Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 1 answers solutions

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 1 answers solutions

1.1 Picturing History

Use the dropdown menus to complete the paragraph.
An examination of the graph titled “Native and Nonnative population of North America, 1492–2000” reveals that the estimated native population steadily decreased from approximately 4.4 million in 1492 to well below 1 million in. Following this decline, the native population until about 1900. After 1900, the native population 2000. During this same period, the estimated nonnative population increased by some 200 million

Use the dropdown menus to complete the paragraph.
An examination of the pie chart titled “World population estimates for 1500 (in millions)” reveals that the Americas contained some million people in 1500. Based on the figure corresponding to the information in bubbles on the map, 5.85 million people resided in, which is much less than the population in Mexico and slightly larger than the population in North America at this time. As seen on the graph titled “Native and Nonnative population of North America, 1492–2000,” the estimated decreased dramatically between 1492 and 1800 but rebounded slightly during the twentieth century.

Use the dropdown menus to complete the paragraph.
An examination of the graph titled “Native and Nonnative population of North America, 1492–2000” and the information in bubbles on the map reveal the estimated native population in North America to be million. This number between 1492 and 1800 by 2000.

1.2 A Growing World

Select the correct response from the dropdown menu.
In mid-fifteenth- through late-sixteenth-century Europe, men and women performed labor roles specific to their

When discussing European efforts to expand trade networks between the mid-fifteenth and late sixteenth centuries, historians refer to this period as what?
The Age of Exploration
The Opening of the Silk Road
The Mapping of the Atlantic World

The network of land routes between Europe and Asia was known as what?
The Road to Constantinople
The Mediterranean Thoroughfare
The Silk Road

1.3 Native American and West African Societies before Contact
Determine whether each characteristic describes the Maya culture, the Aztec culture, or both cultures.
Peaked between 300 and 900 AD

Empire consisted of dozens of states

Arrived in the Valley of Mexico around 1200 AD

Developed a society based on military strength
Established a civilization in the Valley of Mexico
Developed an economy based partly on trade

Determine whether each characteristic describes the Maya culture, the Aztec culture, or both cultures.
Was in decline by the time European explorers arrived

Exercised vast power in Mesoamerica for about three hundred years before European explorers arrived

Developed wealth by conquering neighboring peoples

Imagine that you’re having a conversation with one of your classmates about Native American tribes. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.
YOU: Responsibilities within the societies affiliated with the Iroquois Confederacy, which in addition to the Onondaga tribe also included the, were divided by gender. For instance, women were responsible for, whereas men for the tribe.
CLASSMATE: What about tribal leadership?
YOU: In the Iroquois tribes, women

YOU: Responsibilities within the Algonquian societies, which included tribes such as the Lenapes and the, were divided by gender. For instance, women were often responsible for, whereas men were largely responsible for.
CLASSMATE: Who was responsible for leading the tribe?
YOU: In the Algonquian tribes, was more likely to serve as the leader, or sachem.

YOU: Native American villages varied depending on their location. For example, there was a tribe in the Southwest known as the, which descended from the Anasazi. This tribe lived in villages that contained houses made of.
CLASSMATE: What sort of economy did this tribe have?
YOU: Like earlier tribes in the present-day American Southwest, such as the and Anasazi, they had an agricultural economy, and they built complex irrigation systems to cultivate crops such as cotton, beans, and.

Use the dropdown menus to complete the timeline.
African cultures first start forming

Use the dropdown menus to complete the timeline.
African cultures first start forming

African cultures first start forming
Late 1400s
Late 1500s

What event caused the decline of the Ghana empire?
The people used up their natural resources and lost the ability to trade.
A period of severe droughts persisted.
Military invasions from neighboring cultures grew more frequent.

Which statement best describes the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires?
They were largely isolated from the rest of Africa and Europe.
Their lands were relatively small but had many important natural resources.
They had vast territories and traded with international partners

What event led to the decline of the Mali empire?
Several natural disasters decimated their population.
Their king died, and warring factions split the empire.
They were invaded by the Songhai.

Based on the information in the map, select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the paragraph
According to the map, indigenous groups of present-day California, such as the Cochimi, Yokuts, and, primarily provided for themselves by, though some in the central coastal region also engaged in

According to the map, indigenous groups of the Eastern Woodlands, such as the Cherokee, Iroquois, and, primarily provided for themselves by, while the Sauk, Fox, and Ojibwa relied on

Looking at the map as a whole, the modes of subsistence practiced by the people of the Great Plains, Subarctic, and Arctic are best summed up by which of the following statements?
They mostly fished but also gathered along rivers.
They mostly hunted but also fished in lakes and along the western coastal regions.
They mostly farmed but also hunted to some small degree.

Looking at the map as a whole, what were the modes of subsistence practiced by the people of the Southwest?
Farming and gathering
Hunting and gathering
Farming and fishing

1.4 Technology and European Exploration
Determine whether each statement about exploration applies to Spain or to Portugal.
Conquered the Aztecs of Mexico

Had most of Asia in its sphere of interest after the Treaty of Saragossa

Was first to have an explorer reach land that is currently part of the United States

Claimed the territory of Brazil when Pedro Álvares Cabral landed there

Found a route to India by sailing around the horn of Africa

Adopted a militaristic approach to dealing with native cultures they encountered

Imagine that you are present during the negotiation of the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. You overhear representatives from Spain and Portugal discussing exploration with Pope Alexander VI. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.
SPANISH REPRESENTATIVE: Columbus has discovered territories that we believe are outside the sphere of Portugal’s influence. In fact, he and his men.
PORTUGUESE REPRESENTATIVE: Our position is that Columbus, so any land he encountered should be awarded to us.
overhear representatives from Spain and Portugal discussing exploration with Pope Alexander VI. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.
SPANISH REPRESENTATIVE: Columbus has discovered territories that we believe are outside the sphere of Portugal’s influence. In fact, he and his men.
PORTUGUESE REPRESENTATIVE: Our position is that Columbus, so any land he encountered should be awarded to us.
POPE ALEXANDER VI: It seems that Portuguese ships are already sailing the Atlantic near Africa and are actively transporting slaves and cargo to islands off the African coast. I propose that we create a line of demarcation and that Spain should have claim over any lands to the of this line

POPE ALEXANDER VI: It seems that Portuguese ships are already sailing the Atlantic near Africa and are actively transporting slaves and cargo to islands off the African coast. I propose that we create a line of demarcation and that Spain should have claim over any lands to the of this line

Imagine that you are an adviser to the king of Portugal in 1424, and he wants to discuss how to approach the issue of exploration. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.
KING OF PORTUGAL: What are your thoughts on this exploration? If we can find a more direct route to the East, we might be able to.
YOU: If we could do that, it would certainly help us.
KING OF PORTUGAL: Then it’s settled. I will ask Prince Henry to sail.

Based on the information in the map, choose the explorer who is described by each statement.
Vasco da Gama
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
John Cabot
Sailing on behalf of Portugal, this explorer rounded the Cape of Good Hope and explored the East Coast of Africa before sailing to Asia.

This Spaniard traveled throughout the Caribbean, the Gulf Coast, and inland North America before his journey ended in 1536.

Sailing for England, this explorer traveled to the northeastern tip of North America.

Pedro Álvares Cabral
Hernando de Soto
John Cabot
Sailing on behalf of Portugal, this explorer landed along the northeastern coast of South America before rounding the Cape of Good Hope, sailing to India, and returning to Portugal.

From 1539 to 1542, this Spaniard traveled widely throughout the southeastern region of North America.

Sailing for England, this explorer traveled to the northeastern tip of North America.

Vasco da Gama
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Jacques Cartier
Sailing for France, this explorer traveled throughout the northeastern corner of North America.
This Spaniard traveled throughout the Caribbean, the Gulf Coast, and inland North America before his journey ended in 1536.
Sailing on behalf of Portugal, this explorer rounded the Cape of Good Hope and explored the East Coast of Africa before sailing to Asia.

2.1 Picturing History
Use the dropdown menus to complete the paragraph.
European nations seeking to expand their power and presence in the New World lacked one important resource, a reliable. To meet this demand, Portugal and Spain began an initiative to transport African slaves across the Atlantic. As demonstrated in the table “Total Number of Slaves Taken from Africa by Year and Country,” emerged as the leader and most prolific nation involved in the slave trade from 1600 to 1850. The total number of African slaves imported doubled in every fifty-year period until. This period represents the high water mark for total number of African slaves brought to the New World and corresponds to the prevalence of plantation agriculture and the strength of European colonial holdings.

Portugal and Spain emerged as leaders in the transportation of African slaves to the New World, due in part to their early presence in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Native populations in these areas were decimated by disease and war. To meet labor shortages, roughly million Africans are estimated to have been transported across the Middle Passage to work as slaves in the New World. The peak period of total slave trade occurred between 1751 and 1800, with transporting the most slaves to the Americas. Most African slaves, approximately 83%, were taken to work in. When calculated as a cumulative sum, from 1501 to 1866, Portugal was responsible for transporting approximately 45% of the total African slaves brought to the New World.

2.2 The Columbian Exchange
Indicate whether each statement about Old World–New World integration is true or false.
The intermingling of cultures resulted in an exchange of customs, foods, and diseases.

Africans introduced yams, millet, sorghum, rice, and okra to the Americas.

Sugar became a dominant New World product that led to slave labor.

Guns and gunpowder altered native hunting practices.

Spaniards introduced tobacco to the New World in 1528.

Europeans influenced ancient Native American practices and diets.

Match each definition to the correct term.
Communication device developed as a result of Portuguese colonization

Brazilian root plant exported to Africa

Place where smallpox was first recorded in 1518

Caused imbalance in Caribbean ecosystems

Changed native cultures

Altered European diets

Determine the exchange relationship between geographical regions based on each of the following items.
Old World to New World
New World to Old World
Europe to Africa
Iron tools such as hoes and axes

Gold, silver, timber, and other natural resources

Textiles and guns in exchange for slaves

Syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases

Old World to New World
New World to Old World
Europe to Africa
Textiles and guns in exchange for slaves

Iron tools such as hoes and axes

Gold, silver, timber, and other natural resources

Syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases

Old World to New World
New World to Old World
Africa to New World
Molasses, rum, cotton, and other locally produced items
Cultural practices such as language, social structures, and Christianity
A host of new diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza
A hearty workforce with agricultural expertise

2.4 Point-Counterpoint: Political Lens
Identify each statement about A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies as either true or false.
The author of this document agrees with the practice of abusing the natives of the Indies.

The author of this document emigrated to the Indies.

The document is critical of the behavior of the Spanish in this area.

The intended audience for this document is European.

The author of this document is sympathetic to the natives of the West Indies.

The author of this document is a native of the West Indies.

The document is critical of the behavior of the Spanish in this area.
The author of this document emigrated to the Indies.
The author of this document agrees with the practice of abusing the natives of the Indies.

According to the excerpt, why do the missionaries who minister to the indigenous people of the Indies have to be “men of exceptional patience and forbearance”?
There is overwhelming hostility to conversion felt by the indigenous people.
The indigenous people are enthusiastic about Christianity and thus require a lot of ministering.
The weather conditions on the islands are so dramatic.

The indigenous people are enthusiastic about Christianity and thus require a lot of ministering.
The weather conditions on the islands are so dramatic.
There is overwhelming hostility to conversion felt by the indigenous people.

According to the excerpt, what happened to members of the indigenous population of the Bahamas?
The Spanish forcibly expatriated many to Hispaniola.
The population increased as more Spaniards emigrated to the islands.
A smallpox outbreak decimated their numbers.

According to de las Casas, what challenges are faced by the indigenous people of the Indies? Check all that apply.
They are highly susceptible to disease.
They are receptive to the Catholic faith.
Their diet is poor and monotonous.
They have a “lively intelligence.”

In what way does de las Casas describe the Spanish in the Indies? Check all that apply.
 “Gentle lambs under the control of a kind shepherd”
 “Ravening wolves upon the fold”
 “Cunning foxes on the hunt”
 “Savage lions who have not eaten meat for days”

Identify each statement about The New Laws of the Indies as either true or false.
The audience for this document is religious figures.

An authority figure issued this document.

This document creates penalties for mistreating those native to the West Indies.

This document regulates how landowners may interact with indigenous people.

This document is a legal directive.

The audience for this source is the indigenous people of the West Indies.

This document is from a personal narrative.
This source is intended to change behaviors in the West Indies.
The audience for this document was Spanish colonists in the West Indies.

What are the presidents and auditors directed to do with Indians taken out of encomiendas?
Instruct them in the Catholic faith
Ensure that they have Protestant beliefs
Transport them to their islands of origin

According to the document, what should the audiencias do to ensure no Indians are held in slavery unjustly?
Force indigenous leaders to convert to Catholicism
Appoint people to pursue cases in which the legitimacy of the claim is in question
Summarily dismiss judges who do not release slaves

Which entity held responsibility for ensuring the good treatment of the Indians?
Habeas corpus

Who will take responsibility for Indians released from encomiendas?
Ships’ captains in colonial ports
The Royal Crown
The Catholic Church

Under these laws, which public officials are specifically stripped of the power to allot indigenous people into encomiendas?
Earls, princes, and prosecutors
Viceroys, governors, and audiencias
Bishops, kings, and vicars

Read each description and determine which source it applies to.
The New Laws of the Indies
A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies
Describes the characteristics of those native to the Indies

Sets out rules for ending theencomienda system

The New Laws of the Indies
A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies
Describes the practice of colonization in the Indies

Is a directive for theaudiencia system in the Indies

Which statement best describes the relationship between these documents?
The New Laws led to the events described in A Short Account.
Although they were created in the same time period, the two documents are unrelated.
A Short Account could be seen as evidence of the necessity of The New Laws.

How are these two documents similar?
Neither document addresses the treatment of the indigenous people of the Indies.
Both documents praise how the Spanish have treated the people of the Indies.
Both are critical of how the indigenous people of the Indies were treated by the Spanish.

2.5 European Motivations and Early Advances into the New World
Which of the following best describes the economic system of capitalism that grew out of mercantilism?
It defines the relationship between colonies and the mother country.
It’s based on the private ownership of the production and distribution of goods.
It’s based on the premise that all gold should be spent as quickly as possible on raw materials for use in production.

The Age of Exploration is credited as being a catalyst for which of the following consequences?
The merger of Spain and Portugal into a single superpower under Queen Isabella
One of the largest migrations of human history
The end of capitalism as a viable economic system

Use the dropdown menus to complete the paragraph.
sought to wipe out Protestantism because it believed Protestant countries. This desire led the country to attempt in 1588

Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation in in 1517, but followers of, an adherent of Luther’s teachings, established Protestant churches in several other European countries. In England, King Henry VIII used the Reformation as an opportunity to strip of power

Which statements describe the efforts of the French Huguenots to settle in the New World? Check all that apply.
They were largely unsuccessful.
They were unsuccessful mainly due to the unfamiliar climate and terrain of the New World.
They had a difficult start but eventually established a colony in northern Mexico.
Their settlements were routinely sacked and destroyed.
Most of their settlers were killed by Spanish and Portuguese forces.

Which statements describe English exploration efforts following the ascension of Elizabeth I to the throne? Check all that apply.
Most of the English explorers’ skirmishes were with the French rather than the Spanish.
English explorers had the most success when they avoided Spanish ports and settlements.
Francis Drake successfully sailed around the world.
English explorers provided naval support when England and Spain were at war.
English explorers routinely attacked Spanish settlements in the New World.

Which statements describe English and French exploration efforts during the mid-sixteenth century? Check all that apply.
English explorers had more success than French settlers.
English and French ships routinely battled one another on the seas and in New World ports.
England fought mostly with Portugal, whereas France fought mostly with Spain.
France focused on establishing colonies in the New World, whereas England focused on exploration.
The English were more active militarily than the French.

2.6 European Colonization: Missions, Labor, and an End to Spanish Dominance in the 
Which of the following best describes the encomienda system as carried out by Spanish conquistadors?
Conquistadors constructed missions for the sole purpose of converting indigenous peoples to Christianity.
Conquistadors used the power vested in them by the Spanish Crown to exploit the labor of indigenous peoples in exchange for the promise to protect natives and convert them to Christianity.
Conquistadors used the power vested in them by the Spanish Crown to exploit the labor of the dwindling indigenous population for up to a year.

During the time of exploration, why did Spain have more success gaining control over the native populations in Mexico and the Andes than in other regions of North America?
The natives in these regions were mobile and had no fixed villages, making them easy to capture.
The natives in these regions had been ruled by the Aztecs and Inca, whose power was usurped by Spain.
The natives in these regions had small populations and were outnumbered by the incoming Spanish settlers.

Imagine that you are a Franciscan priest returning to Spain in 1593 to give King Philip II a report on missionary activities in the New World. Use the dropdown menus to complete the conversation.
PHILIP II: As I’m sure you know, the kingdom greatly appreciates the work you and your brothers are doing. Not only are you extending the reach of the church, but you are also. Tell me, what is your approach to converting the natives?
YOU: Primarily we’ve been. This seems to have been mostly successful.

Identify the result of each event that occurred during Juan de Oñate’s time in New Mexico.
The natives of the Tewa pueblo stop providing Oñate’s men with food.

The natives of the Ácoma pueblo rebel against Oñate’s men.

Oñate is found guilty of committing atrocities against Native Americans.

Following the seige of Ácoma, what other atrocity did Oñate oversee during his time as governor?
He tortured and executed Native Americans who refused to renounce their faith and accept Christianity.
He ordered that a foot be cut off of any Ácoma man older than twenty-five as additional punishment for the rebellion.
He forced Spanish settlers to become slaves and assist in building the church at Tewa.

3.2 Patterns of European Settlement
Match each characteristic with the country or countries it best describes. Check all that apply.
Sent settlers to establish Jamestown and to search for precious metals

Colonized Canada and the Mississippi Valley

Was the dominant power in the Americas until 1588

Attracted a diverse population with a policy of religious freedom

Discouraged some from immigrating with a system of giving manors to certain settlers

Match each characteristic with the country or countries it best describes. Check all that apply.
Discouraged some from immigrating with a system of giving manors to certain settlers

Attracted a diverse population with a policy of religious freedom

Colonized Canada and the Mississippi Valley

Was the dominant power in the Americas until 1588

Sent settlers to establish Jamestown and to search for precious metals

Gave wealthy lords large seigniories to encourage immigration

Drew first settlers with a profitable fur trade

Colonized the area that is now New York

Attracted new groups to the colonies with the opportunity for religious autonomy

Established earliest American colonies

Which of the following statements is not true of the original system of land ownership in the English colony of Georgia?
Any free man could buy and sell real estate.
No individual could own more than 500 acres of land.
Each free male immigrant was granted land at no charge

Why was the English colony of Georgia established?
To help the poor and provide a haven for Catholics
To duplicate plantation society and serve as a buffer between South Carolina and the Spanish territory in Florida
To help the poor and serve as a buffer between Spanish Florida and English South Carolina

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