Sunday, July 16, 2017

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 6 solutions answers right

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 6 solutions answers right
How many versions: 5 different versions

Question 1 Licensure is:
Question 2 One of the critical questions to ask when assessing a potential team member are:
Question 3 The National Labor Relations Board provides guidance for HR in addressing:
Question 4 "Benefits" include all of the following except:
Question 5 Leadership Development Programs in HSOs:
Question 6 Board certification is:
Question 7 The perspective that HSO employees should be viewed as a strategic asset means:
Question 8 Staff shortages can lead to:
Question 9 Eisenhardt, Kahwajy & Bourgeois (1997) found that teams with minimal interpersonal conflict:
Question 10 Costs of teamwork include:
Question 11 Which of the following indicates the need for more health care workers in the future?
Question 12 One of the ways to engage medical staff is to:
Question 13 Residency Training lasts from ___to ___, depending on the specialty.
Question 14 LPNs/LVNs
Question 15 Tame problems can be ______; wicked problems are _______.
Question 16 A team is:
Question 17 Not all HR functions are carried out exclusively by HR staff. Which of the following would be carried out by line managers?
Question 18 A 360­degree performance appraisal is helpful because it:
Question 19 Teamwork is taught in:
Question 20 Position descriptions are necessary to:
Question 21 Crew resource management is:
Question 22 Recent information from the literature concerning employee perceptions suggests that:
Question 23 Flexible benefits are helpful to employees because:
Question 24 Some of the benefits of effective healthcare team are:
Question 25 Employee Assistance Programs address:
Question 26 To convince higher level management that teamwork is worth the effort, one should point to:
Question 27 All of the following are examples of Conflict of Interest EXCEPT:
Question 28 Incentive compensation is believed to have what effect on employee performance?
Question 29 IMGs
Question 30 Major federal law affecting human resources primarily addresses:

Virtual teams are being used for:
A. Telemedicine
B. Telecommuting
C. Most patient care

D. A & B
E. None of the above

Some of the benefits of effective healthcare team are:
A. Improved coordination of care.
B. More efficient use of health care services.
C. Increased job satisfaction among team members.
D. Higher patient satisfaction.
E. All of the above.

Crew resource management is:
A. The application of airline industry training to the hospital.
B. A new way to assess team mates.
C. An unproven model of teamwork.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

Nursing turnover costs are about:
A. $65,000 per lost nurse.
B. $2,000 per lost nurse.
C. $100 per lost nurse.
D. Nothing per lost nurse, they are a dime a dozen.
E. None of the above.

One of the critical questions to ask when assessing a potential team member are:
Does she bring good snacks to the meetings?
B. Have the knowledge, skills, and disposition to do the job at hand?
C. Do you know her?
D. Does your boss know her boss?
E. All of the above

A wicked problem has which of the following features?
A. No stopping rules
B. No test of a solution
C. Is a symptom of another problem(s)
D. All of the above
E. None of the abov

Frequent, positive organizational communication can:
A. Increase team trust
B. Empower employees
C. Improve job satisfaction
D. Retain nurses
E. All of the above

Eisenhardt, Kahwajy & Bourgeois (1997) found that teams with minimal interpersonal conflict:
A. Maintained a balance of power and injected fun into the process
B. Worked with more information, not less
C. Debated facts, not personalities
D. Had multiple alternatives to enrich debate
E. All of the above

One of the questions you should ask when you are assigned to a team is
A. When do I get paid?
B. Will I get better parking?
C. When will I be promoted?
D. What are the goals of the team?
E. All of the above

Guidelines for teamwork can:
A. Improve communication
B. Establish goals
C. Delineate responsibilities
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

MBTI stands for:
A. More Better Team Initiative
B. Make Beds Turn Inventory
C. Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
D. Move Betty Toward Ivan
E. None of the above

Participation in the VHA Medical Team Training program was associated with:
A. Higher patient satisfaction
B. Increased productivity
C. A lower surgical mortality rate
D. Greater costs of healthcare delivery
E. None of the above

Teams go through the following stages, in the following order:
A. Warming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
B. Forming, Avoiding, Storming, Warming, Exploding
C. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
D. Performing, Norming, Forming, Storming, Adjourning
E. None of the above

A team is:
A. A group of people working together to achieve a common goal.
B. A short term group pulled together to address a specific agenda and disbands after a report is issued.
C. A long-term entity with revolving members, elected for 3 year terms, staffed by a full-time employee.
D. None of the above.
E. All of the above.

Costs of teamwork include:
A. Opportunity costs
B. Costs of rearranging schedules to meet
C. Coffee
D. Interpersonal costs, loss of face
E. All of the above

A free-rider is:
Someone who does all the work and gets no credit in a team.
B. Someone who does none of the work and gets credit on a team.
C. A social loafer.
D. B and C.
E. A and C.

Lucente, Rea, Vorce & Yancey's (1995) examination of a new multidisciplinary team organization demonstrated that:
A. Patient education decreased.
B. Overtime increased.
C. Patient satisfaction improved.
D. Staff did not like change.
E. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT correct about emotions?
A. We are hard-wired to learn emotions through mimicry and mirroring.
B. Emotions are communicated in nanoseconds.
C. Women and people in helping professions are more sensitive to emotions.
D. Emotions are contagious.
E. None of the above.

Teamwork is taught in:
A. Nursing school
B. Medical school
C. All health care management programs
D. All of above
E. None of the above

The MBTI can be used to:
A. Determine leadership strength
B. Assess followership
C. Evaluate introversion
D. Estimate extroversion
E. All of the above


Which of the following is an example of an "employee retention" function?
Job Analysis
Establishing position descriptions
Managing compensation and benefits
Advertising for employees

Incentive compensation is believed to have what effect on employee performance?
Increase retention
Increase motivation
Decrease performance
No effect

Performance appraisals are useful to:
Identify areas of performance needing improvement
Adjust compensation based on performance
Decide promotions of staff
All of the above

Flexible benefits are helpful to employees because:
They can choose benefits in line with their needs
Coverage is limited to high quality providers
Employer covers total cost
All of the above

Recent information from the literature concerning employee perceptions suggests that:
Compensation is more important than benefits
Benefits are more important than compensation
Benefits and compensation are equal in importance
None of the above

Position descriptions are necessary to:
Define employer expectations for the job
Specify job duties
Identify knowledge, skills and training required for the job
All of the above

Human resources decisions need to be strategic because of:
Increasing competition among HSOs
The need to analyze jobs
Trends in using incentive compensation
All of the above

Major federal law affecting human resources primarily addresses:
Protections for applicants and rights of employees
Safety of the workplace
Accommodations for people with disabilities
All of the above

Employee Assistance Programs address:
Incentive compensation for employees
Employee problems
Retirement plans
All of the above

Employee Suggestion Programs:
Usually do not reward top suggestions
Are viewed by employees as positive because of the opportunity to have input
Are the same as Employee Assistance Programs
None of the above

The National Labor Relations Board provides guidance for HR in addressing:
Unions and collective bargaining
Employee retirement plans
Equal Opportunity

The best way for management in HSOs to avoid unions is to:
Foster positive communication with employees
Encourage feedback from employees
Show interest in and meet the needs of employees
All of the above

"Benefits" include all of the following except:
Retirement Plan
Health Insurance

Staff shortages can lead to:
Dissatisfied staff
Staff turnover
Longer work hours for staff
All of the above

The perspective that HSO employees should be viewed as a strategic asset means:
Organizational performance is based on individuals
Staff salaries and benefits are costly and affect the HSO's competitiveness
Staff should be used in multiple roles to create flexibility
Staff should report to only one manager

Which of the following is an example of a HSO's Employee Relations and Engagement efforts?
"Walk-arounds" by managers
Job analysis
Job pricing
Assessing an employee's job performance



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