Sunday, March 26, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 4 solutions answers right

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 4 solutions answers right
How many versions: 3 different versions

Question 1 Moses, Isaiah, and Jeremiah all are Old Testament authors who spoke about Christ's future birth?
Question 2 This word means "to be set apart".
Question 3 After Jesus' resurrection those closest to him, such as his half­brother James, still did not believe he was the Messiah.
Question 4 Personal guilt is condition of the sinner standing guilty.
Question 5 Man is not reconciled to God through the actual blood of Christ; rather the blood is a metaphor for the moral and noble life of Christ that should compel man to seek after God.
Question 6 The resurrection of Jesus points to the future resurrection of those who trust in him.
Question 7 This word means "To buy out of"
Question 8 The biblical definition of death is the separation of a person's body and spirit.
Question 9 The Bible records the Virgin Birth as a fact.
Question 10 The story of the Bible can be summarized with the word “redemption.”
Question 11 The Greek word proseuchamai means “peace.”
Question 12 The Bible affirms that Jesus is both 100 percent God and 100 percent man.
Question 13 What is a "vicar"?
Question 14 This word means to Satisfy God's just wrath against sin with an offering
Question 15 This is consummational sanctification, for God will not complete the process until we arrive in heaven.

Question 1 The Old Testament sacrifices where temporary, but the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is a permanent sacrifice.
Question 2 Sanctification a three­fold process (we are sanctified at salvation, set apart from sin after salvation, and will finally be perfectly sanctified when we meet Christ).
Question 3 This word means to Satisfy God's just wrath against sin with an offering
Question 4 What does Dr. Towns believe is the best translation for the word 'almah' in Isaiah 7:14?
Question 5 What is the meaning for the word 'almah?'
Question 6 The Lord’s Prayer embryonically contains everything a Christian must know and every way that a Christian must pray.
Question 7 The resurrection of Jesus points to the future resurrection of those who trust in him.
Question 8 This word means "to be set apart".
Question 9 The Greek word proseuchamai means “peace.”
Question 10 Judicial guilt is the means which a sinner feels convicted for their sins.
Question 11 The biblical definition of death is the separation of a person's body and spirit.
Question 12 The relationship with God which we enter by faith in Jesus Christ.
Question 13 The Day of Atonement was repeated every fifth year in the nation of Israel.
Question 14 Man is not reconciled to God through the actual blood of Christ; rather the blood is a metaphor for the moral and noble life of Christ that should compel man to seek after God.
Question 15 This word means "To buy out of"

Question 1 The Greek word proseuchamai means “peace.”
Question 2 The word sanctify can be correctly defined as "the eradication of the sin nature."
Question 3 Sanctification that involves the struggles of victor, and defeat of the Christian in this present life.
Question 4 Sanctification a three­fold process (we are sanctified at salvation, set apart from sin after salvation, and will finally be perfectly sanctified when we meet Christ).
Question 5 What does Dr. Towns believe is the best translation for the word 'almah' in Isaiah 7:14?
Question 6 The relationship with God which we enter by faith in Jesus Christ.
Question 7 The Lord’s Prayer embryonically contains everything a Christian must know and every way that a Christian must pray.
Question 8 This word means "to be set apart".
Question 9 What is a "vicar"?
Question 10 The Day of Atonement was repeated every fifth year in the nation of Israel.
Question 11 There is only one Greek word used in the New Testament for “redemption.”
Question 12 Personal guilt is condition of the sinner standing guilty.
Question 13 All religions express their relationship to God the same way.
Question 14 A legal standing by which we are declared righteous before God, and, on the basis of this judicial act, the Christian enjoys the life and peace of God.
Question 15 After Jesus' resurrection those closest to him, such as his half-brother James, still did not believe he was the Messiah.

Question 1 What is suffering endured by on person in the place of another?
Question 2 This is consummational sanctification, for God will not complete the process until we arrive in heaven.
Question 3 What is a "vicar"?
Question 4 This word means "to be set apart".
Question 5 All religions express their relationship to God the same way.
Question 6 The Bible records the Virgin Birth as a fact.
Question 7 The Old Testament sacrifices where temporary, but the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is a permanent sacrifice.
Question 8 Justification occurs immediately upon our salvation.
Question 9 Jesus predicted His death and resurrection.
Question 10 Moses, Isaiah, and Jeremiah all are Old Testament authors who spoke about Christ's future birth?
Question 11 The law is a unit; to break one is to break all.
Question 12 Man is not reconciled to God through the actual blood of Christ; rather the blood is a metaphor for the moral and noble life of Christ that should compel man to seek after God.
Question 13 The relationship with God which we enter by faith in Jesus Christ.
Question 14 The Day of Atonement was repeated every fifth year in the nation of Israel.
Question 15 This word means "To buy out of"

This word means to Satisfy God's just wrath against sin with an offering
Christ's resurrection provides our future resurrection.
There is only one Greek word used in the New Testament for “redemption.”
This word means "to be set apart".
What is suffering endured by on person in the place of another?
This word means "To buy out of"
This is consummational sanctification, for God will not complete the process until we arrive in heaven.
Judicial guilt is the means which a sinner feels convicted for their sins
After Jesus' resurrection those closest to him, such as his half­brother James, still did not believe he was the Messiah.
The Bible affirms that Jesus is both 100 percent God and 100 percent man.
The Old Testament sacrifices where temporary, but the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is a permanent sacrifice.
The relationship with God which we enter by faith in Jesus Christ.
Sanctification a three­fold process (we are sanctified at salvation, set apart from sin after salvation, and will finally be perfectly sanctified when we meet Christ).
What does Dr. Towns believe is the best translation for the word 'almah' in Isaiah

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 3 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine.
Question 2 Christian believe the source of suffering to be the conditions of this world.
Question 3 The image of God was completely lost in the Fall recorded in Genesis 3.
Question 4 Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to.
Question 5 The Bible presents the body as being good, and the soul/spirit as being bad.
Question 6 While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine.
Question 7 The conscience is developed by doing right.
Question 8 What is a question that Darwinians have not been able to answer?
Question 9 Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Question 10 The belief that God began the creative process by bringing the first organisms to life, but then oversaw the evolutionary process.
Question 11 Prior to the Fall recorded in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were all­knowing.
Question 12 The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance.
Question 13 Only Christians maintain the image of God.
Question 14 What is the main point that the author illustrates with an elephant and 4 blind men?
Question 15 A system sees evolution as taking place entirely by inherent forces

Question 1 What is the main point that the author illustrates with an elephant and 4 blind men?
Question 2 The image of God is spoken of in the Old Testament, but it is not spoken of in the New Testament.
Question 3 The belief that God, through direct acts, brought into being virtually everything that exists out of nothing.
Question 4 A system that allows for external factors.
Question 5 Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to.
Question 6 There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament.
Question 7 The use of the Bible term “heart” is best understood by simply saying “me.”
Question 8 The image of God is synonymous with man’s immaterial nature.
Question 9 The image of God refers to something a human is rather than something a human has or does.
Question 10 Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to Scripture?
Question 11 The word, “heart” in the Bible is used only to refer to the physical organ.
Question 12 It is a sin to be tempted.
Question 13 Prior to the Fall recorded in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were all­knowing.
Question 14 Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Question 15 A system sees evolution as taking place entirely by inherent forces

Question 1 Only Christians maintain the image of God.
Question 2 The Bible presents the body as being good, and the soul/spirit as being bad.
Question 3 The image of God in man should help point others to the King of Kings.
Question 4 A system that allows for external factors.
Question 5 Due to sin, mankind lost orginal righteousness.
Question 6 The conscience is developed by doing right.
Question 7 It is a sin to be tempted.
Question 8 The image of God was completely lost in the Fall recorded in Genesis 3.
Question 9 The image of God is synonymous with man’s immaterial nature.
Question 10 The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance.
Question 11 The use of the Bible term “heart” is best understood by simply saying “me.”
Question 12 The word, “heart” in the Bible is used only to refer to the physical organ.
Question 13 There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament.
Question 14 The belief that God began the process of evolution within the context of created matter. Though God programmed the system, simple life forms were allowed to evolve into more complex life structures. During this entire process, God withdrew himself and allowed natural laws to guide the process.
Question 15 Of the three aspects of the human personality, the most vital part is the will.

Question 1 Of the three aspects of the human personality, the most vital part is the will.
Question 2 Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to.
Question 3 Due to sin, mankind lost orginal righteousness.
Question 4 Only Christians maintain the image of God.
Question 5 The human personality includes the three elements of intellect, emotions, and will.
Question 6 There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament.
Question 7 The image of God is merely man’s rational or moral abilities.
Question 8 The conscience is developed by doing right.
Question 9 Two types of sin exist: actual sin and conditional sin.
Question 10 While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine.
Question 11 All of God’s creation is created in the image of God.
Question 12 A system sees evolution as taking place entirely by inherent forces
Question 13 The image of God refers to something a human is rather than something a human has or does.
Question 14 The image of God was completely lost in the Fall recorded in Genesis 3.
Question 15 The belief that God began the creative process by bringing the first organisms to life, but then oversaw the evolutionary process.

The image of God is spoken of in the Old Testament, but it is not spoken of in the New Testament.
All of God’s creation is created in the image of God
Prior to the Fall recorded in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were all-knowing
While it is true that Christians are saved apart from works, Christians also believe that faith without works is not genuine
Christian do good works because of gratitude for what God has done
A system that allows for external factors.
Due to sin, mankind lost original righteousness
The image of God in man should help point others to the King of Kings
The heart can be hardened by sin
Though Christians are not commanded to do good works, many do them because they want to
There is only one Greek word for “sin” recorded in the New Testament
Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Christian believe the source of suffering to be the conditions of this world
The Bible speaks of both presumptious sins and sins of ignorance
Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to Scripture?

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 2 solutions answers right

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 2 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 Though the Apocrypha were included in the original Hebrew canon, they have been left out of most Protestant translations of the Bible.
Question 2 There are no messianic prophesies mentioned in the Apocrypha.
Question 3 Inspiration incorporates the personality of the writer into the final product.
Question 4 The supernatural guidance of the writers of Scripture by the spirit of God whereby they wrote the divine word of God transcribed accurately and reliably.
Question 5 The theory that states that Scripture is only inspired in matters of religious dogma.
Question 6 Design in the universe reveals a designer.
Question 7 God took the initiative to reveal himself to us.
Question 8 Attempts to determine the original Manuscript of the Text
Question 9 What is the main teaching of Hebrews 1:1­2 about divine revelation?
Question 10 The act whereby God gives us knowledge about himself which could not otherwise know.
Question 11 Our thoughts of God imply the existence of God. Pg. 40
Question 12 Deals with the authorship, sources, dates, and historical matters.
Question 13 The revelation of God has been progressive throughout Scripture.
Question 14 Human nature reveals a personal God
Question 15 According to the text, about what percent of the New Testament is either quotation or allusion to the Old Testament.

Question 1 Nature reveals the existence of God; God is the cause.
Question 2 The Apocrypha makes no claim of divine inspiration.
Question 3 The theory that states that Scripture is only inspired in matters of religious dogma.
Question 4 The act whereby God gives us knowledge about himself which could not otherwise know.
Question 5 An investigation of the facts to determine the credibility of the text.
Question 6 According to the text, what is does "Bibliolatry" mean?
Question 7 Which is not one of the three arguments that are the basis for arguments from revelation mentioned in the reading?
Question 8 The work of the Holy Spirit in helping the believer understand and apply the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures.
Question 9 Though the Apocrypha were included in the original Hebrew canon, they have been left out of most Protestant translations of the Bible.
Question 10 The Apostle Paul calls the writings of Peter “Scripture” in 2 Peter.
Question 11 According to Theology for Today, the two sources that establish an early date of Scripture are:
Question 12 According to the text, about what percent of the New Testament is either quotation or allusion to the Old Testament.
Question 13 Human nature reveals a personal God
Question 14 Our modern­day translations are the Word of God only to the extent that they accurately reflect the original texts, which were produced under the inspiration of God.
Question 15 The science of biblical interpretation

Question 1 The supernatural guidance of the writers of Scripture by the spirit of God whereby they wrote the divine word of God transcribed accurately and reliably.
Question 2 What God revealed and inspired is accurate, reliable, authoritative and without error.
Question 3 Our thoughts of God imply the existence of God. Pg. 40
Question 4 The standard by which the 66 books in the Bible were determined and the basis upon which they were included in Scripture.
Question 5 Which is not one of the three arguments that are the basis for arguments from revelation mentioned in the reading?
Question 6 Though the Apocrypha were included in the original Hebrew canon, they have been left out of most Protestant translations of the Bible.
Question 7 Deals with the authorship, sources, dates, and historical matters.
Question 8 The work of the Holy Spirit in helping the believer understand and apply the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures.
Question 9 According to Theology for Today, the two sources that establish an early date of Scripture are:
Question 10 According to the text, what is does "Bibliolatry" mean?
Question 11 An investigation of the facts to determine the credibility of the text.
Question 12 The revelation of God has been progressive throughout Scripture.
Question 13 Inspiration incorporates the personality of the writer into the final product.
Question 14 The act whereby God gives us knowledge about himself which could not otherwise know.
Question 15 Human nature reveals a personal God

Question 1 The work of the Holy Spirit in helping the believer understand and apply the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures.
Question 2 The revelation of God has been progressive throughout Scripture.
Question 3 What God revealed and inspired is accurate, reliable, authoritative and without error.
Question 4 Deals with the authorship, sources, dates, and historical matters.
Question 5 Design in the universe reveals a designer.
Question 6 The Apocrypha makes no claim of divine inspiration.
Question 7 The Apocryphal books are Old Testament in nature but most were written in Greek.
Question 8 Our modern­day translations are the Word of God only to the extent that they accurately reflect the original texts, which were produced under the inspiration of God.
Question 9 The self­Revelation of God through the Scriptures and finalized in Jesus Christ and relates to God's plan of salvation for man.
Question 10 By saying that the Bible is inerrant, it is meant that the Bible does not contain any error.
Question 11 There are two basic categories of God’s revelation: Natural Revelation and General Revelation.
Question 12 Inspiration incorporates the personality of the writer into the final product.
Question 13 Nature reveals the existence of God; God is the cause.
Question 14 Which is not one of the three arguments that are the basis for arguments from revelation mentioned in the reading?
Question 15 The first books were made from rolled papyrus and were therefore called "rolodex" manuscripts.

There are two basic categories of God’s revelation: Natural Revelation and General Revelation.
According to the text, what is does "Bibliolatry" mean?
What God revealed and inspired is accurate, reliable, authoritative and without error.
Inspiration incorporates the personality of the writer into the final product
An investigation of the facts to determine the credibility of the text
The theory that states that God only inspired some of Scripture, but we do not know which parts
Three basic steps to understanding the Bible are (1) observation, (2) application, and (3) enjoyment
The first books were made from rolled papyrus and were therefore called "rolodex" manuscripts
Reason is the intellectual and moral faculties of man as exercised in the pursuit of truth apart from supernatural aid.
The term "Scripture" comes from the Latin for scriptus which mean "scaffolding".
The Apostle Paul calls the writings of Peter “Scripture” in 2 Peter
The supernatural guidance of the writers of Scripture by the spirit of God whereby they wrote the divine word of God transcribed accurately and reliably
Our thoughts of God imply the existence of God. Pg. 40
What is the main teaching of Hebrews 1:1­2 about divine revelation?
Attempts to determine the original Manuscript of the Text

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University THEO 104 quiz 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1 Jesus claimed to be a man of human origin who cried out "Make straight the way of the LORD!".
Question 2 What would Jews think who heard Christ calling Himself the "Son of Man"?
Question 3 Christ was a single and undivided personality.
Question 4 Faith is a required tool for arranging a systematic theology.
Question 5 This word describes God became flesh and dwelling among us.
Question 6 How did the term "Christian" originate?
Question 7 When referring to Christ the term "Preexistence" means that Christ existed before his physical birth.
Question 8 Who Baptized Jesus?
Question 9 Teaching theology is incomplete without also teaching how it can change someone’s life.
Question 10 Jesus indicates through his teachings that it is impossible to know truth.
Question 11 The Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world.
Question 12 Without _____ there is no Christianity.
Question 13 The study of theology should also include how the truths relate to the issues of life.
Question 14 Jesus Christ is the second member of the trinity, is equal with the father in nature and yet submissive in duty.
Question 15 The use of reason is discouraged in the Bible.

Question 1 Who Baptized Jesus?
Question 2 There are limitations in what humanity can effectively communicate to one another, especially when it comes to describing and defining an infinite God.
Question 3 Jesus claimed to be a man of human origin who cried out "Make straight the way of the LORD!".
Question 4 Faith is a required tool for arranging a systematic theology.
Question 5 Jesus indicates through his teachings that it is impossible to know truth.
Question 6 Jesus did not allow people to worship him.
Question 7 What would Jews think who heard Christ calling Himself the "Son of Man"?
Question 8 The strength of Christianity is found in its buildings and worship services.
Question 9 The Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world.
Question 10 Teaching theology is incomplete without also teaching how it can change someone’s life.
Question 11 The terms theophany and christophany are synonymous.
Question 12 This word describes God became flesh and dwelling among us.
Question 13 Jesus Christ is the second member of the trinity, is equal with the father in nature and yet submissive in duty.
Question 14 The study of theology should also include how the truths relate to the issues of life.
Question 15 The term “only begotten” indicates that God the Father created Jesus.

Question 1 The study of theology should also include how the truths relate to the issues of life.
Question 2 When referring to Christ, the term "eternality" means that he is not limited by time, but has no beginning or end.
Question 3 The terms theophany and christophany are synonymous.
Question 4 Formal education is a required tool for arranging a systematic theology.
Question 5 When referring to Christ the term "Preexistence" means that Christ existed before his physical birth.
Question 6 Everyone is a theologian, because everyone has thoughts about God.
Question 7 The object of one’s faith is more important than the amount of faith the person has.
Question 8 The Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world.
Question 9 Without _____ there is no Christianity.
Question 10 What would Jews think who heard Christ calling Himself the "Son of Man"?
Question 11 What chapter of the New Testament does Dr. Towns suggest contains the most names of Jesus?
Question 12 Jesus claimed to be a man of human origin who cried out "Make straight the way of the LORD!".
Question 13 The fact that Christ allowed people to worship him shows that He thought that he was divine.
Question 14 Jesus claimed to have the ability to forgive sins.
Question 15 Who Baptized Jesus?

Question 1 What chapter of the New Testament does Dr. Towns suggest contains the most names of Jesus?
Question 2 Jesus claimed to have omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence.
Question 3 The object of one’s faith is more important than the amount of faith the person has.
Question 4 The Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world.
Question 5 Everyone is a theologian, because everyone has thoughts about God.
Question 6 The fact that Christ allowed people to worship him shows that He thought that he was divine.
Question 7 How did the term "Christian" originate?
Question 8 Jesus claimed to be a man of human origin who cried out "Make straight the way of the LORD!".
Question 9 “Faith” as spoken of in the Bible only applies to the initial point of salvation and not the entire life of the Christian.
Question 10 Jesus indicates through his teachings that it is impossible to know truth. Selected Answer: False Question 11 Jesus claimed to be one with the father.
Question 12 When was Christianity made Rome's National Religion?
Question 13 When referring to Christ, the term "eternality" means that he is not limited by time, but has no beginning or end.
Question 14 Christ was a single and undivided personality.
Question 15 What year was Jesus born?

Jesus claimed to be a man of human origin who cried out "Make straight the way of the LORD!".
When referring to Christ, the term "eternality" means that he is not limited by time, but has no beginning or end.
This word describes God became flesh and dwelling among us
The use of reason is discouraged in the Bible
Christ was a single and undivided personality
Jesus claimed to have the ability to forgive sins
Who Baptized Jesus?
Jesus Christ is the second member of the trinity, is equal with the father in nature and yet submissive in duty
Without           there is no Christianity
The Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world
There are limitations in what humanity can effectively communicate to one another, especially when it comes to describing and defining an infinite God
Jesus claimed to be one with the father
Formal education is a required tool for arranging a systematic theology
According to Dr. Towns, the only thing that can limit our theology is our own "lack of faith"
When was Christianity made Rome's National Religion?

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 11 solutions answers right

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 11 solutions answers right
How many versions: 7 different versions

Question 1 Who developed the 16PF personality test?
Question 2 Freud’s psychoanalytic theory posits that the preconscious consists of _____.
Question 3 Watson and Skinner believed that
Question 4 In the five­factor model of personality, the extent to which a person is sensitive, warm, and tolerant versus callous, cold, and hostile is captured in which personality factor?
Question 5 In Karen Horney’s theory of personality development, children may develop a deep form of resentment toward their parents. Horney labeled this
Question 6 Psychologist Walter Mischel emphasizes the importance of self­regulatory systems and plans, by which is meant _____.
Question 7 The U.S. Army’s slogan, “Be all that you can be” is most consistent with which concept from personality theory?
Question 8 Which type of learning did Bandura emphasize in his social­cognitive theory?
Question 9 Herschel believes that he will be able to perform the behaviors necessary for him to succeed at college. Bandura used the term ______ to describe Herschel’s beliefs.
Question 10 In applying the concept of building self­esteem in our personal lives, most of the skills valued in our society are
Question 11 Which neo­Freudian raised the idea that men may experience “womb envy”?
Question 12 Hans Eysenck thought that personality differences result from _____.
Question 13 According to Freud, most of the human mind resides in the ______, and primitive sexual and aggressive instincts lie in the ______.
Question 14 The most widely held view in contemporary psychology is that _____.
Question 15 Freud believed that personality consists of _____ structures, and they are called _____.
Question 16 Cathleen takes the 16PF test of personality. This test will measure Cathleen’s _____ traits.
Question 17 A culture in which the sense of self is tied to personal accomplishments s best described as
Question 18 Of the following suggestions for how we can build our self­esteem, which is most likely to have been made by Albert Ellis?
Question 19 The combination of psychological characteristics and behavior patterns that characterize the uniqueness of an individual and the ways in which the individual relates to the world and adapts to environmental demands is called
Question 20 Francis is passive, clingy, and dependent, with a pessimistic outlook on life. In which psychosexual stage might Francis be fixated?

Question 1 In psychoanalytic theory, ______ is to reality principle as ______ is to pleasure principle.
Question 2 Carl Rogers’ theory suggests that self­esteem is a function of how closely we come to matching our self­ideals, which are _____.
Question 3 Which part of the personality might be described as “the great compromiser”?
Question 4 Allport proposed ______ types of traits in the personality, and they are called _____.
Question 5 Abraham Maslow believed all but which of the following?
Question 6 For extra credit in her psychology class, Lucretia just took a 567­item self­report personality inventory administered by a graduate student in training. The graduate student told Lucretia that the test measures 10 clinical scales. Which test did Lucretia take?
Question 7 Stable and enduring personal characteristics are called
Question 8 In psychoanalytic theory, the personality structure that organizes ways to handle delays of gratification and represents “reason and good sense” is the
Question 9 In the five­factor models of personality, which two traits parallel two of Eysenck’s traits?
Question 10 Social­cognitive theorist Mischel’s most recent work focuses on
Question 11 The most widely adopted trait model of personality today is the
Question 12 Regarding self­efficacy, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 13 Shawn is more likely to smoke marijuana in situations where he believes it will make him relaxed than in situations where he feels he will make a fool of himself. Shawn’s ideas about smoking marijuana reflect his
Question 14 Cybill takes a personality test based on Eysenck’s theory and finds that her “type” is extraverted­stable. Which description most likely fits Cybill?
Question 15 Who are the two main contributors to the humanistic perspective?
Question 16 Which of the following has NOT been voiced as a criticism of trait theories?
Question 17 In the humanistic perspective, realization of one’s own potential is known as
Question 18 In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory
Question 19 Regression is
Question 20 A strategy that prevents awareness of unacceptable desires is a ______, and the ______ makes use of such strategies.

Question 1 From Freud’s perspective, a boy resolves his Oedipus complex by
Question 2 In the humanistic perspective, realization of one’s own potential is known as
Question 3 Mahatma Gandhi’s lifelong commitment to non­violent solutions to social problems would likely be considered an example of a(n) ______ trait.
Question 4 In Mischel’s theory, which person variable concerns the ability to plan courses of action to achieve goals and obtain rewards?
Question 5 Ingmar’s boss ridiculed him in front of the whole office. When Ingmar returns home, he yells at his wife and children and kicks his dog. This is an example of
Question 6 Gordon Allport thought that cardinal traits are _____.
Question 7 According to Freud, most of the human mind resides in the ______, and primitive sexual and aggressive instincts lie in the ______.
Question 8 All but which of the following are premises of Adler’s individual psychology?
Question 9 Rorschach developed a famous personality test that uses __________ as stimuli.
Question 10 Watson and Skinner believed that
Question 11 Which of the following students is demonstrating a positive expectancy about schoolwork?
Question 12 In _____, people are presented with a set of ambiguous stimuli that produce responses that must be interpreted by the examiner.
Question 13 Cybill takes a personality test based on Eysenck’s theory and finds that her “type” is extraverted­stable. Which description most likely fits Cybill?
Question 14 The most widely adopted trait model of personality today is the
Question 15 In Freudian theory, the failure to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is called
Question 16 Paul forgets to call his mother­in­law on her birthday. He says it just slipped his mind. In the Freudian view, this type of forgetting may represent the defense mechanism of
Question 17 The psychoanalytic perspective suggests that too much or too little gratification at a psychosexual stage may result in
Question 18 Jacob and his friends like to lie around on summer days, stare up at the clouds, and tell each other what they see in the clouds. Their activity is most like which test of personality?
Question 19 Who developed the 16PF personality test?
Question 20 Raymond Cattell thought that surface traits are _____.

Question 1 Which of the following best describes Bandura’s ideas about the relationship between behavior, cognition, and environment?
Question 2 Emilio’s therapist says that Emilio’s personality is fixated at the earliest stage of development. In layman’s terms, the therapist means that Emilio’s personality is ______ at the earlier stage.
Question 3 In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory
Question 4 When taken to extremes, individualistic values might lead to undesirable consequences, such as _____.
Question 5 Cybill takes a personality test based on Eysenck’s theory and finds that her “type” is extraverted-­stable. Which description most likely fits Cybill?
Question 6 Freud’s psychoanalytic theory posits that the pleasure principle is _____.
Question 7 Rogers used the term ______ to describe acceptance of a person’s basic worth under any circumstance.
Question 8 Frank says, “My conscience is bothering me.” Using Freud’s terminology, Frank is referring to his
Question 9 Which of the following is most likely in Freud’s phallic stage of development?
Question 10 In psychoanalytic theory, the personality structure that organizes ways to handle delays of gratification and represents “reason and good sense” is the
Question 11 Karen Horney’s feminine psychology emphasized the importance of our basic anxiety, which is _____.
Question 12 According to humanists, personality is
Question 13 In social-­cognitive theory, expectancies are
Question 14 The social-­cognitive perspective of personality development is associated with which approach to therapy?
Question 15 An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called
Question 16 Who are the two main contributors to the humanistic perspective?
Question 17 In the five-factor models of personality, which two traits parallel two of Eysenck’s traits?
Question 18 Which part of the personality might be described as “the great compromiser”?
Question 19 In social-l­cognitive theory, all but which of the following play a role in explaining personality?
Question 20 In humanistic theory of Rogers and Maslow, personality is best described as

Question 1 In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory
Question 2 Amy is from a collectivistic culture. Compared to her cousin Andre, who is from an individualistic culture, Amy is MORE likely to value which of the following?
Question 3 According to humanists, personality is
Question 4 The idea of reciprocal determinism was developed by
Question 5 Herschel believes that he will be able to perform the behaviors necessary for him to succeed at college. Bandura used the term ______ to describe Herschel’s beliefs.
Question 6 In personality testing, self­report personality inventories are also known as
Question 7 Which neo­Freudian raised the idea that men may experience “womb envy”?
Question 8 On the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, the number of items scored in the same direction as the diagnostic group are converted into
Question 9 Which type of learning did Bandura emphasize in his social­cognitive theory?
Question 10 Emilio’s therapist says that Emilio’s personality is fixated at the earliest stage of development. In layman’s terms, the therapist means that Emilio’s personality is ______ at the earlier stage.
Question 11 The combination of psychological characteristics and behavior patterns that characterize the uniqueness of an individual and the ways in which the individual relates to the world and adapts to environmental demands is called
Question 12 Emma’s sense of who or what she should be is her
Question 13 In applying the concept of building self­esteem in our personal lives, most of the skills valued in our society are
Question 14 According to the text, Parvati can enhance her self­esteem by doing all but which of the following?
Question 15 Which of the following best describes Bandura’s ideas about the relationship between behavior, cognition, and environment?
Question 16 In humanistic theory of Rogers and Maslow, personality is best described as
Question 17 According to Adler, because of their small size and limited abilities, all children harbor feelings of
Question 18 Which of the following is most likely in Freud’s phallic stage of development?
Question 19 ________ consists of 567 true­false items that produce scores on 10 clinical scales and additional scales measuring other personality dimensions and response tendencies.
Question 20 In Freudian theory, different parts of the body associated with sexual pleasure are referred to as

Question 1 In Freudian theory, the failure to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is called
Question 2 Allport proposed ______ types of traits in the personality, and they are called _____.
Question 3 In _____, people are presented with a set of ambiguous stimuli that produce responses that must be interpreted by the examiner.
Question 4 It is often said of substance abusers that the first step in recovery is admitting they have a problem. In Freudian terms, we might say they need to overcome
Question 5 A(n) ______ culture is one that emphasizes social roles and obligations.
Question 6 Regarding self­efficacy, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 7 Karen Horney’s feminine psychology emphasized the importance of our basic anxiety, which is _____.
Question 8 Herschel believes that he will be able to perform the behaviors necessary for him to succeed at college. Bandura used the term ______ to describe Herschel’s beliefs.
Question 9 Which of the following is most likely in Freud’s latency stage of development?
Question 10 Federico is a perfectionist with a strong need for self­control, order, and cleanliness. Freud would describe Federico as having a(n)
Question 11 Jung believed that similarities among cultures in dream images, art, and religious symbols are an essential part of the
Question 12 Rogers used the term ______ to describe acceptance of a person’s basic worth under any circumstance.
Question 13 A culture in which the sense of self is tied to personal accomplishments s best described as
Question 14 Regarding Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Question 15 An individual’s general belief about his or her ability to obtain reinforcements is referred to as
Question 16 In social­cognitive theory, expectancies are
Question 17 The primary contributors to social­cognitive theory are
Question 18 An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called
Question 19 Which neo­Freudian raised the idea that men may experience “womb envy”?
Question 20 Psychologist Walter Mischel emphasizes the importance of self­regulatory systems and plans, by which is meant _____.

Question 1 Rorschach test is to ______ as Thematic Apperception Test is to ______.
Question 2 From Freud’s perspective, a boy resolves his Oedipus complex by
Question 3 After six­year­old Samantha’s baby brother was born, she started to have temper tantrums the way she had when she was two. This may be a case of
Question 4 In the humanistic perspective, realization of one’s own potential is known as
Question 5 Cybill takes a personality test based on Eysenck’s theory and finds that her “type” is extraverted­stable. Which description most likely fits Cybill?
Question 6 Projective personality tests have been criticized on the basis of each of the following EXCEPT _____.
Question 7 Social­cognitive theorists believe that personality is
Question 8 An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called
Question 9 An individual’s general belief about his or her ability to obtain reinforcements is referred to as
Question 10 In Freudian theory, the level of consciousness that corresponds to our current level of awareness is the
Question 11 Social­cognitive theorist Mischel’s most recent work focuses on
Question 12 Freud’s psychoanalytic theory posits that the superego consists of _____.
Question 13 Who developed the Thematic Apperception Test?
Question 14 Raymond Cattell thought that surface traits are _____.
Question 15 In Freudian theory, the failure to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is called
Question 16 Which part of the personality might be described as “the great compromiser”?
Question 17 According to Allport, secondary traits
Question 18 William has set a series of goals for himself that are practically unachievable, and his self­esteem drops each time he fails to meet one of his goals. William needs to know that _____.
Question 19 The belief that people’s character and mental abilities could be judged by the patterns of bumps on their skull is called
Question 20 In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory

Using an iceberg analogy, the tip of the iceberg is most like which level of consciousness in Freud’s theory?
Darius scores high on psychoticism. In which way is Darius likely to be perceived by others?
Carl Rogers’ theory suggests that self-esteem is a function of how closely we come to matching our self-ideals, which are _____.
Regarding Freud’s view on personality development, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Psychologist Walter Mischel emphasizes the importance of self-regulatory systems and plans, by which is meant _____.
Wanda takes a personality test in which she is required to tell stories in response to a series of ambiguous pictures? Which test is Wanda taking?
A culture in which the sense of self is tied to personal accomplishments s best described as
From a psychoanalytic perspective, someone with a very strong sense of morality might be described as having a very strong
An extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called
According to Freud, most of the human mind resides in the ______, and primitive sexual and aggressive instincts lie in the ______.
Regarding the definition of personality, all but which of the following belong?

Relatively unstable

Psychological characteristics

Behavioral patterns

Accounting for individuality and consistency

Environmental adaptation
Freud developed an approach to personality called  ______ theory.





levels of consciousness
In Freudian theory, the level of consciousness that corresponds to our current level of awareness is the





Using an iceberg analogy, the tip of the iceberg is most like which level of consciousness in Freud's theory?





Id, ego, and superego refer to which component of psychoanalytic theory?

They describe the levels of consciousness.

They are types of defense mechanisms.

They describe the stages of psychosexual development.

They are methods of psychoanalytic therapy.

They describe the structure of personality.
Using the iceberg analogy, which personality structure(s) lies completely below the water?

Superego and ego

Ego and id

Superego and id

Superego only

Id only
From the psychoanalytic perspective, it is possible for a person to unconsciously banish unacceptable wishes, urges, and impulses. This type of motivated forgetting, thought by Freud to be a primary defense mechanism, is called




reaction formation.

According to Freud, the purpose of defense mechanisms is to

satisfy the id.

destroy the id.

prevent threatening thoughts from attaining awareness.

unite the id and superego.

protect the superego from troubling impulses.
After 6-year-old Samantha's baby brother was born, she started to have temper tantrums the way she had when she was two. This may be a case of





Ingmar's boss ridiculed him in front of the whole office. When Ingmar returns home, he yells at his wife and children and kicks his dog. This is an example of


reaction formation.



It is often said of substance abusers that the first step in recovery is admitting they have a problem. In Freudian terms, we might say they need to overcome



reaction formation.


Angela unconsciously despises old people. Yet, she volunteers two days each week at a retirement home. This is a classic case of



reaction formation.


Rapists sometimes defend their actions by saying, “she asked for it.”  This is an example of





Rodina has suffered from substance abuse for many years. She stopped using and now competes in extreme sports. She may be demonstrating





Ruth has conflicting feelings about getting married that she has not allowed to enter her consciousness. On the night before her wedding, Ruth says, “Tomorrow I'm going to my funeral.” Ruth's comment is an example of a(n)




inferiority complex.

Freudian slip.
What is the correct ordering of Freud's psychosexual stages of development?

Anal, oral, latency, phallic, genital

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Oral, anal, latency, phallic, genital

Oral, phallic, anal, latency, genital

Anal, oral, phallic, latency, genital
Jung believed that similarities among cultures in dream images, art, and religious symbols are explained by the

personal unconscious.

collective unconscious.

creative self.

cultural consciousness.

reality principle.
Mahatma Gandhi's lifelong commitment to non-violent solutions to social problems would likely be considered an example of a(n) ______ trait.





In Allport's view, cardinal traits are

the most pervasive characteristics of one's personality.

basic building blocks of personality.

specific preferences.

fluctuating patterns of behavior.

superficial traits inferred from observation.
Allport proposed ______ types of traits in the personality, and they are called _____.

2; internal and external locus of control

5; neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness

3; introversion-extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism

2; surface and source traits

3; cardinal, central, and secondary traits
_____'s model of personality describes personality in terms of three major traits: introversion-extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism.





Cathleen takes the 16PF test of personality. This test will measure Cathleen's _____ traits.





Current research on the “factors” of personality suggests that there are _____ major personality factors that best describe human personality.

thousands of

hundreds of



The construct of   ______represents the belief that behavior involves an interrelationship between personality traits and situational factors.


interactive associationism

reciprocal determinism

self-efficacy expectations

The idea of reciprocal determinism was developed by





Which of the following best describes Bandura's ideas about the relationship between behavior, cognition, and environment?

Cognitions, behaviors, and the environment mutually influence each other.

Cognitions influence behaviors that, in turn, influence the environment.

Behaviors influence cognitions that, in turn, influence the environment.

The environment and cognitions jointly influence behavior.

The environment influences cognitions and behavior.
Who are the two main contributors to the humanistic perspective?

Jung and Adler

Bandura and Rotter

Cattell and Allport

Murray and Rorschach

Maslow and Rogers
According to humanists, personality is

one's consistent manner of behavior.

the interaction between genes and environment.

the expression of conscious experience of directing ourselves towards achieving our own unique potentials.

determined by reinforcement and punishment.

based on a hierarchy of pervasive characteristics.
Roger used the term ______ to describe acceptance of a person's basic worth under any circumstance.

unconditional positive regard



subjective value

conditional positive regard
Generalizing from Roger's ideas about positive regard, which tactic should parents take with their children?

Prize their children regardless of their behavior at any particular time.

Accept all of their children's behavior.

Bestow approval on their children only when they behave properly.

Teach their children to judge their behavior based on whether or not they meet other people's expectations.

Reward their children for appropriate behavior and ignore their inappropriate behavior.
The belief that people's character and mental abilities could be judged by the patterns of bumps on their skull is called





projective testing.
______ are the most widely used method for learning about personality today.

Formal personality tests

Case studies

Observational techniques

Experimental studies

Phrenological studies
A(n) ______ culture is one that emphasizes social roles and obligations.





Jacob and his friends like to lie around on summer days, stare up at the clouds, and tell each other what they see in the clouds. Their activity is most like which test of personality?

The Thematic Apperception Test

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

The Rorschach test

The 16PF

The Eysenck Personality Inventory
Wanda takes a personality test in which she is required to tell stories in response to a series of ambiguous pictures? Which test is Wanda taking?

Rorschach test

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Eysenck Personality Inventory

Thematic Apperception Test


1. The combination of all psychological characteristics and behavior patterns that define an individual and characterize the ways in which that individual relates to the world and adapts to demands constitutes the
a) ego.
b) personality.
c) cognition.
d) superego.
e) temperament.
2. Freud's theory is called psychodynamic theory because it deals with the dynamic struggle that takes place between
a) mothers and sons.
b) good and bad people.
c) fathers and sons.
d) unconscious forces within the mind.
e) parents and children.
3. Freud developed an approach to personality called
a) psychoanalytic theory.
b) trait theory.
c) social-cognitive theory.
d) humanistic theory.
e) levels-of-consciousness theory.
4. You meet a psychologist who explains behavior in terms of defense mechanisms and psychosexual stages. This psychologist represents which view of personality?
a) Trait
b) Social-cognitive
c) Humanist
d) Psychoanalytic
e) Levels-of-consciousness
5. From the famous French neurologist Jean Martin Charcot, Freud got the idea that if hysterical symptoms could be removed by hypnotic suggestion, then they must be
a) the result of trauma.
b) faked.
c) psychological in nature.
d) subject to conscious control.
e) nothing to worry about.
6. Freud's belief that we share with nonhuman animals the goal of survival is demonstrated in his conceptualization of the
a) levels of consciousness.
b) id, ego, and superego.
c) sexual and aggressive instincts.
d) psychosexual stages.
e) Oedipus complex.
7. In Freudian theory, the level of consciousness that corresponds to our current level of awareness is the
a) unconscious.
b) conscious.
c) preconscious.
d) superego.
e) ego.
8. In the iceberg analogy, the tip of the iceberg is most like which level of consciousness in Freud's theory?
a) Preconscious
b) Unconscious
c) Ego
d) Conscious
e) Subconscious
9. According to Freud, most of the human mind resides in the ________, and primitive sexual and aggressive instincts lie in the ________.
a) preconscious; unconscious
b) unconscious; unconscious
c) conscious; preconscious
d) unconscious; preconscious
e) conscious; unconscious
10. According to Freudian theory, when you are asked to recall your phone number, you access your
a) unconscious.
b) preconscious.
c) conscious.
d) superego.
e) defense mechanisms.
11. In psychoanalytic theory, animal drives and instinctual pleasures are thought to be contained in the
a) id.
b) ego.
c) superego.
d) alter ego.
e) preconscious.
12. The terms id, ego, and superego refer to which component of psychoanalytic theory?
a) They describe the levels of consciousness.
b) They are types of defense mechanisms.
c) They describe the stages of psychosexual development.
d) They are methods of psychoanalytic therapy.
e) They describe the structure of personality.
13. Freud might say that someone who was displaying excessive aggression was acting according to his or her
a) id.
b) ego.
c) superego.
d) conscience.
e) reality principle.
14. In psychoanalytic theory, ________ is to reality principle as ________ is to pleasure principle.
a) ego; superego
b) superego; id
c) id; ego
d) superego; ego
e) ego; id
15. In psychoanalytic theory, the personality structure that organizes ways to handle delays of gratification is the
a) ego.
b) id.
c) superego.
d) conscience.
e) unconscious.
16. At the toy store, Tamika's ego was evident when she
a) got upset because she couldn't reach a toy on the upper shelf.
b) cried, "I'm thirsty. I want a drink now!"
c) pointed to a doll and said, "I want that."
d) agreed to wait until her birthday, next week, for the tricycle.
e) threw a temper tantrum because she had to get out of the toy fire engine when it was time to leave.
17. In the iceberg analogy, which personality structure(s) lie(s) completely below the water?
a) Both the superego and the ego
b) Both the ego and the id
c) Both the superego and the id
d) Only the superego
e) Only the id
18. Frank says, "My conscience is bothering me." Using Freud's terminology, we would say that Frank is referring to his
a) superego.
b) ego.
c) id.
d) conscious.
e) unconscious.
19. From a psychoanalytic perspective, someone with a very strong sense of morality might be described as having a very strong
a) id.
b) superego.
c) ego.
d) preconscious.
e) conscious.
20. Which part of the personality might be described as "the great compromiser"?
a) The self-concept
b) The unconscious
c) The superego
d) The ego
e) The id
21. The superego imposes punishment in the form of
a) anxiety.
b) fear or dread.
c) guilt or shame.
d) disappointment.
e) feelings of sadness.
22. According to Freud, the major defense mechanism is
a) denial.
b) rationalization.
c) repression.
d) sublimation.
e) reaction formation.
23. In psychoanalytic terms, motivated forgetting is also known as
a) sublimation.
b) repression.
c) regression.
d) reaction formation.
e) projection.
24. Paul forgets to call his mother-in-law on her birthday. He says it just slipped his mind. In the Freudian view, this type of forgetting may represent the defense mechanism of
a) repression.
b) sublimation.
c) rationalization.
d) reaction formation.
e) displacement.
25. According to Freud, the purpose of defense mechanisms is to
a) satisfy the id.
b) destroy the id.
c) prevent threatening thoughts from attaining awareness.
d) unite the id and superego.
e) protect the superego from troubling impulses.
26. Regression is
a) keeping unacceptable thoughts from awareness.
b) refusing to recognize a threatening thought.
c) the use of self-justifications to explain unacceptable behavior.
d) the return of behavior that is typical of earlier stages of development.
e) channeling unacceptable impulses into acceptable behaviors.
27. After 6-year-old Samantha's baby brother was born, she asked to drink from a bottle, just like baby Simon. This may be a case of
a) repression.
b) regression.
c) projection.
d) displacement.
e) sublimation.
28. Ingmar's boss ridiculed him in front of the whole office. When Ingmar returns home, he yells at his wife and children and kicks his dog. This is an example of
a) projection.
b) reaction formation.
c) regression.
d) displacement.
e) sublimation.
29. Refusing to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is
a) rationalization.
b) regression.
c) projection.
d) denial.
e) reaction formation.
30. It is often said of substance abusers that the first step in recovery is admitting they have a problem. In Freudian terms, we might say they need to overcome
a) projection.
b) denial.
c) reaction formation.
d) rationalization.
e) displacement.
31. The politician who campaigned most vigorously against gay marriage in his state is exposed as being secretly gay. This scenario appears to be in line with which defense mechanism?
a) Regression
b) Displacement
c) Reaction formation
d) Sublimation
e) Projection
32. When his wife asked him why he drinks so much, Joey said, "I don't drink too much. I only drink socially. I happen to be a very social guy and so I'm always around other people." Joey appears to justify his drinking with which defense mechanism?
a) Projection
b) Repression
c) Sublimation
d) Rationalization
e) Reaction formation
33. Attributing one's own impulses or wishes to another is called
a) projection.
b) sublimation.
c) displacement.
d) rationalization.
e) reaction formation.
34. Rapists sometimes defend their actions by saying their victim acted toward them in a sexually provocative manner. This is an example of
a) denial.
b) displacement.
c) sublimation.
d) projection.
e) regression.
35. Unlike other young children, Benny was never bothered by the sight of blood. In fact, it fascinated him. Later, as a teen, he loved gory movies. Now, as an adult, he writes horror-filled books that are best sellers. Benny appears to be demonstrating which defense mechanism?
a) Projection
b) Displacement
c) Rationalization
d) Regression
e) Sublimation
36. Ruth has conflicting feelings about getting married that she has not allowed to enter her consciousness. On the night before her wedding, when her mother asks what time they need to be ready to leave the house, Ruth answers, "The hearse will be here at 9 o'clock." Ruth's comment is an example of a(n)
a) displacement.
b) projection.
c) rationalization.
d) inferiority complex.
e) Freudian slip.
37. Regarding Freud's view on personality development, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a) Freud believed that physical activities connected to basic life functions are essentially sexual in nature.
b) Freud believed that personality is formed through five stages of development.
c) Freud believed that each stage of personality development involves a shift in the focus of erogenous zones.
d) Freud believed that the stages of personality development are related to the ways in which children seek pleasure from sexually sensitive parts of the body.
e) Freud believed that boys develop womb envy and girls develop penis envy.
38. In Freudian theory, different parts of the body associated with sexual pleasure are referred to as
a) erogenous zones.
b) fixations.
c) archetypes.
d) defense mechanisms.
e) levels of consciousness.
39. The psychoanalytic perspective suggests that too much or too little gratification at a psychosexual stage may result in
a) an inferiority complex.
b) repression.
c) reaction formation.
d) fixation.
e) regression.
40. Emilio's therapist says that Emilio's personality is fixated at the earliest stage of development. In lay terms, the therapist means that Emilio's personality is
a) obsessed with the earliest stage.
b) overly sentimental.
c) completely formed by the earliest stage.
d) functioning optimally.
e) stuck at the earliest stage.
41. What is the correct ordering of Freud's psychosexual stages of development?
a) Anal, oral, latency, phallic, genital
b) Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
c) Oral, anal, latency, phallic, genital
d) Oral, phallic, anal, latency, genital
e) Anal, oral, phallic, latency, genital
42. According to Freud, the Oedipus conflict arises during which stage of psychosexual development?
a) Anal
b) Phallic
c) Latency
d) Genital
e) Oral
43. On their first date, which was to see a play at a theater, Angela decided that Alex had an anal-expulsive personality because
a) of how perfectly his tie was knotted.
b) when he opened his wallet to pay for the tickets, she saw that his credit cards were alphabetized.
c) he smelled so clean.
d) he wore mismatched socks.
e) he kept quiet when a woman behind them was making comments during the show.
44. Frederico is a perfectionist with a strong need for self-control, order, and cleanliness. Freud would describe Frederico as having a(n)
a) orally fixated personality.
b) anal-retentive personality.
c) anal-expulsive personality.
d) inferiority complex.
e) drive for superiority.
45. Francis is passive, clingy, and dependent, with a pessimistic outlook on life. In which psychosexual stage might Francis be fixated?
a) Genital
b) Oral
c) Latency
d) Phallic
e) Anal
46. From Freud's perspective, a boy resolves his Oedipus complex by
a) forsaking incestuous desires for his mother and taking on an identification with her.
b) unconsciously blaming his mother for bringing him into the world "ill equipped" to deal with life's problems, and then forgiving her.
c) unconsciously blaming his mother for bringing him into the world "ill equipped" to deal with life's problems, and then identifying with his father.
d) developing the ability to control elimination.
e) forsaking incestuous desires for his mother and identifying with his father.
47. Emmanuel teaches fourth graders. At which stage of psychosexual development can Emmanuel expect the majority of his students to be?
a) Phallic
b) Anal
c) Oral
d) Genital
e) Latency
48. A major contribution of Jung to the psychodynamic approach was his belief in
a) castration anxiety.
b) penis envy.
c) an Electra complex.
d) a collective unconscious.
e) the creative self.
49. Among neo-Freudians, ________ is to analytical psychology as ________ is to individual psychology.
a) Jung; Adler
b) Jung; Horney
c) Adler; Jung
d) Horney; Jung
e) Horney; Adler
50. Which of the following is the best definition of the term archetype?
a) The self-aware part of the personality that organizes goal-seeking efforts
b) A constellation of personality traits characteristic of a particular stage of psychosexual development
c) A relatively enduring personal characteristic
d) A deep-seated form of anxiety associated with feelings of being helpless in a threatening and hostile world
e) A primitive image that reflects ancestral or universal human experiences
51. Jung believed that similarities among cultures in dream images, art, and religious symbols are explained by the
a) personal unconscious.
b) collective unconscious.
c) creative self.
d) cultural consciousness.
e) reality principle.
52. Compared to Freud, Jung placed greater emphasis on all of the following EXCEPT
a) present experience.
b) conscious processes.
c) pursuit of self-directed goals.
d) infantile and childhood experiences.
e) self-awareness.
53. Ali is short, is thin, and has a pock-marked face. He wishes he were as tall as everyone else in his seventh-grade class and that his skin were clear. Nevertheless, with conscious effort, he has managed to become the most popular student in class by cultivating a sense of humor and an easygoing manner. Adler might say that Ali is manifesting which of the following?
a) Basic hostility
b) Basic anxiety
c) Reaction formation
d) A drive for superiority
e) An inferiority complex
54. According to Adler, because of their small size and limited abilities, all children harbor feelings of
a) eroticism.
b) inferiority.
c) hostility.
d) penis envy or castration anxiety.
e) anxiety.
55. Which neo-Freudian raised the idea that men may experience "womb envy"?
a) Charcot
b) Adler
c) Jung
d) Erikson
e) Horney
56. Which neo-Freudian is associated with concepts such as "inferiority complex" and "creative self"?
a) Alfred Adler
b) Erik Erikson
c) Carl Jung
d) Mary Cover Jones
e) Karen Horney
57. In Karen Horney's theory of personality development, children may develop a form of deep resentment toward their parents. Horney labeled this
a) basic anxiety.
b) basic hostility.
c) infantile regression.
d) drive for superiority.
e) parental displacement.
58. The major contribution of Freud and later psychodynamic thinkers is considered to be their focus on the
a) unconscious mind.
b) sexual and aggressive instincts of people.
c) basic hostility that children harbor toward their parents.
d) role of social relationships in the development of personality.
e) feelings of inferiority that all children feel.
59. The greatest limitation of psychodynamic theory, according to the text, is which of the following?
a) An overemphasis on conscious motivation
b) The progression and timing of the psychosexual stages
c) The lack of representativeness of the case studies
d) The difficulty inherent in putting its concepts to a scientific test
e) The belief that all children experience an Oedipus complex
60. Describe the eight defense mechanisms, and give an example of each.
61. Summarize Freud's view of the structure of personality.
62. Describe Freud's psychosexual stages of development, including the approximate ages, erogenous zones, and sources of conflict associated with each.
63. Stable and enduring personal characteristics are called
a) habits.
b) tendencies.
c) traits.
d) types.
e) genes.
64. Which of the following is true about traits?
a) Traits cannot be used to differentiate people.
b) Traits are not measurable.
c) Traits are specific to situations.
d) Traits are changeable characteristics.
e) Traits can be used to predict behavior.
65. Who believed that personality traits are physical entities located in the brain?
a) Allport
b) Freud
c) Adler
d) Jung
e) Eysenck
66. Mahatma Gandhi's commitment to nonviolent solutions to social problems is an example of what kind of trait?
a) Ordinal
b) Central
c) Secondary
d) Cardinal
e) Primary
67. In Allport's view, cardinal traits are
a) the most pervasive characteristics of one's personality.
b) basic building blocks of personality.
c) specific preferences.
d) fluctuating patterns of behavior.
e) superficial traits inferred from observation.
68. Allport proposed ________ types of traits in the personality, and they are called ________.
a) two; internal and external locus of control
b) five; neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness
c) three; introversion-extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism
d) two; surface and source traits
e) three; cardinal, central, and secondary traits
69. Which of the following people is describing a secondary trait in Allport's model?
a) Antwone, who says, "I am a spiritual person, and the only thing important to me is becoming a priest."
b) Bettina, who says, "I like rap music, and I don't like country music."
c) Cuaron, who says, "My friends say that my basic quality is that I am generous."
d) Deva, who says, "I'm a creative person."
e) Evita, who says, "I like playing soccer because I'm a very competitive person in everything I do."
70. According to Allport, secondary traits
a) reflect superficial differences between people.
b) compete with primary traits for dominance.
c) are the most pervasive components of personality.
d) are the basic building blocks of personality.
e) have a widespread influence across many situations.
71. In Cattell's model, characteristics of personality that can be inferred from behavior are called
a) archetypes.
b) source traits.
c) central traits.
d) surface traits.
e) factors.
72. Cathleen takes the 16PF test of personality. This test will measure Cathleen's _______ traits.
a) source
b) surface
c) central
d) primary
e) cardinal
73. Who developed the 16PF personality test?
a) Eysenck
b) Cattell
c) Allport
d) Jung
e) Bandura
74. In a study of the 16PF results of writers, airline pilots, and creative artists, writers scored higher than creative artists and airline pilots on which factors of personality?
a) Outgoing and happy-go-lucky
b) Self-sufficient and conscientious
c) Intelligent and dominant
d) Controlled and emotionally stable
e) Sensitive and imaginative
75. Which theorist's model of personality describes personality in terms of three major traits: introversion-extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism?
a) Cattell
b) Eysenck
c) Allport
d) Freud
e) Jung
76. Evelyn takes a personality test that measures the following personality traits: introversion-extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. Which test has Evelyn taken?
a) The 16PF
b) The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
c) The Rorschach
d) The Thematic Apperception Test
e) The Eysenck Personality Inventory
77. Which of the following people is most likely to be labeled introverted-stable on the Eysenck Personality Inventory?
a) Ira, who makes friends easily and is very laid-back and relaxed
b) Maude, who is shy and anxious
c) Jake, who considers himself a "party animal," is restless, and has volatile mood swings
d) Kwame, who doesn't like to socialize with others and tends to worry a lot
e) Allyson, who likes to be by herself and is calm and even-tempered
78. In Eysenck's model, stable is to neurotic as
a) introvert is to extravert.
b) outgoing is to unsociable.
c) restless is to calm.
d) even-tempered is to emotional.
e) extravert is to psychotic.
79. Darius scores high on psychoticism. In which way is Darius likely to be perceived by others?
a) Warm and concerned about others
b) Tense, anxious, and moody
c) Solitary, reserved, and unsociable
d) Relaxed, calm, and even-tempered
e) Antisocial, hostile, and insensitive
80. Which of the following statements is true about Eysenck's model of personality?
a) According to Eysenck, there are three basic personality types.
b) Eysenck's trait model is more complicated than Cattell's.
c) Eysenck developed a personality inventory called the 16PF.
d) Eysenck believed that introverts inherit a nervous system that operates at a lower level of arousal than that of extraverts.
e) Eysenck believed that biological differences are responsible for variations in personality traits.
81. Cybill takes the Eysenck Personality Inventory and finds that her "type" is extraverted-stable. Which description most likely fits Cybill?
a) Reliable, even-tempered, and calm
b) Passive, careful, and thoughtful
c) Moody, anxious, and rigid
d) Impulsive, optimistic, and active
e) Lively, carefree, and sociable
82. In research reported in the text, a group of mountain climbers scored which pattern on the EPI?
a) High extraversion, high neuroticism
b) High psychoticism, low extraversion, high neuroticism
c) Low extraversion, low neuroticism
d) High extraversion, low neuroticism
e) Low extraversion, high neuroticism
83. The most widely adopted trait model of personality today is the
a) self-actualization model.
b) Cattell sixteen-trait model.
c) Allport hierarchical model.
d) five-factor model.
e) Eysenck three-trait model.
84. Dr. Provost lectures to her psychology class on the "Big Five." What is the topic of Provost's lecture?
a) Freud's five psychosexual stages of personality development
b) The five levels of Maslow's hierarchy
c) The five pioneers of personality theory
d) Five ways of measuring personality
e) The five-factor model of personality
85. In the five-factor model of personality, which two traits parallel two of Eysenck's traits?
a) Neuroticism and psychoticism
b) Psychoticism and introversion
c) Psychoticism and extraversion
d) Extraversion and neuroticism
e) Extraversion and introversion
86. In order to remember the "Big Five" for a psychology test, Marianne took the first letter in each of the five factors and combined them to make which acronym?
87. Current research on the "factors" of personality suggests that there are how many major personality factors that best describe human personality?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
e) Sixteen
88. Sasha is a thrill-seeking risk-taker. He travels all over the world searching for unique adventures. On that basis alone, Eysenck would probably surmise that Sasha is
a) introverted.
b) extraverted.
c) psychotic.
d) neurotic.
e) stable
89. Tifara takes a personality test measuring the "Big Five" factors of personality. Results from one of the test's subscales suggest that Tifara is conforming, practical, and conventional. Which factor is being measured with this subscale?
a) Openness
b) Neuroticism
c) Conscientiousness
d) Agreeableness
e) Extraversion
90. In the five-factor model of personality, the extent to which a person is sensitive, warm, and tolerant versus callous, cold, and hostile is captured in which personality factor?
a) Extraversion
b) Neuroticism
c) Openness
d) Conscientiousness
e) Agreeableness
91. Which of the following statements is true about the relationship between personality traits and psychological outcomes?
a) Conscientiousness is linked to a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
b) Among college students, neuroticism is linked to higher grades.
c) Extraversion is associated with lower levels of relationship satisfaction.
d) Agreeableness is linked to aggressive driving.
e) Neuroticism is associated with lower levels of test anxiety among college students.
92. A gene that regulates the neurotransmitter dopamine has been linked to which personality trait?
a) Novelty-seeking
b) Aggression
c) Introversion
d) Conscientiousness
e) Neuroticism
93. The belief that behavior reflects both the ways in which situations affect people's traits and the ways in which people's traits affect situations is called
a) eclecticism.
b) phrenology.
c) locus of control.
d) reciprocal determinism.
e) interactionism.
94. Regarding the trait perspective on personality, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a) Recent research suggests that personality differences can be measured in animals other than humans.
b) Research supports the conclusion that personality factors tend to be relatively stable over time.
c) As people age, they tend to experience increasing levels of conscientiousness and agreeableness.
d) Personality tends to be fixed by the time people reach early adulthood.
e) People act differently in different situations, but they also have typical ways of acting that cut across situations.
95. According to the text, the MAJOR criticism of trait theories is that they
a) merely label rather than explaining personality.
b) assume behavior is relatively stable.
c) cannot be measured by psychological inventories.
d) ignore situational influences.
e) fail to capture the uniqueness of individuals.
96. Summarize four trait perspectives on personality.
97. Watson and Skinner believed that
a) unconscious forces have a major influence on personality.
b) all behavior is learned through either classical or operant conditioning.
c) the environment plays little role in influencing personality.
d) trait theories are the best description of personality.
e) personality consists of the individual's behavior and ways of thinking about the self and the world.
98. An extension of behaviorism that includes internal mental processes and the influences of other people on personality is called
a) social-cognitive theory.
b) cognitive dissonance theory.
c) humanistic theory.
d) psychodynamic theory.
e) expectancy theory.
99. Dr. Sloan, a behaviorist, was invited to give a lecture at a psychologists' convention. He would be sharing the podium with four social-cognitive theorists who would likewise be presenting a lecture. Below is the list of scheduled lectures for the evening. Which of the topics is most likely to be Dr. Sloan's lecture?
a) How personality is shaped by the ways in which a person thinks about himself
b) How expectancies that a person holds about the outcomes of his behavior influences the personality
c) How the value a person places on rewards can determine future behavior
d) How to predict a person's behavior based solely on his history of rewards and punishments
e) How much learning occurs through imitation of others in social situations
100. Social-cognitive theorists believe that personality consists of learned behavior and
a) nothing else.
b) free choices that give meaning and personal direction to behavior.
c) the ways that individuals think about themselves and the world.
d) the drive to achieve one's full potential.
e) unconscious impulses.
101. The primary contributors to social-cognitive theory are
a) Bandura, Rotter, and Mischel.
b) Skinner, Watson, and Pavlov.
c) Jung, Adler, and Horney.
d) Allport, Eysenck, and Cattell.
e) Maslow, Rogers, and Murray.
102. In social-cognitive theory, expectancies are
a) stable patterns of behavior across time and situations.
b) a defense mechanism in which one's expectations keep one from recognizing one's true motives.
c) personal predictions about the outcome of behavior.
d) how other people predict one's own behavior.
e) values placed on desired outcomes.
103. Which of the following students is demonstrating a positive expectancy about schoolwork?
a) Aston, who believes that studying will improve his chances of getting a good grade
b) Beth, who believes that studying will have no influence on her chances of getting a good grade
c) Chad, who places a high value on earning good grades
d) Deanna, who doesn't care much whether or not she earns good grades
e) Ernest, who expects he will earn good grades even if he does not do any schoolwork
104. In Rotter's theory, a subjective value is
a) a measure of the importance of a trait.
b) the worth placed on a desired outcome.
c) other people's evaluation of one's personality.
d) one's own evaluation of one's personality.
e) the likelihood that a person will perform a behavior that she or he sets out to accomplish.
105. Which psychological instrument did Rotter develop?
a) 16PF
b) Thematic Apperception Test
c) Expectancy-Value Matrix
d) Internal-External Scale
e) Self-Efficacy Scale
106. An individual's general belief about his or her ability to obtain reinforcements is referred to as
a) subjective value.
b) objective value.
c) locus of control.
d) reciprocal determinism.
e) self-efficacy.
107. Sylvia has an internal locus of control, whereas Debbie has an external locus of control. Compared to Debbie, Sylvia is more likely to
a) continue eating high-fat, non-nutritious food.
b) do poorly in school because she does not study.
c) put her trust in fate and drive without a seatbelt.
d) adapt an exercise regimen in an effort to become healthier.
e) use a "lucky" pen when she takes her final exams.
108. The idea of reciprocal determinism was developed by
a) Bandura.
b) Rotter.
c) Skinner.
d) Cattell.
e) Mischel.
109. Reciprocal determinism refers to the idea that
a) perceptions of control and predictability determine how well a person copes.
b) people are influenced by the belief that they can obtain reinforcements through work and effort.
c) behavior is influenced by both person variables and situational variables.
d) cognitions, behaviors, and environmental factors influence each other.
e) the value of a behavior is tied to the desired outcome of that behavior.
110. Which of the following best describes Bandura's ideas about the relationship among behavior, cognition, and environment?
a) Cognitions, behaviors, and the environment mutually influence each other.
b) Cognitions influence behaviors, which, in turn, influence the environment.
c) Behaviors influence cognitions, which, in turn, influence the environment.
d) The environment and cognitions jointly influence behavior.
e) The environment influences cognitions and behavior.
111. Which type of learning did Bandura emphasize in his social-cognitive theory?
a) Operant conditioning
b) Classical conditioning
c) Latent learning
d) Observational learning
e) Insight learning
112. Shawn is more likely to smoke marijuana in situations where he believes it will make him relaxed than in situations where he feels he will make a fool of himself. Shawn's ideas about smoking marijuana reflect his
a) efficacy expectations.
b) locus of control.
c) self-esteem.
d) individualism.
e) outcome expectations.
113. Herschel believes that he will be able to perform the behaviors necessary for him to succeed at obtaining his bachelor's degree. Albert Bandura would categorize Herschel's beliefs as
a) locus of control.
b) outcome expectations.
c) efficacy expectations.
d) reciprocal determinism.
e) positive regard.
114. Self-efficacy can handicap performance when it leads to
a) an expectancy of failure.
b) lowered subjective values.
c) an external locus of control.
d) an internal locus of control.
e) overconfidence.
115. The modeling aspect of Bandura's social-cognitive theory was put into practice in Mexico and Tanzania to persuade people to follow the lead of models demonstrating which respective behaviors?
a) Being polite and voting
b) Literacy and safe sex
c) Recycling and being polite
d) Safe sex and recycling
e) Voting and literacy
116. Which social-cognitive theorist argues that behavior is influenced by situation variables and person variables?
a) Walter Mischel
b) Carl Jung
c) Abraham Maslow
d) Carl Rogers
e) Alfred Adler
117. In Mischel's theory, which person variable involves the ability to plan courses of action to achieve goals and obtain rewards?
a) Subjective values
b) Self-regulatory systems and plans
c) Expectancies
d) Competencies
e) Encoding strategies
118. Social-cognitive theorist Mischel's most recent work focuses on the
a) influence of childhood positive regard on adult development.
b) role of locus of control in academic success.
c) influence of outcome expectancies on efficacy expectations.
d) interaction of emotions and situation variables.
e) interaction of emotions and person variables.
119. According to the text, the most important contribution of the social-cognitive perspective has been
a) cognitive-behavioral therapy.
b) the development of psychological tests such as the Internal-External Scale.
c) the idea that unconscious influences and genetically based traits can explain much of human behavior.
d) concepts such as locus of control and self-efficacy.
e) the notion that people are active seekers and interpreters of information, not just responders to environmental influences.
120. Learning theory is to behavior therapy as social-cognitive theory is to
a) cognitive therapy.
b) client-centered therapy
c) psychodynamic therapy
d) behavior therapy
e) cognitive-behavioral therapy
121. Summarize three social-cognitive personality theories.
122. Who are the two main contributors to the humanistic perspective?
a) Jung and Adler
b) Bandura and Rotter
c) Cattell and Allport
d) Murray and Rorschach
e) Maslow and Rogers
123. In the humanistic perspective, realization of one's own potential is known as
a) reciprocal determinism.
b) locus of control.
c) self-efficacy.
d) self-actualization.
e) positive regard.
124. The U.S. Army's slogan "Be all that you can be" is most consistent with which concept from personality theory?
a) Self-actualization
b) Locus of control
c) Projection
d) Sublimation
e) Openness
125. According to humanistic psychologists, personality is
a) one's consistent manner of behavior.
b) the interaction between genes and environment.
c) the conscious direction of one's self toward achieving his or her own unique potential.
d) determined by reinforcement and punishment.
e) based on a hierarchy of pervasive characteristics.
126. In comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and thought processes, humanistic theory is
a) more positive and includes the idea of free will.
b) more negative but includes the idea of free will.
c) more positive but discounts the idea of free will.
d) more negative and discounts the idea of free will.
e) neutral and unconcerned with issues of free will.
127. The impressions you have of yourself are your ________, whereas the degree of liking you have for yourself is your ________.
a) self-theory; self-esteem
b) self-awareness; self-esteem
c) self-awareness; self-efficacy
d) self-concept; self-esteem
e) self-concept; self-evaluation
128. Sonia showed her daughter CONDITIONAL positive regard when she said,
a) "If you don't feel like going to dance class, you can skip it today."
b) "If you hurry up, we can get to the movie before it starts."
c) "If you share the doll with your sister, mommy will love you."
d) "If you don't like this book, choose another one for mommy to read to you."
e) "If you ride the tricycle without looking where you're going, you might crash and get hurt."
129. Which term did Rogers use to describe acceptance of a person's basic worth under any circumstance?
a) Unconditional positive regard
b) Self-actualization
c) Self-esteem
d) Subjective value
e) Conditional positive regard
130. Generalizing from Rogers's ideas about positive regard, which tactic should parents take with their children?
a) Prize their children regardless of their behavior at any particular time.
b) Accept all of their children's behavior.
c) Bestow approval on their children only when they behave properly.
d) Teach their children to judge their behavior on the basis of whether or not they meet other people's expectations.
e) Reward their children for appropriate behavior and ignore their inappropriate behavior.
131. A group of friends take a test examining self-concept. Other factors being equal, which person is likely to have the highest self-esteem?
a) Dennis, who has a strong discrepancy between his present self and his ideal self
b) Bernadette, who has a moderate discrepancy between her present self and her ideal self
c) Michelle, who has a small discrepancy between her present self and her ideal self
d) Eric, whose present self-description is the opposite of his ideal self-description
e) It's not possible to tell, because perceptions of present self and ideal self are unrelated to self-esteem.
132. Comparing self-esteem among young African Americans with that among young White Americans, which of the following has been found?
a) On average, White Americans have higher levels of self-esteem than African Americans.
b) On average, White American children and adolescents have higher self-esteem than African American children and adolescents, but African American adults have higher self-esteem than White American adults.
c) On average, African American children and adolescents have higher self-esteem than White American children and adolescents, but White American adults have higher self-esteem than African American adults.
d) On average, African Americans have higher levels of self-esteem than White Americans.
e) On average, African Americans and White Americans do not differ in their level of self-esteem.
133. Emma's sense of who or what she should be is her
a) self-ideal.
b) self-concept.
c) self-regard.
d) self-esteem.
e) self-efficacy.
134. Which of the following statements about bestowing unconditional positive regard on children is true?
a) Unconditional positive regard is to be meted out only when children's behavior suits or pleases the parents.
b) Parents should make it clear that the behavior can be bad even when the child is good.
c) Parents need to accept every aspect of their children's behavior.
d) Unconditional positive regard lets children judge themselves according to their parents' expectations.
e) Parents need to turn a blind eye toward bad behavior.
135. Abraham Maslow believed which of the following?
a) That the drive toward self-actualization shapes the personality
b) That the human drive toward self-actualization is learned
c) That most people are not interested in becoming self-actualized
d) That the majority of humans become fully self-actualized by the time they reach old age
e) That very few people are really capable of self-actualization
136. From a scientific perspective, which positive aspect of humanistic theory is also its greatest weakness?
a) Its emphasis on free will
b) Its development of client-centered therapy
c) Its emphasis on self-fulfillment
d) Its focus on self-esteem issues
e) Its focus on conscious experience
137. As an introductory exercise in their Social Influences course, college students are asked to share the answer they provided to the statement, "I am ..." Which student is most likely to be from a collectivistic culture?
a) Helen, who says, "I am Asian American."
b) Paul, who says, "I am a computer science major."
c) Justin, who says, "I am a creative person."
d) Leah, who says, "I am a woman."
e) Nolan, who says, "I am a tennis player."
138. Which of the following countries would be classified as collectivistic?
a) England
b) France
c) Canada
d) The United States
e) Japan
139. Andre is from a collectivistic culture. Compared to his cousin Amy, who is from an individualistic culture, Andre is more likely to value which of the following?
a) His personal accomplishments
b) His elders
c) His material possessions
d) His individual goals
e) His self-sufficiency
140. Which of the following statements regarding culture is true?
a) Most of the world's population lives in individualistic cultures.
b) Differences in cultural values affect how people define and attain status.
c) Extremes of individualism can have undesirable outcomes, but extremes of collectivism generally yield positive outcomes.
d) One aspect of individualism is placing value on meeting social obligations, such as returning money found on the street.
e) A person's mind is only able to operate either on an individualistic basis or on a collectivist basis, regardless of circumstances.
141. A culture that emphasizes social roles and obligations is termed
a) archetypal.
b) self-actualized.
c) individualistic.
d) obligatory.
e) collectivistic.
142. Discuss the principles of the humanistic approach to personality.
143. ________ reflects the belief that people's character and mental abilities can be judged by the patterns of bumps on their skull is called
a) Psychometrics
b) Psychophysics
c) Phrenology
d) Psychokinesis
e) Phrenoscopy
144. Who was known as the leading proponent of phrenology?
a) Henry Murray
b) Gordon Allport
c) Sigmund Freud
d) Charles Darwin
e) Franz Joseph Gall
145. The most widely used method for learning about personality today utilizes
a) formal personality tests.
b) case studies.
c) observational techniques.
d) experimental studies.
e) phrenological studies.
146. In personality testing, self-report personality inventories are also known as
a) predictive tests.
b) subjective tests.
c) projective tests.
d) intelligence tests.
e) objective tests.
147. Which of the following statements is NOT true of objective personality tests?
a) They use truly objective measures of personality.
b) They can be scored objectively because the response options are limited.
c) They rely on people's opinions and judgments.
d) They are derived from evidence gathered in research studies.
e) They are used to measure both single and multiple dimensions of personality.
148. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory was designed to
a) measure intelligence.
b) help clinicians diagnose mental disorders.
c) determine appropriate placements for military personnel.
d) supplement the 16PF.
e) measure a single dimension of personality.
149. For extra credit in her psychology class, Lucretia just took a 567-item self-report personality inventory administered by a graduate student in training. The graduate student told Lucretia that the test is the most widely used self-report personality test in the world. Which test did Lucretia take?
a) MMPI-2
b) Rorschach
c) TAT
e) Internal-External Scale
150. An item such as "People have noticed that my speech is sometimes pressured or rushed" is likely to appear on which subscale of the MMPI-2?
a) Depression
b) Social Introversion
c) Hypomania
d) Hysteria
e) Paranoia
151. Which of the following is true about the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory?
a) It can be used by itself to make a diagnosis.
b) It compares scores to those of diagnostic groups.
c) It has a multiple-choice format.
d) Scores of 50 or higher on a scale are considered clinically elevated or abnormally high.
e) It is relatively expensive to administer.
152. Callie's therapist gives her a projective test. In her testing, Callie will be expected to respond to
a) large numbers of multiple-choice questions.
b) large numbers of true-false questions.
c) ambiguous or unstructured stimuli.
d) large numbers of rating scales.
e) clear stimuli.
153. The use of projective tests in measuring personality is most consistent with which perspective on personality?
a) Humanist
b) Psychodynamic
c) Behaviorist
d) Social-cognitive
e) Trait
154. Rorschach developed a famous personality test that uses what kind of stimuli?
a) Inkblots
b) Geometric patterns
c) Ambiguous photographs
d) Stick figures
e) Artwork
155. Jacob and his friends like to lie around on summer days, stare up at the clouds, and tell each other what they see in the clouds. Their activity is most like which test of personality?
a) The Thematic Apperception Test
b) The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
c) The Rorschach Test
d) The Internal-External Scale
e) The Eysenck Personality Inventory
156. Rorschach Test is to ________ as Thematic Apperception Test is to ________.
a) ambiguous; clear
b) ambiguous; unambiguous
c) pictures; objective statements
d) inkblots; objective statements
e) inkblots; pictures
157. Who developed the Thematic Apperception Test?
a) Hermann Rorschach
b) Carl Jung
c) Sigmund Freud
d) Henry Murray
e) Karen Horney
158. Wanda takes a personality test in which she is required to tell stories in response to a series of ambiguous pictures. Which test is Wanda taking?
a) Rorschach Test
b) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
c) Eysenck Personality Inventory
d) Thematic Apperception Test
e) Internal-External Scale
159. Which of the following statements is true about the Rorschach Test?
a) It is easy to score.
b) There are 20 inkblots.
c) The inkblots are all black-and-white.
d) It has questionable reliability and validity.
e) It is based on Gestalt theory.
160. Who introduced a comprehensive scoring system for the Rorschach Test?
a) John Exner
b) Hermann Rorschach
c) Henry Murray
d) Franz Joseph Gall
e) Hitomi Sasaki
161. What is meant by stimulus pull?
a) Items on self-report personality inventories have socially desirable answers.
b) Certain items on self-report inventories are more likely to be answered according to their social desirability.
c) Projective test items contain cues that elicit certain answers.
d) The projective test material is so attractive that subjects are eager to participate.
e) Items on projective tests clearly designate the correct answer.
162. Discuss the two major categories of personality tests.
163. Social-cognitive theorists believe that our self-esteem is related to
a) skills and competencies we have to meet challenges.
b) our physical appearance.
c) our marital status.
d) our familial birth order.
e) our inherited dispositions.
164. Kirstin has low self-esteem. In order to raise it, she should do which of the following?
a) Choose to excel in tasks that are unfamiliar.
b) Try to develop a unique skill that cannot be achieved by most people.
c) Aspire to perfection in whatever she does.
d) Aim to go beyond her capabilities.
e) Cultivate goals that are consistent with her strengths and take into account her weaknesses.
165. Of the following suggestions for building self-esteem, which is most likely to have been made by Albert Ellis?
a) Create a sense of meaningfulness in your life.
b) Acquire competencies.
c) Set realistic, achievable goals.
d) Enhance self-efficacy expectations.
e) Challenge the need for constant approval.
166. Most of the skills valued in our society are
a) irrelevant to the concept of self-esteem.
b) capable of being achieved by most people.
c) out of the reach of all but the most talented.
d) not clearly defined.
e) academic and athletic.

167. Define self-esteem, and list six recommendations for building self-esteem.