Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Liberty University CSTU 101 Quiz 3 solutions answers right

Liberty University CSTU 101 Quiz 3 solutions answers right

How many versions: 5 different versions


Question 1 Greek word translated to mean "diligence in the pursuit of excellence."

Question 2 The top or crown of a column.

Question 3 Who had the greatest influence in the field of logic, particularly with his invention of the syllogism as a tool for deductive reasoning?

Question 4 In Raphael’s painting The School of Athens, ___ is depicted with his finger pointing toward heaven, while ___ is pointing to the earth below.

Question 5 Plato’s student was

Question 6 Reality, for ___________, consisted of (Ideas) of all basic things, Forms that exist beyond the grasp of the senses or even the mind.

Question 7 Sophists taught the art of what?

Question 8 The original Constitution is housed in what building?

Question 9 Who was Plato’s teacher?

Question 10 These two were very critical of the Athenian leadership around 400 BC. One was Socrates. Who was the other?

Question 11 Who wrote the Republic?

Question 12 Which one of these is not in the Greek order of columns?

Question 13 This early Greek philosopher taught that “number” was the essence of all things.

Question 14 Professional philosopher­teachers in ancient Greece were called:

Question 15 Most ancient Greek cities developed around a fortified hilltop. What was this hilltop called?

Question 16 What art did the Greeks feel was the most important?

Question 17 “Philosophy” literally means:

Question 18 The Greek marketplace where philosophy was debated was called the ____:

Question 19 In my introduction video from them week, who quoted “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves”?

Question 20 Aristotle's influence has perhaps been greatest in which field?

Question 21 Socrates was well known for his method of teaching by asking questions.

Question 22 Systematic speculation about the nature of the universe was a Roman innovation.

Question 23 Aristotle’s Allegory of the Cave regarded all sense­apparent things as shadows of the Real.

Question 24 Plato gave the fullest expression of his idealistic philosophy in the Republic.

Question 25 The first quality of tragedy, according to Aristotle, is that the tragic hero must be of noble birth and of exceptional character.

Question 26 Aristotle and Plato were materialists and Socrates was an idealist.

Question 27 The most expensive Greek temples were peripheral temples built during the Archaic period on the island of Sicily.

Question 28 In the Greek culture it was extremely important to obey the Priest and his commands.

Question 29 The concept of individuality is unusual in the history and cultures of the world

Question 30 The ancient Greeks saw the human form even in their temple styles


Question 1 Greek word translated to mean "diligence in the pursuit of excellence."

Question 2 Who had the greatest influence in the field of logic, particularly with his invention of the syllogism as a tool for deductive reasoning?

Question 3 Who founded the school called the Academy in Athens?

Question 4 When used in the philosophical sense takes on the meaning of the rational principles that govern and develops the universe. What is this word?

Question 5 Which one of these is not in the Greek order of columns?

Question 6 Who was Plato’s teacher?

Question 7 “Philosophy” literally means:

Question 8 What art did the Greeks feel was the most important?

Question 9 Who wrote the Republic?

Question 10 The view that the universe requires no supernatural cause or government, that it is self existent, self explanatory, self operating, and self directing, and that it is purposeless, deterministic, and only accidently productive of humanity.

Question 11 These two were very critical of the Athenian leadership around 400 BC. One was Socrates. Who was the other?

Question 12 Sophists taught the art of what?

Question 13 Professional philosopher­teachers in ancient Greece were called:

Question 14 In my introduction video from them week, who quoted “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves”?

Question 15 What did the Greeks consider most important of the arts?

Question 16 A structural system in which vertical supports or columns support horizontal beams.

Question 17 This early Greek philosopher taught that “number” was the essence of all things.

Question 18 The top or crown of a column.

Question 19 Reality, for ___________, consisted of (Ideas) of all basic things, Forms that exist beyond the grasp of the senses or even the mind.

Question 20 Aristotle's influence has perhaps been greatest in which field?

Question 21 Plato gave the fullest expression of his idealistic philosophy in the Republic.

Question 22 Aristotle and Plato were materialists and Socrates was an idealist.

Question 23 The first quality of tragedy, according to Aristotle, is that the tragic hero must be of noble birth and of exceptional character.

Question 24 Alexander was the predominant heroic figure in the early periods of the Greek age.

Question 25 Socrates was sentenced to death for treason.

Question 26 Systematic speculation about the nature of the universe was a Roman innovation.

Question 27 For the Greeks, pride was condemned and humility a virtue.

Question 28 Aristotle’s Allegory of the Cave regarded all sense­apparent things as shadows of the Real.

Question 29 In the Greek culture it was extremely important to obey the Priest and his commands.

Question 30 The ancient Greek philosophers may have been brilliant, but there is very little that they can teach the modern Christian.


What did the Greeks consider most important of the arts?

This early Greek philosopher taught that “number” was the essence of all things.

Reality, for ___________, consisted of (Ideas) of all basic things, Forms that exist beyond the grasp of the senses or even the mind.

Who wrote the Republic?

“Philosophy” literally means:

Who founded the school called the Academy in Athens?

Aristotle's influence has perhaps been greatest in which field?

Who said that “Man is the measure of all things”?

What art did the Greeks feel was the most important?

In Raphael’s painting The School of Athens, ___ is depicted with his finger pointing toward heaven, while ___ is pointing to the earth below.

Plato’s student was

Who had the greatest influence in the field of logic, particularly with his invention of the syllogism as a tool for deductive reasoning?

Who was Plato’s teacher?

Most ancient Greek cities developed around a fortified hilltop. What was this hilltop called?

Who lived first?

The view that the universe requires no supernatural cause or government, that it is self existent, self explanatory, self operating, and self directing, and that it is purposeless, deterministic, and only accidently productive of humanity

A structural system in which vertical supports or columns support horizontal beams.

These two were very critical of the Athenian leadership around 400 BC. One was Socrates. Who was the other?

When used in the philosophical sense takes on the meaning of the rational principles that govern and develops the universe. What is this word?

Sophists taught the art of what?

The Parthenon was dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena.

The ancient Greek philosophers may have been brilliant, but there is very little that they can teach the modern Christian.

Philosophy generally takes no position on what is the nature of reality.

The ancient Greeks saw the human form even in their temple styles.

Alexander was the predominant heroic figure in the early periods of the Greek age

The most expensive Greek temples were peripheral temples built during the Archaic period on the island of Sicily.

Pride in the Greek culture was considered a virtue.

Aristotle’s Allegory of the Cave regarded all sense-apparent things as shadows of the Real.

In the Greek culture it was extremely important to obey the Priest and his commands.

Systematic speculation about the nature of the universe was a Roman innovation.


The so-called “Archaic Grin” is associated with what type of Greek sculpture?

In “The Warrior’s Leavetaking” we see the new “realistic perspective” of Greek art illustrated in the optical technique of ____:

Which of the following is not a term used in Aristotle’s description of tragedy?

This famous sculpture by Myron is perhaps the best example of the Greek genius for taking the old traditions and making them new:

The typical Greek tragedy depicts how the hero becomes ____.

Which order of Greek temple architecture is associated with the Classical period and demonstrates elegance and refinement?

Early in their history the Romans freed themselves from the control of which people?

The end of the Pax Romana is associated with which date?

The end of the Punic Wars is associated with which date?

You would see “relief sculptures” in which part of the Greek temple?

The ancient Greeks saw the human form even in their temple styles.

Like the Greeks, the Romans were an Indo-European people.

Greek comedy can accurately be described as a philosophy of life.

When viewed in Greek terms, the Bible must be considered the world’s greatest tragedy.

The Greeks valued sculpting in bronze more than any other medium.

Early Greek art shows that the Greeks learned very little from ancient Egypt.

The Parthenon was dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena.

Under the right circumstances, a Greek tragedy could focus on the plight of a lower-class citizen.

The most expensive Greek temples were peripteral temples built during the Archaic period on the island of Sicily.

The architects of the Parthenon adjusted the design of the temple to create some "optical illusions."


Question 1 Which of the following is not a term used in Aristotle’s description of tragedy?

Question 2 The typical Greek tragedy depicts how the hero becomes ____.

Question 3 Early in their history the Romans freed themselves from the control of which people?

Question 4 The end of the Punic Wars is associated with which date?

Question 5 Which order of Greek temple architecture is associated with the Classical period and demonstrates elegance and refinement?

Question 6 The so­called “Archaic Grin” is associated with what type of Greek sculpture?

Question 7 You would see “relief sculptures” in which part of the Greek temple?

Question 8 In “The Warrior’s Leavetaking” we see the new “realistic perspective” of Greek art illustrated in the optical technique of ____:

Question 9 The end of the Pax Romana is associated with which date?

Question 10 This famous sculpture by Myron is perhaps the best example of the Greek genius for taking the old traditions and making them new:

Question 11 The Greeks valued sculpting in bronze more than any other medium.

Question 12 The ancient Greeks saw the human form even in their temple styles.

Question 13 The architects of the Parthenon adjusted the design of the temple to create some "optical illusions."

Question 14 Like the Greeks, the Romans were an Indo­European people.

Question 15 The most expensive Greek temples were peripteral temples built during the Archaic period on the island of Sicily.

Question 16 Under the right circumstances, a Greek tragedy could focus on the plight of a lower­class citizen.

Question 17 The Parthenon was dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena.

Question 18 Early Greek art shows that the Greeks learned very little from ancient Egypt.

Question 19 Greek comedy can accurately be described as a philosophy of life.

Question 20 When viewed in Greek terms, the Bible must be considered the world’s greatest tragedy.


Question 1 The typical Greek tragedy depicts how the hero becomes ____.

Question 2 The end of the Punic Wars is associated with which date?

Question 3 The end of the Pax Romana is associated with which date?

Question 4 This famous sculpture by Myron is perhaps the best example of the Greek genius for taking the old traditions and making them new:

Question 5 Which of the following is not a term used in Aristotle’s description of tragedy?

Question 6 Early in their history the Romans freed themselves from the control of which people?

Question 7 Which order of Greek temple architecture is associated with the Classical period and demonstrates elegance and refinement?

Question 8 In “The Warrior’s Leavetaking” we see the new “realistic perspective” of Greek art illustrated in the optical technique of ____:

Question 9 The so­called “Archaic Grin” is associated with what type of Greek sculpture? Question 10 You would see “relief sculptures” in which part of the Greek temple?

Question 11 The most expensive Greek temples were peripteral temples built during the Archaic period on the island of Sicily.

Question 12 Greek comedy can accurately be described as a philosophy of life.

Question 13 Under the right circumstances, a Greek tragedy could focus on the plight of a lower­class citizen.

Question 14 The ancient Greeks saw the human form even in their temple styles.

Question 15 Like the Greeks, the Romans were an Indo­European people.

Question 16 The architects of the Parthenon adjusted the design of the temple to create some "optical illusions."

Question 17 The Parthenon was dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena.

Question 18 When viewed in Greek terms, the Bible must be considered the world’s greatest tragedy.

Question 19 Early Greek art shows that the Greeks learned very little from ancient Egypt.

Question 20 The Greeks valued sculpting in bronze more than any other medium.


Question 1 You would see “relief sculptures” in which part of the Greek temple?

Question 2 The typical Greek tragedy depicts how the hero becomes ____.

Question 3 The end of the Punic Wars is associated with which date?

Question 4 The end of the Pax Romana is associated with which date?

Question 5 This famous sculpture by Myron is perhaps the best example of the Greek genius for taking the old traditions and making them new:

Question 6 Which order of Greek temple architecture is associated with the Classical period and demonstrates elegance and refinement?

Question 7 Early in their history the Romans freed themselves from the control of which people?

Question 8 The so­called “Archaic Grin” is associated with what type of Greek sculpture?

Question 9 Which of the following is not a term used in Aristotle’s description of tragedy?

Question 10 In “The Warrior’s Leavetaking” we see the new “realistic perspective” of Greek art illustrated in the optical technique of ____:

Question 11 When viewed in Greek terms, the Bible must be considered the world’s greatest tragedy.

Question 12 The most expensive Greek temples were peripteral temples built during the Archaic period on the island of Sicily.

Question 13 Greek comedy can accurately be described as a philosophy of life.

Question 14 Like the Greeks, the Romans were an Indo­European people.

Question 15 The ancient Greeks saw the human form even in their temple styles.

Question 16 The Greeks valued sculpting in bronze more than any other medium.

Question 17 Under the right circumstances, a Greek tragedy could focus on the plight of a lower­class citizen.

Question 18 The Parthenon was dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena.

Question 19 Early Greek art shows that the Greeks learned very little from ancient Egypt.

Question 20 The architects of the Parthenon adjusted the design of the temple to create some "optical illusions."

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