Monday, March 20, 2017

Liberty University BIBL 105 quiz 3 complete solutions correct answers right

Liberty University BIBL 105 quiz 3 complete solutions correct answers right

Question 1 Even during times of suffering, Job continued to _______ God.
Question 2 Self ___________ is a key to wise living.
Question 3 The Poetic books express the __________ of/for Christ.
Question 4 Ecclesiastes wrestles with the meaning of ____________.
Question 5 Job's _______ gave him poor advice.
Question 6 ____________ wrote most of the Psalms.
Question 7 The theme of Job is _____________.
Question 8 Qoheleth is the __________ name for Ecclesiastes.
Question 9 Psalms 22 predicts the ___________ of Christ.
Question 10 The Proverbs often teach truths in a form of ______________.
Question 11 Proverbs teaches ___________ sayings.
Question 12 ___________ tried to provide a different perspective for Job.
Question 13 Many of the Psalms predict the coming ____________.
Question 14 Ecclesiastes is based on __________ investigation.
Question 15 The Psalms are _________ of praise.
Question 16 Ecclesiastes advises us to fear ______.
Question 17 Proverbs teaches __________ truths.
Question 18 Jesus is pictured as the living _________ in Job.
Question 19 Hebrew poetry emphasizes ________________ of thought.
Question 20 Job is set in the ____________ era.
Question 21 Song of Solomon is a ____________ song.
Question 22 The ___________ of the Lord is the "beginning of wisdom."
Question 23 One of the most famous proverbs is about the _________ woman.
Question 24 The division of the Psalms parallels the _______________.

Question 25 One of the major topics in Proverbs is the ______________. 

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