Friday, July 14, 2017

Liberty University THEO 104 Study Guide Module Week 5 solutions answers right

Textbook Readings:

Towns: chs. 3, 5


Chapter 3
1.   According to the author, Christs death was                 .
2.   Where was Jesus crucified?
3.   What day does the author believe Jesus was crucified?
4.   What were the 2 accusations made against Jesus?
5.   What 2 men asked to bury Jesus’ body?
6.   What did the blood and water that Jesus shed show?
7.   What is a substitutionary death?
8.   What is a redemptive death?
9.   What does propitiation mean?

Chapter 5
1.   According to the Bible, what is conversion?
2.   What are the 3 parts of a conversion experience?
3.   T/F: One can be saved by a choice alone.
4.   T/F: Feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.
5.   T/F: The terms regeneration” and born again” have the same meaning.
6.   T/F: Conversion is what God does in a sinner’s life. Etzel & Gutierrez: chs. 21–25
1.   Where in the Bible can the idea of regeneration be found?
2.   What 2 components could be viewed as salvation from the perspective of the individual?
3.   What does it mean to be justified?
4.   How does Grudem define justification?
5.   Understand the 3 aspects of sanctification.
6.   Why is mankind in opposition to God?
7.   T/F: Repentance and feeling sorry are basically the same thing.
8.   God provides us with the faith to do what?

Online Excerpts:

Election and Salvation: pp. 426–434

1.   What are the 5 points of Calvinism?
2.   What does total depravity mean?
3.   What is unconditional election?
4.   What is limited atonement?
5.   What is irresistible grace?
6.   What does the author give as an alternative to perseverance of the saints?

What is Conversion?: pp. 287–298

1.   What is regeneration?
2.   What are the results of regeneration?
3.   The term anothen, translated born again,” can also be translated as what?
4.   T/F: Adam died physically within days of eating the fruit in the Garden.
5.   T/F: As a result of Adams sin, everyone is born into the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.
6.   T/F: When a person receives Jesus Christ, he becomes a new creation and the sin nature is eliminated.
7.   What are the 3 steps that theRomans Road” teaches one must know to be saved?
8.   How is sin like a marathon runner who misses beating a record by 3 seconds?
9.   What part does baptism play in the salvation process? The Weakness of Arminianism: pp. 434–440
1.   Who originated the theological system of Arminianism?
2.   Describe the major tenants of the Arminian view.
3.   What does Arminianism tend to limit its definition of sin to?
4.   Do Arminians believe in eternal security as Baptists do? Hells Best Kept Secret (audio clip)
1.   What percentage of converts did the lecturer say he found were falling away from the faith?
2.   What was the lecturer’s point with his illustration about the 2 men on a plane?
3.   What was the lecturer’s point concerning Groaninzins disease?
4.   Why does the lecturer suggest that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual?
5.   According to the lecture, what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley, and
Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?

6.   What does the lecturer suggest NOT to preach in the gospel message?

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