Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 Study Guide 8 solutions answers right

Textbook Readings:

Towns: ch. 13


1.   According to the author, what is one of the best arguments that heaven is real?
2.   How many heavens does Paul talk about?
3.   What is the first heaven?
4.   What is the second heaven?
5.   What is the third heaven?
6.   Does the author agree with the notion that Heaven is nothing more than a state of bliss?
7.   Is there day and night in heaven?
8.   Is there death in heaven?
9.   What are 9 of the inexhaustible blessings of Heaven?
10. Why did God give His children assurance that they would go to live with Him after they die?

Etzel & Gutierrez: chs. 36–40, Conclusion

1.   What 4 things do we learn from the ascension of Christ?
2.   What is Jesus’ primary ministry now?
3.   How many books of the New Testament mention the second coming of Christ?
4.   Will Christs second coming be a physical return or a spiritual return?
5.   What did Jesus teach about heaven?
6.   What are the 3 important things to remember about heaven?

Online Excerpts:

The Nature of Prophecy

1.   What are 6 of the dangers to watch out for when studying prophesy?
2.   What is the amillennial view of the kingdom?
3.   Does the amillenial view believe that the Old Testament predictions of the kingdom were fulfilled in a literal way?
4.   Does the amillenial view interpret prophetic Scriptures more figuratively or literally?
5.   Does the amillennial view recognize a distinction between Israel and the church?
6.   What was the most popular view of the kingdom at the turn of the 20th century?
7.   What does the postmillennial view believe?
8.   What is the premillennial view?
9.   When did the premillennial view become popular?
10. What is literal interpretation?
11. Why is contextual interpretation important?
12. What is double fulfillment?

The Rapture

1.   What happens at the rapture?
2.   Who are the only 2 people who have entered heaven in a similar way to the rapture?
3.   What does the word rapture mean?
4.   Where does the word rapture come from? Is it in the Bible?
5.   Does the author see the rapture and the second coming of Christ as the same event?
6.   Those who say the rapture will occur in the middle of the Tribulation say that it will happen after what event?
7.   What in Daniel helps to bring light on the timing of the rapture?
8.   Does the pretribulational view see a distinction between Israel and the church?
9.   What does immanency mean? The Signs of the Times”
1.   What 2 religious groups have predicted Christs coming incorrectly?
2.   Where do some commentators believe that Jesus was chronologically outlining the characteristics of this present age?
3.   Where do some commentators believe that Jesus was outlining the future events of the church age?
4.   What things did Ezekiel prophesy would happen with Israel? What has come to pass?
What has not yet come to pass?
5.   What are some of the implied Signs of the Times? The Judgments”
1.   What are the 5 crowns that are listed to describe the rewards in scripture? Explain.
2.   What happens at the Great White Throne Judgment?
3.   What is the Separation of the Sheep and Goats Judgment? Hell: The Eternal Abode of the Unsaved”
1.   Is there any difference between hell and the Lake of Fire?
2.   What is the common word for hell in the Old Testament?
3.   What does sheol mean?
4.   What is the Hebrew word sheol translated into Greek as?
5.   What are 6 characteristics of Hades shown in the story of the rich man and Lazarus?
6.   What is the second death?

7.   Who did God design hell for?

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