Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Liberty University CSTU 101 quiz 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University CSTU 101 quiz 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 What were the two main rivers in Mesopotamia?
Question 2 Legal standards had been developed in the past but none so practical as the Code of Laws that established the rule of law from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Who was the Code of Laws named after?
Question 3 What term describes the multiple perspectives we see in Egyptian art, especially in portraying the human body?
Question 4 "The Heritage of the Past is the Seed that Brings Forth the Harvest of the Future." Is located on which building in Washington?
Question 5 The belief in and worship of many gods.
Question 6 Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
Question 7 What is the key concept that separates "culture" from "civilization"?
Question 8 Which artifact provided the key that allowed scholars to decode Egyptian hieroglyphics?
Question 9 Known as the land between the Rivers.
Question 10 The flux of change that we see in a culture is called
Question 11 Uncommon valor was a common virtue is located on which monument?
Question 12 Who said “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose”
Question 13 Sumerians were from which area.
Question 14 The Egyptian temples were the first structures in the ancient world to be built entirely of _____.
Question 15 What could justly be described as the study of how people process and document their human experience?
Question 16 A temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamians.
Question 17 What is the key concept that separates “culture” from “civilization”?
Question 18 Who is credited with inventing the first written language, a system called cuneiform?
Question 19 This word is defined as the sum total of the collective beliefs, behaviors, and values that connect a group within a society.
Question 20 The establishment of permanent agricultural communities marked the beginning of what?
Question 21 The Egyptian Culture was very concerned about the color of skin pigmentation and made a point to segregate those who were different.
Question 22 King Cyrus that is mentioned in the Bible did not really exist.
Question 23 The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.
Question 24 The Egyptians did not have the technology of the wheel when they built the pyramids.
Question 25 The "Men of Issachar" were located in a small town in Egypt, and directed the construction of the first pyramid.
Question 26 Egypt was a democracy throughout its long history.
Question 27 We can think of a paradigm shift as a change in the way that we do mathematics.
Question 28 The Iwo Jima Memorial is located in Japan, and is a tribute to their soldiers.
Question 29 The Egyptians did not have the technology of the wheel when they built the earliest pyramids.
Question 30 The Egyptian Culture was short lived and lasted only a few centuries.

Question 1 The Egyptian temples were the first structures in the ancient world to be built entirely of _____.
Question 2 Legal standards had been developed in the past but none so practical as the Code of Laws that established the rule of law from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Who was the Code of Laws named after?
Question 3 The establishment of permanent agricultural communities marked the beginning of what?
Question 4 The flux of change that we see in a culture is called
Question 5 Who said “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose”
Question 6 Who is credited with inventing the first written language, a system called cuneiform?
Question 7 Known as the land between the Rivers.
Question 8 What is the system states that the Sun is at the center of the Universe?
Question 9 Which artifact depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?
Question 10 Who wrote these words for us to live by? “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy…”
Question 11 Uncommon valor was a common virtue is located on which monument?
Question 12 Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
Question 13 What could justly be described as the study of how people process and document their human experience?
Question 14 This word is defined as the sum total of the collective beliefs, behaviors, and values that connect a group within a society.
Question 15 Who said that “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child” when we do not have an understanding of the past?
Question 16 The belief in and worship of many gods.
Question 17 "The Heritage of the Past is the Seed that Brings Forth the Harvest of the Future." Is located on which building in Washington?
Question 18 Sumerians were from which area.
Question 19 A temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamians.
Question 20 What were the two main rivers in Mesopotamia?
Question 21 The Egyptians did not have the technology of the wheel when they built the pyramids.
Question 22 Early Christian art showed a shepherd carrying a sheep? This symbolized their admiration for this occupation?
Question 23 The Mesopotamians built their ziggurats and temple from the available stone, while the Egyptians built their tomb, temples using sun­dried bricks.
Question 24 Egypt art depicts objects according to their most characteristic angle.
Question 25 We can think of a paradigm shift as a change in the way that we do mathematics.
Question 26 The Egyptian Culture was very concerned about the color of skin pigmentation and made a point to segregate those who were different.
Question 27 Egypt was a democracy throughout its long history.
Question 28 The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.
Question 29 The great pyramids of Egypt are perhaps the most obvious example of the Egyptian fixation on permanence.
Question 30 King Cyrus that is mentioned in the Bible did not really exist.

Question 1
Which artifact depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?
Question 3
What could justly be described as the study of how people process and document their human experience?
Question 4
This study explores different ideas about what it means to be human.
Question 5
Sumerians were from which area.
Question 6
A combination, reconciliation, or coalescence of varying, often mutually opposed beliefs, principles, or practices, esp. those of various religions, into a new conglomerate whole typically marked by internal inconsistencies.
Question 7
Who said “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose”
Question 8
This word is defined as the sum total of the collective beliefs, behaviors, and values that connect a group within a society.
Question 9
Which artifact provided the key that allowed scholars to decode Egyptian hieroglyphics?
Question 10
"The Heritage of the Past is the Seed that Brings Forth the Harvest of the Future." Is located on which building in Washington?
Question 11
Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
Question 12
Who wrote these words for us to live by? “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy…”
Question 13
What two concepts are the main focuses of our studies in CSTU 101?
Question 15
Uncommon valor was a common virtue is located on which monument?
Question 16
The belief in and worship of many gods.
Question 17
A temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamians.
Question 18
Who is credited with inventing the first written language, a system called cuneiform?
Question 19
What is the system states that the Sun is at the center of the Universe?
Question 21
Egypt art depicts objects according to their most characteristic angle.
Question 22
The Mesopotamians built their ziggurats and temple from the available stone, while the
Egyptians built their tomb, temples using sundried bricks.
Question 23
We can think of a paradigm shift as a change in the way that we do mathematics.
Question 24
Early Christian art showed a shepherd carrying a sheep? This symbolized their admiration for this occupation?
Question 25
The Iwo Jima Memorial is located in Japan, and is a tribute to their soldiers.
Question 26
Technology involves the manipulation of raw materials to produce some benefit.
Question 27
Egypt was a democracy throughout its long history.
Question 28
Sumerian civilization was ancient, but not very advanced.
Question 29
King Cyrus that is mentioned in the Bible did not really exist.
Question 30
The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.

Who said that “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child” when we do not have an understanding of the past?
Uncommon valor was a common virtue is located on which monument?
This study explores different ideas about what it means to be human.
Which artifact depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?
Who said “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose”
The establishment of permanent agricultural communities marked the beginning of what?
This word is defined as the sum total of the collective beliefs, behaviors, and values that connect a group within a society.
Sumerians were from which area.
Who is credited with inventing the first written language, a system called cuneiform?
What term describes the multiple perspectives we see in Egyptian art, especially in portraying the human body?
What is the system states that the Sun is at the center of the Universe?
Which one of the following was not discussed as a technology of early civilization?
The belief in and worship of many gods.
The flux of change that we see in a culture is called
Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
Known as the land between the Rivers.
"The Heritage of the Past is the Seed that Brings Forth the Harvest of the Future." Is located on which building in Washington?
What two concepts are the main focuses of our studies in CSTU 101?
What could justly be described as the study of how people process and document their human experience?
A temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamians.
Sumerian civilization was ancient, but not very advanced.
The great pyramids of Egypt are perhaps the most obvious example of the Egyptian fixation on permanence.
The Mesopotamians built their ziggurats and temple from the available stone, while the Egyptians built their tomb, temples using sun-dried bricks.
One of the functions of art in ancient Egypt was to preserve one’s identity for the afterlife.
Egypt art depicts objects according to their most characteristic angle.
We can think of a paradigm shift as a change in the way that we do mathematics
Stonehenge was probably a Neolithic Shrine
King Cyrus that is mentioned in the Bible did not really exist
Technology involves the manipulation of raw materials to produce some benefit.
The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.

Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.
What two concepts are the main focus of our studies in HUMN 101?
Ancient societies were transformed most by the invention of the wheel.
The domestication of animals cannot truly be described as a technology.
Which of the following is an example of the reflective arts?
Who said that we live “without experience, from day to day” when we do not have an understanding of the past?
Egypt art depicts objects according to their most characteristic angle.
What is the key concept that separates “culture” from “civilization”?
The Egyptians did not have the technology of the wheel when they built the earliest pyramids.
Which of the following was not discussed as a technology of the 4th millennium?
Egyptian artists would probably have depicted the human form more realistically if their culture had been more advanced.
The agricultural revolution must have occurred before the urban revolution.
The terms "culture" and "civilization" are roughly interchangeable.
Technology always involves the manipulation of raw materials to produce some benefit.
One of the functions of art in ancient Egypt was to preserve one's identity for the afterlife.
Which sculpture "sums up" what the reflective and expressive arts are all about?
What is the second "wave" that Alvin Toffler described?
Ancient Sumerian literature contains remarkable parallels with the book of Genesis.
The development of calendars suggests the beginning of "scientific thinking."

Question 1 What is the key concept that separates “culture” from “civilization”?
Question 2 Who said that we live “without experience, from day to day” when we do not have an understanding of the past?
Question 3 Most of the cuneiform tablets uncovered by archaeologists are records of contracts, business transactions, and inventories.
Question 4 Ancient societies were transformed most by the invention of the wheel.
Question 5 Which of the following is an example of the reflective arts?
Question 6 The domestication of animals cannot truly be described as a technology.
Question 7 Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
Question 8 Which of the following terms is associated with Mesopotamian culture?
Question 9 The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.
Question 10 The Egyptians did not have the technology of the wheel when they built the earliest pyramids.
Question 11 Egyptian artists would probably have depicted the human form more realistically if their culture had been more advanced.
Question 12 Which artifact depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?
Question 13 Which one of the following was not discussed as a technology of early civilization?
Question 14 Technology always involves the manipulation of raw materials to produce some benefit.
Question 15 The agricultural revolution must have occurred before the urban revolution.
Question 16 Which of the following was not discussed as a technology of the 4th millennium?
Question 17 Sumerian civilization was ancient, but not very advanced.
Question 18 Ancient Sumerian literature contains remarkable parallels with the book of Genesis.
Question 19 The development of calendars suggests the beginning of "scientific thinking."
Question 20 The fish portrayed in the Egyptian "Painting of a Pond" are probably dead and floating on their sides.

Question 1 The term “historical horizon” corresponds most closely with what concept?
Question 2 The Egyptians did not have the technology of the wheel when they built the earliest pyramids.
Question 3 The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.
Question 4 Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
Question 5 What is the key concept that separates “culture” from “civilization”?
Question 6 What two concepts are the main focus of our studies in HUMN 101?
Question 7 What term describes the multiple perspectives we see in Egyptian art, especially in portraying the human body?
Question 8 Most of the cuneiform tablets uncovered by archaeologists are records of contracts, business transactions, and inventories.
Question 9 Who said that we live “without experience, from day to day” when we do not have an understanding of the past?
Question 10 Ancient societies were transformed most by the invention of the wheel.
Question 11 Ancient Sumerian literature contains remarkable parallels with the book of Genesis.
Question 12 Which one of the following was not discussed as a technology of early civilization?
Question 13 Which artifact depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?
Question 14 Which sculpture "sums up" what the reflective and expressive arts are all about?
Question 15 Technology always involves the manipulation of raw materials to produce some benefit.
Question 16 Egyptian artists would probably have depicted the human form more realistically if their culture had been more advanced.
Question 17 The agricultural revolution must have occurred before the urban revolution.
Question 18 The fish portrayed in the Egyptian "Painting of a Pond" are probably dead and floating on their sides.
Question 19 What is the second "wave" that Alvin Toffler described?
Question 20 The great pyramids of Egypt are perhaps the most obvious example of the Egyptian fixation on permanence.

Question 1 The term “historical horizon” corresponds most closely with what concept?
Question 2 What is the key concept that separates “culture” from “civilization”?
Question 3 What two concepts are the main focus of our studies in HUMN 101?
Question 4 Which of the following is an example of the reflective arts?
Question 5 Ancient societies were transformed most by the invention of the wheel.
Question 6 The Egyptians did not have the technology of the wheel when they built the earliest pyramids.
Question 7 The domestication of animals cannot truly be described as a technology.
Question 8 Egypt art depicts objects according to their most characteristic angle.
Question 9 Ancient Egyptian values expressed their belief in the eternal structure of the universe
Question 10 Which artifact provided the key that allowed scholars to decode Egyptian hieroglyphics?
Question 11 Egyptian artists would probably have depicted the human form more realistically if their culture had been more advanced.
Question 12 Which of the following was not discussed as a technology of the 4th millennium?
Question 13 Which one of the following was not discussed as a technology of early civilization?
Question 14 Ancient Sumerian literature contains remarkable parallels with the book of Genesis.
Question 15 The agricultural revolution must have occurred before the urban revolution.
Question 16 One of the functions of art in ancient Egypt was to preserve one's identity for the afterlife.
Question 17 Technology always involves the manipulation of raw materials to produce some benefit.
Question 18 The development of calendars suggests the beginning of "scientific thinking."
Question 19 Sumerian civilization was ancient, but not very advanced.
Question 20 What is the second "wave" that Alvin Toffler described?

Question 1 What is the key concept that separates “culture” from “civilization”?
Question 2 Egypt art depicts objects according to their most characteristic angle.
Question 3 Which artifact provided the key that allowed scholars to decode Egyptian hieroglyphics?
Question 4 Which of the following is an example of the reflective arts?
Question 5 What term describes the multiple perspectives we see in Egyptian art, especially in portraying the human body?
Question 6 Which of the following terms is associated with Mesopotamian culture?
Question 7 The Urban and Agricultural Revolutions were separate, and largely unrelated, developments in early human history.
Question 8 What two concepts are the main focus of our studies in HUMN 101?
Question 9 Who said that we live “without experience, from day to day” when we do not have an understanding of the past?
Question 10 The term “historical horizon” corresponds most closely with what concept?
Question 11 What is the second "wave" that Alvin Toffler described?
Question 12 One of the functions of art in ancient Egypt was to preserve one's identity for the afterlife.
Question 13 The fish portrayed in the Egyptian "Painting of a Pond" are probably dead and floating on their sides.
Question 14 Ancient Sumerian literature contains remarkable parallels with the book of Genesis.
Question 15 Which sculpture "sums up" what the reflective and expressive arts are all about?
Question 16 The development of calendars suggests the beginning of "scientific thinking."
Question 17 Which artifact depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?
Question 18 Which one of the following was not discussed as a technology of early civilization?
Question 19 Egyptian artists would probably have depicted the human form more realistically if their culture had been more advanced.
Question 20 The agricultural revolution must have occurred before the urban revolution.

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