Sunday, July 16, 2017

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 2 solutions answers right

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 2 solutions answers right
How many versions: 3 different versions

Question 1 Which one of the EI (Emotional Intelligence) dimensions has the definition of "Social awareness skill, putting yourself in another's shoes"?
Question 2 Which theory places its attention on the leader's style and the work situation but also recognize the importance of setting goals for employees?
Question 3 Which of the following is not one of the four steps in Action Inquiry?
Question 4 Which of the following is not identified as a category of systematic biases that limits one's ability to accurately think about a situation?
Question 5 Which is a challenge of key healthcare leadership?
Question 6 What is (are) the focus area(s) for healthcare leadership ethics?
Question 7 Extrinsic theories of motivation include
Question 8 Find a leadership theory that correctly matches the stated leadership focus.
Question 9 Which of the following competencies is more leadership oriented than management oriented?
Question 10 Which of the following statements best describes how individuals perceive information?
Question 11 Which is a barrier of key healthcare leadership?
Question 12 Which of the following is a cognitive obstacle to communication in organizations?
Question 13 The identification phase of problem­solving involves
Question 14 Find an incorrect statement about leadership in today's healthcare industry.
Question 15 Which of the following is an important organizational behavior issue for healthcare managers?
Question 16 _______ are mental shortcuts in judgment and decision­making.
Question 17 A physician who believes a medical error occurred due to _______ may be making a fundamental attribution error.
Question 18 The healthcare leader who is concerned about the future, as well as today's business, must
Question 19 Self­actualization needs focus on
Question 20 Engaged health care workers demonstrate the following characteristics
Question 21 ______ are abstractions of reality that explain how things work.
Question 22 This generation values education, training and growth opportunities, flexibility, and is considered risk averse.
Question 23 Choose an inappropriate key leadership protocols.
Question 24 Managers interested in revitalizing employees focus on getting them to
Question 25 Which of the following is not a proven strategy for reducing thinking errors in the workplace?
Question 26 Which is a leader development rather than a leadership development?
Question 27 Which of the following is not a major challenge for healthcare managers today?
Question 28 According to the text, managers contribute to organizational learning by
Question 29 Which is an incorrect statement about the future of the healthcare field?
Question 30 Acquired needs resulting from life experiences focus on

Which is a leader development rather than a leadership development?
A. Support for organizational goals
B. Leaders as a collective network
C. The leader in collaboration with the superior
D. Improving organizational effectiveness

Which of the following competencies is more leadership oriented than management oriented?
A. Determining strategies for the future
B. Overseeing Adherence to Regulations
C. Counseling employees
D. Controlling Resources

Which model of leadership supports the concept known as "tough empathy"?
A. Spirituality Leadership
B. Diversity Leadership
C. Inspirational Leadership
D. Servant Leadership

Find a leadership theory that correctly matches the stated leadership focus.
A. Leader-Member Exchange Theory of leadership: Interactions between leader and subordinate
B. Great Man Theory: Needs of the subordinates
C. Contingency and Path-Goal: Raising consciousness and empowering followers
D. Self-Actualized Leadership: Having certain inherent traits

Which is a guideline for healthcare leaders when being responsible to their employees as per the ACHE Code of Ethics?
A. Ensure a safe work environment
B. Have process to evaluate quality of care
C. Meet the needs of the community
D. Improve standards of management

From the Leadership styles for Healthcare personnel, which one focus on personal development and recommended for the top personnel?
A. Coercive style
B. Participative style
C. Coaching style
D. Pacesetting style

Which is a challenge of key healthcare leadership?
A. Nurses
B. Laws and Regulation
C. Physicians
D. Computer

Which is a barrier of key healthcare leadership?
A. New technology
B. Doctors
C. Nurses
D. Culture of Safety

Choose an inappropriate key leadership protocols.
Selected Answer:
A. Confident
B. Perfectionism
C. Risk taker
D. Professionalism

What is (are) the focus area(s) for healthcare leadership ethics?
A. Bioethics
B. Managerial ethics
C. Social ethics
D. Many clinicians have the management training which would help them in their new roles.

Find an incorrect statement about leadership in today's healthcare industry.
A. Leaders can be taught skills and behaviors.
B. Different sectors in health care have professional associations which will support many aspects of its particular career path.
C. Leaders should continually be updated to the current environment.
D. Many clinicians have the management training which would help them in their new roles.

Which theory places its attention on the leader's style and the work situation but also recognize the importance of setting goals for employees?
A. Path-Goal Theory of leadership
B. Great Man Theory of Leadership
C. Contingency Theory of leadership
D. Leader-Member Exchange Theory of leadership

Which leadership domain would the competencies honesty and integrity be placed?
A. Organizational
B. Interpersonal
C. Functional and Technical
D. Self-Development and Self-Understanding

Which one of the EI (Emotional Intelligence) dimensions has the definition of "Social awareness skill, putting yourself in another's shoes"?
A. Motivation
B. Social skills
C. Self-awareness
D. Empathy

Which statement is not true about the "Great Man" theory?
A. Certain traits determined good leadership
B. Behavior is an important component in determining what make a good leader
C. Gender, stature and race have been used as a basis of promoting individuals to leadership positions
D. "You either got it or you don't"

Which is a new trend for healthcare governance?
A. Most members from within the organization
B. Larger number on the board
C. Evaluations used to identify issues and correct
D. Voluminous detailed information presented

Which of the following is not a contemporary leadership model?
A. Spirituality Leadership
B. Emotional Intelligence
C. Great Man
D. Inspirational

Which is an incorrect statement about the future of the healthcare field?
A. These will be challenging times for healthcare leaders.
CorrectB. The recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care for America Act will provide full health care reform.
C. Some of the key elements identified for success will be perspective, adaptability and finding inner passion as a personal driving force.
D. The recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care for America Act will dramatically alter the way health insurance is administered.

Which statement is true about Fellowship?
A. It should be recognized as a necessary component for an effective leader.
B. An effective leader must be able to inspire and get commitment from all people.
C. Not every leader needs a follower.
D. A true leader places little importance on getting compliance from the followers.

The healthcare leader who is concerned about the future, as well as today's business, must
A. not worry about his/her commitment to the managers
B. be able to lead a group of followers without inner motivation
C. leave succession planning to the governing board
D. continuously reassess how he/she fits in the organization


This generation values individuality, teamwork, and work-life balance.
A. Traditionalists
B. Baby Boomer
C. Generation X
D. Millennials
E. None of the above

Which of the following is considered to be a good motivational strategy?
A. Expect the worst
B. Tailor rewards
C. Reward everyone in the same way
D. All of the above

The Acquired Needs Theory was developed by
A. Herzberg
B. Taylor
C. Vroom
D. None of the above

Between 2008 - 2018, total employment is expected to increase:
A. 5.3%
B. 10.1%
C. 20%
D. 13.5%
E. None of the above

True or False? Intrinsic rewards are tangible.

Scientific management involves which of the following
A. studying job descriptions
B. assessing performance effectiveness
C. determining the most efficient way to perform a job
D. all of the above

Alderfer's motivation theory is based on which of the following needs?
A. Growth
B. Existence
C. Relatedness
D. All of the above

Which of the following are considered to be types of extrinsic rewards?
A. Praise
B. Benefits
C. Meaningful work
D. A & B above
E. All of the above

What percent of all new jobs between 2008 - 2018 are projected to be in professional and service-providing occupations?
A. 50%
B. 15%
C. 70%
D. 33%
E. None of the above

This generation is respectful of authority, values duty, sacrifice, accountability, and recognition of hard work and a strong work ethic.
A. Traditionalists
B. Baby Boomer
C. Generation X
D. Millennials
E. None of the above

Acquired needs resulting from life experiences focus on
A. Affirmation
B. Affectation
C. Affiliation
D. All of the above

Self-actualization needs focus on
A. Basic needs
B. Higher level needs
C. Esteem
D. All of the above

True or False? Motivation in the workplace is a new concept that needs more research in order to consider important.

This generation values education, training and growth opportunities, flexibility, and is considered risk averse.
A. Traditionalists
B. Baby Boomer
C. Generation X
D. Millennials
E. None of the above

This generation is image conscious, team-oriented, values instant gratification, and is achievement-oriented.
A. Traditionalists
B. Baby Boomer
C. Generation X
D. Millennials
E. None of the above

Engaged health care workers demonstrate the following characteristics
A. Focus on patient care
B. Are productive
C. Model behavior for others
D. All of the above

Maslow's needs-based theory of motivation includes the following types of needs.
A. Psychological
B. Psychosocial
C. Belonging
D. All of the above

Managers interested in revitalizing employees focus on getting them to
A. Get rest and relaxation
B. Maintain fitness
C. Eat right
D. All of the above

Extrinsic theories of motivation include
A. Adam's Equity Theory
B. Vroom's Acquired Needs Theory
C. Locke's Goal Setting Theory
D. None of the above

True or False? Healthcare managers have power over employees and can force them to act in certain ways.


The main difference between direct care and non direct care setting is:

Employment of medical and health services managers is expected to change by what percent between 2008 and 2018?

External domains of healthcare management include all of the following except

Internal domains of healthcare management include all of the following except:

This function requires the manager to set a direction and determine what needs to be accomplished

This function refers to the overall design of the specific division for which the manager is responsible

This function referes to acquiring and retaining human resources

This function refers to monitoring staff activities and performance

The focus in this function is on initiating action in the organization through effective leadership

This competency involves the ability to critically analyze and solve complex problems

This competency reflects expertise of ability to perform a specific work task

This competency enables a manager to communicate with and work well with other individuals

Larger organizations are more likely to have all of the following except

Talent Management refers to which of the following

Studier views the organization as needing to be results oriented, with which of the following pillars of excellence?

Griffith says "championship processes" need performance measures in each of the following except

Dashboards are:

Succession Planning is

Healthcare policy is

Self management means

Team management means

Organization management means

Which of the following competencies is more leadership oriented that management oriented?

Which of the following is not a contemporary leadership model?

Which leadership domain would the competencies honesty and integrity be placed?

Which is a new trend for healthcare governance

Which is a guideline for healthcare leaders when being responsible to their employees as per the ACHE Code of Ethics

Which statement is true about Followership?

Which statement is NOT true about the "Great Man" theory?

Which theory places its attention on the leaders style and the work situation but also recognize the importance of setting goals for employees?

Find a leadership theory that correctly matches the stated leadership focus

Which one of the EI (Emotional Intelligence) dimensions has the definition of "Social awareness skill, putting yourself in anthers shoes"?

Which model of leadership supports the concept known as "tough empathy"?

From the Leadership styles for Healthcare personnel, which one focus on personal development and recommended for the top personnel?

Choose an inappropriate key leadership protocols

Which is a barrier of key healthcare leadership?

Which is a challenge of key healthcare leadership?

What is (are) the focus area(s) for healthcare leadership ethics?

Find an incorrect statement about leadership in today's healthcare industry

Which is a leader development rather than a leadership development

The healthcare leader who is concerned about the future, as well as today's business must

Which is an incorrect statement about the future of the healthcare field?

Extrinsic rewards come from within the individual employee

Healthcare managers have power over employees and can force them to acti in certain ways

Everyone is motivated

Satisfaction progression refers to the interplay up and down Maslow's continuum of needs

Herzberg's theory of hygienes and motivators is not easily understood by managers

Avoidance learning is often referred to as positive reinforcement

Reinforcement theory is an appropriate way of characterizing how employees behave in organizations

Theory X, Theory Y, and Theory Z are all forms of motivation theories developed from a management perspective

Theory Y is derived from Japanese approaches to management

Intrinsic rewards are tangible

Intrinsic rewards are what motivate people

All employees are motivated by money

Motivation is not manipulation

People are born to motivate

Disengaged healthcare workers have an impact of an organizations bottom line

The future US workhorse will mirror the population and become younger, as well as more tonically and racially diverse

Understanding what motivates employees in different generations is becoming increasingly important for healthcare managers

Engaged employees are not as loyal beaches they are more interested in the best best opportunity

Motivation in the workplace is a new concept that needs more research in order to consider important

By 2020 a shortage of healthcare workers such as physicals, nurses, and public health professionals is expected

Maslow's needs-based theory of motivation includes the following types of needs

Self Actualization needs focus on

Alderfer's motivation theory is based on which of the following needs

The Acquired Needs Theory was developed by

Acquired needs resulting form life experiences focus on

Extrinsic theories of motivation include

Scientific Management involves which of the following

Which of the following are considered to be types of extrinsic rewards

Which of the following is considered to be a good motivational strategy?

managers interested in revitalizing employees focus on getting them to

Engaged health care workers demonstrate the following characteristics

Between 2008-2018 total employment is expected to increase

What percent of all new jobs between 2008-2018 are projected to be in professional and service providing occupations?

This generation values education, training and growth opportunities, flexibility and is considered risk averse

This generation is respectful of authority, values duty, sacrifice, and accountability and recognition of hard work and a strong work ethics

This generation values individuality, teamwork, and work-life balance

This generation is image conscious, team- oriented, values instant gratification and is achievement oriented


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