' trade interests abroad
Protecting against force
Protecting against fraud

· Question 22

Questions 23 and 24. These questions are designed to test your reading comprehension skills on a basic and more advanced level. Read the passages below and mark the letter of the most correct answer. There are no trick questions.

Romans 7:14-25: 
"14We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. 

So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. 24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! 

So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin."

Answer True or False: I have read the above passage. 

· Question 23

Which of these terms best describes Paul's mental state as he portrays it here?
He is dealing with a lot of unresolved anger.
He feels very guilty about a sin he has committed recently.
He feels that he is divided against himself.
He is upset because he has low self-esteem.

· Question 24

Why is Paul so frustrated?
He wants to do good, but he keeps on doing evil.
He feels stifled by the law.
Following God has turned out to be very difficult for him.
He is dying, and he feels like a prisoner in his body.

· Question 25

Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions.
The foreboding city of Baghdad brings chills of fear that are only penetrated by its transcendent sunsets. The rocky ground just beneath the barrel of my rigid M240B machine gun is carefully scanned for explosives. Just beyond the rocks is the desolate road which mocks my worries by providing the enemy a valued avenue of approach. The brisk draft runs farther down my spine as I hear the eerie prayers shouted from rooftop to rooftop. The hateful noise belongs to the cloaked black figures bowing in unison. In the distance, beyond the menace, an exquisite array of colors pierces my doubts. Finally, my chill is warmed by an orange sun falling slowly out of sight. The clouds dance just above the sun. They remind me of the joy provided by my salvation. It is then I realize, even in the valley of the shadow of death I find peace; the hand of God has painted a magnificent sunset just for me.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 

· Question 26

Which sentence uses specific and detailed vocabulary to convey the theme?
Just beyond the rocks is the desolate road which mocks my worries by providing the enemy a valued avenue of approach.
The hateful noise belongs to the cloaked black figures bowing in unison.
Finally, my chill is warmed by an orange sun falling slowly out of sight.
The foreboding city of Baghdad brings chills of fear that are only penetrated by its transcendent sunsets. 

· Question 27

What type of spatial order is used in the passage?
Neighborhood to sunsets
Ground to sky
Left to right
Inside to outside

· Question 28

Identify the topic sentence of the paragraph:
It is then I realize, even in the valley of the shadow of death I find peace; the hand of God has painted a magnificent sunset just for me.
The brisk draft runs farther down my spine as I hear the eerie prayers shouted from rooftop to rooftop.
The foreboding city of Baghdad brings chills of fear that are only penetrated by its transcendent sunsets.
In the distance, beyond the menace, an exquisite array of colors pierces my doubts.

· Question 29

Rewrite the following sentence that removes the passive voice and adds clarity.
Sentence: Just beyond the rocks is the desolate road which mocks my worries by providing the enemy a valued avenue of approach.
The desolate road beyond the rocks worries me because it provides the enemy an advantage.
The rocks ahead, being able to hide behind, in the desolate road, mocks my fears and provides a place for them to hide.
The desolate road ahead, which mocks my worries, provides a hiding place behind rocks for my enemy.
The enemy can hide behind the rocks and I am afraid because the road is desolate and they have a better approach.

· Question 30

Refer to the paragraph below in order to answer the following four questions.
In censorship, silence is not always golden. The word "censorship” means to silence, limit, or repress information, whether in the media, through music, artistic expression, political, social, theological, or educational information, not within the norms of a particular mode of thought concerning those particular standards that they each support. Rather, it is the control of information showing itself in the form of a boycott, embargo, injunction, restriction, and last but not least, “silence.” Censorship is not permission, a green light, nor an allowance of complete self-expression. In today’s world, the computer’s phrases: “to delete”, “empty recycle bin” or even “erase from the hard drive” could mean censorship. Sometimes people confuse censorship with the thought of limiting it to only a couple of types or that censorship is always valid or deserving. Others think it only comes through a dictatorship type of government. A few examples would be a court-imposed gag order: a judicial judge signs a paper to put a hush order on the media, regarding information that can compromise a case. Still another example, would be by taking the 5th Amendment, individuals can choose to remain silent because the information may only serve to incriminate them. Consequently, it also seems a means of protection for them. Churches have their own laws and standards, some of which in ancient Biblical times even silenced women (1 Timothy 2: 11-14). In censorship, silence is not always golden, even secrets between friends can be a form of voluntary censorship, or not!

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 

· Question 31

Which sentence‘s language fails to narrow this author’s argument towards a particular audience?
In today’s world, the computer’s phrases: “to delete”, “empty recycle bin” or even “erase from the hard drive” could mean censorship.
Whether in the media, through music, artistic expression,  political, social, theological, or  educational information, not within the norms of a particular mode of thought concerning those particular standards that they each support.
Others think it only comes through a dictatorship type of government.
Churches have their own laws and standards, some of which in ancient Biblical times even silenced women (1 Timothy 2: 11-14).

· Question 32

In the paragraph, which of the following best describes the concluding sentence? 
Sentence: In censorship, silence is not always golden, even secrets between friends can be a form of voluntary censorship, or not!
The concluding sentence is ineffective because it introduces a new detail or supporting point.
The concluding sentence is highly effective and no revision is needed.
The concluding sentence is ineffective because an exclamation mark is used.
The concluding sentence is ineffective because it restates the topic sentence.

· Question 33

How could the following sentence’s redundant language be best corrected? 
Sentence: Censorship is not permission, a green light, nor an allowance of complete self-expression.
Censorship is not permission or a green light, nor an allowance of complete self-expression.
Censorship is not a green light, nor an allowance of complete self-expression.
Censorship is not permission, nor an allowance of complete self-expression.
Censorship is not an allowance of complete self-expression.

· Question 34

How could the author achieve more credibility in this passage?
By addressing the audience using second person point of view
By using sources to support his/her main claims
By providing more details regarding the definition of censorship
By adding personal experiences

· Question 35

Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions:
The wedding process is often trying; however, during my wedding planning, the easiest and most essential aspect was choosing my gown. As soon as my husband proposed, I began purchasing wedding magazines for ideas, but most importantly, I used the magazines in search of dress options. I narrowed my options down to local stores, which had gowns closest to my style. Because department-sized wedding shops can be intimidating, I made an appointment at a small, bridal boutique. I was allowed to choose six gowns to take to the fitting room. In most bridal stores, the dresses are larger than the average woman’s size; therefore, I had a difficult time envisioning myself wearing most that I had chosen to try on. Yet, the first one I picked was similar to all the dresses I envied in the magazines. I put this dress on and knew it had to be mine. I saw no purpose in continuing with my search. It was evident that I had found the perfect gown for my wedding. The preparation for a wedding can be difficult at times; yet, I found the perfect dress to ensure a key element of my wedding day.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph.

· Question 36

From the Narrative passage, rewrite this sentence so it is using specific and detailed vocabulary. 
Sentence: In most bridal stores, the dresses are larger than the average woman’s size; therefore, I had a difficult time envisioning myself wearing most that I had chosen to try on.
Many bridal stores have designer gowns that are larger than the average woman’s size; therefore, as I tried dresses on, it was difficult to picture myself wearing many of the gowns I chose.
Bridal stores have a lot of dresses that are bigger than most women’s sizes and are therefore difficult to picture yourself wearing them because they are not my size.
It was difficult when I tried them on because they weren’t my size, but they did have a lot of dresses there.
Many stores sell only larger sized dresses; therefore, I had a hard time imagining what I would look like in them.

· Question 37

In this passage, which sentence is written in active voice?
I saw no purpose in continuing with my search.
In most bridal stores, the dresses are larger than the average woman’s size...
Yet, the first one I picked was similar to all the dresses I envied in the magazines.
The wedding process is often trying; however, during my wedding planning, the easiest and most essential aspect was choosing my gown.

· Question 38

What is the point of view and voice of this paragraph?
First person, passive
First person, active
Third person, active
Third person , passive

· Question 39

Which of the following is most likely the author’s audience in this paragraph?
All women
Wedding-dress designers
Engaged women
Married women

· Question 40

Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions. 
My life after marriage is a far cry from what it was before I married. As a single teenager and the daughter of an evangelistic minister, traveling was a way of life. I packed in less than thirty minutes for a journey of a few weeks to a month. I journeyed all over the United States and some in Canada and Mexico. Now, I find myself hesitating to leave the house to acquire groceries. My week usually consists of departing for church, which is situated across the street. Once upon a time, I knew tens of thousands of people in all the churches we visited; meeting new people as we traveled back to these places yearly. Unfortunately, in my husband’s home town, I have found it difficult to even make new friends or meet new people. Prior, traveling meant that I was surrounded by people all the time. Currently, I spend most of my days alone, seldom leaving my bedroom except to do chores or spend time with the kids. As a minister and minister’s daughter, I found myself in church several days a week; ministering in each service to one degree or another. In my husband’s home church I am seldom asked to minister, yet I still receive calls from time to time asking me to minister in other churches. I do not like traveling alone so I seldom accept many offers to minister outside my home church. This change of lifestyle is the hardest transition of my adult life; from the life I had to the life I have.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 

· Question 41

What type of paragraph is this?

· Question 42

In the passage, what method of organization does the author employ?
Subject by subject (discuss one subject then the other)
Point by point (two subjects are discussed side by side)
The author merely focuses on similarities
The author does not establish differences or similarities

· Question 43

What specific verb does the author overuse within the paragraph?

· Question 44

In the passage, which of the following does the author mostly utilize to compare?
Adverbs of time
Rhetorical questions

· Question 45

Read the paragraph below to answer the following four questions.
There are basically three different types of boats, which can be somewhat overwhelming to a potential first time boat buyer. The intended purpose a boat will be used for should help determine the type of boat to be purchased. Stream boats are usually small, light, and easy to maneuver from place to place. Most stream boats require only one operator and are typically smaller making them the simplest to use. The next choice one might consider is an inland boat; while an inland boat might be larger than a stream boat, their size is still more maneuverable in smaller bodies of water and can be operated easily by one or two operators in most cases. Most inland boats maintain a somewhat shallower draw (draw is the amount of water required under a boat for it to float) allowing them to maneuver in and out of shallower water. Finally, the last category is the deep-sea boat class; these boats are made for the big, open water and are capable of withstanding much larger waves. In most applications, a deep-sea boat can carry more passengers and cargo than the smaller inland variations, making it the ultimate camper or getaway. Boating is a great time, even when the fish are not biting pick the right size and kind of boat and the fun is increased. So, to avoid feeling in over your head when buying a boat for the first time, make certain to weigh the options of the different classifications of boats; the first time boat buyer needs to assess the facts and various models to make the best selection.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph. 

· Question 46

Which of the following word(s) serves as an example of specific diction?
First time boat buyer

· Question 47

In the reading passage which of the following could interfere with comprehension?
The author has not described the three kinds of boats.
The author has used long sentences without using proper punctuation.
There is a grammar mistake in every sentence of the passage.
The passage does not have a concluding sentence.

· Question 48

Which sentence signals an abrupt change in point of view from third person “one” to second person “you”?
Most stream boats are usually small, light, an easy to maneuver form place to place.
So, to avoid feeling in over your head, make certain to weight the options of the different classifications of boats.
Most inland boats maintain a somewhat shallower draw.
The next choice one might consider is an inland boat.

· Question 49

What could help to establish a clear audience in the passage?
To consistently use third person academic voice
To use second person point of view
To use first person point of view
To combine first, second, and third person point of view.

· Question 50

Read the below paragraph to answer the following four questions.
Many features combine to create the perfect football experience; these features include: the competition between the two teams, the fans, and the setting. The competition between the two football teams brings everyone to the stadium for the game. These two opposing and talented groups come prepared for the game, having practiced for weeks. The chemistry created by the fierce athletes, driven to win, stirs up tension between the two groups of fans, who come ready to cheer on their team. These eager and zealous fans show their support through screams, standing, shouting, jumping up and down, and blowing horns. Marching bands and cheerleaders also show their support. The marching bands play different songs in the stands like “Hey, Baby” or “Go, Big Red!” The cheerleaders cheer their hearts out to inspire the fans to get excited about the conflict on the field. The football game setting also contributes to the perfect football experience. The crisp, fall air inspires fans to wear sweatshirts and bring fleece blankets. The big, blaring lights draw attention to the activity on the field, even in the dark of night. Warm hot chocolate, hot dogs, and nachos add to the overall football experience. All of these elements, the competition, the fans, and the setting, combine to create the perfect, football experience.

Answer True or False: I have read the above paragraph.

· Question 51

What is the topic sentence of this passage?
These two opposing and talented groups come prepared for the game, having practiced for weeks.  The chemistry created by the fierce athletes, driven to win, stirs up tension between the two groups of fans, who come ready to cheer on their team.
The competition between the two football teams brings everyone to the stadium for the game.
All of these elements, the competition, the fans, and the setting, combine to create the perfect, football experience.
Many features combine to create the perfect football experience; these features include: the competition between the two teams, the fans, and the setting. 

· Question 52

Based on the reading, what would be the correct first main point and subpoints in the outline?

I. Setting
a. Crisp, fall air
Big, blaring lights
I. Setting
a. Big, blaring lights
b. Food at the game

I. Competition
a. Two teams practiced for weeks
b. Driven to win
I. Competition
a. At the stadium
b. Cheerleaders

· Question 53

Based on the reading, what is the writer’s main purpose?

· Question 54

Which of the following sentences is a strong transitional sentence from one supporting detail about the topic to the next?
The chemistry created by the fierce athletes, driven to win, stirs up tension between the two groups of fans, who come ready to cheer on their team.
Many features combine to create the perfect football experience; these features include: the competition between the two teams, the fans, and the setting.
The marching bands play different songs in the stands like “Hey, Baby” or “Go, Big Red!”
All of these elements, the competition, the fans, and the setting, combine to create the perfect, football experience.

· Question 55

Read the below Essay to answer the following three questions.

Essay: Operating Room Housekeepers 
(1)When a person visits a hotel, hospital, or a shopping center, a person may encounter a housekeeper from time to time, trying to keep that particular type of facility clean. He or she may see a housekeeper cleaning a room in a hotel, emptying trash cans in a shopping center, or using an automatic scrubber to maintain the main hallways of a hospital. The operating room housekeeper, however, most likely has the most unique job of any other housekeeping position, due to the environment, the surroundings he or she can work in, the dress code that is required to work in surgery, and the many dangers he or she will face on a daily basis. 
(2)The operating room housekeeper must become familiar with his or her surroundings; becoming familiar with the surroundings inside and outside the operating room will help the housekeeper stay safe and help him/her clean each operating room efficiently. Knowing where the overhead lights and monitors are in an operating room can be the difference, preventing a housekeeper from getting injured on the job and cleaning the room properly. Also, a housekeeper must wear the proper uniform before entering the surgery area to help prevent infections. 
(3)Housekeepers must wear a surgery blues uniform before entering the surgery area, no street clothes or any other housekeeping uniform is allowed in the surgery; this is to help prevent the spread of infections in the surgery area. A housekeeper is also required to wear a mask, hat, and shoe covers before entering an operating room or center core area, this is not only to protect housekeepers from a patient that may have an infection, he or she may encounter while working in surgery; this also protects the patient, and helps protect the housekeeper from many other dangers he or she will encounter while cleaning in surgery. 
(4)Housekeepers face many dangers everyday while cleaning operating rooms, such as: needle sticks, broken glass, blood spills, and overhead lights in the operating rooms. A housekeeper needs to know how to protect themselves from these types of hazards; needles found in an operating room must be handled with care, knowing how to dispose them properly can prevent a housekeeper from getting a needle stick. Blood spills and broken glass must be handled with caution, especially if broken glass is found with blood present; having the proper tools and equipment will help the housekeeper from getting cut on the broken glass. Handling these types of situations properly will help the housekeeper stay safe and cleaning the rooms more enjoyable. 
(5)There are many things a housekeeper must be aware of while working in the surgery area, he or she can encounter many dangers on a daily basis; however, with proper training and education, the housekeeper can be prepared for any situation he or she may encounter while working in surgery. Knowing what to do can help a housekeeper clean more efficiently and avoid any serious injuries while working in one of the most unique environments a housekeeper can work in.
Answer True or False: I have read the above essay.

· Question 56

Consider the following sentence from the passage “Operating Room Housekeepers.” Which word or phrase could be deleted because it is implied?

Sentence: Housekeepers face many dangers everyday while cleaning operating rooms, such as: needle sticks, broken glass, blood spills, and overhead lights in the operating rooms.

· Question 57

From what errors does the opening sentence of “Operating Room Housekeepers” suffer?

Sentence: When a person visits a hotel, hospital, or a shopping center, a person may encounter a housekeeper from time to time, trying to keep that particular type of facility clean.
Tense shifts
Comma splice

· Question 58

Which of the following serves as the best revision of the first half of the sentence below?

Sentence: A housekeeper needs to know how to protect themselves from these types of hazards; needles found in an operating room must be handled with care, knowing how to dispose them properly can prevent a housekeeper from getting a needle stick.
Housekeepers needs to know how to protect themselves from these types of hazards;
A housekeeper should know how to protect themselves from these types of hazards;
A housekeepers got to know how to protect himself from these types of hazards;
Housekeepers need to know how to protect themselves from these types of hazards;

· Question 59

Read the below Essay to answer the following three questions.
Essay: Marriage is Sacred 
(1) Couples should understand that when they marry they are entering into the most sacred of institutions established by God; it is a Holy covenant, not to be taken lightly. In addition, it is the first covenant established between God and mankind. Until this day, it seals their relationship until death; therefore, the marriage covenant produces oneness that honors God, creating a binding contract in his eyes. 
(2) God wants marriage to reflect the church’s relationship with Jesus Christ because the church is the bride, preparing to meet the bridegroom. When couples develop intimacy with God, it also strengthens the marriage. Per Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, there is currently a 50% divorce rate in marriages in and outside of the church. This is evidence that couples no longer take their commitment and vows seriously, and it is almost impossible to honor vows without acknowledging the sacredness of the marriage contract. Consequently, the marriage covenant brings strength to relationships helping them to endure. 
(3) The covenant of marriage also protects the family unit. It is the vehicle that allows sexual expression not provided in other unions. The children born of couples, who are in covenant, reap the benefits of their parent’s faithfulness to each other and to God. These couples also insulate themselves and their families from the enemy that would destroy homes and ruin relationships. The odds of couples committed to covenant relations, committing adultery, divorcing or separating is not as great as those who are not committed. 
(4) The marriage covenant is the most import contract entered into by man. Dennis Rainey, a well known Christian minister, writes that “For the past two years I have had a growing concern that the Christian community has passively watched the 'dummying down' of the marriage covenant. Marriage has become little more than an upgraded social contract between two people-not a holy covenant between a man and a woman and their God for a lifetime.” Couples, who are in covenant marriages, provide stability for their families and communities; it has more impact on community than anyone could ever imagine because the covenant is the cornerstone for all relationships. 
(5) The scriptures are clear about marriage being holy in God’s sight; consequently, married couples must take their vows serious if the current trend in divorce, in and outside the church, is to change. Acknowledging this will greatly impact and reverse the current culture and views on marriage. Because God so loved us, he designed the sanctity of marriage for our protection from generation to generation.

Answer True or False: I have read the above essay.

· Question 60

How does the writer support her claims in the 2nd and 4th paragraphs?
Uses personal experiences
Appeals to audience’s emotions
Cites credible sources
Anticipates rebuttals

· Question 61

What information is missing from the introduction that was needed for the establishment of a strong thesis and inclusive presentation of all of the information in the essay?
The protection that marriage offers
The covenant contract
The relationship aspect of the covenant
The sacredness of marriage

· Question 62

In the above essay, which of the following sentences would be considered a topic sentence?
The children born of couples, who are in covenant, reap the benefits of their parent’s faithfulness to each other and to God.
In addition, it is the first covenant established between God and mankind.
Because God so loved us, he designed the sanctity of marriage for our protection from generation to generation.
The covenant of marriage also protects the family unit.

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