Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Liberty University BIOL 101 Discussion Board 3 thread solution right

Liberty University BIOL 101 Discussion Board 3 thread solution right
Principles of Biology DB3 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
Plagiarism Free

Topic: Intelligent Design

You and your classmates are ordinary citizens interested in science education. You have been assembled into an advisory group. The Virginia State Education Commission is drafting a policy that will affect all school boards in the state. You are being protected in a secluded hotel from ACLU lawyers and right-wing demonstration groups. Here is your question: is intelligent design theory scientific? The Virginia State Education Commission is paying you thousands of dollars for a simple yes or no answer to this question. Such an answer may be unrealistic, but court battles will follow. You need to get as close to a yes or no answer as possible.

As a group, you have 3 reference sources:
·         Your textbook's 2 chapters on origins and the scientific method
·         The course presentation entitled "Origins, ID, and the Public School Classroom"
·         Two expensive expert witnesses: Michael Behe, a Lehigh University biochemist, and Eugenia Scott of the National Center for Science Education (your two expert witnesses come to you from presentations in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 7)
For your thread:

As panelists, first do your homework, then make a decision: based on how the scientific method works, is intelligent design theory scientific? Can you use it to do science?

The title must begin with the word "yes" or "no." Using 3 concise, 
numbered sentences, argue your answer.

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