Thursday, March 23, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 Study Guide 1 solutions answers right


Textbook Readings:

Towns: Introduction, ch. 1

1.   How did the term Christian” originate?
2.   Who was this book written for?
3.   Why do some have mistaken ideas about Christianity?

Chapter 1
1.   What year was Jesus born?
2.   When was Christianity made Rome’s national religion?
3.   What is the Incarnation?
4.   Does the Bible state that Jesus was the creator of the world?
5.   Did Jesus claim to have supernatural origins?
6.   Who baptized Jesus?
7.   Did Jesus allow people to worship Him? Etzel & Gutierrez: Introduction, chs. 1–5
1.   Why do the authors say that everyone is a theologian?
2.   What areas of our lives are influenced by the way we see God?
3.   How did Jesus show that He is worthy of our faith?
4.   Do Christians need to ignore intellect and reason in order to have faith in Jesus?
5.   What does Jesus teach about truth?

Online Excerpts:

Understanding the Faith

1.   What is more important than the sincerity of your belief?
2.   What are the 6 types of faith that describe the believer’s relationship to God? Prolegomena to Theology: pp. 18–24
1.   What are the 4 tools for accurately arranging a systematic theology?
2.   What 4 questions must we ask about faith?
3.   What 5 factors can limit our theology? The Names of Christ: pp. 160–173
1.   What chapter of the New Testament does the author suggest contains the most names of
2.   Which of Gods names do some scholars think that Jesus is claiming with His I am”

3.   What is the term only begotten used to describe about Jesus?
4.   Why does the author think that the Gospel of John calls Jesus theWord?
5.   What would Jews think who heard Christ calling Himself theSon of Man? The Deity of Christ: pp. 155–160
1.   T/F: Jesus Christ is the second member of the Trinity, equal with the Father in nature and yet submissive in duty.
2.   T/F: Christ was a single and undivided personality.
3.   T/F: Jesus claimed to be one with the Father.
4.   T/F: Jesus claimed to have the ability to forgive sins.
5.   T/F: Jesus allowed people to worship Him.
6.   T/F: Jesus claimed to have omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence.
7.   What does the term preexistence mean?
8.   What does the term “eternality mean when referring to Christ?

9.   T/F: The fact that Christ allowed people to worship Him shows that He thought that He was divine.

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