Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 8 answers solutions

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 8 answers solutions

12.1 Picturing History

troops. Slaveholding border states such as Maryland, Missouri, and selector 3
sided with the Union. These border states were strategic resources along important railroad routes west. Many Northerners believed they would attain a quick victory over the Confederate forces because of the sheer numeric advantages the Union possessed.

 “Union and Confederate Resources” shows that the total population and total number of miles of railroad track in the Union were selector 1
·more than twice
that of the total population and total number of miles of railroad track in the Confederacy. One critical component of the population advantage was that the Union possessed some selector 2

Early victories for the Confederate army in the Civil War did not reflect the imbalance between the troop strength of the Union and the Confederate forces. The Union had 2.1 million troops in total, including in uniform. The ratio of total population to the number of soldiers was, but the North had a much larger total population.

12.2 The Battlefront, 1861-1862
Which geographic region served as the capital of the Confederate States of America?
Washington D.C.
Richmond, Virginia
Fort Sumter, South Carolina

General Winfield Scott presented the Anaconda Plan to President Lincoln in the spring of 1861. Scott’s proposed strategy marked the first Union attempt to suppress the rebellion of the Confederate states.
Based on the narrated map, which of the following statements accurately describes the Union’s Anaconda Plan? Check all that apply.
By the end of 1861, the Union had completed its blockade of the southern coastline.
President Davis authorized Confederate sailors to capture Union ships.
It was a battle plan designed to start inland and drive the Confederate army to the coast, where Union ships were waiting.
The Confederacy initially enjoyed a strong naval advantage but lost most of its ships during the first year of fighting.
It was a naval maneuver designed to hurt the South economically by restricting access to its ports.

Imagine that you are General Irvin McDowell, commander of the Union forces stationed near Washington, D.C., in 1861. You are briefing President Lincoln and his cabinet about your plans for a military campaign at Bull Run, which will become one of the first major battles of the Civil War.
Based on the narrated map, select the correct response from each dropdown to complete the dialogue.
PRESIDENT LINCOLN: General, as you know, our primary goal at this early stage of the war is to capture. I hear that you have a plan to help us accomplish this.
MCDOWELL: The Confederates are trying to defend a critical rail junction at. I’m planning an offensive campaign to capture this junction, drive them deeper into Virginia, and send them away from Washington.
PRESIDENT LINCOLN: Presumably, this area will be well defended. Do you think we are strong enough to mount an offensive?
MCDOWELL: We are in a good position. We have roughly more troops in the area than they do.

During the early months of the war, the Union suffered a series of military defeats in the eastern theater. By early 1862, however, the Union began to achieve important victories in the western theater. When examining the past, evaluating the order of events is important for understanding the events themselves and their relationship to other events, which helps establish historical context.
Based on the narrated map, complete the following timeline by selecting the correct response from each dropdown menu.
January 1862
Grant’s forces gather in southern Kentucky and plan to launch an offensive.
February 6, 1862
February 16, 1862
February 25, 1862
April 6, 1862
April 7, 1862

From the beginning of the war, part of the Union strategy included gaining control of the Mississippi River—a key waterway flowing north to south across the western United States. Imagine you are reading a newspaper editorial in Boston in June of 1862 but are having difficulty making out some of the words due to smudged ink.
Based on the narrated map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the article.
Our Union Boys Battle for the Mississippi River
The mighty Mississippi has long been thought to be one of the key waterways, not just of the country, but of this war. The battle to control it has been waged on many fronts but really picked up steam this past April when Captain Farragut’s fleet of ships took control of and put the Confederate traitors on the run. As Farragut made his way upriver, winning battle after glorious battle, Captain Charles Davis came down from the north.
In spite of this, full control of the river still eludes us. A well-placed source tells me that these two men are planning on next month at Vicksburg. If successful, such a move could bring about a hasty end to the war. After all, having full control of the Mississippi would. One can only hope and pray that these men are up to the task.

The early battles of the American Civil War took place mainly in Virginia and in the West. Based on your examination of the five narrated maps covering the major battles of 1861–1862, answer the questions about the course of the war.
Read each description and determine which battle or battles it describes. Check all that apply.
Battle of Bull Run
Battles along the Mississippi River
Peninsula Campaign
Involved naval forces

Union victories divided Confederate forces

Confederates prevented the capture of their capital

After the military failure at Bull Run in 1861, Lincoln placed George B. McClellan in charge of the Union forces in the east. The Union strategy in the east continued to focus on capturing the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. Imagine that you are Edwin M. Stanton, the U.S. Secretary of War in 1862. You are meeting with President Lincoln to discuss the failure of McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign.
Based on the narrated map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the dialogue.
STANTON: Well, it looks like General McClellan was unable to and is retreating from Confederate forces. For a while there, it looked like it might work.
PRESIDENT LINCOLN: Everything seemed to change once the rebels installed as the commander of their Virginia forces. Tell me, what do you think we did right and did wrong?
STANTON: It was a good tactical plan. McClellan had his army stationed in a prime spot, and using the as a supply route was inspired thinking. As for mistakes, it might have been the wrong decision to hold back so many troops and keep them stationed in Washington, D.C. I know that the rebels had amassed forces, but a larger force might have allowed McClellan to succeed.

Read each description and determine which battle or battles it describes. Check all that apply.
Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Shiloh
Grant in Tennessee
Resulted in the capture of a state capital

Union victory

Specific to the western theater

12.3 The War on the Home Front
Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the newspaper account.
Bread Riot Breaks Out in Richmond!
Riots broke out in Richmond today as raided merchants’ stores. They were reacting against the shortages of essential goods throughout the Confederacy. For example, instead of growing food, many farmers now grow, hoping for profit. However, they can’t make much profit when the government forces them to sell it for.
Such resentments are building all across the Confederacy. The unrest because of food shortages in Richmond exists alongside a broader resentment against. The poor don’t like how the rich avoid taxes and. Hopefully this malaise will not spread to the army and our boys can hold out until the Yanks give up.

Which of the following statements best illustrates that Civil War medicine struggled to meet the needs of the wounded and sick?
Doctors performed amputations of limbs at a slow pace because of their surgical inexperience.
Doctors did not use anesthesia when performing surgeries on the wounded.
Doctors had yet to understand the link between contaminated medical tools and the spread of infections.

Which statement best describes the state of medicine in the context of the Civil War?
The field of medicine had advanced significantly prior to the war, enabling extensive care of the sick and wounded.
The field of medicine was still primitive in style, both in terms of treating injuries and disease and of understanding the spread of infections.
Medical doctors had extensive training before entering the field of battle.

Supplies Low, but Spirits High
As the Union army is preparing to engage the rebel forces, it behooves us to examine its preparedness. Most of the troops are in the, which might make things difficult at the outset. Furthermore, it might be difficult to pay for new troops. To finance the war, the Confederates are, and our own government is issuing.
However, it is gratifying to see the people of the United States coming together over something other than, as Mr. Greeley has suggested,. Even new Americans are getting in on the act, especially the Irish and. With this show of unity, our boys in blue will surely lick Johnny Reb!

12.4 Point-Counterpoint: Social Lens
Taylor states that whites provided her with educational opportunities, which is valuable evidence of the interaction between some whites and the African Americans living in Georgia during the mid-nineteenth century.

Because Taylor befriended a white girl at an early age, this source is likely intended to function as evidence of the white perspective on race relations during the 1860s.

Thanks to Taylor’s relatively unique reading and writing skills, this source provides an excellent glimpse into Georgia in the early 1860s from the perspective of an African American woman.

Taylor’s account of her firsthand experiences provide excellent evidence of the white perspective on race relations during the 1860s.

Taylor’s vivid firsthand description of writing curfew passes for African Americans in Savannah is an excellent account of the African American experience at the onset of the Civil War.

The goal of this passage reflects Taylor’s intent to inspire all African Americans to learn to read and write in the early twentieth century.

Who taught Taylor to read and write?
Mrs. Mary Beasley
The widow Mrs. Woodhouse and her daughter Mary Jane
Her white friend, Katie O’Connor

According to Taylor, others took advantage of her writing skills by asking her to draft passes that allowed them to be out past curfew in place for African Americans in Savannah.

What does Taylor suggest the white neighbors surrounding the school she and her brother attended likely believed the African American children to be doing?
Learning to read and write
Receiving religious instruction
Learning trades

According to Taylor, all African Americans in Savannah, whether free or enslaved, were required to have a pass in order to be out for the maximum of 90 minutes past 9:00 PM.

Which references did African American churchgoers use interchangeably while singing hymns to avoid detection by local police while planning their freedom from slavery? Check all that apply.
The Lord

Which of the following phrases does Taylor claim were posted by Southern whites as warnings to encroaching Northerners? Check all that apply.
I am a rattlesnake; if you touch me I will strike!
Yes, we all shall be free, When the Lord shall appear
I am a wild-cat! Beware
We’ll make Yankees pull carts around in place of horses

Chesnut’s moral issues with slavery inform her perspective on the specific lamentable elements of African American enslavement.

The dialogue recounted by Chesnut offers valuable evidence of African American attitudes toward religion.

Chesnut’s memories of discussions between herself and her friends regarding popular fiction reveal valuable information about the relationship between nineteenth century literature and social thought.

Chesnut’s recollections of the movements of the Union army provide evidence of the Union generals's perspective on slavery.

Chesnut’s recollections of her friends' discussions of Stowe’s protagonist Mr. Legree offer insight into the intersection between nineteenth century art and social attitudes.

Chesnut’s diary entry reveals aspects of the social attitude of Southern women during wartime.

According to Chesnut, whose loss did Mrs. Greenhow precipitate at Manassas?
Beauregard’s Confederate troops
Mrs. Greenhow played no role in a military loss for either side.
Federal troops from the North

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentence.
After flatly stating that she hates, Chesnut recalls the initiation of a conversation in which she criticizes the ill-treatment of by bad-mannered men.

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentences.
During the course of her conversation, Chesnut asks a participant to consider the negative effects of the on "Southern men" caused by the temptation and availability of. The participant replies that this cannot be true as "Southern men" could not be ruined by something present in such abundance.

Based on the anecdote provided by Chesnut, which service did the hostess to the "Jury of Matrons" provide in addition to furnishing socks to soldiers?
Mrs. Greenhow supplied crucial information to federal troops, which resulted in the defeat of Beauregard at Manassas.
Mrs. Greenhow furnished shirts to soldiers, as she determined they possessed far too many socks.
Mrs. Greenhow supplied crucial information regarding the "enemy’s plans" that resulted in a victory over federal troops at Manassas.

Given the content of these sources, which of the following statements best describes their potential value?
They provide excellent evidence for the thoughts and perspectives of white and African American women in the South during the Civil War.
They reveal critical information regarding the economic impact of slavery on free African Americans.
They should be held as the central evidence used to discuss military strategy during the war.

This passage offers insight into the social and familial interactions of whites and African Americans.

This source addresses attitudes regarding the consumption of alcohol and its effect on the family.

This source explores the contributions of white women to the education of African American children.

This source reveals details about the effect of the Civil War on the home front.

Indicate whether each of the following statements applies to the Taylor source, the Chesnut source, or both.
This source explores aspects of the effects of the Civil War on the civilian population.

This source explores the contributions of white Southern women to Confederate soldiers.

This source addresses the African American perspective on the armies of the North.

This author reveals evidence about the social interactions between whites and African Americans during the mid-nineteenth century.

Given the details provided in these sources, which of the following areas of historical study would be best served by their content?
The social history of women during the mid-nineteenth century
The economic history of slavery in the North during the mid-nineteenth century
The history of election politics during the Civil War

12.4 Point-Counterpoint: Political Lens
Identify each statement about the Emancipation Proclamation as either true or false.
This document contains evidence of the locales found to be acting in disagreement with Lincoln’s policy.

A historian could rely on the information this official government document contains as evidence of a policy of the Lincoln administration.

This document is all that is necessary for a historian to write a complete narrative of the southern perspective on the issue of slavery.

Identify each statement about the Emancipation Proclamation as either true or false.
A historian could rely on the information this official government document contains as evidence for the Lincoln administration’s position on slavery at the beginning of 1863.

This document contains evidence of the geographic regions found to be "in rebellion against the United States."

Historians could use this sole document as evidence to support a thesis on the southern perspective on the issue of slavery.

What is one reason given for freeing the slaves in areas that were in rebellion?
Keeping slaves is incompatible with the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.
Freed slaves will work for lower wages, making it easier to boost the economy in the Union.
It is a war measure necessary to suppress the rebellion.

According to the proclamation, which branch of government supports the freedom of those emancipated through the order?

Which of the following states were considered to be in rebellion? Check all that apply.
West Virginia

What did President Lincoln encourage those newly freed from slavery to do? Check all that apply.
Find work for reasonable wages
Avoid violence, except in self-defense
Emigrate to Europe

Identify each statement about Davis’s address as either true or false.
This source contains evidence that may be used to support an argument regarding Davis’s rationale for issuing a response to Lincoln’s proclamation.

Historians could use this sole document to construct a narrative on the perspective of the Abolitionists in 1863.

Within this document, President Davis demonstrates his resolve to act in accord with his official responsibilities.

Identify each statement about Davis’s address as either true or false.
A historian could rely on the information this government document contains as evidence of the position maintained by Jefferson Davis.

Historians would need only this document to construct a narrative on the northern perspective on slavery in 1863.

This source contains evidence that may be used to support an argument regarding the southern response to the Emancipation Proclamation.

According to Davis, serves as the "cornerstone of a Western Republic." He claims that the states most emphatically opposed to this practice contained persons of African descent within all of their borders than within any single non-slave state.

Which statement best describes Davis’s response to the Emancipation Proclamation’s call for freeing the slaves?
All free persons of African descent would be considered slaves.
All persons held as slaves would be conscripted into the Confederate army.
Any slave who incited a rebellion would be transported to the West Indies.

According to Davis, should be blamed for the difficulties facing the nation. He argued that the South, West, and Northwest functioned as the regions and that other regions of the country depended on their hard work in order to be successful.

Why did Davis seek to restore the condition of all persons of African descent as subordinate to that of white persons?
To further develop the West
To maintain the "public peace"
For purposes of agricultural expansion

Indicate whether each statement can be attributed to either Lincoln or Davis.
Lincoln or Davis?
The Constitution allows for slaves to be freed as a matter of military need.

Slavery is a fundamental component of a Western republic.

New England is generally at fault for the conflict between the North and the South.

Indicate whether each statement can be attributed to either Lincoln or Davis.
Lincoln or Davis?
Ending slavery in the Confederacy is necessary to suppress the rebellion.

The president of the United States does not have the right to interfere in internal state matters.

Those who are freed from slavery must be welcomed into the armed forces if they are qualified.

How did Lincoln and Davis differ in their interpretations of the Constitution?
Lincoln admitted to ignoring the Constitution in making the Emancipation Proclamation, while Davis argued that freeing the slaves was a necessary condition for admission to the Union during its founding.
Lincoln claimed that the Constitution granted him the ability to free the slaves in states in rebellion as a matter of military need, while Davis believed that ending slavery violated the Constitution.
Davis emphasized the constitutionality of nullification, while Lincoln emphasized the primacy of the legislature in the constitutional order.

Given the content of these sources, which of the following statements best describes their potential value?
They provide excellent evidence for the dissolution of the Union.
They provide detailed information about the activities of Northern and Southern generals during the war.
They provide excellent evidence for the difficult political realities during the Civil War.

Given the focus of these sources, which of the following statements best describes their value as evidence for an argument concerning the impact of the war?
They each provide detailed information about the lives of Northern and Southern generals during the war.
They each provide detailed information about the central political concerns of the war.
They each provide detailed information about the political fallout after the war.

How did Lincoln and Davis differ in their views about the role of freed slaves in the military?
Lincoln advocated for an outright ban on freed slaves participating in the military, while Davis announced that the Confederacy would conscript freed slaves.
Davis feared that the participation of freed slaves in the war would ultimately lead to the destruction of slave property, while Lincoln indicated that able freed slaves would be welcome to serve in the military in certain ways.
Davis advocated for slave owners directing their slaves to join the military, while Lincoln argued that slaves should be conscripted by the United States.

12.5 The Battlefront 1862-1865
Which of the following advances in technology contributed to high casualty rates during the war?
The rifle and Minié ball bullet
Doctors’ attention to sterilization and sanitation practices
Advanced torture tactics at the Confederate prison camp at Andersonville, Georgia

Which of the following proved a formidable fighting force for the Union army during the war?
Native Americans
African Americans

Imagine you have found a page from the diary of Confederate General Robert E. Lee written in early May 1863. In this entry, Lee reflects on key battles that occurred over the previous nine months. Because of the age of the letter, the ink is faint in spots.
Based on the narrated battle map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete General Lee’s letter.
May 5, 1863
Dear Diary,
Today my troops repelled the Union’s advances on yet again, but oh, what a price we paid. I believe we lost the same number of men as at on September 17, 1862—the single bloodiest day of the war. The last few days have, indeed, been trying, but I am confident that the South will emerge victorious in this terrible struggle. I am heartened by the efforts of General and his troops, who successfully defeated Union forces on the western flank of General Hooker’s dual-flanked attack near. I am exhausted; I must get some rest before another day dawns.

Imagine that you’re a Union soldier incarcerated at Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia. For several days, you’ve heard only rumors of the outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg, which took place July 1–3, 1863, in southern Pennsylvania. Then, on July 8, you and your fellow prisoners finally receive an accurate account from a reliable informant.
Based on the narrated battle map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the dialogue.
YOU: Although I am sorry you ended up in here, friend, might I ask if you bring news of the Battle of Gettysburg? We have received reports from only Southern sources and cannot be sure they are accurate.
INFORMANT: I can tell you everything about it because I was there, but I will spare you the suspense and tell you that army emerged victorious. Although General Lee’s troops enjoyed an early advantage, General Meade’s forces routed Lee’s men after securing the coveted high ground on July 1.
YOU: But the battle lasted three days, did it not?
INFORMANT: Indeed, it did, and what a bloody three days! More than 51, 000 men perished. During two more days of ill-fated attempts to advance on the ridges and hills held by Meade’s men, the lost about a third of their entire force! I think it is fair to say that General tactics failed miserably.

Based on the narrated battle map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the paragraph.
Citizens of Vicksburg, it is my sad duty to inform you that our city fell into the hands of the Union army yesterday. Though our soldiers fought bravely to thwart them, it seems that Generals Grant and Sherman finally succeeded in their efforts by invading from the. They accomplished their victory in this manner: General Grant moved his men by, while General Sherman created a diversion to allow Grant’s men to get within striking distance of Vicksburg. Nearly 8,000 Confederate soldiers gave their lives in four battles before our city finally surrendered to Grant. Now that Vicksburg has fallen, the Union has succeeded in dividing the Confederacy by cutting off access to.

Imagine it is July 5, 1863, and you’re standing among a large crowd in the town square of Vicksburg, Mississippi, listening intently to the reading of the local morning paper. Because of the nature of the news, there are a number of gasps, moans, and groans emanating from the audience, making it difficult to hear every word being read.

Imagine that you’re working on President Lincoln’s reelection campaign in March 1864. Because your desk is situated near the president’s office, you are able to overhear part of a conversation that Lincoln is having with General Ulysses S. Grant.
Based on the narrated map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the dialogue.
PRESIDENT LINCOLN: General, thank you very much for stopping by to see me. Before I get to the matter at hand, let me tell you again how pleased I am with the outcome of your recent campaigns. Why, even the Confederates were impressed with your army’s tough fighting at Missionary Ridge, which led to the fall of last November!
GENERAL GRANT: Thank you, Mr. President. I, too, am pleased with the way things are going, but I fear there is still much fighting to be done. Would you like a cigar?
PRESIDENT LINCOLN: No, thank you. General, I summoned you here today to let you know that I am putting you in charge of all the Northern forces. As you know, I face a tough bid for reelection, and I should be better equipped to win if I. With you in charge of the whole Union army, we’ll be able to attack the South on every front simultaneously.
GENERAL GRANT: I accept your charge, Mr. President, and agree with your thought process. I have it on good authority that the Confederacy hopes to make you look bad in the eyes of Northerners by inflicting heavy damages on the Union army. They believe this tactic will result in Northern voters. I will not, however, let that happen on my watch.

As the Civil War drew to a close, the battles remained brutal as Generals Grant and Lee skirmished throughout Virginia. On April 9, 1865, however, both men convened at the Appomattox Courthouse to bring an end to the war between North and South. Imagine that you’ve found a tattered newspaper in an attic in New York dated April 10, 1865, that describes the last year of the war and its outcome. Due to the age and condition of the newspaper, however, some of the words are difficult to read.
Based on the narrated map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the article.
Victory at Long Last!
Finally, the war is over. The North and the South engaged in gruesome battles over the last year, perhaps none more grizzly than the Battle of, where trapped soldiers burned to death in great numbers. But after months of skirmishes with General Lee’s army all over the state of Virginia, Union forces finally overtook just one week ago. Lee retreated with his armies, but Grant’s men foiled their plan to rearm and ultimately elicited Lee’s surrender. Though we are overjoyed to announce an end to this long and bloody conflict, the Union forces must remain vigilant as outlying Southern armies remain in the field and Confederate Jefferson Davis is still at large.

As the Civil War dragged on, increasingly bloody battles took place along the border states in the West and across the deep South. Though Confederate forces scored a few victories across scattered battlefields, the Union army eventually wore down its opponents. The South surrendered in early April 1865.
Based on the narrated maps of the major battles of the Civil War that took place between 1862 and 1865, complete the following timeline.
September 17, 1862
May 1863
March 1864
April 3, 1865

Based on the narrated maps of the major battles of the Civil War that took place between 1862 and 1865, complete the following timeline.
September 1862
June 1863
July 4, 1863
April 9, 1865

Imagine that you are a telegraph operator for the Union army, and General William T. Sherman has given you the task of transmitting a personal message to President Lincoln. As you transcribe Sherman’s message, you encounter several words that are unclear because the ink from his pen smeared.
Based on the narrated battle map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the message.
December 21, 1864
Dear President Lincoln,
I beg to present to you, as a Christmas gift, the city of. We continue to make excellent progress here in Georgia. I am still thrilled that we took Atlanta back in September, though perhaps not as thrilled as you are given that our successful efforts here in Georgia resulted in. I will keep you abreast of our progress as I continue this campaign of total war, but barring any unforeseen circumstances, I expect to march my troops into in early February.
General Sherman

Determine which event or events match each description. Check all that apply.
Important Mississippi River fort

Confederate attack on Union

Final surrender of the war

Determine which event or events match each description. Check all that apply.
Union stronger at outset

Resulted in the capture of the Confederate capital

Battle fought in North

12.6 Politics and Dissension
Imagine you are a Radical Republican congressman and are having a private meeting with Abraham Lincoln about the war and slavery in 1864. The conversation might go something like this.
Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the dialogue.
YOU:  Mr. President, I have read over your proposals for postwar reconstruction, and I must say I am dismayed. You are being. Why require only percent of Southerners to swear a loyalty oath to the Union? It should be more like.
LINCOLN: We must be charitable to our former enemies. Besides, ours is not the only wrath they may face. Their could make life difficult for them if we demand too many compromises. And besides, we must be conciliatory even for the sake of Union politics. want to bring the South back into the country but allow slavery. We must offer the South something if we are going to take their slaves.

Imagine you are a Confederate congressman and are having a private meeting with Jefferson Davis about the power of government. The conversation might go something like this.
Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the dialogue.
YOU: Mr. President, you know we have some serious issues facing us. First of all, we’re short on manpower for the army.
DAVIS: Yes, I know. That is why we. But even that hasn’t yielded as many men as I’d hoped because of the exemptions for men with at least. And we have trouble even mobilizing the troops we have already!
YOU: Why is that?
DAVIS: Well, to really wage this war to our fullest capacity, we would need to authority, but the states won’t accept that. The reason we are fighting this war is to preserve. Some say I should exert more authority to win the war, but then others call me a! I don’t know what to do.

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