Sunday, March 19, 2017

Liberty University ENGL 101 test 3 solutions answers right

Liberty University ENGL 101 test 3 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Please refer to this image to complete the following 5 questions

Question 1 The title of the visual, “Stop the Catastrophe,” creates a sense of
Question 2 The purpose of the visual is to
Question 3 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 4 The visual uses images and text to make a claim based on
Question 5 One can argue from a Christian perspective that humans are
Question 6 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 7 An error of reasoning based on faulty use of evidence or incorrect reasoning from premises or assumptions is called_________.
Question 8 The reasons, support, and evidence offered to support a claim is called______________.
Question 9 If you use an encyclopedia article or a specialized dictionary entry in your essay, you re exempt from giving the full citation in your Works Cited or References entry.
Question 10 A summary contains a concise restatement of the original source material.
Question 11 Attention to detail and correctness in a Works Cited or References page is important because
Question 12 The argument of the above visual is communicated through a comparison between
Question 13 Empirical evidence is based upon
Question 14 Critical readers of the visual would wonder if there is a connection between
Question 15 When you use a direct quotation of a complete sentence, you must quote it verbatim.
Question 16 Argument is always about victors and vanquished.
Question 17 Which of the following is not true about thesis statements?
Question 18 A scholarly reading and analysis of a visual image must include
Question 19 Materials you read but did not specifically refer to in your paper should not be included in your Works Cited or References page.
Question 20 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? An irate parent at the school board meeting to discuss uniforms points out that one of the members of the board was untidy and a bad example when he was in high school.
Question 21 The purpose of the visual is to
Question 22 Which of the following is a correct way to represent a quotation within a quotation:
Question 23 The purpose of this visual is to
Question 24 The purpose of some arguments is to
Question 25 ________ is a process of logic that seeks valid conclusions.

Question 1 Critical readers of the visual would wonder if there is a connection between
Question 2 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 3 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 4 One can argue from a Christian perspective that humans are
Question 5 The purpose of the visual is to
Question 6 An example of logos evidence is
Question 7 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 8 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? An irate parent at the school board meeting to discuss uniforms points out that one of the members of the board was untidy and a bad example when he was in high school.
Question 9 Sound argument must be rational, reflecting a process of logical thinking.
Question 10 When you write dialogue or conversation, you need to write each person's speech in a separate paragraph.
Question 11 A summary is using your own words to briefly restate the main ideas in a source.
Question 12 When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 13 The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 14 To insert the page number and other information at the top of the page, you should
Question 15 _____ are the materials used to prove a claim.
Question 16 The writer who carefully plans, writes multiple drafts, and edits a paper
Question 17 _____ is/are the major idea in an argument.
Question 18 The man with the ax in the visual is used to make a
Question 19 Effective argument can produce
Question 20 The argument of the above visual is communicated through a comparison between
Question 21 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 22 Visual texts can contain denotative and connotative messages.
Question 23 When you use a direct quotation of a complete sentence, you must quote it verbatim.
Question 24 A _____ is verifiable information.
Question 25 Margins for both APA and Turabian papers must be

Question 1 The purpose of the visual is to
Question 2 The title of the visual, “Stop the Catastrophe,” creates a sense of
Question 3 The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 4 The title of the visual, “Stop the Catastrophe,” creates a sense of
Question 5 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 6 Plagiarism is
Question 7 Students getting a degree in Religion should use which style of documentation?
Question 8 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 9 Argument is
Question 10 Visual images can be read as texts conveying powerful arguments.
Question 11 Ethos appeals to a reader's
Question 12 Which of the following signal phrases is written properly?
Question 13 The reasons, support, and evidence offered to support a claim is called______________.
Question 14 When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 15 The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 16 Writers’ handbooks, such as Prentice Hall Reference Guide, include information on MLA, APA, and CM (also know as Turabian formatting).
Question 17 ________ arguments appeal to a reader's emotions.
Question 18 Use quotation marks for words used in special ways, such as for irony and for expressions being cited as expressions rather than for their meaning.
Question 19 Which of the following is a correct way to represent a quotation within a quotation:
Question 20 You should cite not only sources that you quote, but also those that you summarize and paraphrase.
Question 21 ________ is a process of logic that seeks valid conclusions.
Question 22 The man with the ax in the visual is used to make a
Question 23 Warrants are
Question 24 Arguments are always intended to change what the opposing side thinks.
Question 25 The Toulmin Model of argument includes claim, reason, and warrant.

Question 1 The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 2 Critical readers of the visual would wonder if there is a connection between
Question 3 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 4 One can argue from a Christian perspective that humans are
Question 5 The purpose of the visual is to
Question 6 Which of the following is a correct way to represent a quotation within a quotation:
Question 7 When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 8 You have to cite sources that you summarize.
Question 9 An example of logos evidence is
Question 10 If a quotation takes up five or more lines of your paper, you should treat it as a block quote.
Question 11 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 12 The argument of the above visual is communicated through a comparison between
Question 13 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? An irate parent at the school board meeting to discuss uniforms points out that one of the members of the board was untidy and a bad example when he was in high school.
Question 14 Arguments are based upon ideas that are open to debate.
Question 15 Turabian formatting uses footnotes.
Question 16 _____ are the materials used to prove a claim.
Question 17 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? A letter to the editor published in the local newspaper says that either the school board must require a dress code or the schools will be overrun with juvenile gangs.
Question 18 The writer who carefully plans, writes multiple drafts, and edits a paper
Question 19 What type of reasoning are advertisers using when they parade several satisfied customers who claim the product has worked for them?
Question 20 The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 21 Which logical fallacy is best illustrated by the following scenario? A friend reasons that he is wiser and more intelligent than you because he is older than you.
Question 22 Attention to detail and correctness in a Works Cited or References page is important because
Question 23 Summaries must be cited in the documentation format (MLA, APA, CM, etc.) you are using for your paper.
Question 24 The purpose of the visual is to
Question 25 Which of the following signal phrases is written properly?

Question 1 The title of the visual, “Stop the Catastrophe,” contributes to the ad’s
Question 2 The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 3 One can argue from a Christian perspective that humans are
Question 4 The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 5 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 6 When you write your title on the first page of your paper,
Question 7 A scholarly reading and analysis of a visual image must include
Question 8 Judgments based upon beliefs, values, and culture are
Question 9 Turabian formatting uses footnotes.
Question 10 Critical readers of the visual would wonder if there is a connection between
Question 11 The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 12 Which of the following is not true about thesis statements?
Question 13 When you use a direct quotation of a complete sentence, you must quote it verbatim.
Question 14 Writers’ handbooks, such as Prentice Hall Reference Guide, include information on MLA, APA, and CM (also know as Turabian formatting).
Question 15 Toulmin Model arguments include: Selected Answer: issue, claim, warrants, and evidence Question 16 A _____ is verifiable information.
Question 17 Argument is always about victors and vanquished.
Question 18 One can argue from a Christian perspective that humans are
Question 19 The dreaded "P" word in college is __________?
Question 20 When you write dialogue or conversation, you need to write each person's speech in a separate paragraph.
Question 21 Ethos appeals to a reader's
Question 22 The writer who carefully plans, writes multiple drafts, and edits a paper
Question 23 _____ are the materials used to prove a claim.
Question 24 A carefully constructed argument includes the following appeal(s)
Question 25 Another term for claim is____________.

Question 1    2 out of 2 points
The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 2    2 out of 2 points
The argument of the above visual is communicated through a comparison between
Question 3    2 out of 2 points
The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 4    2 out of 2 points
One can argue from a Christian perspective that humans are
Question 5    2 out of 2 points
The visual uses images and text to evoke readers’ feelings of
Question 6    2 out of 2 points
The purpose of the visual is to
Question 7    2 out of 2 points
Informative, sincere argument is essential to the health of democracy and of societies around the world.
Question 8    2 out of 2 points
A summary contains more details and appears in the same logical order as the source material.
Question 9    2 out of 2 points
Deductions establish that a conclusion must be true because the premises are also true.
Question 10    2 out of 2 points
You should cite not only sources that you quote, but also those that you summarize and paraphrase.
Question 11    2 out of 2 points
A summary contains a concise restatement of the original source material.
Question 12    2 out of 2 points
When you directly quote a whole sentence, you must start the quote with a capital letter.
Question 13    2 out of 2 points
Visual images can be read as texts conveying powerful arguments.
Question 14    2 out of 2 points
The argument of the above visual is communicated through
Question 15    2 out of 2 points
_____ is a way of reasoning in which a general statement is reached on the basis of specific examples.
Question 16    2 out of 2 points
Arguments are always intended to change what the opposing side thinks.
Question 17    2 out of 2 points
Critical readers of the visual would wonder if there is a connection between
Question 18    2 out of 2 points
A _____ is verifiable information.
Question 19    2 out of 2 points
Both APA References page and MLA Works Cited page are
Question 20    2 out of 2 points
If you use an encyclopedia article or a specialized dictionary entry in your essay, you are exempt from giving the full citation in your Works Cited or References entry.
Question 21    2 out of 2 points
Margins for both APA and Turabian papers must be
Question 22    2 out of 2 points
_____ is the connection, typically assumed and unstated, between a claim and the supporting reasons.
Question 23   2 out of 2 points
Which of the following writing styles does not require an abstract?
Question 24    2 out of 2 points
Entries in a References and/or Works Cited page must be written
Question 25    2 out of 2 points
Some arguments are conducted solely to study a topic and increase knowledge and understanding of an issue.

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