Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 2 answers solutions

Liberty University HIUS 221 Mindtap Activities 2 answers solutions

2.3 The Rise of New World Slavery
Determine which statements accurately describe the changing colonial world of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Check all that apply.

Saharan and sub-Saharan Africa were sparsely populated.
The Kingdom of Kongo was central to the Portuguese slave trade.
Brazil’s indigenous population was replaced by an African population

Which of the following statements describe slavery in the New World, as opposed to in Africa? Check all that apply.
The children of slaves were not born into bondage and were considered free.
Slavery wasn’t limited to criminals and other prisoners.
Slaves were strictly separated from their masters and forced to labor under brutal conditions.

Which of the following factors led to the growth of the Atlantic slave trade? Check all that apply.
The decline in the supply of native Caribbean workers caused by plantation owners
The declining belief in Christianity throughout Europe
The increased European appetite for sugar

Plantation owners fathered children with their slaves, which gave rise to a new class of people in the New World.
African cultural traits, such as music and religion, transformed Brazil.
The year 1552 marked the first year that African slaves were brought to Caribbean islands.

Which of the following best describes the theory shared by some historians as to why the practice of polygyny arose within some African communities?
Slave traders felt responsible for the high percentage of African children transported to the New World so married multiple African women in order to better care for them
Because of the length of time required for slave ships to travel the Middle Passage, slave traders formed unions with female slaves
The slave trade, which diminished the adult male population in West Africa by an estimated 20%, led to an imbalance in the male-to-female ratio in this region

Which segment of the West African population accounted for more than half of those taken as slaves to the New World?
Adult men

Which of the following aspects of British culture were used to justify the practice of slavery? Check all that apply.
The British believed that Africans were inferior because they were not Christians.
The British thought that the dark skin of Africans was evidence that they were impure and therefore inferior.
British society was hierarchical, and the British believed that those on top had dominion and control over the people and things on the bottom

Because of a nearly 20% reduction in the adult male population of western Africa caused by the slave trade, which of the following occurred?
A drastic decrease in the total number of marriages taking place
An imbalance in the male-to-female ratio within some communities
European men moving to these communities to take African wives

What was one of the duties of a slave ship doctor?3
Branding each slave with his or her new owner’s mark
Distinguishing the living from the dead each morning
Ensuring that slaves arrived at their destination in healthy condition

According to this clip, how was ownership of slaves indicated?
Through tattoos of their owner’s initials or some other distinctive mark
Through branding, the searing of identifying marks on individuals’ flesh
Through a pattern of cuts inflicted upon their upper arms

What does the film assert about Africans’ treatment on the slave ships?
They were treated as inanimate cargo
They were treated as livestock rather than as humans
They were treated roughly but humanely because they were a valuable commodity

What does the video assert was often expected of slaves who had suffered a beating?
To refuse any offers of help in treating their wounds
To work twice as hard and long in order to avoid further punishment
To kneel before their abuser and profess thanks for such just treatmen

What does this film indicate about the black (slave) experience in Brazil?
They were prevented from maintaining their own culture at all costs and instead forced to adopt that of their oppressors
They refused to obey plantation owners unless they were afforded some opportunity to practice their own customs and rituals
They were torn between two worlds—the Christian world of whites and their own native world of music, culture, and religious belief

Select the correct response from each dropdown menu to complete the sentence.
The film suggests that ultimately led to slaves the treatment they were subjected to by the Portuguese.

According to this film, a number of slave owners slaves wishing to maintain their cultural rituals because they felt it would make them.
What assertion does the film make about African slaves and culture?
Africans were better able to preserve their culture in Brazil than in Africa itself
Africans taken to Brazil were less resistant than slaves taken to other colonies
African culture was more compatible with Brazilian than with North American native cultures

What does this film indicate about slavery in Brazil as compared with that in the American South?
African culture became more deeply entrenched in American culture than in Brazilian culture
More slaves were taken to Brazil and over a longer period of time than to the American South
More slaves were taken to the American South and over a longer period of time than to Brazil

This film indicates that the suffered a great deal of stress and tension, often facing each new day not knowing if.

3.3 Natives and Newcomers
Which European cultural practices were accepted by Native Americans in the Southwest, particularly by local native leaders? Check all that apply.
European-style schools
The raising and eating of chickens
European-style houses
The Spanish language

Which of the following statements accurately describe the relationship between settlers and native peoples in the Spanish colonies of North America? Check all that apply.
Tribes like the Erie grew rich selling beaver pelts to Spanish traders.
The Spanish attempted to convert the native peoples of Florida to Christianity.
Southwestern tribes like the Apache disliked cattle but embraced the horse.
Tribes like the Pawnee adopted the plow and Spanish forms of agriculture.

After nearly thirty years of periodic warfare, how did the ongoing conflict between the Virginia colonists and the Powhatan confederacy end?
The Powhatans surrendered and were assimilated into the English colony at Jamestown
Captain John Smith kidnapped two tribe members, forcing the Powhatan leader to beg the English to let the men go
The Powhatans surrendered and signed a treaty with the British, defining where the Native Americans would live

True or False: King Philip’s War ended partly because some Native Americans helped the colonial government to turn back the Algonquian attack.

True or False: After King Philip’s War, the Algonquians were forced entirely from New England and moved west into the Ohio Valley.

Which factors led to the eruption of tensions between the Pueblos and Spanish settlers in the years leading up to the Pueblo Revolt? Check all that apply.
The murder of the shaman Popé
Enforced Christianity
A severe drought in Florida
Spanish punishment for outlawed rituals

Which of the following best summarizes the legal concept of vacuum domicilium, which was cited by some British settlers as justification of their policy of land ownership?
The Native Americans are entitled to live on remnants of traditional tribal lands
God gave the English king the right to rule over North America
Unoccupied lands are free to be taken

Study the map illustrating interactions between Native Americans and Europeans in the seventeenth century. Click the name of each region to zoom in, and open the legend in the lower-right corner to display detailed information
Which of the following best describes the location of Hudson’s Bay Company trading posts?
Across all areas claimed by the British, Spanish, and French
Amid all areas claimed by the British, including the thirteen colonies
Only in areas claimed by the British close to the Hudson Bay

Comparing only the details in the colonies portion of the map to the other regions, you can draw a reasonable conclusion that the British were primarily interested in which of the following?
Existing harmoniously beside native peoples
Establishing new states
Trading with native peoples

Comparing only the details of the Spanish portion of the map to the others, you can draw a reasonable conclusion that the Spanish were primarily interested in which of the following?
Establishing new states
Converting native peoples to Christianity
Driving native peoples off the land

How did the American Revolution impact the Iroquois?
The Iroquois Confederacy sought to remain separate from a conflict that they saw as only a matter between the British and the American colonists, and therefore the tribes did not fight on either side
The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy remained united during the conflict as they aligned and fought with the British against the American colonists
The Iroquois Confederacy could not maintain unity and split during the conflict, as some sought to align with the British while others fought on the side of the American colonists

Which of the following was not a feature of the Iroquois Confederacy that may have influenced the thinking of the Founding Fathers about government?
The Iroquois Confederacy placed great value on the separation of powers within government
The six Iroquois tribes were each given a single vote for the election of a president to govern the Confederacy
The Iroquois Confederacy created a constitution, known as the Gayanashagowa, to govern the six member tribes

Comparing only the details of the Spanish portion of the map to the others, you can draw a reasonable conclusion that the Spanish were primarily interested in which of the following?
Establishing new states
Converting native peoples to Christianity
Driving native peoples off the land

Which of the following regions also contained a scattering of Spanish settlements or missions?
Areas within French land claims
Areas within British land claims
Areas within the thirteen colonies

What statement best describes the effectiveness of the Covenant Chain of 1677 between the Iroquois and English settlers?
The Covenant Chain provided a basis for peaceful and stable relationships between the English settlers and the Iroquois Confederacy that was not put to the test
The Covenant Chain recognized the separate and equal status between the Iroquois and the English settlers, particularly on matters related to trade, land rights, and hostilities
The Covenant Chain placed more power in the hands of English settlers concerning land and trade rights, at the cost of limiting the Iroquois Confederacy

3.5 Colonial Society in British North America
New Settlers Welcome!
The Virginia, by charter of King James I, informs the public of an agreement applying to new settlers in. Prosper in farming and trade! For seven years of service, you will receive shares of company stock and parcels of land. Families, your servants, and your slaves are welcome.

Just Arrived
30 men, 25 boys, 15 women, and 10 girls: Negroes, from to South Carolina. Able-bodied and good for planting and harvesting. Care has been taken to keep them free of disease. To be sold aboard the Winward Vessel.
From to Charleston, South Carolina: Captain Green of the Sloop Swain, with a healthy stock of 100 Negroes (70 men and 30 women) skilled in. Auction will begin on Tuesday, the 18th of April. Additional freight to be sold includes sugar.
The trials for, who are accused of, will commence on the 27th of July, 1692. Witnesses reported strange occurrences such as spirit possession and young ladies having violent fits.

Chesapeake Import/Export Co.
James Stewart, Proprietor of Chesapeake Import/Export Co., would like to inform the public he has opened up shop near the. Gentlemen may depend upon him to provide excellent export services and only the highest quality of imported. He guarantees satisfaction to all who employ his services.

Hedgewick New England Import/Export
Jim Hedgewick of Hedgewick New England Import/Export wishes to offer the public his intermediary services. Mr. Hedgewick specializes in assisting with trading their goods for imported directly from London. Business transactions will be well executed and handled with the utmost efficiency.

Letter to the Editor
My fellow Gentlemen, on the debate of whether or not it is moral to own slaves, the answer is simple. There are many plantations in the that need tending. With the decrease in the number of, the Southern economy demands that we have access to a strong, large workforce capable of cultivating the land. Negroes have proven quite valuable to the rice industry. They are subordinate to the white man and are well suited to plantation work and manual labor. What good would it do the Negro or the white man to issue the Negro freedom now?

New Voyage This Month
Captain Joiner of the New England Golden Chassis will sail on the last day of this month for a voyage throughout. Goods to be traded include.

Seeking Workers
Thomas Jackson, plantation owner, is seeking servants to work the land. The work term is for a minimum of . In exchange for work, you will receive .

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