Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Liberty University ECON 214 exam 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University ECON 214 exam 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1
Hollister Co. stocks up on Tshirts for the holiday season. This inventory is included in the _______ category of GDP.
Question 2
When George buys a new computer for his business, it is included in GDP as _______, and when he buys a new computer for use at home, it counts as ________.
Question 3
The government can assist in reducing the level of structural unemployment by:
Question 4
If nominal GDP changed by 6% and the price level changed by 2%, then real GDP changed by:
Question 5
When actual unemployment is less than its natural rate:
Question 6
Nominal GDP increased from $15.62 trillion to $16.09 trillion, and the price level increased from 120.0 to 122.4. The growth rate of real GDP was approximately: (Round to the nearest second decimal.)
Question 7
The concept of a price index is that:
Question 8
Consider the following data, which shows the quantities and prices of two goods produced in the economy, to answer the questions that follow.
The market value of cell phones is:
Question 9
You get a pay raise and feel richer even though your raise did not keep up with inflation; this is best described as:
Question 10
In Nation A, the price index rises from 110 to 120 in a particular year. In the same year, the price level rises from 120 to 130 in Nation B. This means:
Question 11
The big difference between the Great Recession and the recession of 1982 was:
Question 12
Refer to the following figure to answer the questions that follow:
Based on the figure, one could correctly state that:
Question 13
To evaluate the change in average living standards over time, it is best to use
Question 14
Some jobs in the economy are no longer needed after an advancement in technology. A person who loses his job this way would be considered:
Question 15
Real GDP is equal to:
Question 16
Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012.
What was the rate of inflation between the two years?
Question 17
Your nominal wage increases by 10%, and the overall price level increases by 12%. Which statement is correct?
Question 18
Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012.
What was the nominal GDP in 2013?
Question 19
Macroeconomics is the study of:
Question 20
An accurate measure of GDP is derived by adding:
Question 21
Asking whether people are unemployed for short spells or whether the duration of joblessness is long term is:
Question 22
The shortrun fluctuations in economic activity that can cause output to be above or below the longrun trend are called:
Question 23
JTKB is an accounting firm in South Orange County, Florida. Company policy is that whenever JTKB decides to open up a new accounting position, the hiring manager must conduct at least five interviews over a twoweek span. Because of this process, JTKB is increasing ____________ in South Orange County, Florida.
Question 24
Consider the following figure to answer the questions that follow.
In which year was the economy growing at the longrun average growth rate?
Question 25
Consider the following data to answer the questions that follow
Although countries C and D have the same level of GDP, country C has a level of per capita GDP that is ________ times that of country D.
Question 26
Menu costs of inflation:
Question 27
The recession of 2007–2009 has been dubbed:
Question 28
The housing crisis has some roots in inflation because:
Question 29
Inflation occurs:
Question 30
The chained consumer price index (CPI) is a better measure of prices than the traditional CPI:
Question 31
Government salaries paid to soldiers in the military are included in the ________ category of GDP.
Question 32 Daniel, Steven, and Chris work as engineers in Connecticut. The demand for engineers starts to decline as their company’s profits start to decrease during a recession. As a result, Daniel and Steven are laid off from their jobs. Daniel and Steven would be classified as:
Question 33
You are offered two jobs, one in Chicago paying $67,000 and one in Philadelphia paying $79,000. The price index in Chicago is 110.8, and in Philadelphia it is 126.5. If real wages are the only consideration, then:
Question 34
Assume tuition at Houston Community College cost $588 (per semester) in 2004 and $813 in 2012. If the price index was 184 in 2004 and 226 in 2012, then we could say:
Question 35
Which of the following two types of unemployment occur even when the economy is healthy and growing?
Question 36
Consider the following figure to answer the questions that follow.
During which period was the economy in a contraction?
Question 37
Consider the following data that identifies real GDP in comparison to the longrun trend of real GDP to answer the questions that follow.
How many quarters did this economy spend in a recession?
Question 38
You own a store and have not raised prices recently—and now your store has more customers. Which statement is correct?
Question 39
If cheeseburgers become more expensive and consumers switch their purchases away from cheeseburgers but the consumer price index (CPI) still assumes they buy the same amount, then:
Question 40
Refer to the following figure when answering the questions that follow
According to the figure, deflation was occurring:

Question 1
Let’s say a bottle of Dr. Wells (an actual soft drink still available but hard to obtain) cost $0.15 in 1970. If the consumer price index (CPI) in 1970 was 37.8 and the current CPI is 240, then the Inflationadjusted price of Dr. Wells would be (rounded to the nearest penny):
Question 2
The natural rate of unemployment is:
Question 3
For the the questions that follow, suppose a country has the following quarterly growth data for the last three years: The country’s longrun average growth rate is 3%. In how many of these quarters did GDP contract?
Question 4
If real GDP grew by 2% and the inflation rate was 2%, then nominal GDP grew by:
Question 5
Assuming the price level increased, if real GDP is less than nominal GDP for a given year, then:
Question 6
Nominal GDP is equal to:
Question 7
Medical care typically composes ____ of the typical consumer price index (CPI).
Question 8
Discouraged workers are defined as:
Question 9
Oranges become more expensive in 2008 at Ukrop’s in Charlottesville, Virginia. This means:
Question 10
The value of the consumer price index (CPI) in 2011 was 229 compared to the base period’s, which will always have the value of:
Question 11
The government purchases category of GDP includes spending by:
Question 12
You are offered two jobs, one in Richmond, Virginia, paying $67,000, and one in San Diego, California, paying $79,000. The price index in Richmond is 104.5, and in San Diego it is 132.3. If real wages are the only consideration, then:
Question 13
Consider a nation in which the price index was 150 last year and this year it is 130. Which statement is correct?
Question 14
The phase of the business cycle where the economy is growing faster than usual is called:
Question 15
Nina has a parttime job as she finishes her degree in fashion design. After obtaining her degree she decides to quit her parttime job to search for a job that better fits her nowimproved skill set. Nina has a few interviews, but it is taking time to find the job that suits her best. Nina would be considered:
Question 16
To calculate the labor force participation rate, you only need to know:
Question 17
As a business owner, you find that your resource prices are increasing often. Because these costs are rising, you find it necessary to change your prices frequently. This best describes:
Question 18
Refer to the following table to answer the questions that follow:
As presented in the table, the rate of inflation from 1999–2000 (i.e., during the year 2000) was (rounded to two decimal places):
Question 19
Unemployment caused by delays in matching available jobs and workers is called:
Question 20
The value of the consumer price index (CPI) is best described as:
Question 21
The ratio of Price in an Earlier Time / Price in Today’s Time:
Question 22
Labor force participation rates among teenagers are:
Question 23
Knowing the length of unemployment is important because:
Question 24
Refer to the following figure when answering the questions that follow. Based on the figure, which of the following statements best applies?
Question 25
Refer to the following table to answer the questions that follow: As presented in the table, the rate of inflation (or deflation) from 2002–2003 was (rounded to two decimal places):
Question 26
During normal economic times, unemployment in France and Germany tends to be ____________ than in the United States mainly because of ____________.
Question 27
If the relevant population is 268 million people and the number of people in the labor force is 148 million, the number of people NOT in the labor force is equal to:
Question 28
Holding all else constant, if people who are currently discouraged workers decide to start looking for jobs again, you will see:
Question 29
Real GDP would be a better measure of economic wellbeing if it included the value of:
Question 30
If people bought the same market basket of goods as the average consumer again and again:
Question 31
Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012. What was the GDP deflator in 2012?
Question 32
Joe has a fulltime construction job and also does odd jobs for people on the weekends. You have purchased the materials needed to construct a fence at your house and you pay Joe $500 to build the fence. Does the payment to Joe count toward the value of GDP?
Question 33
Joanna was laid off from her job 11 months ago. After searching for a job for months, Joanna finds a job but is only offered parttime work. Joanna would rather be working fulltime. Economists would classify Joanna as:
Question 34
Arguably, the increases in housing prices in 2005–2006:
Question 35
Michael Chang buys only tennis rackets during a particular year. During the year in question, the price of all goods rises by 10% on average, but the price of tennis rackets remains the same. Which statement is correct?
Question 36
In Felixania, cat food constitutes 45% of the typical basket of goods for a typical consumer, dog food constitutes 3%, and all other goods constitute the remaining 52%. Assume the price of cat food rises by 4%, the price of dog food falls by 10%, and the prices for all other goods remain constant. Based on the information given, we can definitely say:
Question 37
Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012.
What was the growth rate of real GDP between the two years?
Question 38
Workers who lose their job because of market innovations are considered:
Question 39
Which of the following conditions might cause the unemployment rate to be less than the natural rate of unemployment?
Question 40
The concept of a price index is that:

Question 1
Nominal GDP increased from $15.62 trillion to $16.09 trillion, and the price level increased from 120.0 to 122.4. The growth rate of real GDP was approximately: (Round to the nearest second decimal.)
Question 2
Consider the following figure to answer the questions that follow.
During which period was the economy in a contraction?
Question 3
Which of the following is a topic of microeconomics?
Question 4
Consider the following data to answer the questions that follow.
Which country has the highest level of GDP per capita?
Question 5
Macroeconomics is the study of:
Question 6
Savings is:
Question 7
Consider the following figure to answer the questions that follow.
During which period was the economy in an expansion?
Question 8
Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012.
What was the GDP deflator in 2012?
Question 9
An accurate measure of GDP is derived by adding:
Question 10
The phase of the business cycle where the economy is growing faster than usual is called:
Question 11
Workers who lose their job because of market innovations are considered:
Question 12
When GDP increases, national income ________ and national output __________.
Question 13
Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012.
What was the real GDP in 2013?
Question 14
Consider the following data, where GDP values are measured in millions of dollars, to answer the questions that follow.
What is the value of the GDP deflator in 2011? Round to the nearest decimal.
Question 15
In Las Vegas, the cost of living index is 110, and in San Francisco, it is 170. You work in Las Vegas currently and your salary is $57,000. You are offered a promotion and pay raise of $70,000 to move to San Francisco. If you take the promotion:
Question 16
You deposit $500.00 into an asset that pays 10% annual interest for three years. At the end of the three years, you would have:
Question 17
One argument against unemployment insurance is that:
Question 18
Consider the following data, where GDP values are measured in millions of dollars, to answer the questions that follow.
What is the value of real GDP in 2010? Round to the nearest second decimal.
Question 19
Economists refer to full-employment output as:
Question 20
Use the following table to answer the questions that follow:
According to the table, the employment rate in this economy is equal to:
Question 21
Which of the following equations represents the unemployment rate?
Question 22
Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012.
What was the real GDP in 2013?
Question 23
If 51% of all goods in the consumer price index (CPI) became more expensive and 49% became cheaper:
Question 24
If the consumer price index (CPI) was 100 in the period of 1982–1984, then:
Question 25
Structural unemployment is:
Question 26
Farmer Bill grows wheat and sells it to the miller for $50,000. The miller turns it into flour and sells it to the bakery for $75,000. The bakery uses the flour in the bread that it sells to people for $90,000. The total contribution to GDP is:
Question 27
JTKB is an accounting firm in South Orange County, Florida. Company policy is that whenever JTKB decides to open up a new accounting position, the hiring manager must conduct at least five interviews over a two-week span. Because of this process, JTKB is increasing ____________ in South Orange County, Florida.
Question 28
The big difference between the Great Recession and the recession of 1982 was:
Question 29
The date on which the repayment for a loan is due is called:
Question 30
Which of the following lists the three types of unemployment?
Question 31
Which combination of events could have caused the equilibrium interest rate to fall and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds (both borrowed and lent) to rise?
Question 32
Use the following table to answer the questions that follow:
According to the table, the unemployment rate in this economy is equal to:
Question 33
Some individuals are unemployed because it takes time for them to find a job that fits their skill set. These individuals would be considered to be:
Question 34
Consider the following data to answer the questions that follow.
Which country has the lowest average living standard?
Question 35
Which of the following two types of unemployment occur even when the economy is healthy and growing?
Question 36
Workers who lose their jobs because the skill set they possess is no longer required in the economy are considered to be:
Question 37
Assume the market for loanable funds is in equilibrium at 5% interest. Assuming that firms become more pessimistic about future profits, all else being equal:
Question 38
Borrowers in the loanable funds market consist of:
Question 39
GDP is most often measured by:
Question 40
Consider the following data, where GDP values are measured in millions of dollars, to answer the questions that follow.
What was the inflation rate between 2010 and 2011? Round to the nearest decimal.
Question 41
Smiley Myrus owns a large corporation that is building a new shopping mall in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. In all likelihood:
Question 42
Frictional unemployment is:
Question 43
The natural rate of unemployment is:
Question 44
The supply of loanable funds comes from:
Question 45
The value of the consumer price index (CPI) in 2011 was 229 compared to the base period’s, which will always have the value of:
Question 46
In Felixania, cat food constitutes 45% of the typical basket of goods for a typical consumer, dog food constitutes 3%, and all other goods constitute the remaining 52%. Assume the price of cat food rises by 4%, the price of dog food falls by 10%, and the prices for all other goods remain constant. Based on the information given, we can definitely say:
Question 47
Donna Newton made $0.30 per hour in 1946 at a small restaurant in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. If the consumer price index (CPI) was 18.3 in 1946 and 202.4 in 2011, then Donna’s inflation-adjusted wage would be:
Question 48
The contraction phase of a business cycle is best described as:
Question 49
The demand for loanable funds is:
Question 50
Refer to the following graph to answer the questions that follow:
Assuming the figure represents the market for loanable funds, which of the following would represent a general economic collapse in the United States, causing foreigners to become fearful about the U.S. economy?

Question 1 Wages are often tied to expected rates of inflation; thus one reason why inflation is important is that:
Question 2 You bought a popular video game last year for $75 and sold it to a store this year for $20. The store sells the used game to a consumer for $50. This adds _____ to GDP when the store sells the game to the consumer.
Question 3 The government can assist in reducing the level of structural unemployment by:
Question 4 When John buys new tires for his car it _______, and when Ford buys tires to put on new cars it ____________.
Question 5 An index of the average prices of all goods and services throughout the economy is called:
Question 6 One improvement of the chained consumer price index (CPI) over the traditional CPI is that:
Question 7 Nominal GDP increased from $15.44 trillion to $15.75 trillion, and the price level increased from 116.5 to 122.3. Which of the following is true?
Question 8 If 51% of all goods in the consumer price index (CPI) became more expensive and 49% became cheaper:
Question 9 If cheeseburgers become more expensive and consumers switch their purchases away from cheeseburgers but the consumer price index (CPI) still assumes they buy the same amount, then:
Question 10 Consider the following data, where GDP values are measured in millions of dollars, to answer the questions that follow. What was the inflation rate between 2010 and 2011? Round to the nearest decimal.
Question 11 Use the following table to answer the questions that follow: According to the table, the labor force participation rate is:
Question 12 The unemployment rate is:
Question 13 If a large group of U.S. workers begins to retire, you can expect:
Question 14 Which of the following is an example of structural unemployment?
Question 15 Consider the following data, where GDP values are measured in millions of dollars, to answer the questions that follow. What was the growth rate of nominal GDP from 2010 to 2011? Round to the nearest second decimal.
Question 16 Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012. What was the GDP deflator in 2012?
Question 17 Joe Kowalski invents a new product, and this new product becomes cheaper over time. This can be problematic because:
Question 18 If your nominal wage rises but you think that it automatically means your real wage rose, then:
Question 19 A shortcoming of using real GDP as a measure of economic well­being is that it does not measure changes in:
Question 20 Which of the following statements is true about the natural rate of unemployment?
Question 21 Frictional unemployment is:
Question 22 Consider the following data to answer the questions that follow. Which country has the highest level of GDP per capita?
Question 23 When you buy a new car built by Ford, it is included in the ________ category of GDP.
Question 24 Individuals who are working part­time but would prefer to be working full­time are defined as:
Question 25 Consider the following figure to answer the questions that follow. During which period was the economy in a contraction?
Question 26 The contraction phase of a business cycle is best described as:
Question 27 Asking whether people are unemployed for short spells or whether the duration of joblessness is long term is:
Question 28 To avoid double­counting when calculating GDP, it is best to:
Question 29 Refer to the following table to answer the questions that follow: As presented in the table, the rate of inflation (or deflation) from 2002–2003 was (rounded to two decimal places):
Question 30 A doctor receives $50,000 per month from her patients (and their insurance companies) as payment for her services. Each month she buys medical supplies for $10,000 and she pays a lab $15,000 for analyzing slides. The total contribution to GDP this month is:
Question 31 The four major expenditure categories of GDP are:
Question 32 Which of the following is an example of frictional unemployment?
Question 33 Macroeconomics is the study of:
Question 34 The average inflation rate in the United States from 2000–2012 was about:
Question 35 Use the following table to answer the questions that follow: According to the table, the number of people not in the labor force is equal to:
Question 36 In Nation A, the price index rises from 110 to 120 in a particular year. In the same year, the price level rises from 120 to 130 in Nation B. This means:
Question 37 Your firm expands its output in a time when demand appears to be increasing. Demand for all goods is increasing because of inflation, and consumers want to buy all goods faster because their real purchasing power is falling due to inflation. This situation could indicate that:
Question 38 If Robert was earning $10,000 and now earns $11,500, then:
Question 39 In the 1970s, the government attempted to regulate prices to control inflation; this attempt was unsuccessful. The most likely reason was that:
Question 40 Refer to the following figure to answer the questions that follow: Based on the figure, one could correctly state that:

Question 1 Structural unemployment is:
Question 2 Which of the following equations represents the labor force participation rate?
Question 3 The concept of a price index is that:
Question 4 Use the following table to answer the questions that follow: According to the table, the labor force participation rate in this economy is equal to:
Question 5 If the relevant population is 268 million people and the number of people in the labor force is 148 million, the labor force participation rate is:
Question 6 Net exports can be defined as:
Question 7 If the goods producers buy change dramatically between years, then:
Question 8 Consider the following data to answer the questions that follow. Although countries C and D have the same level of GDP, country C has a level of per capita GDP that is ________ times that of country D.
Question 9 A shortcoming of using real GDP as a measure of economic well­being is that it does not measure changes in:
Question 10 A doctor receives $50,000 per month from her patients (and their insurance companies) as payment for her services. Each month she buys medical supplies for $10,000 and she pays a lab $15,000 for analyzing slides. The total contribution to GDP this month is:
Question 11 Labor force participation rates among teenagers are:
Question 12 The chained consumer price index (CPI) is a better measure of prices than the traditional CPI:
Question 13 The percent change in the overall level of prices in the economy is called:
Question 14 Goods that firms repackage with other goods for sale at a later stage are:
Question 15 An example of an intermediate good would be:
Question 16 For the the questions that follow, suppose a country has the following quarterly growth data for the last three years: The country’s long­run average growth rate is 3%. How many quarters were spent in recession?
Question 17 Consider the following data, where GDP values are measured in millions of dollars, to answer the questions that follow. What was the growth rate of real GDP from 2011 to 2012?
Question 18 GDP is not a good measure of:
Question 19 Use the following table to answer the questions that follow: According to the table, the unemployment rate in this economy is equal to:
Question 20 The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases consumer price index (CPI) data:
Question 21 Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012. What was the real GDP in 2013?
Question 22 Economic growth is best measured by changes in:
Question 23 According to the price confusion problem, if the price of a product increases, then:
Question 24 If everyone buys the same goods every year and the price of housing rises by 38%:
Question 25 Individuals who are working part­time but would prefer to be working full­time are defined as:
Question 26 When GDP increases, national income ________ and national output __________.
Question 27 Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012. What was the GDP deflator in 2013?
Question 28 Which is the largest component of U.S. GDP?
Question 29 Refer to the following table to answer the questions that follow: As presented in the table, the approximate rate of inflation (or deflation) from 2000–2001 was (rounded to the nearest percent):
Question 30 How do you convert a price of a good from an earlier time into today’s price?
Question 31 In Bovania, cattle compose 48% of the consumer price index (CPI), housing composes 32%, and entertainment accounts for the remaining 20%. If, in a certain year, the price of cattle rises by 30% and the price of housing rises by 25%, then:
Question 32 Which of the following conditions might cause the unemployment rate to be less than the natural rate of unemployment?
Question 33 Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012. What was the real GDP in 2013?
Question 34 Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012. What was the growth rate of real GDP between the two years?
Question 35 Suppose a basket of goods and services has been selected to calculate the consumer price index (CPI) and 2002 has been chosen as the base year. In 2002, the basket’s cost was $76.00; in 2004, the baskets cost was $79.50; and in 2006, the baskets cost was $85.00. The value of the CPI was:
Question 36 When an unemployed worker receives a payment from the government as a result of being unemployed, it is:
Question 37 Which of the following is an example of frictional unemployment?
Question 38 You know that the consumer price index (CPI) at the beginning of this year was 250 and the rate of inflation was 14%; this would mean:
Question 39 Real GDP is GDP adjusted for changes in:
Question 40 Consider the following data that gives the quantity produced and unit price for three different goods across two different years to answer the questions that follow: Assume that the base year is 2012. What was the rate of inflation between the two years?

Question 1
Other things the same, a decrease in the price level makes the dollars people hold worth
Question 2
During periods of high and variable inflation, which of the following is unlikely to occur?
Question 3
Which of the following groups would most likely benefit from unanticipated inflation?
Question 4
The figures below (in millions) are for the United States during the year 2003.
Population (Age 16 and over) 221.2
Employed 137.7
Unemployed 8.8
The rate of labor force participation of the U.S. in 2003 was
Question 5
In contrast with unanticipated inflation, anticipated inflation implies that
Question 6
The current U.S. unemployment insurance program
Question 7
The population (age 16 and over) of Econoland is 100 million; 5 million are unemployed, and 70 million hold jobs. The labor force participation rate in Econoland is
Question 8
Other things equal, which of the following is true?
Question 9
A business spends $10 million on new capital equipment, and during the same year, $7 million of its existing capital wears out. Which of the following is correct?
Question 10
If the quantity of euro demanded were greater than the quantity supplied, then the price of the
Question 11
If nominal GDP increased 2 percent during a year, while real GDP increased 4 percent, the
Question 12
Suppose you are earning 5 percent nominal interest on your savings account. If the rate of inflation is 3 percent, the real rate of interest you are earning is
Question 13
Babe Ruth's 1931 salary was $80,000. Government statistics show a consumer price index of 15.2 for 1931 and 215 for 2008. Ruth's 1931 salary was equivalent to a 2008 salary of about
Question 14
Within the framework of the AS/AD model, which of the following is a true statement regarding short-run aggregate supply?
Question 15
When an economy operates at its long-run potential output level,
Question 16
If the dollar price of the English pound goes from $1.50 to $2.00, the dollar has
Question 17
Which of the following provides the most accurate description of monetary policy?
Question 18
Which of the following would increase the GDP of the United States?
Question 19
A real estate salesperson sells a house in 2009 that was built in 1990. How does this transaction get counted in the GDP statistics?
Question 20
Suppose the CPI was 95 in 1955, and suppose currently the CPI is 475. According to the CPI, $100 today purchases the same amount of goods and services as
Question 21
Who among the following is most likely to favor an appreciation of the U.S. dollar?
Question 22
Which of the following is true?
Question 23
In a modern dynamic economy such as the United States, full employment generally means
Question 24
Which one of the following events will leave GDP unchanged?
Question 25
Which of the following events will increase GDP?
Question 26
Which of the following will most likely occur during the expansionary phase of a business cycle?
Question 27
If people suddenly anticipate that inflation will rise during the next year, which of the following is most likely?
Question 28
If there is a surplus of loanable funds
Question 29
Which of the following will contribute to GDP?
Question 30
A depreciation in the U.S. dollar on the foreign exchange market will

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