Sunday, July 16, 2017

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 4 solutions answers right

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 4 solutions answers right
How many versions: 3 different versions

Question 1 External influences include consumers' motivation, attitudes, perceptions, learning, memory and retrieval, personality, values, emotions, and behavioral intentions.
Question 2 Advertising, public relations, and campaigns are best described as the promotion component of the marketing mix.
Question 3 The practice of selecting target markets, and creating, communicating, and delivering value to selected customers in a manner that is both sustainable and differentiated from the competition is called______.
Question 4 The study of _______seeks to understand how every day people select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy their needs.
Question 5 Judy set up a health savings account (HSA) at her financial institution and contributed consistently for future medical expenses after retirement. Upon eligibility, she had to travel many miles across the country to see a specific dermatologist, but it was worth it to her because she believed the treatment would make her feel healthier. The difference between the benefits Judy perceived and the costs to receive the benefits explain her_______.
Question 6 The controllable variables of the organization are referred to as the______.
Question 7 The marketing plan is derived from the ___________.
Question 8 Highly successful organizations know that if they focus on creating long­term customer relationships they will generally achieve _________.
Question 9 PHI, NOPP and HIPAA all are acronyms whose root words have implications around what?
Question 10 Marketing is a management orientation centered on customer satisfaction and an organizational function that is integrally related to the entire organization's mission, objectives, and resources.
Question 11 Jill, a manager in healthcare, is leveraging marketing strategies and tactics that will alter or create behaviors that have a positive effect on the targeted individuals or society as a whole. Jill is implementing_______.
Question 12 A health care service is best described as the product component of the marketing mix.
Question 13 Marketing is the process of promoting, advertising and personal selling to enable lifetime stakeholder relationships in a complex marketplace.
Question 14 According to our text, addressing the dark side of marketing is primarily a government responsibility.
Question 15 Computer systems were not used initially by clinicians because early systems:
Question 16 Marketing is the process of _____________.
Question 17 Which of the following is not an accurate statement?
Question 18 Which level of the EMRAM represents an organization's ability to electronically exchange data with other organizations?
Question 19 According to the text, a production oriented healthcare organization focuses on ___.
Question 20 What methods are defined by the HITECH portion or ARRA to increase adoption of EMRs in hospital and physician settings?
Question 21 Which of the following strategic marketing elements is closest to tactical implementation?
Question 22 Reports by what organization brought to the American public the issues and/or opportunities in safer care through the use of computers?
Question 23 Software applications in healthcare have traditionally been used to manage ________.
Question 24 Which are potential benefits in having clinical data automated and able to exchange with other care settings?
Question 25 Noche is a healthcare marketer who needs to determine if a specific market is identifiable, divisible, accessible, and has enough potential to justify the allocation of organizational resources. What is the next step in the marketing segmentation process?
Question 26 Which of the following is Protected Health Information?
Question 27 Derived demand is the term given to indicate that the demand for goods, services, and ideas in organizations is derived from consumer wants and needs. Which of the following example(s) represent derived demand?
Question 28 Business­to­business (B2B) healthcare marketing concentrates on organizational buyers. Which of the following examples does not represent a B2B application?
Question 29 What trend in technology had the most influence on new and creative ways to enhance patient care in 2009 and the years immediately subsequent?
Question 30 Strategic healthcare marketing seeks to satisfy customer needs through profitable relationships by creating, communicating, and delivering ________ in selected markets

Highly successful organizations know that if they focus on creating long-term customer relationships they will generally achieve _________.

A. profits
B. market share
C. competitive prices
D. superior service
E. A and B

A health care service is best described as the product component of the marketing mix.
Advertising, public relations, and campaigns are best described as the promotion component of the marketing mix.
According to our text, addressing the dark side of marketing is primarily a government responsibility.
Selected Answer:
Judy set up a health savings account (HSA) at her financial institution and contributed consistently for future medical expenses after retirement. Upon eligibility, she had to travel many miles across the country to see a specific dermatologist, but it was worth it to her because she believed the treatment would make her feel healthier. The difference between the benefits Judy perceived and the costs to receive the benefits explain her_______.

A. lack of confidence
B. customer motivation
C. aspirations
D. customer value
E. expectations

According to the text, a marketing oriented healthcare organization focuses on ___.

A. achieving organizational goals by generating volume and filling beds and marketing concept adoption is moderate
B. achieving organizational goals through product and clinical quality and marketing adoption is moderate
C. achieving organizational goals through product and clinical quality and marketing adoption is high
D. achieving organizational goals by generating volume and filling beds and marketing concept adoption is low
E. achieving organizational goals by identifying health care needs, creating, communicating, delivering value and marketing concept adoption is high

Noche is a healthcare marketer who needs to determine if a specific market is identifiable, divisible, accessible, and has enough potential to justify the allocation of organizational resources. What is the next step in the marketing segmentation process?

A. developing the value proposition
B. determining which segmentation variables to use
C. identifying the consumer decision making process
D. conducting marketing research
E. A and B

Business-to-business (B2B) healthcare marketing concentrates on organizational buyers. Which of the following examples does not represent a B2B application?

A. Local, state and national governments hire marketing consultants.
B. Medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and medical surgical supplies comprise a large share of virtually every hospital's total expenditures.
C. Google purchases health insurance coverage for employees.
D. Hospital buying centers contract enterprise-wide electronic records solution providers.
E. A family decision making unit chooses an inclusive medical package from a long term assisted living offering.

The practice of selecting target markets, and creating, communicating, and delivering value to selected customers in a manner that is both sustainable and differentiated from the competition is called______.

A. marketing management
B. competitive positioning
C. segmentation
D. market intelligence
E. A and B

By understanding how people make decisions and the associated internal and external influences on the consumer decision-making process, a healthcare manager can anticipate consumer needs and develop solutions for those needs.
Marketers should view customers as decision-makers.
Selected Answer:
Marketing is a management orientation centered on customer satisfaction and an organizational function that is integrally related to the entire organization's mission, objectives, and resources.
Internal influences include consumers' family and friends, reference groups, situational factors, culture and subculture, and marketing stimuli.
Derived demand is the term given to indicate that the demand for goods, services, and ideas in organizations is derived from consumer wants and needs. Which of the following example(s) represent derived demand?

A. Employers purchase health insurance coverage for employees.
B. Local, state and national governments hire marketing consultants.
C. Hospital buying centers contract enterprise-wide electronic records solution providers.
D. Medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and medical surgical supplies comprise a large share of virtually every hospital's total expenditures.
E. All of the above.

According to the text, a production oriented healthcare organization focuses on ___.

A. achieving organizational goals through product and clinical quality and the marketing adoption is moderate
B. achieving organizational goals by generating volume and filling beds and the marketing concept adoption is low
C. achieving organizational goals by generating volume and filling beds and the marketing concept adoption is moderate
D. achieving organizational goals through product and clinical quality and the marketing adoption is low
E. achieving organizational goals through product and clinical quality and the marketing adoption is high

Strategic healthcare marketing seeks to satisfy customer needs through profitable relationships by creating, communicating, and delivering ________ in selected markets.

A. superior performance
B. superior service
C. return on investment
D. customer value
E. competitive offerings

Marketing is the process of _____________.

A. facilitating exchange relationships with strategic partners and focusing on customer wants and needs
B. creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
C. knowing the wants and needs of target markets and satisfying them relative to the competition
D. creating, promoting and delivering products, services and ideas to achieve organizational goals
E. promoting, advertising and personal selling to enable lifetime stakeholder relationships in a complex marketplace

Jill, a manager in healthcare, is leveraging marketing strategies and tactics that will alter or create behaviors that have a positive effect on the targeted individuals or society as a whole. Jill is implementing_______.

A. ethical marketing
B. social marketing
C. traditional marketing
D. regulatory marketing
E. target marketing

Drucker, a leading management theorist, argues that the purpose of an organization is to create a customer and has only two basic functions which are_______.

A. opportunity and costs
B. customer value and satisfaction
C. marketing and innovation
D. core benefit value and brand equity
E. none of the above

External influences include consumers' motivation, attitudes, perceptions, learning, memory and retrieval, personality, values, emotions, and behavioral intentions.
Health care policy is
Team management means
The main difference between direct care and non-direct care settings is
This competency reflects expertise or ability to perform a specific work task
Employment of medical and health services managers is expected to change by what percent between 2008 and 2018?
Griffith says "championship processes" need performance measures in each the following areas except
Succession planning is
Larger organizations are more likely to have all of the following except
This function requires the manager to set a direction and determine what needs to be accomplished.
Organization management means
This competency involves the ability to critically analyze and solve complex problems:
This function refers to acquiring and retaining human resources
The focus in this function is on initiating action in the organization through effective leadership
This competency enables a manager to communicate with and work well with other individuals
Talent management refers to which of the following?
Internal domains of health care management include all of the following except
Studer views the organization as needing to be results oriented, with which of the following pillars of excellence?
This function refers to the overall design of the specific division for which the manager is responsible.
External domains of health care management include all of the following except
This function refers to monitoring staff activities and performance
Which is a guideline for healthcare leaders when being responsible to their employees as per the ACHE Code of Ethics?
Which of the following competencies is more leadership oriented than management oriented?
Which statement is true about Followership?
Which of the following is not a contemporary leadership model?
Choose an inappropriate key leadership protocols.
From the Leadership styles for Healthcare personnel, which one focuses on personal development and recommended for the top personnel?
Which is an incorrect statement about the future of the healthcare field?
Which is a guideline for healthcare leaders when begin responsible to their profession as per the ACHE Code of Ethics?
Find an incorrect statement about leadership in today's healthcare industry.
Which one of the EI (Emotional Intelligence) dimensions has the definition of "Social awareness skill, putting yourself in another's shoes"?
Which model of leadership supports the concept known as "tough empathy"?
Find a leadership theory that correctly matches the stated leadership focus.
The healthcare leader who is concerned about the future, as well as today's business, must
Which theory places its attention on the leader's style and the work situation but also recognize the importance of setting goals for employees?
Which leadership domain would the competencies honesty and integrity be placed?
Which is a new trend for healthcare governance?
Which statement is not true about the "Great Man" theory?
Which is a challenge of key healthcare leadership?
Which is a barrier of key healthcare leadership?
What is (are) the focus area(s) for healthcare leadership ethics?
Which of the following are considered to be types of extrinsic rewards?
Acquired needs resulting from life experiences focus on which of the following?
What percent of all new jobs between 2008-2018 are projected to be in professional and service-providing occupations?
Which of the following is considered to be a good motivational strategy?
Managers interested in revitalizing employees focus on getting them to do which of the following?
True or False? By 2020 a shortage of healthcare workers in our nation is projected of approximately 1 million nurses and 250,000 health professionals.
Self-actualization needs focus on which of the following?
The creator of this theory believes managers can be classified into 2 groups; one view employees as unmotivated, while the other assists employees in achieving higher levels.
Which generation below values individuality, teamwork, and work-life balance?
True or False? Everyone is motivated.
Maslow's needs-based theory of motivation includes the following types of needs?
Which generation below is image conscious, team-oriented, values instant gratification, and is achievement-oriented?
Alderfer's motivation theory is based on which of the following needs?
True or False? According to a 2009 study, 40% of managers believe that for their employees it is all about the money!
Which of the generations below is respectful of authority, values duty, sacrifice, accountability, and recognition of hard work and a strong work ethic?
Between 2008-2018, total employment is expected to increase by which of the following?
Scientific management involves which of the following?
Extrinsic theories of motivation include which of the following?
This generation values education, training and growth opportunities, flexibility, and is considered risk averse.
True or False? Avoidance learning is often referred to as positive reinforcement.
Recognizing a problem and goal setting are in what phase of problem solving?
A theory Y manager would believe which of the following about employee behavior?
According to the text, managers contribute to organizational learning by
Which of the following guide the interpretation of information by selectively focusing attention and organizing our understanding?
In attribution theory, which of the following would be an example of a situational cause of employee performance?
Managers can best address information misperceptions by
___________ is based on positive beliefs about employee behavior while ____________ is based on negative beliefs about employee behavior.
While expectancies and schemas are concerned with how we receive and store information, __________ are concerned with how we use that information in our reasoning.
A physician who believes a medical error occured due to __________________ may be making a fundamental attribution error.
Organizational behavior draws upon which of the following?
Which process uses the following: 1. creating our own opportunities and constraints 2. processing events that often emerge into a meaningful pattern called understanding 3. organizing information to create a plausible understanding of a situation for organizational action and learning?
Work behaviors can be studied at these three levels in an organization:
Which of the following is a part of Torbert's Action Inquiry to check assumptions?
According to expectancy theory, an employee's motivation depends on believing that
Which of the following statements best describes how organizational behavior applies to healthcare organizations?
Senge's five "disciplines" that characterize a learning organization include all but which one of the following.
Which of the following best describes the purpose of studying organization behavior? it
A(n) ____________ is a mental structure used to organize and simplify knowledge and expectations of the world around us.
Because human capacity to accurately process large amounts of information is limited, how do people compensate?
Which of the following is one of the manager's most powerful tools to create a shared, common focus?
How do the Mission, Vision and Value statements tie to the strategic plan?
Which of the following is/are true regarding successful strategies?
By identifying specific __________, healthcare organizations can better target their services and potential growth opportunities.
Which of the following is not a "pro" as it relates to using surveys for data collection?
For a successful strategy execution in a radiology department, which of the following stakeholders must "buy in"?
How do the Mission, Vision, and Value statements tie to the strategic plan?
Although there are many parts in the development of a strategic plan, what is its main purpose?
"University Radiology Associates strives to be the premier provider of diagnostic imaging services through high-quality service to patients, referring physicians and mutually beneficial relationships with radiologists who provide expert interpretations of diagnostic images" is an example of which of the following?
In a market assessment, which of the following innovations in technology may represent a threat to replace standard operations and services?
Which of the following is not part of the market assessment model?
Which of the following describes an organizations statement of purpose
What are the components of Strategy Execution?
Which of the following is a component of the strategic planning process?
Which of the following is the central focus of customer service in a healthcare organization?
An example of a supporting plan that is driven by the strategic plan is
Which of the following had the greatest impact on healthcare organizations to develop strategic plans in order to successfully compete in a demanding environment?
What is the purpose of tactical plans?
How can intelligence on competitors' strategies best be gathered?
What is the department manager's role in strategic planning?
SWOT analysis includes which areas of focus?
Which of the following is NOT a stage in the consumer decision-making process?
When marketing savvy medical practices divide the total market into groups that have relatively similar healthcare needs they are implementing which of the following?
Which of the following seeks to understand how every day people select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy their needs?
Judy set up a health savings account (HSA) at her financial institution and contributed consistently for future medical expenses after retirement. Upon eligibility, she had to travel many miles across the country to see a specific dermatologist, but it was worth it to her because she believed the treatment would make her feel healthier. The difference between the benefits Judy perceived and the costs to receive the benefits explain which of the following?
The controllable variables of the organization are referred to as which of the following?
Which of the following strategic marketing elements brings tactical implementation closer (in other words: determines which market to serve and then gets ready to face the competition)?
Which of the following does NOT represent a business-to-business (B2B) healthcare marketing application?
All of the following are layers of segmentation at the healthcare manager's disposal except:
Strategic healthcare marketing seeks to satisfy customer needs through profitable relationships by creating, communicating, and delivering ________________ in selected markets.
Which of the following best defines marketing?
According to our text, addressing the dark side of marketing is primarily a government responsibility.
The practice of selecting target markets, and creating, communicating, and delivering value to selected customers in manner that is both sustainable and differentiated for the competition is called which of the following?
Jill, a manager in healthcare, is leveraging market strategies and tactics that will alter or create behaviors that have a positive effect on the targeted individuals or society as a whole. Jill is implementing which of the following?
Which of the following best describes a production oriented healthcare organization?
As part of it's ethical and social responsibility, the marketing discipline must take into consideration the impact that marketing activities have on which of the following?
A marketing oriented healthcare organization focuses of which of the following?
The term effectiveness of clinical care can be addressed with which of the following questions?
Which of the following is NOT a structural variable in the Baldrige Award Criteria for quality improvement?
Which of the following would be an example of common-cause variation?
Flowcharting is a quality improvement technique used for which of the following?
Good measurement requires all of the following except:
Based upon customer focus within a hospital organization when pertaining to continuous quality improvement, who is considered "the customer"?
During the early 1980's, the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) created the most commonly used quality improvement framework in the healthcare industry called which of the following?
The definition of quality provided by the Institute of Medicine is the most widely accepted definition of health care quality. Which of the following is NOT a part of the definition? They should
The "failure to provide a service whose benefit is greater than its risk" is the definition of which of the following terms?
The Institute of Medicine publication entitled "To Err is Human" reported that between ____________ and _____________ people die each year from medical errors.
Which of the following occurs when "the right service is provided badly and an avoidable complication reduces the benefit the patient receives"?
Which of the following is NOT one of the three core policy issues for a healthcare system?
Which of the following quality improvement techniques helps to identify and organize the possible cause for a problem in a structured format?
Which of the following is NOT included in the definition of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)?
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care documents what aspect of health care?
Avedid Donabedian defined health care quality as having which of the following?
Physicians resistance to acknowledge nurses and other healthcare professionals as colleagues can lead to which of the following?
Residency training for physicians lasts from ________ to ________, depending on the specialty.
Overworked healthcare providers who have high patient-to-practitioner ratios lead to which of the following?
As a healthcare manager working in HMO, it is important to question gaps in a physician's resume to determine if their credentials are legitimate.
Which of the following would be considered a "sentinel event"?
Criminal background checks for physicians are:
Which of the following is true concerning licensure?
All of the following are examples of FP Core Privileges for care of infants and children, adolescents and adults for most illnesses, disorders and injuries EXCEPT:
Resident work hours have changed due to which of the following?
Turnover of physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals:
Which disruptive behavior would be considered a sentinel event?
All of the following are examples of conflict of interests:
Which of the following best describes mid-level practitioners?
Which of the following is the largest category of healthcare workers?
Which of the following is/are true statements?
Which of the following is NOT a key environmental force that affects human resources within HSO's?
"Benefits" include all of the following except:
Job analysis is necessary to:
Which of the following requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for applicants and employees with physical and mental disabilities?
Which of the following is an example of an "employee retention" function?
Staff shortages can lead to which of the following?
Incentive compensation is believed to have what effect on employee performance?
Recent information from the literature concerning employee perceptions suggests which of the following?
The best way for management in HSO's to avoid unions is to:
A 360-degree performance appraisal is helpful because it:
Which of the following is an example of an HSO's Employee Relations and Engagement efforts?
Position descriptions are necessary for which of the following?
Which of the following is a typical measure used by senior management to directly assess performance of HR efforts?
Which of the following prohibits discrepencies in pay between men and women who perform the same job?
Which of the following is true regarding performance appraisals?
Flexible benefits are helpful to employees because:
Nursing turnover costs about:
Which of the following is incorrect concerning Cross Functional Teams (CFTs)?
The MBTI can be used for which of the following?
Virtual teams are being used for which of the following?
Education for the "how-to" of teamwork dynamics is taught during which of the following?
To convince higher level management that teamwork is worth the effort, one should point to which of the following?
Which of the following is an important question that should be asked when you are assigned to a team?
Which of the following is NOT correct concerning Cross Functional Teams (CFTs)?
Which of the following is a way to engage medical staff?
Lucente, Rea, Vorce, & Yancey's (1995) examination of a new multidisciplinary team organization found that:
A wicked problem has which of the following features?
A study of participation in the VHA Medical Team Training program was associated with which of the following?
Which of the following is true regarding a team?
Teams go through the following stages, in the following order:
Which of the following could be costs associated with teamwork?
Which of the following is a benefit of an effective healthcare team?
Which of the following terms can be used interchangeably with cultural competency?
Which of the following is not considered a benefit of a diverse health care workforce?
According to the US Census Bureau, by 2050, what percent of the population of the US will be comprised of minorities?
Healthcare practitioners who are committed to the issues of diversity, equity, and equality need to be aware of and implement best practice in cultural competency.
The ultimate goal of cultural proficiency is to have the healthcare workforce in the United States reflect the makeup of the communities served.
Which of the following signifies a difference in access, utilization, or quality of care?
As the US becomes more diverse, healthcare systems will see patients present symptoms differently from textbooks and have varying beliefs about health, treatment, and illness.
A hospital can demonstrate inclusivity by community engagement through:
Which of the following is NOT true as it relates to healthcare management?
The National Standards on Culturally and Lingguistically Appropriate Services provides for which of the following?
A recent study demonstrated that racially and ethnically diverse employers represented a growing percentage of top healthcare management positions
Which of the following is an exchange of information, ideas, and resources between individuals, community members, and mainstream organizations?
Which of the following is considered one strategy to address health disparities and to drive toward equity in health and health care?
Which of the following is the first step for healthcare leaders to address disparities and work toward cultural sensitivity in a healthcare organization?
Which of the following is a best practice and essential component(s) of a culturally proficient healthcare organization?
According to the Center for Cross-Cultural Health, which of the following is/are steps to community engagement?
Which of the following are characteristics of the EMRAM?

A. Comprised of stages 0 - 7
B. Measures EMR adoption in US hospitals
C. Was created by a professional organization, HIMSS
D. is focused primarily on the use of clinical systems
E. all of the above

Software unnecessary in the healthcare setting due to its business goals includes

A. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
B. Accounts Receivable
C. Payroll
D. Laboratory systems
E. None of the above

Two of the more costly resources that healthcare has developed software to manage include __________ and _____________.

A. labor and supplies
B. labor and medications
C. construction and supplies
D. construction and medications
E. none of the above

PHI, NOPP and HIPAA all are acronyms whose root words have implications around what?

A. Government regulation around healthcare organizations
B. The cost of healthcare in the US
C. The lack of EMR adoption in the US
D. The privacy and security of patient information
E. New quality measures established through ARRA

The higher the stage a hospital is on the EMRAM, the

A. more clinical automation they have in use
B. the more they have spent on automation
C. higher number of trading partners they have
D. the statistically safer they are
E. less automation they have implemented

Computer systems were not used initially by clinicians because early systems:

A. were expensive
B. took more time to use
C. were cumbersome to use
D. none of the above
E. B and C

Which level of the EMRAM represents an organization's ability to electronically exchange data with other organizations?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 7
D. 5
E. 6

Increased use of technology adds challenges to the healthcare workplace including

A. physician frustration
B. keeping employees productive during computer downtimes
C. inability to access information not required for task completion
D. increased cost of care
E. all of the above

What methods are defined by the HITECH portion or ARRA to increase adoption of EMRs in hospital and physician settings?

A. Financial incentives for early adoption
B. Financial incentives for finding more cost effective EMR solutions
C. Penalties for late adoption
D. Penalties for selecting less cost effective EMR solutions
E. A and C

Reports by what organization brought to the American public the issues and/or opportunities in safer care through the use of computers?

A. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)
B. The Institute of Medicine (IOM)
C. The Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Hospitals
D. The American Hospital Association (AHA)
E. B and C

What trend in technology had the most influence on new and creative ways to enhance patient care in 2009 and the years immediately subsequent?

A. Rapid cycle software development
B. Increased use of EMR in US hospitals
C. Increased use of EMR in physician practices
D. Mobility & telecommunications
E. Incentives for EMR adoption

Which are potential benefits in having clinical data automated and able to exchange with other care settings?

A. lower cost to the patient
B. reduction in the number of repeat tests needed
C. ability to more quickly identify relevant information about the patient (allergies, etc)
D. ability to offer insurance to all Americans
E. B and C

Software applications in healthcare have traditionally been used to manage ________.

A. Nurses
B. Clinical Staff
C. Physicians
D. Business Operations
E. Pharmacy expenses

Managers in the evolving healthcare industry need to

A. Understand technology
B. Embrace the features new software can provide to managing operations
C. Evaluate how employees are effectively using technology
D. None of the above
E. All of the above

Which of the following is true?

A. EMR adoption in smaller physician practices is higher than in larger physician practices
B. Cost as a barrier does not have the same significance in the physician practice as in the hospitals
C. EMR adoption rates are not as important in the physician practice setting as there are in nursing homes
D. EMR adoption in physician offices is lower than in hospitals
E. EMR adoption in physician practices isn't as important because most patient care occurs in hospitals

Which of the following is Protected Health Information?

A. Type of care provided
B. Past or present physical or mental health condition(s)
C. Name, address and social security number
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

The delivery of healthcare lends itself to automation because it

A. is expensive
B. is heavily regulated
C. includes many repetitive workflows
D. includes workers very comfortable with the use of technology
E. all of the above

By definition, which of the following is true about Electronic Medical Records (EMR)?

A. considered a legal record
B. accessible only by a patient's doctor
C. owned by the patient
D. A and B
E. B and C

What are the three primary reasons that EMR adoption is not higher in the US?

A. inability to prove value, high cost, and user unfriendliness
B. high cost, inability to prove value, and low administrative support
C. an inability to prove value, and lack of standards
D. high cost, user unfriendliness, and lack of standards high cost
E. high cost, user unfriendliness, and low administrative support

A very big celebrity is having plastic surgery at Hideaway Hospital. What should you do as a manager?

A. Have a guard at the celebrity's hospital door.
B. Install thumbprint scanners on all computers.
C. Place a gag order on all employees.
D. Adhere to the same practices you would for every other patient.
E. None of the above.

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