Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 6 answers solutions

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 6 answers solutions

7.3 Reforming the Young Republic

Imagine that it is 1848, and you are an anti-alcohol crusader. You engage a man in conversation as he is on his way into a saloon. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.
YOU: Think about others when you partake in the evils of alcohol! Your loose morals aren’t just hurting yourself; the biggest victim is your.
SALOON PATRON: Back off, lady! I’ve had a long day, and if I want to get a little bright in the eye, who are you to stop me? You Washingtonians are always putting your noses where they don’t belong, and I will not be brought under the influence of the movement.

Which religion rose in prominence during the first half of the nineteenth century as founder Joseph Smith preached spiritual lessons he claimed to have learned from an angel?

YOU: I am not warning you purely to cast judgment on you. My group can.

Imagine that it is 1820, and you are the member of the Shaker religious movement. You are talking with a nonbeliever. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.

YOU: Indeed, sir! We believe that following this path keeps the body and soul pure and aids us on our godly path. But we also believe that any man or woman of any race can attain salvation. We oppose slavery and war and actively provide support for.
NONBELIEVER: Well, I agree with some of your values, but I’m still skeptical. Give me the information, and I’ll at least consider attending.

YOU: Come! Confess your sins! Attend the with the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Coming! Secure your salvation while there’s still time!
NONBELIEVER: I’m not sure that kind of thing is for me. I’ve heard that everyone in your group. Is there any truth to that?

What change in family life during this era created a sense of disunion that fed the popularity of reform and revival movements?
Home foreclosures rose to such a high level that nearly half of all American families became homeless.
Huge increases in alcohol consumption led more men to become absentee fathers.
People began to move away from their parents at an earlier age.

Imagine that it is 1855, and you are a member of the Oneida Association. You are talking with a nonbeliever. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.

NONBELIEVER: I have heard that, but I was also told that the group rejects marriage. Is that true?
YOU: It is indeed. Members of our community are all part of. This practice seems to fascinate outsiders, but to us it’s completely normal. And it’s not something that entirely defines who we are. Much of our time is spent manufacturing silverware and working to make our community a better place.
Which of these statements best represents how some workers responded to the demands of increased production with no wage increases?
They seized dozens of factories, later selling the buildings back to the companies to which they officially belonged.
They used the stringent labor laws of the time to sue any employer that did not provide a living wage.
They formed unions and used them to take actions such as striking and lobbying legislatures.

NONBELIEVER: Excuse me, sir. I’m told you’re a member of that Oneida group from New York. I’ve heard quite a bit about your community.
YOU: Yes, ma’am. I don’t know what you’ve heard, but it’s a wonderful place. Like our founder, John Humphrey Noyes, we believe that people can.

7.5 One Long Struggle toward Equality

Although women had few political rights during the first half of the nineteenth century, they influenced society in which of these ways?
They strove to achieve legislative change through letter-writing campaigns.
They worked to have a calming effect through medical advocacy.
They tried to have a nurturing influence through social reform.

Which of these businesses changed domestic life considerably for women during the first half of the nineteenth century?

Which of these statements about women’s lives and the women’s movement during the first half of the nineteenth century are true? Check all that apply.
The early stages of the women’s movement were focused largely on gaining the right to vote.
Women’s rights crusaders initially avoided claiming that men and women were inherently equal.
When a woman married, her legal identity was subsumed under that of her husband.
Despite advocating equality for women, the first women’s right convention was closed to non-whites.

Which of these businesses changed domestic life considerably for women during the first half of the nineteenth century?

Which statement best describes a major change in the idealized view of women’s roles in the first half of the nineteenth century?
Women should be the moral centers of the home, providing a refuge from the outside world.
Women should protect the home, working to secure doors and windows and practicing marksmanship.
Women should go to work when their children are old enough to perform the duties of the household.

Which of these statements about women’s lives and the women’s movement during the first half of the nineteenth century are true? Check all that apply.
The first women’s right convention was conservative, demanding equality only in wages.
A woman’s property was completely controlled by her husband.
Early women’s rights activists worked almost exclusively within the Roman Catholic church.
The women’s rights movement in the United States began with women involved in the abolitionist movement.

Which of the following statements best describes the historical context in which the women’s movement emerged?
The women’s movement emerged alongside many other reform movements, including the antislavery movement, which took their inspiration from religion and ideas of individualism.
The women’s movement emerged independent of and separate from other reform efforts of the mid-nineteenth century.
Religious revivals inspired the women’s movement, which chose to remain separate from the antislavery movement.

Which of the following did not occur at the Seneca Falls gathering?
As a gathering exclusively focused on the rights and grievances of women, men could not attend or participate in the meeting.
The participants gathered together to discuss the rights and grievances of women, which led to the creation and approval of the Declaration of Sentiments.
The gathering asserted that all men and women were created equal.

Which of these parallels can be drawn between the women’s rights and antislavery movements?
Both were inspired by religious revivals and a new ideal of an individual’s power to effect change.
Both inspired religious revivals and greater tolerance.
Despite a multitude of other reform movements, these two occurred independent of them (and one another) as they had no religious connection.

Which of the following rights were not among those on the list of grievances articulated at the Seneca Falls gathering?
The right to a college education
The right to hold a job
The right to retain custody of children in a divorce

Which of these businesses changed domestic life considerably for women during the first half of the nineteenth century?
Butcher shops

In what way did many working-class women’s lives diverge from the ideal of domesticity in the first half of the nineteenth century?
They had to work outside of the home for wages, allowing less time to spend with their families.
They enjoyed rich social lives, which prevented them from caring for their children.
They performed heavy farm labor, which was considered unfeminine.

Which of these statements about women’s lives and the women’s movement during the first half of the nineteenth century are true? Check all that apply.
The racial scope of the women’s movement began to expand when Sojourner Truth shared her story.
The early stages of the women’s movement were focused mainly on women’s rights in the workplace.
When a woman married, she gave up her right to vote.
Reformers held the first women’s rights convention in New York in 1848.

Which of these parallels can be drawn between the women’s rights and antislavery movements?
Both inspired religious revivals and greater tolerance.
Both were inspired by religious revivals and a new ideal of an individual’s power to effect change.
Despite a multitude of other reform movements, these two occurred independent of them (and one another) as they had no religious connection.

What did the Declaration of Sentiments contain?
It included a statement that recognized the societal limitations faced by women but fell short of recognizing the equality of men and women.
It recognized the equality of men and women and stated the rights and limitations faced by women in society.
It contained a statement on the antislavery movement and the budding religious revivals of the day.

Which of the following did not occur at the Seneca Falls gathering?
The participants gathered together to discuss the rights and grievances of women, which led to the creation and approval of the Declaration of Sentiments.
The gathering asserted that all men and women were created equal.
As a gathering exclusively focused on the rights and grievances of women, men could not attend or participate in the meeting.

Why was the Seneca Falls Convention significant?
It was the first time women openly spoke out against the patriarchal system in which they lived.
It was the first event attended and supported by men as well as women.
It and other events like it, slowly convinced lawmakers to give women more rights.

8.2 Our Peculiar Institution
This state’s Supreme Court outlawed slavery in 1783.

This state passed a law in 1787 to make private manumission easier.

This state passed a gradual abolition law in 1799.

As opposition to slavery grew in the Upper South, some slave owners in this region opted to. In part, this occurred due to the shift in the primary crop of this region from to wheat, a crop that required fewer field hands.

Which piece of legislation was essential for maintaining the balance of power between North and South in the early nineteenth century?
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Northwest Ordinance
The Missouri Compromise

Passed the first abolition law

Passed a law in 1782 to make private manumission easier

Passed a gradual abolition law in 1784

Was the last Northern state to pass a gradual abolition law

Passed a law in 1790 to make private manumission less difficult

Reported no slaves in the federal census in 1790

Which of the following was a concern for Southern leaders with regard to slavery in the early nineteenth century?
The growing population and power of the North
Federal mandates about the pricing of commodities farmed by slaves
Leadership development among freed African Americans in urban areas

The region initially indicated that it would witness the gradual death of slavery with the end of the foreign slave trade. However, positive action would be necessary to end slavery. , a slaveholder himself, supported gradual abolition in Virginia.

Which piece of legislation was essential for maintaining the balance of power between North and South in the early nineteenth century?
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Missouri Compromise
The Northwest Ordinance
This state’s Supreme Court outlawed slavery in 1783.

This state passed a law in 1787 to make private manumission easier.

This state passed a gradual abolition law in 1799.

In the North, many free African Americans created institutions such as that fostered the growth of those communities. In addition, provided relief to poor widows and children.

Which of the following was an interest of Northerners with regard to slavery in the early nineteenth century?
Ensuring that Northerners would get good prices for slaves they sold in the Deep South
Suppressing institutions run by freed slaves
Preventing the spread of slavery into new western states

8.6 Debating and Opposing Slavery
Denied that slaves felt or owed bond to their masters

Was a major proponent of moral suasion as a strategy for abolition

Was the child of a slave owner who became an advocate for abolition

The rebellion instigated by in 1831 required troops to be sent in. The state legislature engaged in heated debate about the future of slavery. Those who supported slavery were concerned that these debates.
The debates surrounding the expansion of slavery in provided inspiration for the attempted revolt by in 1822. The revolt failed, however, because a alerted local whites before it could be carried out.

Purchased land in Africa to create a new country for freed slaves

Claimed that the duty of Christians was to cast out slaveholders

Argued that slavery violated the principle that all humans are equal in the eyes of God

Many slaves, such as Frederick Douglass, opted for a nonviolent form of slave rebellion: escape. A network known as the made it possible for many thousands of people to secure freedom. One escaped slave,, became a leader of the organization. Her success spurred a group of to offer a $40,000 reward for her capture, which proved unsuccessful.
Alternate term for Congress opting to table antislavery petitions

Argument that slaves were well taken care of by their masters

Tool for appealing to Southern ministers in the 1830s

The rebellion instigated by in 1831 required troops to be sent in. The state legislature engaged in heated debate about the future of slavery. Those who supported slavery were concerned that these debates.

8.3 King Cotton
By 1850, the United States was producing and exporting bales of cotton annually. The profitability of cotton production helped aid the spread of slavery into the.

How did the lives of planter wives and yeoman wives differ?
Planter wives managed household slaves, and yeoman wives labored on family farms.
Planter wives tended to be married to abolitionists, and yeoman wives tended to own slaves.
Planter wives labored on family farms, and yeoman wives worked in urban factories.
By 1860, those areas of the South that are considered major centers of cotton cultivation had a slave population that of the total population. This suggests not only that cotton cultivation was labor intensive, but also that most of the workforce that raised cotton. We can also draw the conclusion that most slaves in, and those who lived near the Mississippi River from Memphis to Baton Rouge, spent most of their time.
Between 1820 and 1860, the Southern slave population from the Upper South to the Lower South, following the migration of cultivation to the Southwest. In 1820, only—and to a lesser extent Georgia and Louisiana—had numerous counties with slave populations that exceeded 50% of the total population. By 1860, Lower South states like Alabama, Louisiana, and contained vast stretches of counties in which the slave population and not a single county was without slaves.
Which of the following statements best describes the impact of Eli Whitney’s innovations?
The mechanical tools and manufacturing techniques developed by Whitney led to the increased presence of the manufacturing industry in the North while simultaneously contributing to the decline of slavery in the South.
The mechanical tools and manufacturing techniques developed by Whitney had a limited impact on both the economic development of industry in the North and agriculture in the South.
The mechanical tools and manufacturing techniques developed by Whitney led to the increased presence of the manufacturing industry in the North and contributed to the increased production of cotton and a greater reliance on slave labor in the South.

Which of the following describes paternalism in white Southern family structure?
Plantations raised children collectively and shared the burden of planting.
Husbands and wives shared legal and financial responsibility for their land and family.
The male father figure was in charge of his wife, the children, and the plantation’s slave population.

Whitney’s cotton gin resulted in better-paying opportunities for Southern agricultural workers.

Whitney’s cotton gin inadvertently helped to further entrench slavery in the South.

Whitney’s inventions helped to further distinguish the North and South from one another.

The cotton gin made it less painful for laborers to separate the cotton fiber from the seed by hand, but it did not save time.
With mechanization, the cotton gin made the separation of the cotton fiber from the disposable seed a more efficient task.
The cotton gin made the use of slave labor in the South obsolete.

Whitney’s improvement of musket design allowed plantation owners in the South to exert greater control over their slaves.

One consequence of Whitney’s musket was the creation of new jobs for skilled blacksmiths.

Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin was motivated by a desire to ease the hardship suffered by the slaves who had to sort cotton by hand.

The cotton gin increased worker efficiency from 1 pound of cotton per worker per day topounds per worker per day. The demand for labor helped the slave system in the United States.

What determined whether or not a child was born a slave?
The slave status of the mother
The slave status of both parents
The slave status of the father

Between 1820 and 1860, the cultivation of expanded from the Upper South to the Lower South in a direction. In 1820, only was a major center of cultivation, while minor centers existed in several other states. By 1860, the major center of cultivation ran from central Georgia and Alabama to the Mississippi River, and down the river. Meanwhile, minor centers extended all the way from the Carolinas in the Upper South to Arkansas and Texas in the Lower South.

Why were children born into slavery important to slave owners?
Children increased the owner’s property holdings.
Children were more efficient and productive workers.
There were fewer regulations about the sale of slave children.

What impact did the application of interchangeable parts for muskets have?
The use of interchangeable parts added to the life of a musket because the parts could be swapped in and out.
The use of interchangeable parts increased the need for skilled artisans for the manufacturing of muskets.
The use of interchangeable parts provided for a sturdier musket.

Eli Whitney’s inventions affected the North and the South in different ways.

Whitney’s cotton gin, since it automated cotton production, reduced the need for slave labor.

Whitney’s foresightedness helped position the North as an industrial center.

8.5 The Scope of Slavery
Yeoman farmers generally opposed the slave trade.

Most slaves lived on large plantations with significant slave populations.

The domestic slave trade escalated in response to the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Almost 73% of all slaves worked in cotton fields.

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentences.
During the season, most slaves worked as field hands. During these times often threatened violence in order to maximize the work from the slaves.

Which statement best represents the approximate value reflected in the sale price of slaves during the 1850s?
Female slaves sold for more than male slaves.
Male slaves sold for more than female slaves.
Female and male slaves most often sold for the same price.
The slave population in the Lower South declined sixfold between 1793 and 1830.

By 1860, only about 25% of white Southerners owned slaves.

Yeoman farmers owned the majority of the plantations with large slave populations.

About 25% of slaves resided on plantations with more than fifty slaves.

Some free African Americans were wealthy enough to purchase their own slaves, though they generally bought. However, as more African Americans gained their freedom, some white Southerners advocated freed slaves.

Why did girls sell for higher prices than boys at slave auctions in the 1850s?
Because girls were less expensive to maintain on the plantation
In order to provide more household help
Because of their ability to bear children

Most slave owners had less than five slaves.

The cotton gin minimized the need for slave labor in the Lower South.

The trans-Atlantic slave trade expanded after 1808.

While a solid majority of slaves worked in cotton fields, others farmed other crops or practiced trades.

Some free African Americans were wealthy enough to purchase their own slaves, though they generally bought. However, as more African Americans gained their freedom, some white Southerners advocated freed slaves.

What was the approximate total value of all the slaves in the United States in 1860 dollars?
$1.2 billion
$3.5 billion
$100 million
Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentences.
Farmers who required additional help on their land could slaves from other plantations. Slaves on some farms were able to from this practice, helping them gain their freedom.

9.5 Taking Sides
Which of the following were arguments in favor of the “tariff of abominations”? Check all that apply.
It disproportionately affected the South.
It would provide money for defense.
It would help prevent federal debt.
It would increase the cost of manufactured goods.

Determine which group is associated with each description.
Irish Immigrants
Were opposed to secret organizations

Supported Jackson’s anti-monopoly efforts

Tended to be young, single, and poor

How did Jackson initiate the Bank War?
Through a referral of the issue to the judicial branch
Through an executive order
By vetoing the rechartering of the bank

General led Mexican forces against American settlers. After his capture and the establishment of an independent Texas in 1836, Texas became a state in 1845. In order to balance free states and slave states, the United States recognized as a free territory that same year, albeit with a boundary that only extended to the forty-ninth parallel.

Which of the following were arguments against the “tariff of abominations”? Check all that apply.
It would threaten foreign markets for southern cotton.
It would help fund the military.
It would prevent federal debt.
It would increase the price of manufactured goods in the South.

Determine which group is associated with each description.
Irish Immigrants
Were subject to an anti-Catholic riot in Philadelphia

Believed Andrew Jackson favored the South

Wanted Jackson to do more to attack those with economic privilege

What did the Second National Bank ensure?
That state banks would have sufficient metal currency on hand
Financing for public infrastructure projects
Lower interest rates for merchants and farmers

Texas established a provisional government in and chose as commander of the army.

Which of the following were components of Calhoun’s concept of nullification? Check all that apply.
The judicial branch is the ultimate arbiter of whether a law can be nullified.
The federal system divides sovereignty between the states and the nation as a whole.
Nullification only applies to taxation.
A nullification can only be overruled by three-fourths of the states.

Irish Immigrants
Were perceived as a threat by many Protestant Americans

Organized strikes

Held the first national political convention

Why were many Americans distrustful of the national bank?
It kept too much hard currency on hand.
It issued too little paper money.
It appeared to serve private interests with public money.

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the paragraph.
Mexico invited American settlers to Texas in hopes of populating the region. However, disagreements over led to a petition started by to establish Texas as a separate Mexican state.

10.1 Picturing History

In 1890, the percentage of foreign-born men twenty-one years of age or older was greatest in the states at the western terminus of the Trail. In general, states with predominantly single male migration patterns contained numbers of foreign-born immigrants compared to states where families migrated. This map of the United States in 1890 shows that contained the largest percentage of foreign-born men ages twenty-one and older.

In 1900, North Dakota approximatelyof the white population was foreign born. Of the 227, 690 foreign-born whites, the majority were from Canada (English and French combined), Norway, and. Comparing North Dakota’s foreign-born white population to its neighbor South Dakota’s demonstrates that far greater numbers of immigrants from settled here.
In 1900, both Nebraska and Kansas had white populations of more than 1 million people. Of these two states, Nebraska had the highest number of foreign-born men, in 1890. The majority of Kansas’s foreign-born white population were from. Some of the families who migrated to this state arrived on the Trail.

10.2 Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny
Which of the following statements regarding westward expansion is most accurate?
Lewis and Clark’s expedition was made much more difficult because the party had to build roads as they traversed the country.
In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson massively expanded U.S. borders with the Louisiana Purchase.
President Andrew Jackson created the U.S. Army Corps of Topographical Engineers to make sure development projects did not damage any natural wonders.

Which of the following statements regarding the early nineteenth-century U.S.–Canada border is most accurate?
During the 1815 peace, President Andrew Jackson continuously moved the Canadian border to the benefit of the United States.
In the Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817, President Millard Fillmore temporarily ceded most of present-day New England to Canada.
In the Convention of 1818, President James Monroe set the border at the forty-ninth parallel.

Which of the following statements regarding U.S. expansion are true? Check all that apply.
The doctrine of manifest destiny focused on the need to expand the country’s borders for the purpose of protecting the natural environment.
The United States expressed an interest in acquiring Cuba as early as 1848, when it offered to buy the island from Spain.
The Gadsden Purchase extended the trend begun by the Ostend Manifesto, which gave the United States control of the Alaskan territory.
President John Tyler made an effort to annex Texas, working with Democrats to keep the region out of British hands.

Which of the following statements regarding westward expansion is most accurate?
Despite the concerns of farmers, Congress never passed a law legalizing the process known as preemption.
Private industry magnates masterminded westward expansion, with company executives signing the Louisiana Purchase and later selling much of the land to the U.S. government.
The Missouri Compromise of 1820 admitted a new free state and a new slave state to preserve the balance of power in the Senate.

Which of the following statements regarding the early nineteenth-century U.S.–Canada border is most accurate?
During the 1815 peace, President Andrew Jackson continuously moved the Canadian border to the benefit of the United States.
In the Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817, President Millard Fillmore temporarily ceded most of present-day New England to Canada.
In the Convention of 1818, President James Monroe set the border at the forty-ninth parallel.

Which of the following statements regarding U.S. expansion are true? Check all that apply.
The doctrine of manifest destiny suggested that it was the divine mission of the United States to expand across the continent.
The United States tried to acquire Cuba as a part of the Louisiana Purchase, but France refused to make the sale.
The annexation of Texas was first suggested by President James Buchanan, who wanted to extend slavery from coast to coast.
The final borders of the continental United States were set as the result of the Gadsden Purchase.
Which of the following statements regarding westward expansion is most accurate?
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led a group called the Corps of Discovery to record characteristics of newly acquired territory.
President Franklin Pierce established the General Land Office in order to identify new lands that could by acquired by the United States.
President John Tyler negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, which ceded Louisiana to France in exchange for large tracts of land in Mexico.

Which of the following statements regarding the Spanish influence in Florida is most accurate?
The Spanish were so concerned about the presence of the so-called Negro Fort that they poisoned every occupant.
General Jackson took advantage of good relations with the Seminoles to form an alliance to wage guerilla warfare against the Spanish.
Tensions between Spanish settlers and Anglo Americans were made worse by long-standing religious differences between the groups.

Which of the following statements regarding U.S. expansion are true? Check all that apply.
The annexation of Texas was championed by Democrats, who feared it might fall under British influence and become an antislavery stronghold.
The United States tried to acquire Cuba by promising the ruling British government that the island would remain free from slavery.
Named for the president who signed it, the Gadsden Purchase briefly put the country of Panama under U.S. rule.
The idea of manifest destiny originated with newspaper editor John Louis O’Sullivan, who argued that white Protestants had a God-given duty to expand geographically.

10.3 Trails to the West
June 20, 1852
Dear Hyrum,
The Mormon state of is beautiful this time of year! I thank the Lord every day that we left Nauvoo, Illinois, some six years ago and made our way across the continent to the Great Salt Lake. Our leader,, has not only led us to the promised land but also directed our efforts to irrigate this arid land and construct a temple that will surpass the grandeur and gorgeousness of other holy sites. I was sad to see that Congress rejected our petition for statehood because of the practice of plural marriage, or. I do not plan to take more than one wife, and only about 15% of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints do, but plural marriage is a fundamental doctrine of our faith and must not be abandoned.
I hope that my letter finds you well and prosperous. I urge you once again to consider selling your farm and joining me in my dry goods store. I am making a small fortune to settlers on the trail to Los Angeles. With my salesmanship and your business savvy, we will surely grow rich!
How are your wife and children? Catherine and the girls send their love to you all.
Your devoted brother,

The Continental Divide separates which of the following two regions?
The Deseret and Great American Desert Regions
The Gold Rush and Deseret Regions
The Gold Rush and Great American Desert Regions

Which of the following descriptions best describes the location of the North Platte River?
It stretches between the Rocky Mountains and the Missouri River.
It is found west of the Continental Divide in the Deseret Region
It runs north-south to the west of the Gold Rush Region.

Which of the following routes could migrants traveling from St. Louis, Missouri, to Chihuahua, Mexico follow?
The Santa Fé Trail to the Oregon Trail to the California Trail or Lassen’s Trail
The Santa Fé Trail, including the Cimarron Crossing Trail shortcut
The Santa Fé Trail to the Old Spanish Trail

Which geological feature separates the Deseret and Great American Desert Regions?
The Missouri River
The Continental Divide
The Oregon Trail

Which of the following descriptions best describes the location of the Colorado River?
West of the Continental Divide in the Deseret Region
East of the Continental Divide in the northern portion of the Unorganized Territory in the Great American Desert Region
South of the Cimarron Crossing Trail in the southern portion of the Great American Desert Region

Which of the following routes could migrants follow from Fort Laramie to the Gold Rush Region?
The Oregon Trail to the California Trail, with the option of taking Lassen’s Trail
The Oregon Trail to the Santa Fé Trail, with the option of picking up the Cimarron Crossing Trail
The Mormon Trail to the Oregon Trail to the Salt Lake to Los Angeles Trail

Which of the following statements best describes the value of the Santa Fe Trail during its use between 1821 and the 1880s?
The Santa Fe Trail provided missionaries with direct connections to surrounding Native American tribes.
The Santa Fe Trail provided for domestic and foreign economic development, facilitating trade, commerce, and settlement.
The Santa Fe Trail provided the Mexican government with a major highway to send immigrants into the United States.

March 4, 1851
Dearest Mother,
California is a living hell! The situation here is nothing like 1848, when gold was found on land and the gold rush began. I have heard that nearly 100,000 men made their way to California by the end of 1849 alone. These so-called could once expect to discover an ounce of gold a day, worth about $20. This is about twenty times what I made back in Ohio, working as a day laborer! Today, though, I’m lucky to make $10 a day, while most days it averages about $6. Although this might seem like a king’s ransom in Ohio, the cost of living out here in the gold rush region is high. Miners like me aren’t the ones making the money. It’s the entrepreneurs who are growing rich: men like the merchant Levi Strauss, who has grown wealthy selling tough, blue denim pants, and Collis P. Huntington, who has cornered the market on and marks up their price to ridiculous heights. Otherwise, it’s the big mining syndicates who can afford to bring in machines to dredge the streams, crush the rock, and process the ore at a rate that far surpasses a lone man’s capabilities.
The gold fields are a demanding, diverse, and dangerous place, Ma! I work all day long and make little profit. I sleep in a tent and cook over the fire, living side by side with poor but ambitious men from all over the world. There are thousands of men from China, drawn to the, as they call the gold rush region here in the mountains east of Sacramento. I fear that we all have been duped by the false hope of growing rich quickly.
I have enclosed $10 to help you and Dad with the spring planting. I was hoping to send more!
Your loving son,

October 13, 1844
Dear Diary,
We have finally made it across the Rockies! It has been a grueling trip, to say the least. We left Missouri nearly six months ago and followed the Trail. At first, the traveling was easy. There was plenty of water and wood until we entered what is known as the Great American Desert, which was dry and windy. After two months, we reached Fort and the Continental Divide, where the water suddenly began to run to the instead of the east. I was overjoyed and assumed that the rest of the trip would be easy. How wrong I was!
At this point, the wagon train split into two groups. For the most part, those wagons containing like ours headed north to the Oregon Territory. Those wagons containing groups of single men headed south along the California Trail. I can tell you that I’ll never forget the Rockies! There were ascents up the mountain I thought the oxen would never make and descents down treacherous mountain passes that I was sure would end with our wagon crashing into the valley. I’ve never prayed so hard. But with God’s grace, we made it. God be praised!

Which two trails traverse the Continental Divide?
The Mormon and Salt Lake to Los Angeles Trails
The Oregon and Old Spanish Trails
The Cimarron Crossing and California Trails

Which of the following descriptions best describes the location of the Colorado River?
West of the Continental Divide in the Deseret Region
South of the Cimarron Crossing Trail in the southern portion of the Great American Desert Region
East of the Continental Divide in the northern portion of the Unorganized Territory in the Great American Desert Region

Which of the following routes could migrants traveling from St. Louis, Missouri, to Chihuahua, Mexico follow?
The Santa Fé Trail to the Oregon Trail to the California Trail or Lassen’s Trail
The Santa Fé Trail, including the Cimarron Crossing Trail shortcut
The Santa Fé Trail to the Old Spanish Trail

What was the impact of the construction of railroads on the use of the Santa Fe Trail in the 1880s?
The Santa Fe Trail was no longer valued as a major highway for the transportation of goods and peoples between the western and eastern portions of the United States.
The construction of railroads boosted the use of the Santa Fe Trail by traders.
American tourists from eastern parts of the country who wanted to see the West used the Santa Fe Trail.

10.4 Getting to the Source: American Artifacts Lens
Indicate whether each statement about Samuel Colt’s revolver is true or false.
This revolver is a replica of a Texas Paterson.

This is a .28 caliber revolver.

This revolver must be disassembled to be reloaded.

Which statement best describes this Colt revolver’s symbolic value to the United States?
The Colt revolver symbolizes American military power abroad.
The Colt revolver symbolizes American innovation and expansion west.
The Colt revolver symbolizes the American predisposition for pacifism.

This weapon is often referred to as the Texas Paterson. Which reasons best describe why this revolver has that nickname? Check all that apply.
Its production in Paterson, New Jersey
Its affiliation with Captain Paterson
The role of the revolver in the Mexican War
Its affiliation with the Texas Rangers

This work depicts a buffalo hunt.

This work is an original oil painting.

This is a primary source.

This artwork is a commissioned advertisement.

Based on this work, what can you extrapolate about attitudes toward Native Americans in the mid-1800s? Check all that apply.
Native Americans were revered as hunters.
Native Americans were the biggest enemy to westward expansion.
Native Americans were considered conquered and no threat.
Many Americans held a stereotypical view of Native Americans.

Use the dropdown menu to complete the paragraph.
This source, a print of George Catlin’s painting, showcases the Colt. The Western landscape, famous subject and artists, and mood stress the weapon’s utility for.
Indicate whether each statement about “Catlin the Artist Shooting Buffalos with Colt’s Revolving Pistol” is true or false.
This is a secondary source.

Samuel Colt is the subject of this work.

This work is a reflection of a historical period.

This is a lithograph of a painting by George Catlin.

Which reasons best describe why the main subject firing the revolver was chosen for this work? Check all that apply.
The subject was a soldier.
He was a famous traveler, author, and painter.
The subject represented safety.
The sponsor specifically commissioned this subject.

Use the dropdown menu to complete the paragraph.
This source is a print and represents one of six paintings commissioned by Samuel Colt. He chose George Catlin due to his. Colt shrewdly crafted a campaign to expand the revolver’s association with the West. To Americans, the West represented, and the revolver could be the tool they needed by their side as they sought to settle new territory.
Determine whether the following statements describe Samuel Colt’s revolver, “Catlin the Artist Shooting Buffalos with Colt’s Revolving Pistol,” or both.
Colt Revolver
Catlin Print
This source symbolizes the American West.

This source is useful to a historian seeking to analyze the Texas Ranger campaign against the Comanche.

This source illustrates the innovations Colt made to improve his original revolver design.

What can we extrapolate about the impact of Samuel Colt’s revolver on the U.S. Civil War conflict?
New rapid-firing revolvers were not available during the U.S. Civil War.
The cost of new weapons made them too expensive for military use.
Innovations in design created powerful repeating-fire weapons with deadly consequences.

Colt Revolver
Catlin Print
This source is evidence of the innovations Samuel Colt used in reference to his revolver.

This source is an example of design innovation.

This source illustrates American attitudes and stereotypes about the American West.

What statement best describes how the Colt revolver and the Catlin print illustrate the symbolic significance of the weapon in the American West?
Both sources illustrate how the Colt revolver came to symbolize the opportunity and unstoppable force of American expansion.
Both sources illustrate how the West remained a military territory long into the nineteenth century.
Both sources show the Colt revolver symbolized the lawlessness of the American West.

Samuel Colt developed the percussion ignition system.

This is a .36 caliber revolver.

This is an early example of a Colt revolver.

Which statement best describes this Colt revolver’s symbolic value to the United States?
The Colt revolver is known as “the Texas Rangers’ best friend.”
The Colt revolver is known as “the gun that won the west.”
The Colt revolver is known as “the Comanche’s weapon of choice.”

Colt’s revolver evolved in design from the first patent filed in 1835 to the renewal in 1849. Which details are the most significant clues to accurately dating this object? Check all that apply.
The lack of loading lever
The etching on the barrel
The caliber
The material used to manufacture the revolv

Indicate whether each statement about Samuel Colt’s revolver is true or false.
This Colt revolver is often referred to as a Texas Paterson.

This Colt revolver has an attachable loading lever.

The Colt revolver uses the previously developed percussion ignition system.

Samuel Colt built upon previous firearms innovations to develop the original Colt revolver. What made his original revolver such a significant leap forward in design?
Colt developed the first percussion ignition system, the precursor of the modern bullet.
Colt’s revolver was the first repeating firearm with a single barrel and a rotating multichamber cylinder.
The original Colt revolver had an attached reloading lever that allowed the gun to be reloaded without being disassembled.

The Colt revolver represents the first commercially manufactured handgun that appealed to a wide audience. Which reasons best describe its appeal? Check all that apply.
The association of the brand with Native American tribes
The innovative promotional campaign to associate the revolver with well-known people
Single barrel multishot weapon
The use of the weapon in the Mexican War

Indicate whether each statement about “Catlin the Artist Shooting Buffalos with Colt’s Revolving Pistol” is true or false.
The subject of this work is a Native American.

This work depicts a battle scene.

This work was created in the mid-1800s.

This work is one of the earliest examples of an artist commissioned to promote a product.

What does this work tell its audience about the Colt revolving pistol? Check all that apply.
Multiple shots can be fired without reloading.
The weapon is associated with the West.
The weapon is accurate.
The weapon is affordable.

Use the dropdown menu to complete the paragraph.
Samuel Colt was a master of innovation. This work is an example of his innovative approach to. Colt’s revolver found success when it was used by the Texas Rangers and later in the Mexican War. This weapon came to represent a powerful symbol of the U.S..
Determine whether the following statements describe Samuel Colt’s revolver, “Catlin the Artist Shooting Buffalos with Colt’s Revolving Pistol,” or both.
Colt Revolver
Catlin Print
This source is evidence of the innovations Samuel Colt used in reference to his revolver.

This source illustrates American attitudes and stereotypes about the American West.

This source is an example of design innovation.

What statement best describes how the Colt revolver and the Catlin print illustrate the symbolic significance of the weapon in the American West?
Both sources illustrate how the Colt revolver came to symbolize the opportunity and unstoppable force of American expansion.
Both sources illustrate how the West remained a military territory long into the nineteenth century.
Both sources show the Colt revolver symbolized the lawlessness of the American West.

Determine whether the following statements describe Samuel Colt’s revolver, “Catlin the Artist Shooting Buffalos with Colt’s Revolving Pistol,” or both.
Colt Revolver
Catlin Print
This source is useful to a historian seeking to document the early examples of the Colt revolver.

Historians can use this primary source to understand the historical significance of the Colt revolver.

This source illustrates attitudes that led to the decimation of the American Buffalo.

What statement best describes how the Colt revolver and the Catlin print demonstrate American attitudes toward the West in the mid-1800s?
The West represented the untamed frontier that few settled due to the inherent danger.
The West represented opportunity and American power.
The West was crowded with immigrants.

10.4 Getting to the Source: Political Lens
Jackson believed there were several advantages to the government’s approach.

Jackson assumed that his audience shared his concern for the prosperity of the white population in the region.

This speech was designed to convince its audience of Jackson’s opinion.

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentences.
President Jackson certainly believed that the removal of Native Americans from their tribal lands would be. However, he also thought that the deal the government offered was so generous that would gladly take it.

Which of the following statements reflect President Jackson’s expressed position on the issue of Native American relocation? Check all that apply.
The advantages of the deal being offered to Native Americans were obvious.
There was no question that the removal of Native Americans would be a appalling human tragedy, but it was nevertheless necessary.
If Native American tribes decided to refuse the government’s deal for removal, they could be convinced to assimilate, adopting the culture of the white community.
The deal would be good for Native Americans because it would allow them to pursue happiness in their own way.
Jackson has nothing positive to say about Native American tribes.

This speech conveys Jackson's optimism about the future development of tribal lands.

The speech is subject to Jackson’s personal bias.

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentences.
President Jackson’s comments suggest that he held for the Native American tribes living in the affected region. In part, he based this opinion on the fact that the government planned to pay for the expense of.

Which of the following statements reflect President Jackson’s expressed position on the issue of Native American relocation? Check all that apply.
The plan to remove Native Americans from their tribal land was an excellent one, but the process needed to be gradual to avoid upsetting the status quo in the states.
Once Native Americans were removed to another location, they might finally be able to become more civilized.
The government’s approach would save Native Americans from a worse fate imposed by the states.
The removal of Native Americans to modern-day Oklahoma would be crucial to the development of those lands.
This document claims to be nothing more than one man’s opinion.

The position expressed in this document is strongly felt.

One goal of this document was to communicate a group’s interests.

With which of these statements would the author likely agree?
If the Cherokee people refuse to leave, they will likely be subject to imprisonment.
In moral and intellectual terms, the Cherokee are far superior to white men.
The government is within its rights to remove the Cherokee, but it is not a morally defensible action.

Which of the following statements reflect an argument made in this document? Check all that apply.
If the federal government does not step in, the Cherokee are confident they can avoid persecution by the state of Georgia.
Due to rising tensions with various states, the Cherokee Nation is willing to move, but the compensation must be more reasonable.
The proposed removal plan is an example of intolerable oppression.
The United States is legally bound by its treaties to allow the Cherokee to remain where they are.
Identify each statement about the Cherokee plea as either true or false.
The intended audience for this document included those who believed the tribes would benefit from removal.

This document is addressed to a specific group.

The author of this text likely sought to influence public opinion.

With which of these statements would the author likely agree?
The Cherokee culture is far superior to that of white men.
The Cherokee should remain where they are because their relationship with states like Georgia is improving.
Even if the Cherokee Nation agrees to move now, they will likely be subject to the same kind of injustice in the future.

Which of the following statements reflect an argument made in this document? Check all that apply.
Even if the alternative were spending six years in a Georgia prison, no Cherokee person would abandon the tribal land.
The states have been extremely receptive to the concerns of the Cherokee, but the courts have not done enough to carry out justice.
Even if the conditions of Cherokee removal were much better, it would still be a deeply painful prospect.
The Cherokee people have every right under the law to remain where they are.

Identify each statement as either pertaining to Jackson’s message to Congress or to the Cherokee Nation’s published plea.
Jackson's message
Cherokee plea
This document expressed concern that this might not be a one-time proposal.

This document suggested that the proposed plan would be illegal.

This document strongly suggested a low opinion of the group to be forcibly relocated.

The author of this document claimed that the proposed deal appeared quite fair.

Which of the following is a shared characteristic of both sources?
They both ignore the relationships between the Native American tribes and the states.
They both propose plans to address the land dispute.
They both convey ambivalent positions about the proposed solution to the issue.

Identify each statement about Jackson’s speech as either true or false.
This speech details the reasoning behind the Native American removal policy.

In this speech, Jackson expresses his belief that the government’s policy will benefit Native Americans.

Jackson’s deep respect for Native Americans is apparent in his writing.

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentences.
The area from which Native Americans were removed extended from in the north to Louisiana in the south. From his comments, it’s clear that Jackson believed that the deal being offered to the Native Americans by the government was.

Which of the following statements reflect President Jackson’s expressed position on the issue of Native American relocation? Check all that apply.
The removal of Native Americans from their tribal lands would end conflicts with white residents, although it would also depress some local economies.
The removal of Native Americans would make room for development by more civilized people.
Native Americans would not be any better off after settling in new lands, but their removal was necessary.
Development should take priority over the preservation of natural features such as forests.

Identify each statement about the Cherokee plea as either true or false.
The author of this document acknowledged that some people may have already developed opinions on this issue.

The author of this document acknowledged that the Cherokee people had conflicting opinions on this issue.

The intended audience for this document probably included men with political power.

With which of these statements would the author likely agree?
The plan the government has proposed is a terrible idea, primarily because it would be too expensive.
The government’s plan has garnered a lot of opposition from the Cherokee people, but in the long run it could be beneficial.
Opposition to the removal plan is virtually unanimous in the Cherokee Nation.

Which of the following statements reflect an argument made in this document? Check all that apply.
Despite being called as witnesses in numerous court proceedings, the views of the Cherokee have been completely ignored by the government.
The Cherokee Nation includes many people who are not mobile enough to travel safely to the lands offered by the government.
The proposed plan for the removal of the Cherokee is cruel.
If the government cannot find a reasonable solution to this problem, the only possible outcome is war.

Identify each statement as either pertaining to Jackson’s message to Congress or to the Cherokee Nation’s published plea.
Jackson's message
Cherokee plea
This document strongly condescended to those slated to be forcibly relocated.

This document represented the opinion of the less powerful party in the disagreement.

This document suggested that the government’s plan seemed immoral.

The author of this document strongly supported the government’s plan.

Which of the following is a shared characteristic of both sources?
They both acknowledge the obvious generosity of the proposed plan.
They both express strong opinions on the issue of forced relocation.
They both convey major reservations about the consequences of the proposed plan.

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