Monday, March 20, 2017

Liberty University BIBL 105 quiz 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University BIBL 105 quiz 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 2 different versions

Question 1 Explain the components and the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant. What kind of covenant was this? How does the Abrahamic Covenant relate to the Patriarchal Narratives in Genesis chapters 12­50?
Question 2 The first messianic prophecy occurs in Genesis ____.
Question 3 The total duration of the flood was one _____.
Question 4 The consequence of Adam's sin led to _____.
Question 5 Joseph's brothers sold him to the ______.
Question 6 Lot backslid spiritually while he was living in ________.
Question 7 Sarah suggested that Abram have a child by ______.
Question 8 Esau threatened to kill _____.
Question 9 In Exodus, Jesus is pictured as the passover _____________.
Question 10 Joseph eventually _________ his brothers.
Question 11 Genesis is the book of _____.
Question 12 The most sacred place in the tabernacle was the __________.
Question 13 The daughter of Pharoah may have been___________.
Question 14 Joseph was the son of of Jacob and ________.
Question 15 The Tabernacle housed the Ark of the _________________.
Question 16 ____________ is a picture of Jesus as the obedient son of the father.
Question 17 In Genesis, life begins _______.
Question 18 God told Noah to cover the Ark with _____.
Question 19 Isaac's name means ______.
Question 20 The Ark was ______ cubits (450 ft) long.

The creation account in Genesis 1-2 emphasizes a ________ creation
The judgment of the flood was caused by ________ intermarriage
Ishmael became the "father" of the ______.
Conservative scholars believe the pharaoh of the exodus was ______________ II
The daughter of Pharoah may have been___________.
The Tabernacle housed the Ark of the _________________.
God promised that Christ would______ the head of Satan
God displayed His power over the gods of Egypt by the ten ______.
The most sacred place in the tabernacle was the __________.
Abram lived in about ______ BC
Moses met God on Mt. ______.
God fed the Israelites in the wilderness with ___________.
Genesis is the book of _____.
Moses fled to Midian for ______ years.
Jacob was deceived into marrying ______.
The consequence of Adam's sin led to _____.
Abraham's servant found a bride for Isaac in ______.
Joseph was the son of of Jacob and ________.
In Exodus, Jesus is pictured as the passover _____________.
The Ark was ______ cubits (450 ft) long.
Joseph's brothers sold him to the ______.
Jacob's life changed when he returned to_____.
Altogether, Jacob worked for Laban for_____ years.
The______________ of the Lord stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac
Esau despised his _________.

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