Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Liberty University APOL 104 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right

Liberty University APOL 104 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right
Contemporary Worldviews DB 2 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
Plagiarism Free

After reading "The Gospel Message" article in the Module/Week 4 Reading & Study folder, answer the following questions (250–500 words). These questions must be answered in separate paragraphs.
1.       What are some ways the Christian gospel is perceived in our culture?
2.       What are some specific moral reasons people may reject the Christian gospel?
3.       What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the Christian gospel?
4.       What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the Christian gospel?
5.       What can Christians do to address these objections and better communicate the Christian gospel?
Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.

Use critical thinking to review your classmates' threads and reply to at least 2 of them.
1.       Title the subject line of the replies "Reply to John Smith," "Reply to Jane Doe," etc. so that it will be clear to whom you are responding.
2.       Your replies must include:
·         2 positive comments or observations about the thread.
·         2 suggestions or thoughts that you would add to their thread.
·         Each reply must be 150–300 words.

Note that "I like what you said," "That's a good comment," and "I disagree with your comment" in and of themselves do not count as complete replies.

Submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.

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