Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Liberty University BUSI 409 Midterm Exam solutions answers right

Liberty University BUSI 409 Midterm Exam solutions answers right
How many versions: 2 versions

the transmission or exchange of information
an organization should proceed with writing a government grant proposal when
this includes action taken in support of a cause or an idea, and it may include, for example, providing education, distributing information, or holding events to dramatize an issue or the effects of a problem on people or community
building a positive and consistent brand image requires that an organization integrate its marketing and communication efforts so that all communication from that organization represents the organization as a whole
describes the expectations that you have about what you will receive when you buy a specific product or service
in the health and human services sectors to be successful in fulfilling their mission, when is outreach most needed
this is giving according to a plan that relates the corporation's philanthropy to its overall strategic and business goals
includes any communication the organization has "with legislators or government officials who participate in the formulation of legislation or with its own members with regard to specific legislation and that express a view on it"
The need to keep promotion cost-effective requires focusing communication on segments of the public most likely to respond—that is
An important tool in planning and managing a campaign is the , which reflects the proportional giving necessary to achieve the campaign's overall goal, starting with a lead gift that is at least 10 percent of the goal, and then doubling the number of gifts needed at each successively lower dollar level
The need to keep promotion cost-effective requires focusing communication on segments of the public most likely to respond—that is, on ___________________
The most credible medium of communication is __________________
Identifying individuals, foundations, and corporations who are prospects of giving is a task often performed by professionals engaged in
According to Andreasen (2006), the following are stages in the life cycle of a social change issue
methods to measure an organization's legal limit of lobbying activity
combine demographic data with knowledge about individuals' lifestyles, defined by their activities, interests, and opinions.
The current realities of government funding favor ________________
The largest portion of giving by individuals is directed to , which accounts for about 35 percent of the total each year.
Outreach and marketing use similar methods to influence clients and potential clients to participate in or use the services of the nonprofit organization. Marketing is more CONSUMER & SALES driven. Outreach is more driven by ___________
is not only important to persuasion but may indeed be providing a real service to the legislator, whose time and staff may not be sufficient to undertake the depth of research that an interested nonprofit may offer.
managers of nonprofit organizations must measure their success
stewards of their organization or servants of society
one overarching force that has driven the nonprofit management revolution of recent decades has been
giving intended to meet current individual human needs or to alleviate current human suffering
intended to encourage charitable giving and sustain the services provided by charitable organizations
a nonprofit that qualifies under 501(c)(3) cannot support candidates for public office and must limit its expenditures on
Organizations that are exempt under Section 501 (c) (4), whose purpose is to work for social change are referred to by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as
These are organizations that exist for the sole purpose of directing money to other nonprofits.
a guide to every action taken by the organization and is the principal standard against which its performance should be measured.
One significant risk of resource dependency is actions taken by the nonprofit to alter its goals and activities to satisfy the contributor of funds. This is also called_________________________.
The concept that maintains that organizations in the same field become more like each other as a result of facing similar influences from their environments is ___________________________.
When individuals do not have complete information or lack the ability to understand or judge the quality of the good they seek to purchase, there is ________________.
In some cases nonprofit organizations offer very similar services to for-profit competitors. One of the advantages that for-profits have is that they have:
member-serving and advocacy organizations
a leader is someone who behaves in certain ways that cause others to see him or her as a leader
In Carver's policy governance model, he argues that the board should lead the organization by focusing its attention on establishing
a ceo exhibiting this can pose a serious challenge or even crisis for a nonporfit
a board member or officer of the organization cannot unreasonably benefit from the organization's funds
self-serpetuaring board, new members are selected by
most common type of board in public organization
internal preparation for executive transition is shared responsibility between board and
mission statement should
effective CEOs stay focused on
leaders who use a political frame are
explains leadership in terms of the innate characteristics of individuals who are leaders
inspires your clients to dream of the fulfillment of the NPO's mission
responsibility of the board
Very high ______________ may suggest that an organization is inefficient, or even participating in unethical or fraudulent behavior.
Which government entity grants nonprofits their charters?
Which assessment tool is meant to determine an organization's success in accomplishing its mission, or program effectiveness?
This concept was developed as a way for businesses to obtain a balanced perspective on performance by combining financial data with other considerations.
This concept adds social return to financial return in order to generate a single dollar amount that could be used as an indicator of the organization's performance and value.
One of Kearns's three approaches to formulating strategy for an organization, this approach maintains that strategy evolves out of experience as the organization goes along, one decision at a time, buffeted by bargaining and the push-and-pull of its constituencies.
_______________________ define areas in which the organization needs to take action.
What are specific, quantified targets that represent steps toward accomplishing goals?
The detailed work of producing an operational plan generally needs to be done primarily by
This is a technique used by business firms to determine it their various programs, products, and services are in line with their strategies and goals.
Another name for the motivation factor that Herzberg named "hygiene factors" is
In planning for a volunteer program, nonprofits should assess the need for volunteers and develop volunteer
This theory, reflected in management practices in most organizations, is based on the assumption that workers are lazy, resistant to change, and not concerned with the organization's needs.
With _____________________, funds given by donors specify that the principal be retained and be invested in perpetuity, and the board has limited or no flexibility in using these funds.
The _________________ shows how every category of expense is allocated by a nonprofit.
This term considers whether the organization had an operating surplus, broke even, or operated at a loss.
_________________________ involve(s) privacy, confidentiality, records retention, the separation of duties, data backup, and other such concerns.
This encompasses the rules by which financial transactions are classified and reported.
Accounting on a(n) ____________________ takes into account the money that a nonprofit has earned and is entitled to receive, as well as obligations for expenditures that it has not yet incurred.

Which decade marked a turning point in public policy, with government outsourcing more of the delivery and management of social and human services to nonprofits, which resulted in the increased need for professional management in nonprofit organizations and an increased number of students interested in working for nonprofit organizations?
In 2009, capacity­building receive a new boost when the U.S. Congress passed this, which included a Nonprofit Capacity Building program to provide grants for organizational development to small and mid­sized nonprofits over the years 2010 to 2014
This method of establishing pricing involves charging people different prices based on the market segment to which they belong, determined by objective variables
What are specific, quantified targets that represent steps toward accomplishing goals
Burnett defines this as "a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these that is intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate them from those of competitors."
Managers of nonprofit organizations must measure their success by
Great companies that produce excellent results have
This type of system is entirely self­sufficient and impervious to influences from its environment
enables the system to adapt to changing circumstances
When an organization launches a program to recruit volunteers, having these helps communicate to volunteers that they are accepting a significant responsibility and that their assignment involves doing real work that is central to the program of the nonprofit
In its proper definition, this term involves comparisons among organizations, either at the macro or at the micro level
Nonprofit managers should be committed to performance measurement but
One of the many benefits of strategic planning is that it
Establishing the organization mission is the responsibility of its
Those who view nonprofit organizations primarily as social institutions portray nonprofit managers as
Today's boards are being exhorted not only to raise money and promote the organization but also to
These types of relationships imply increasingly less autonomy for participating organizations and may include parent­subsidiary partnerships, joint venture corporations, management service organizations that support one or more nonprofits, and­ultimately-mergers
According to Herman, one of the differences of managing a nonprofit versus a foprofit corporation is
A nonprofit that qualifies under Section 501 (c) (3) cannot support candidates for public office and must limit its expenditures on
According to Higgins, nonprofit organizations have
Skinner's principle of                                    explains that we repeat behaviors that are rewarded and tend not to repeat those that are not
Sociologists describe nonprofits as
MacMillan's portfolio analysis matrix provides a nonprofit with                               that may help clarify thinking about each specific program and also about the relationship of its portfolio to its mission as an organization
Give an example of a conflict of interest. Describe how a well­managed organization might handle such a conflict
Discuss the case made for giving by Andrew Carnegie in his Gospel of Wealth

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