Sunday, July 16, 2017

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 8 solutions answers right

Liberty University BUSI 311 quiz 8 solutions answers right
How many versions: 6 different versions

Question 1 Rights of patients include the following:
Question 2 Which of the following is not part of the definition of healthcare malpractice?
Question 3 Malpractice is concerned with a professional's
Question 4 What does the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1985 (EMTALA) require?
Question 5 Which of the following are obligations of a managed care organization to its patients?
Question 6 Criminal law is generally concerned with
Question 7 An example of a Stark Law violation is:
Question 8 Intentional torts include
Question 9 Which of these elements is NOT necessary for a contract to be binding?
Question 10 Examples of healthcare fraud and abuse include?
Question 11 EMTALA
Question 12 For a health provider's action to be considered negligent, which of the following factors is NOT necessary?
Question 13 The Anti­Kickback Statutes
Question 14 ORT is an acronym that stands for
Question 15 Which of the following is not a required part of the definition of "informed consent"?
Question 16 STARK I
Question 17 HEAT is the Presidents newest tool against
Question 18 Seven Essential Elements of An Effective Compliance Program include:
Question 19 Ethical and legal reasoning often overlap for the following reason(s):
Question 20 Violations of the Criminal Disclosure Provision of the Social Security Act include penalties of
Question 21 Violations of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) include all of the following, except:
Question 22 Tort reform is a big part of healthcare reform because
Question 23 The investigative and enforcement authority to deal with fraud and abuse violations was granted to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) through?
Question 24 A wrong against society as a whole, even if a particular individual is harmed, is considered a violation of which type of law?
Question 25 Nonmaleficence is a concept that states that you should
Question 26 Which of the following is not a primary source of ethics?
Question 27 The qui tam provision offers individuals
Question 28 The False Claims Act was enacted by the federal government as a
Question 29 What are the main sources of American law?
Question 30 A wrongful act against a person or organization is considered what type of violation?

Which of the following is an example of an "employee retention" function?
a. Job Analysis
b. Establishing position descriptions
c. Managing compensation and benefits
d. Advertising for employees
Incentive compensation is believed to have what effect on employee performance?
a. Increase retention
b. Increase motivation
c. Decrease performance
d. No effect
Performance appraisals are useful to:
a. Identify areas of performance needing improvement
b. Adjust compensation based on performance
c. Decide promotions of staff
d. All of the above
Flexible benefits are helpful to employees because:
a. They can choose benefits in line with their needs
b. Coverage is limited to high quality providers
c. Employer covers total cost
d. All of the above
Recent information from the literature concerning employee perceptions suggests that:
a. Compensation is more important than benefits
b. Benefits are more important than compensation
c. Benefits and compensation are equal in importance
d. None of the above
Position descriptions are necessary to:
a. Define employer expectations for the job
b. Specify job duties
c. Identify knowledge, skills and training required for the job
d. All of the above
Human resources decisions need to be strategic because of:
a. Increasing competition among HSOs
b. The need to analyze jobs
c. Trends in using incentive compensation
d. All of the above
Major federal law affecting human resources primarily addresses:
a. Protections for applicants and rights of employees
b. Safety of the workplace
c. Accommodations for people with disabilities
d. All of the above
Employee Assistance Programs address:
a. Incentive compensation for employees
b. Employee problems
c. Retirement plans
d. All of the above
Employee Suggestion Programs:
a. Usually do not reward top suggestions
b. Are viewed by employees as positive because of the opportunity to have input
c. Are the same as Employee Assistance Programs
d. None of the above
The National Labor Relations Board provides guidance for HR in addressing:
a. Unions and collective bargaining
b. Employee retirement plans
c. Recruitment
d. Equal Opportunity
The best way for management in HSOs to avoid unions is to:
a. Foster positive communication with employees
b. Encourage feedback from employees
c. Show interest in and meet the needs of employees
d. All of the above
"Benefits" include all of the following except:
a. Retirement Plan
b. Vacation
c. Health Insurance
d. Salary
Staff shortages can lead to:
a. Dissatisfied staff
b. Staff turnover
c. Longer work hours for staff
d. All of the above
The perspective that HSO employees should be viewed as a strategic asset means:
a. Organizational performance is based on individuals
b. Staff salaries and benefits are costly and affect the HSO's competitiveness
c. Staff should be used in multiple roles to create flexibility
d. Staff should report to only one manager
Which of the following is an example of a HSO's Employee Relations and Engagement efforts?
a. "Walk-arounds" by managers
b. Job analysis
c. Job pricing
d. Assessing an employee's job performance
Select all the terms that can be used interchangeably with cultural competency.
The National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services provide for:
a. recruiting diverse staff
b. collecting patient data
c. language services
d. self-assessments
e. All of the above
Public policies to address health disparities could include:
a. access to primary care
b. import taxes
c. consumer protection
d. A and C
e. None of the above
Vulnerable populations are more exposed to risks from:
a. marketing unhealthy foods
b. lack of access to care
c. tobacco marketing
d. All of the above
Benefits of a diverse health care workforce include
a. decreased turnover
b. less lawsuits
c. greater access for the undeserved
d. greater cultural competence
e. All of the above
True or false: By 2050, more than half the population of the U.S. will be comprised of minorities.
True or false: Although health care leaders advocate hiring language interpreters, less than 10% of hospitals report encountering an individual with limited English proficiency on a daily basis.
True or false: Assessment in terms of tracking data on race, ethnicity, and language is being performed by less than 50% of hospitals in the U.S.
True or false: Organizations adopting cultural competence initiatives include the Association of American Medical Colleges, The Joint Commission, and the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
True or false: Healthy People 2010 set health objectives for the nation.
True or false: Top management positions in hospitals in the U.S. are held primarily by minority groups.
True or false: The benefits of cultural competence training may be challenging to quantify in terms of return on investment for the organization.
Which of the following is not a primary source of ethics?
a. Personal beliefs
b. Legal decisions
c. Family traditions
d. Religion
e. Community Culture
What are the main sources of American law?
a. Legislatures
b. Judicial decisions
c. Executive orders & administrative regulations
d. State and Federal Constitutions
e. All of the above
What are some of the ways in which healthcare organizations protect the rights of their patients?
a. Utilization review processes
b. Institutional Review Boards
c. Patient advocacy or ombudsman offices
d. Institutional Ethics Committees
e. All of the above
A wrong against society as a whole, even if a particular individual is harmed, is considered a violation of which type of law?
a. Civil
b. Criminal
c. Administrative
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Contract violations are generally considered to be part of which type of law?
a. Criminal
b. Civil
c. Administrative
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Which of these elements is NOT necessary for a contract to be binding?
a. An agreement between two or more parties
b. Must be for something of value
c. Must be lawful
d. Must be written
e. Both must be competent to consent
For a health provider's action to be considered negligent, which of the following factors is NOT necessary?
a. Causation
b. Breach of duty
c. Injury or damages
d. Malice
e. Duty toward the harmed party
Rights of patients include the following:
a. Confidentiality
b. Right to refuse care
c. Self-determination
d. Emergency treatment in a facility covered by EMTALA
e. All of the above
Which of the following are obligations of a managed care organization to its patients?
a. Fiduciary duty
b. Using competent providers
c. Providing appropriate care
d. Balancing cost-containment with good quality care
e. All of the above
What does the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1985 (EMTALA) require?
a. All hospitals should take care of patients for free
b. Doctors must accept all patients who seek their care
c. Hospitals receiving Medicare funds must provide appropriate care in their emergency rooms if possible
d. Patients in active labor can get care at any facility they choose
e. None of the above
Ethical and legal reasoning often overlap for the following reason(s):
a. Legislation is derived from community beliefs and demands
b. Judicial decisions are shaped by precedent (previous decisions) and by what cases are brought to
c. Public opinion changes over time, often influenced by medical advances
d. Elected officials make executive orders based on their own interpretation of laws
e. Religious bodies and other sources of ethical beliefs adapt their stances over time
Tort reform is a big part of healthcare reform because
a. It is enacted by the courts
b. It deals only with healthcare services
c. It works to cut legal costs and keep medical issues out of the courts
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Intentional torts include
a. Assault and battery
b. False imprisonment
c. Invasion of privacy
d. Defamation of character
e. All of the above
Nonmaleficence is a concept that states that you should
a. Do no harm
b. Do the best you can
c. Provide fairness to all
d. Ensure that staff is properly trained
True or false: Malpractice is a charge which can be found under either civil or criminal law.
True or false: Patients have no responsibilities in their relationships with providers.
True or false: Even though the premise behind legal decision making is to be a non-biased adjudicator, it is extremely difficult to leave your personal, ethical beliefs behind.
True or false: If an act is legal, it has to be ethical.
True or false: State and local laws normally trump federal law.
True or false: Common law is derived from legislative actions.
True or false: Administrative agencies dictate many of the ways in which healthcare workers and organizations must function.

The difference between a hospital's charges for an inpatient stay in the facility and the amount the hospital has agreed to accept from the patient's insurance carrier is called
Which of the following is NOT a possible outcome of the decision-making process in cost accounting in healthcare organizations?
The determination of the total cost of producing a specified healthcare service through assigning costs into revenue-producing departments is referred to as
The types of costs that change directly in relation to changes in volume are called
Private health insurance coverage includes the following types
The growth in health insurance in the U.S. came about as a result of:
In purchasing health insurance, which of the following is NOT typically a consideration?
Which type of HMO offers the most flexibility for participating physicians?
Which type of managed care offers patients flexibility in accessing their physician of choice?
Access to the care of specialist physicians is limited in which type of health plan?
Efforts to control the costs of Medicare have been undertaken via legislation mandated to create prospective payment systems for
The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement & Modernization Act of 2003 includes provisions to:
The chief financial officer (CFO) of a hospital supervises all of the following officers EXCEPT
The Medicare prospective payment system for reimbursing hospitals utilizes
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of not-for-profit healthcare organizations?
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 implemented cost controls for Medicare expenditures in all of the following healthcare sectors EXCEPT
The largest category of healthcare workers is:
Residency Training lasts from ___to ___, depending on the specialty.
Resident work hours have changed due to
Licensure is
Criminal Background Checks for nurses and physicians are
Board certification is:
CME is
Physician credentialing is:
Which of the following indicates the need for more health care workers in the future?
Which of the following is an example of an "employee retention" function?
Incentive compensation is believed to have what effect on employee performance?
Performance appraisals are useful to
Not all HR functions are carried out exclusively by HR staff. Which of the following would be carried out by line managers?
Flexible benefits are helpful to employees because:
Recent information from the literature concerning employee perceptions suggests that:
Job analysis is necessary to:
A team is:
One of the ways to engage medical staff is to:
Some of the benefits of effective healthcare team are:
Which of the following is NOT correct about Cross Functional Teams (CFTs)?
Teamwork is taught in:
Participation in the VHA Medical Team Training program was associated with:
To convince higher level management that teamwork is worth the effort, one should point to:
Nursing turnover costs are about:
Select all the terms that can be used interchangeably with cultural competency.
Concerns with the term cultural competence include
The National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services provide for:
A hospital can demonstrate inclusivity by community engagement through:
Public policies to address health disparities could include:
Vulnerable populations are more exposed to risks from:
Benefits of a diverse health care workforce include
By 2050, more than half the population of the U.S. will be comprised of minorities.
Which of the following is not a primary source of ethics?
What are the main sources of American law?
What are some of the ways in which healthcare organizations protect the rights of their patients?
A wrong against society as a whole, even if a particular individual is harmed, is considered a violation of which type of law?
Contract violations are generally considered to be part of which type of law?
Which of these elements is NOT necessary for a contract to be binding?
A wrongful act against a person or organization is considered what type of violation?
For a health provider's action to be considered negligent, which of the following factors is NOT necessary?
The investigative and enforcement authority to deal with fraud and abuse violations was granted to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) through?
Examples of healthcare fraud and abuse include?
Violations of the Criminal Disclosure Provision of the Social Security Act include penalties of
An example of a Stark Law violation is:
Violations of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) include all of the following, except:
The Anti-Kickback Statutes
Seven Essential Elements of An Effective Compliance Program include:
ORT is an acronym that stands for

the main difference between direc tand non-direct care setting is
function refers to the overalld esign of the specific division where the manager is responsible
competency involves ability to critically analyze and solve complex problems
larger organizations are more likely to have all of the following except
health care policy is
why is execution of strategy so important
example of a supporting plan that is driven by the strategic plan is
how do the mission, vision, and value statements tie to the strategic plan?
which of the following strategies are true
the investigative and enforcement authority to deal with fraud and abuse violations was granted to the DHHS through
Violations of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act include all of the follownig except
seven essential elements of an effective compliance program include
the qui tam provision offers individuals
protection, monetary incentives, shelter from prosecution
Cross-functional teams include representatives from clinical and non-clinical areas of the org
which of the following is not a cost of teamwork
which is not a key feature of a wicked problem
one tool that is sometimes used for understanding differences in team member's personalities is the myers-briggs type indicator
the ability to read other peoples emotions within has been measured through the EC scale
leaderes focus on
mangers focus on
which leadership model is an example of acontemporary model
leadership domain fo functional and technical include
developing other and human resources are competencies from which domain
licensure is
physician credentialing is
midlevel practitioners
all of the following are mid-levels except
why is it important to study organizational behavior
theory y is based on negative beliefs that employees naturally dislike work and tend to avoid responsibility
people's attitudes and ideas about life are influenced by their
all cops are jerks
to be successful in management you must be willing to listen to tyour employees and allow their thoughts to influence and possibly change what you thin ka solution to a problem may be
a wrong against a society as a whole, even if a particular individual is harmed is a violation of what type of law
a wrong against an individual person or organization that encompasses contractual violations are genearlly considered to be which type of law
which of these elements is not necessary for a contract to be binding
a wrongful act against a person or organization without a pre-existing contract is considered which type of violation
largest category of hc workers
why did resident work hours change
red flag in resume
nurses quit jobs because of
parts of a market assessment
execution is important bc
mvv tie to strategic plan

external market focus

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